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Mirror Duels

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Warrior. Lots of interesting builds and memes possible with the class, with flashy movement, CC, and damaging abilities to change the playstyles of each.

Also sometimes it's fun to run full CC bot and just watch the enemy die inside hours before they die in the duel.

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With: warrior as I don't feel like I've won using cheap tactics.

Against: warrior for same reasons. When I lose it's usually easy to know what I did wrong and what I should have done differently due to their more basic type playstyle and skills. Other then the few deaths to Meme zerker gun builds never really feel out cheesed by warrior lol.I've played a lot of thief and love the class but man do those dp backstabs outa perma stealth feel cheese at times, depends on the mode whether being cheesey is fun or not lol

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@Tayga.3192 said:Fighting a mesmer (using the same build) is the best, except oneshot core.

I find 1shot core the most fun lol, mirage mirrors are snooze fiesta, they are SO STUPID actually.you cant CC them becouse you lose damage, BIG part of your damage can get random reflected with stupid mirror passive ( remove this shit from the game reeee )

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Tayga.3192" said:Fighting a mesmer (using the same build) is the best, except oneshot core.

I find 1shot core the most fun lol, mirage mirrors are snooze fiesta, they are SO STUPID actually.you cant CC them becouse you lose damage, BIG part of your damage can get random reflected with stupid mirror passive ( remove this kitten from the game reeee )

Mirrior isnt passive its a heal. The passive WAS nerfed my friend and no body uses it in pvp cause its like 10 sec cooldown so its useless as it in pvp, but its good in pve still so I wouldnt suggest removal or you would mess up pve for people.


The suggestion that a skill which is your heal with a 1.25 sec cast time is passive unskilled play is kinda scarrry wrong. I mean think about it, you have to cast your 1.25s skill before that LB ranger can down you, or similar.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:Fighting a mesmer (using the same build) is the best, except oneshot core.

I find 1shot core the most fun lol, mirage mirrors are snooze fiesta, they are SO STUPID actually.you cant CC them becouse you lose damage, BIG part of your damage can get random reflected with stupid mirror passive ( remove this kitten from the game reeee )

Mirrior isnt passive its a heal. The passive WAS nerfed my friend and no body uses it in pvp cause its like 10 sec cooldown so its useless as it in pvp, but its good in pve still so I wouldnt suggest removal or you would mess up pve for people.

nobody uses it in pve, on power you play sword trait for ferocity. on condi you play blinding trait for confusion from f2.unless you mean some randoms running around open world happily chirping with perma reflect.This trait is actually good against rangers LB opener ( you can late reflect PBS + interrupt rapid fire )too bad you are condi so it deals 0 dmg, just wasted rangers cooldowns.its good against mesmer p5.its a good trait, its just fucking random. thats why i want it gone. make something reliable.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:Fighting a mesmer (using the same build) is the best, except oneshot core.

I find 1shot core the most fun lol, mirage mirrors are snooze fiesta, they are SO STUPID actually.you cant CC them becouse you lose damage, BIG part of your damage can get random reflected with stupid mirror passive ( remove this kitten from the game reeee )

Mirrior isnt passive its a heal. The passive WAS nerfed my friend and no body uses it in pvp cause its like 10 sec cooldown so its useless as it in pvp, but its good in pve still so I wouldnt suggest removal or you would mess up pve for people.

nobody uses it in pve, on power you play sword trait for ferocity. on condi you play blinding trait for confusion from f2.unless you mean some randoms running around open world happily chirping with perma reflect.This trait is actually good against rangers LB opener ( you can late reflect PBS + interrupt rapid fire )too bad you are condi so it deals 0 dmg, just wasted rangers cooldowns.its good against mesmer p5.its a good trait, its just kitten random. thats why i want it gone. make something reliable.

It doesnt work usually when used randomly, you have to try to time it. like evade 1st part of dodge as you cast then reflect part, or time it to reflect back on DH or other mesmers. Its also a trade off due to choosing it over other much better healing heals. So all around choosing to use it, and using it with effect are as skilled as anything.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@"Tayga.3192" said:Fighting a mesmer (using the same build) is the best, except oneshot core.

I find 1shot core the most fun lol, mirage mirrors are snooze fiesta, they are SO STUPID actually.you cant CC them becouse you lose damage, BIG part of your damage can get random reflected with stupid mirror passive ( remove this kitten from the game reeee )

Mirrior isnt passive its a heal. The passive WAS nerfed my friend and no body uses it in pvp cause its like 10 sec cooldown so its useless as it in pvp, but its good in pve still so I wouldnt suggest removal or you would mess up pve for people.

nobody uses it in pve, on power you play sword trait for ferocity. on condi you play blinding trait for confusion from f2.unless you mean some randoms running around open world happily chirping with perma reflect.This trait is actually good against rangers LB opener ( you can late reflect PBS + interrupt rapid fire )too bad you are condi so it deals 0 dmg, just wasted rangers cooldowns.its good against mesmer p5.its a good trait, its just kitten random. thats why i want it gone. make something reliable.

It doesnt work usually when used randomly, you have to try to time it. like evade 1st part of dodge as you cast then reflect part, or time it to reflect back on DH or other mesmers. Its also a trade off due to choosing it over other much better healing heals. So all around choosing to use it, and using it with effect are as skilled as anything.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Evasive_Mirrorthis is what I ment, it goes on cooldown when you dodge. comes OFF cooldown randomly.the only reliable reflect you can get from it is first hits that land ( openers )it ONLY works against mesmer p5+p4lb rangers pbs+rapid combowarriors sword throwIm not talking about healing skill, its shit. not worth mentioning.

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With soulbeast I really love to fight:

  • all war profession
  • rev/herald
  • other rangers without survival
  • all mes profession
  • all engi profession
  • core guard

Things that are not really hate or love:

  • all ele profession
  • necros, when they fear chain me I lost, when not I win
  • fb/dh

I hate to fight:

  • thiefs
  • ranger with survival
  • renegade (it just take so long)
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Warrior is weird because they hit bloody hard yet so telegraphed in half of what they do, and things like full counter can be predicted and or stowed when warrior uses it.

I hear a lot warrior is easy mode coz of all of the passive they get from attacking/self heal but they dont get that they actually have to be 130 range to do that.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:Warrior is weird because they hit bloody hard yet so telegraphed in half of what they do, and things like full counter can be predicted and or stowed when warrior uses it.

I hear a lot warrior is easy mode coz of all of the passive they get from attacking/self heal but they dont get that they actually have to be 130 range to do that.

This^ I cant wait till patch hits. Because of warriors design of hard cc then burst playstyle not only are their damage being gutted like the rest of the roster their losing the damage they relied on thru cc to complement their burst dps. I get warrior does great damage now but with their playstyle how are the gonna be doing in fights against classes that arnt designed around hard cc followed by bursts? Warriors damage being lowered and being designed with hard cc as a huge design ex hammer will leave them in a possible bad spot. Hammer has 3 skills with .01 coefficient no? That's gonna be useful but maybe I'm wrong and won't be so bad.

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