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Do you want new Character Selection Screen?

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I dont really care what the image on the character select screen is but I would like them to adjust the lighting that is on the characters. My guardian appears on the selection screen as if he is in brass or golden armour instead of black. It would be nice if they just adjusted the lighting and reflections to a neutral / natural white one instead.

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Yes, but not the way the OP meant.

I thought of a complete UI overhaul of that old looking thing:More than one of your characters would be visible at once, standing besides each other with the selected one in the front and the others slightly behind him at the sides, like a team / "gang". You'd scroll through them like a carousel, zooming a bit to accommodate character height. If you wait a bit, fade out the others and the remainder of the UI (like before) for screenshot reasons.The whole background may fade to brushed artwork of the region the active character is currently in, with those nice alpha blended transitions you've seen in like the old story screen fade ins / outs. That way you can choose what to display your character above and discussions like this would become the past. (I'm not sure there's a need for identifying the current expansion when you're at the character selection screen, like with this weird purple background now since PoF times, which I personally find very ugly - the launcher does that identification part already. Display a logo or so if that's really wanted but i think it's neglectible.)

That would unify the bottom selection and the preview. The bottom selection is extremely small nowadays and faces have this weird dialog / texture lighting and pose, and their zone backgrounds are so barely seen they don't really add value, especially for charrs covering them up almost completely.

Always wanted to make a mock-up but never found the time for it.

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