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Mounts pointless now?


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100% Worthless, they might as well of removed the mount. Territories being owned means nothing once so ever so might as well remove that too; Seems to me that they are aiming to actually go for the "Empty field" desire people have been asking for. Warclaw is worthless, why bother with it when I can give myself swiftness and move at the same speed regardless of elevation or stairs? (They get really slow if its not a flat surface, was that way before and is worse now.)

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@Teon.5168 said:

@God.2708 said:

@God.2708 said:

@Teon.5168 said:Besides the coolness factor, of course.

With the speed nerf to mounts, I can now stick with mounted players when running signet of the hunt on my ranger. I actually went out and tested this tonight, just to see how bad the mount speed nerf was. I have a mount, but I brought up signet of the hunt after taking a camp with a bunch of peeps to see how close I could stay to them. After taking the camp, a few peeps jumped on their mounts and took off, and I was glued to their tails for quite some time. Sure, they can use their jump ability to leap further ahead, but then I use swoop to do the same.

So what is the point of the mount, now? And I am not the only class that has speed abilities.

This just indicates to me how completely clueless Anet is as to BASIC abilities that classes have access to. What's next? Nerfing signet of the hunt and other class speed abilities?

Please correct me if I am missing something here. Seems like a very dumb and clueless nerf to the mount's speed.

My mind is just boggled as to the ignorance of classes and their basic abilities with this one. Or maybe the devs just didn't even consider this, which is even more mind boggling.

Again, please enlighten me if I am wrong on this. Like I said, I tested it tonight.

You do realize they made it so you move just as fast as mounts when around people with mounts and the mastery, correct? Your signet of the hunt had nothing to do with it. Working as intended.

If you want to know what is the point of mounting up yourself know instead of just running alongside someone mounted. Extra HP and evades.

Was that in this current patch? A few weeks back, I was not able to stick with a group on mounts when I was running signet of the hunt.I have been known to miss previous patch notes before, so thanks for the heads up. :)

And yea, on the evades and HP....knew that.That's why I asked for clarification, as I regularly miss notes here and there.

Specifically this under the general section near the very top of the notes:

Warclaw Mastery tier 2 has been reworked:
It no longer grants the warclaw increased movement speed in allied territories.While mounted, it will periodically grant nearby unmounted allies an effect that enables them to run at warclaw speed. This effect will be removed when they stray too far from mounted allies or upon entering combat.

Thanks!!! I appreciate the clarification. Makes sense that it is at the top of the notes, as I usually immediately scroll down to the class info. Obviously, I need to pay a bit more attention to the entire body of the notes before going off on some misinformed rant. :)

I caught that in the notes and was like, "Ah, ANet caved to the Free to Play whiners in WvW at last."

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