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****Upcoming BALANCE — FEEDBACK *****


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@JayAction.9056 said:With respect to PVP...

As a whole I don’t like any of these changes and the direction the game is going. It’s like backwards development to your game.

I think slowing down the game play and catering to the crowd that was never really that good at the game is the wrong way to go - completely.

I think after all this development time you will see the same people achieving and the same people crying ... except it will be crying about something different, and the game will be less fun for a guy like myself who has been keeping up with the pace of the game through constant development over the years.

I feel like this game is/will lose some of its edge in this update. - The dodge button and the explosiveness and responsiveness of the combat system is what high rank PVP players like in your game. Also the amount of CHOICES.

You guys are removing even more amulets I see on top of this?

Like at one point you have to say enough is enough and and stop changing the game to fit the desires of a certain vocal group of the population.

At least if you are going to waste development time, cater it to the people that actually excel at your game. Not the ones that barely understand it.

Cutting down damage, healing, CC, stun breaks - removing even MORE amulets??? INCREASING COOL DOWNS???? ... you are just making the game more slow paced and passive and taking away complexity. It’s straight up removing depth from the game and closing the gap between those that understand and those that don’t.

Yeah you will appeal to the new guys or the guys that never get a clue but you are hard capping the possibilities.

Here’s to hoping for a new XPAC that will RETURN things to their CURRENT power levels. SMDH

Hah! I'm loving this! This quote says it all regarding the current attitude towards this game that I'm against. You know, there are some of us out there who enjoy the slow pace in our pvp games, that does NOT make us any less skilled! As a matter of fact, there's more chances to outplay someone at a slower pace as opposed to being reactive enough to get the first shot. Fast-paced pvp isn't the only way to play, bud.

And lost edge?! What edge? Few people even play this as it stands, and that's because of the one-shot, faceroll, bs and no team queues. The powercreep has literally driven people out. Now, it's finally being addressed.

And like it or not, this is a new era. Accept it and adapt.

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People have been asking for something like this for years now. We shall see if they were right and how everything turns out once this nuke has hit and we have had some time to get used to the new balance. I certainly salute this bold new approach to balancing their game. It is a refreshing change after years of overbuffing stuff and listening to the whining.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Why does this need to be fast paced? GW2 is marketed for casuals. Not everyone finds it easy to be so familiar with a build where you can react to enemies in less than a second and know exactly what to do. People like me can't stick with a single build for a long time and in turn I always am working on improvement and accustoming. But the fast paced nature of Conquest really does limit how much you learn off a build. It's unnecessary and something I've pitched before: slow down the gameplay!

One more thing I'd like to add: if patches keep going down this road, PVP will be slower paced but skill usage will be much more methodical. Usually combat, for me, is a test of reaction and some others, but I would appreciate a more tactical approach.

The thing in Gw2 pvp right now is, it is fast and tactical, if you play against good people, silly spam doesn't deliver you anything, you need to think which skill you are using, in a margin of seconds while you are reacting to your opponent.Gw2 Pve is casual, I agree, but pvp is showing what's possible with the whole combat system, including tactics, map awerness, reaction time and knowledge about your skills, the opponent skills and all of both cd's.

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Why does this need to be fast paced? GW2 is marketed for casuals. Not everyone finds it easy to be so familiar with a build where you can react to enemies in less than a second and know exactly what to do. People like me can't stick with a single build for a long time and in turn I always am working on improvement and accustoming. But the fast paced nature of Conquest really does limit how much you learn off a build. It's unnecessary and something I've pitched before: slow down the gameplay!

One more thing I'd like to add: if patches keep going down this road, PVP will be slower paced but skill usage will be much more methodical. Usually combat, for me, is a test of reaction and some others, but I would appreciate a more tactical approach.

The thing in Gw2 pvp right now is, it is fast and tactical, if you play against good people, silly spam doesn't deliver you anything, you need to think which skill you are using, in a margin of seconds while you are reacting to your opponent.Gw2 Pve is casual, I agree, but pvp is showing what's possible with the whole combat system, including tactics, map awerness, reaction time and knowledge about your skills, the opponent skills and all of both cd's.

The problem i have with gw2 pvp is that one single mistake = death.

For me, a fight needs to be long enough to have back and forths.

The ability to recover from a mistake and still win.

If i dont dodge one single ability, dont use my CD to counter my opponents CD. Im 100% dead the next second.

Yes, if both players play flawless a fight can take some time but thats rare.

Fights should last a min or two.Not be over in 10 seconds.

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Yes a 10 second fight is 10 seconds because one player is totally outstanding better than the other Or he using a surprise attack, where the other player does not react (let's talk about both guys are out of combat, full life etc...)If you are just ridiculously better than your enemy and it needs 1 minute to take him down, than will the hole game enter the bunker Era again

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@Shao.7236 said:@Dantheman.3589 The last Pistol/Whip I fought wasted me over 40 seconds on a node by just pressing the skill, not even hitting me. Just pressing the skill and constantly connecting evades even while in between I CC'd it, still pressing 3, still waiting for me to use any attacks to cleanse which mind you all of them are heavily telegraph and are multi-hit reliant. All there is to do is wait and wait, whether they counter my condis or not, the fact that he didn't even have to REACH for me and hit me at all while staying safe, what can be done? Nothing, all there is to be done is wait and wait and wait... It's not fun, it's not challenging, it's not remotely skillful in the slightest. It's almost intentionally built to make people lose patience, yet here we are having people talking about slow fights coming the next patch yet I'm fairly certain this is worst.

A pw thief wasted 40 seconds of your time before you spent your time whining and crying about how op it is and don't spend enough time figuring out how to kill a pw thief.

By this season every one has figured it out. That's why there's much less pw thief around

What can be done?

Let me break it down for you since you have problems figuring it out and cry open. You let pw thief spam. His animation will end. There is a timing. U then cc and burst and it's game over.

I literally 1v2. 2pw thieves on a thief then a ranger the other day on the same day. They will jump in press 3 and 3. U wait till animation ends burst. If u miss they can only spam so many times. And every few seconds u get to cc or burst again. I ended fights with pw thief in less than 20 seconds on mutiple classes. Either they will just leave or they die.

If you are playing mirage which sounds like you might be because your wrote conditions. You have no chance. You have no chance against any thief. Ecto just > mesmer and you should play something else. In the same way thief has hard counters.

Stop crying op since you didn't L2P. This new patch wont change much. Just means you will get destroyed slower but you will still get destroyed. Pw will do less dmg but u will not learn to time your skills to win. U will still die then come back and complain pw. I guarantee it.

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@Henry.5713 said:People have been asking for something like this for years now. We shall see if they were right and how everything turns out once this nuke has hit and we have had some time to get used to the new balance. I certainly salute this bold new approach to balancing their game. It is a refreshing change after years of overbuffing stuff and listening to the whining.

The upcoming patch is nothing but Half-Truth from Truth

People including new players have been asking to reduce Toxicity for years which includes the complete removal/reworking of all Toxic Elements including Power Creep, Condition Creep, Bunker Creep. reworking/removal Thief Profession, Reworking Mesmer Profession to its origin in Guild Wars, reworking Toxic skills, Reworking Toxic Mechanics, Removing/Reworking Stealth, Reworking/Removing Teleport, Eliminating +1 shot mechanic/Instant Kills, Reducing Op sigils/runes, reworking/removing down state, removing pullings, reworking sigils/runes, reworking Elite specialization, Reworking weapon stats, Reducing Aoe effects and its range, Eliminating Stealth and Teleport Exploits, Reducing/Eliminating varieties of skills per professions, improving Necromancer Profession design including boosting its mobility instead of being a punching bag, Giving Elementalist Profession identity, giving Ranger Profession access to more pets, Skill stackings, reducing Toxicity at its roots as a whole etc...

What this upcoming patch does is cherry picking some Toxic Elements and making claims that 'competition matters'.....that we have finally listened to years of your feedbacks and concerns

That is called Half-Truth/False Truth

Be Not Deceived!!

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Pre-HoT it was not that fast paced and it was quite fine. We actually had to think on when to use a certain skill instead of spamming skills all around and escaping (provided you play a mobility class) to reset cooldowns and repating the same.

If only devs could untangle the spaghetti we could hope for real de-powercreeping to pre-HoT standards when player versus player combat was far more reasonable than what we have now.

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@Rodzynald.5897 said:Pre-HoT it was not that fast paced and it was quite fine. We actually had to think on when to use a certain skill instead of spamming skills all around and escaping (provided you play a mobility class) to reset cooldowns and repating the same.

If only devs could untangle the spaghetti we could hope for real de-powercreeping to pre-HoT standards when player versus player combat was far more reasonable than what we have now.

That's actually my big hope

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@TorQ.7041 said:

@Shao.7236 said:@"Dantheman.3589" The last Pistol/Whip I fought wasted me over 40 seconds on a node by just pressing the skill, not even hitting me. Just pressing the skill and constantly connecting evades even while in between I CC'd it, still pressing 3, still waiting for me to use any attacks to cleanse which mind you all of them are heavily telegraph and are multi-hit reliant. All there is to do is wait and wait, whether they counter my condis or not, the fact that he didn't even have to REACH for me and hit me at all while staying safe, what can be done? Nothing, all there is to be done is wait and wait and wait... It's not fun, it's not challenging, it's not remotely skillful in the slightest. It's almost intentionally built to make people lose patience, yet here we are having people talking about slow fights coming the next patch yet I'm fairly certain this is worst.

A pw thief wasted 40 seconds of your time before you spent your time whining and crying about how op it is and don't spend enough time figuring out how to kill a pw thief.

By this season every one has figured it out. That's why there's much less pw thief around

What can be done?

Let me break it down for you since you have problems figuring it out and cry open. You let pw thief spam. His animation will end. There is a timing. U then cc and burst and it's game over.

I literally 1v2. 2pw thieves on a thief then a ranger the other day on the same day. They will jump in press 3 and 3. U wait till animation ends burst. If u miss they can only spam so many times. And every few seconds u get to cc or burst again. I ended fights with pw thief in less than 20 seconds on mutiple classes. Either they will just leave or they die.

If you are playing mirage which sounds like you might be because your wrote conditions. You have no chance. You have no chance against any thief. Ecto just > mesmer and you should play something else. In the same way thief has hard counters.

Stop crying op since you didn't L2P. This new patch wont change much. Just means you will get destroyed slower but you will still get destroyed. Pw will do less dmg but u will not learn to time your skills to win. U will still die then come back and complain pw. I guarantee it.

Hypocrite much? Ranger? Yeah, no wonder. I 1v2 PW and all sort of other classes on Core Revenant, doesn't change the fact that the usage is braindead and a waste of time to fight on any level with poorly design choices. What could you achieve without Gazelle or GS4 Block anyway? Probably nothing like everyone else. It's not as if most of your skills are all instant cast with little risk either while everything I do is telegraphed and requires thinking.

Literally spelling out everything for you to repeat and you speak to me like I haven't achieved anything, congratulations for context.

Here's visual showcase since text is not something you're able to make out!

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@"Shao.7236" said:Dunno man, I've been playing builds that have more or less a lot of interaction and made it pretty far which that aside a few changes are mostly gonna be the same, which means that most people are going to be forced to do the same with less of that evade spam, attacks that conclude fights in about 3 hits and more thinking instead because there's going to be value in their actions.
  • Warriors right now is all about evade spam, disagree? Count how many randoms you see even if you don't attack, people DODGE into you for 5k damage + in fact. PS Perma 25 Might.
  • Thieves depending on the build is all about evade spam also and stealth attacks you can only tank (Or evade spam back.).
  • Rangers GS block is BLOATED and CC's of Gazelle are OVERPERFORMING by a LARGE margin.
  • Honestly Mesmers is pretty good right now aside the Blink disengage every 30 seconds.
  • Necromancers is also pretty good, little to complain
  • Revenants (Or Herald/Shiro kek) more evade spam in the equivalent of Warrior but with less damage that only involves jumping on people by rushing 2 skills.
  • Elementalists (Weavers more keks) extreme evade spam and skill spam with an extra amount of safety applied around it along bloated damage, or ToF saving the day of every glass builds.
  • Guardians bloated by boon duration and the duration of the boons.

How about you as the player, try to play with the future builds or close representation and see for yourself how much effort it takes to play now? Because I have and it's pretty fun. (Renegade Wizard/Grieving or Wizard Core Condition Revenant) Much less damage yet still able to win against most of the meta that can still destroy me in less than 4 hits.

Idk I played thief builds that don’t require stealth or evade spam and rarely use gs or gazelle on ranger and I’ve been top 10 most season solo q. I think ppl are so quick to call my classes brain dead because of builds like pistol whip, thing is pistol whip is the softest carry build possible on thief. In other words pistol whip is only useful when ur team is already doing well and is 100% Garbo in every other situation. The hype around meta is total bs I wouldn’t even play builds like gs ranger or pistol whip because they are hot Garbo most of the time in ranked and yet 90% of the forum population wants those builds nerfed, which is senseless

that is probably the biggest load of crap I have read all day. PW is the softest carry build possible on thief at the moment? In what world do you live in and believe in that statement itself? PW itself is overly tuned because of the stun and evade it gets from also unloading a shitload of damage onto people. It's easy to "stop" if you have an idea how to but a majoirty of the players in rank now days don't know how to even dodge properly making that build alone insanely op for rank.

Legit.....you can side node as a thief with just using PW properly and knowing how to use Sword 2 skill ability. Sorry but Thief in general at the moment is S tier or super close to it. Once Patch drops without a doubt they'll be S tier.

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@"Shao.7236" said:Dunno man, I've been playing builds that have more or less a lot of interaction and made it pretty far which that aside a few changes are mostly gonna be the same, which means that most people are going to be forced to do the same with less of that evade spam, attacks that conclude fights in about 3 hits and more thinking instead because there's going to be value in their actions.
  • Warriors right now is all about evade spam, disagree? Count how many randoms you see even if you don't attack, people DODGE into you for 5k damage + in fact. PS Perma 25 Might.
  • Thieves depending on the build is all about evade spam also and stealth attacks you can only tank (Or evade spam back.).
  • Rangers GS block is BLOATED and CC's of Gazelle are OVERPERFORMING by a LARGE margin.
  • Honestly Mesmers is pretty good right now aside the Blink disengage every 30 seconds.
  • Necromancers is also pretty good, little to complain
  • Revenants (Or Herald/Shiro kek) more evade spam in the equivalent of Warrior but with less damage that only involves jumping on people by rushing 2 skills.
  • Elementalists (Weavers more keks) extreme evade spam and skill spam with an extra amount of safety applied around it along bloated damage, or ToF saving the day of every glass builds.
  • Guardians bloated by boon duration and the duration of the boons.

How about you as the player, try to play with the future builds or close representation and see for yourself how much effort it takes to play now? Because I have and it's pretty fun. (Renegade Wizard/Grieving or Wizard Core Condition Revenant) Much less damage yet still able to win against most of the meta that can still destroy me in less than 4 hits.

Idk I played thief builds that don’t require stealth or evade spam and rarely use gs or gazelle on ranger and I’ve been top 10 most season solo q. I think ppl are so quick to call my classes brain dead because of builds like pistol whip, thing is pistol whip is the softest carry build possible on thief. In other words pistol whip is only useful when ur team is already doing well and is 100% Garbo in every other situation. The hype around meta is total bs I wouldn’t even play builds like gs ranger or pistol whip because they are hot Garbo most of the time in ranked and yet 90% of the forum population wants those builds nerfed, which is senseless

that is probably the biggest load of kitten I have read all day. PW is the softest carry build possible on thief at the moment? In what world do you live in and believe in that statement itself? PW itself is overly tuned because of the stun and evade it gets from also unloading a kitten of damage onto people. It's easy to "stop" if you have an idea how to but a majoirty of the players in rank now days don't know how to even dodge properly making that build alone insanely op for rank.

Legit.....you can side node as a thief with just using PW properly and knowing how to use Sword 2 skill ability. Sorry but Thief in general at the moment is S tier or super close to it. Once Patch drops without a doubt they'll be S tier.

What your saying is incorrect. Pw has the weakest plus 1 in the meta rn and actually very low dps. Pw is the furthest thief build rn from a hard carry- the definition of pw is low risk- low reward.Again I already said this, but ppl who know literally 0 about thief need to stop coming on forums and spreading disinformation like this guy

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Plat one player - not the greatest but not bad by any stretch. I prefer these changes. I want interesting fights where I have to manage cooldowns properly, not press 3 buttons and one-shot a squishy from 1200 range/stealth. I do not see these as the final change list or the be-all end-all, but rather a point-zero to build and adjust on as needed. The blanket approach may make the game a little painful to adjust to at first, but as with all other changes, nerfs, and buffs, it be business as usual within 2 weeks for most of us.

I say, viva la revolucion. Let's make some changes and make this game interesting again!

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people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

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You are kidding yourself if you think this update means we are going to start seeing more frequent updates.

If this goes live and veterans stop playing the game you will still be waiting 3 months to a year to see major changes, as is today.

This game is 8 years old and they cut jobs not added them over the years. More frequent updates is not happening.

Be honest with yourself. They promised that in 2017. They promised it in 2018. They promise it all years prior and after...

It’s not happening. There is no incentive for them.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:With a speedier release cadence of every 4 to 6 weeks that they are intending to keep, fixes for problematic skills, traits, etc can potentially come quicker as opposed to the 3 to 4 months we are used to waiting. Whether they stick to this faster pace is yet to be seen, obviously, but we don't know until it happens (or doesn't happen).

This is key. Do we really think it'll happen though? Also, 4-6 weeks is too slow IMO. After 2-3 weeks of the patch dropping we should already be seeing tweaks. There have to be some oversights in the patch

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@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

Yeah, how many people play warrior full damage and manage to play it well enough to be a threat?

5 people?

People get trashed by some of the best players in the game and come cry on the forums like everybody is performing at the level of whatever just trashed them.

And you mention warrior. So warrior damage being over the top means everything in the game needs to be nerfed? Makes perfect sense.

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

Yeah, how many people play warrior full damage and manage to play it well enough to be a threat?

5 people?

People get trashed by some of the best players in the game and come cry on the forums like everybody is performing at the level of whatever just trashed them.

And you mention warrior. So warrior damage being over the top means everything in the game needs to be nerfed? Makes perfect sense.

wow man. looks like I touched a nerve by being able to name a build with absurd damage and sustain

I can tell how good at the game you are by the fact you think only 5 people can play warrior well. damn might dodge warrior sounds pretty hard, oh no wait it's actually faceroll

maybe take a chill pill and think about your point of view, and how it might be totally incorrect dude B)

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

Yeah, how many people play warrior full damage and manage to play it well enough to be a threat?

5 people?

People get trashed by some of the best players in the game and come cry on the forums like everybody is performing at the level of whatever just trashed them.

And you mention warrior. So warrior damage being over the top means everything in the game needs to be nerfed? Makes perfect sense.

wow man. looks like I touched a nerve by being able to name a build with absurd damage and sustain

I can tell how good at the game you are by the fact you think only 5 people can play warrior well. kitten might dodge warrior sounds pretty hard, oh no wait it's actually faceroll

maybe take a chill pill and think about your point of view, and how it might be totally incorrect dude B)

I just solod from not even being on the leaderboard to top 50. I was being generous saying 5 people tbh. While playing a made up build, I saw most of anyone worth playing against as it was not just a straight endless win streak.

Who are all these great warriors man. Most of them that play full damage are food but like I said if that one thing is OP why does it make sense for everything to get nerfed.

And I have no personal attachment to warrior dude. I don’t even play the class, too easy.

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@JayAction.9056 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

Yeah, how many people play warrior full damage and manage to play it well enough to be a threat?

5 people?

People get trashed by some of the best players in the game and come cry on the forums like everybody is performing at the level of whatever just trashed them.

And you mention warrior. So warrior damage being over the top means everything in the game needs to be nerfed? Makes perfect sense.

wow man. looks like I touched a nerve by being able to name a build with absurd damage and sustain

I can tell how good at the game you are by the fact you think only 5 people can play warrior well. kitten might dodge warrior sounds pretty hard, oh no wait it's actually faceroll

maybe take a chill pill and think about your point of view, and how it might be totally incorrect dude B)

I just solod from not even being on the leaderboard to top 50. I was being generous saying 5 people tbh. Playing a made up build I saw most of anyone worth playing against as it was not just a straight endless win streak.

Who are all these great warriors man. Most of them that play full damage are food but like I said if that one thing is OP why does it make sense for everything to get nerfed.

And I have no personal attachment to warrior dude. I don’t even play the class, too easy.

c'mon dude. you aren't onto it enough to even understand what my first post means

you've been operating with a potato from day one

if you weren't you'd understand that warrior was obviously one of many examples of overturned classes that exist right now. so I obviously don't think warrior is the 'one thing that's OP'. I mean c'mon think my dude. read things and then think about them.

I mean honestly, I even said 'two skill one shot meta' and you think I mean one class. good job dude. real impressed

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

Yeah, how many people play warrior full damage and manage to play it well enough to be a threat?

5 people?

People get trashed by some of the best players in the game and come cry on the forums like everybody is performing at the level of whatever just trashed them.

And you mention warrior. So warrior damage being over the top means everything in the game needs to be nerfed? Makes perfect sense.

wow man. looks like I touched a nerve by being able to name a build with absurd damage and sustain

I can tell how good at the game you are by the fact you think only 5 people can play warrior well. kitten might dodge warrior sounds pretty hard, oh no wait it's actually faceroll

maybe take a chill pill and think about your point of view, and how it might be totally incorrect dude B)

I just solod from not even being on the leaderboard to top 50. I was being generous saying 5 people tbh. Playing a made up build I saw most of anyone worth playing against as it was not just a straight endless win streak.

Who are all these great warriors man. Most of them that play full damage are food but like I said if that one thing is OP why does it make sense for everything to get nerfed.

And I have no personal attachment to warrior dude. I don’t even play the class, too easy.

c'mon dude. you aren't onto it enough to even understand what my first post means

you've been operating with a potato from day one

if you weren't you'd understand that warrior was obviously one of many examples of overturned classes that exist right now. so I obviously don't think warrior is the 'one thing that's OP'. I mean c'mon think my dude. read things and then think about them.

I mean honestly, I even said 'two skill one shot meta' and you think I mean one class. good job dude. real impressed

I overstand everything you were trying to say.

I’m saying it’s complaining, and naysayers are not good at the game points finger at you

You catch my drift now?

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You are kidding yourself if you think this update means we are going to start seeing more frequent updates.

If this goes live and veterans stop playing the game you will still be waiting 3 months to a year to see major changes, as is today.

This game is 8 years old and they cut jobs not added them over the years. More frequent updates is not happening.

Be honest with yourself. They promised that in 2017. They promised it in 2018. They promise it all years prior and after...

It’s not happening. There is no incentive for them.

I'm skeptical too, but I'm not going to make a call on it before we see it or don't see it. We can only speculate as to what will happen until it actually happens. Making a case based on an assumption, even if valid based on past experiences, doesn't do this process any good and also doesn't lend to having a clear head going forward into this patch. These past several years have been frustrating, I get it, and it is frustrating seeing these changes happen and knowing ANets track record over those same years. All I'm asking is that you wait and see how it plays out.

I can imagine this patch looks explicitly bad because you are looking at it from the headspace of "This is going to stay this way for 3 to 4 months" and we don't yet know if that is the case. If that ends up not being the case then by all means unleash the hounds of war, but until we know for sure loosen it up a bit and lets see how things go.

@"mrauls.6519" said:

@KryTiKaL.3125 said:With a speedier release cadence of every 4 to 6 weeks that they are intending to keep, fixes for problematic skills, traits, etc can potentially come quicker as opposed to the 3 to 4 months we are used to waiting. Whether they stick to this faster pace is yet to be seen, obviously, but we don't know until it happens (or doesn't happen).

This is key. Do we really think it'll happen though? Also, 4-6 weeks is too slow IMO. After 2-3 weeks of the patch dropping we should already be seeing tweaks. There have to be some oversights in the patch

Well 4-6 weeks is about 3x less wait than we have gotten in the past where its been 3 to 4 months between balance changes/updates. That is about on par with GW1 release cadence for balance changes/updates way back when. Even with all of the splits between modes in that game it still amounted to a healthier environment, though not perfect by any means it was still far healthier than the garbage we've had for years on GW2.

Also of course there are oversights, like in WvW Holo in forge mode is probably going to be one of the tankiest power builds still due to Barrier + Forge Mode DR (15%) + 10% DR food + Protection. We're also going to likely see the annoying immob spam builds from DE and Druid see a rise in use because Immobilize duration and accessibility didn't get touched on either of those classes, along with a few other things. However that is sort of what the update is for, to establish this new foundation and then work on addressing things like traits, skills, effects, etc that will become problematic when put into actual practice ingame when the patch hits. Thats also probably why Passive traits like Defy Pain, Last Stand, Stoneform, etc all got the infamous 300 second cooldowns, so that they have minimal effect on the environment in this update and rather than balance around them being present they can focus on reworking them for later.

We'll just have to see.

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