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200g for a reward track


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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:Not arguing that.,. Was simply pointing out the name of the vendor which implies this isn’t the last purchasable reward track.

Oh I gotcha there and agree, this is laying ground work for future things. Just more going on the point that if they are going to put a gold price on something like this it needs to be more of a one and done kind of thing. Not a fan of throw away content or something that is just a sync. Syncs need balance.

this is really concerning me too. one time 200g for a track okay.. but if that stuff continues alike i feel robbed. we should get new tracks overall, i mean the current ones are ancient, aren't they?

i didn't mind the 200 gold, we nearly get it back from reward track. the loss is maybe 30-40 gold. and acutally, i don't feel gold earning with playing wvw are that horrible - i only play wvw really, and i had sth between 700-800g saved up. what would u do with it? nothing in wvw does really cost gold luckily, selling stuff brings gold each some days additionally, plus levelups; i only bought some 80g dye in the last months but that was the main spending i had lol. only thing i'd need more gold is if i would want to buy some legendary from the shop, which likely will never happen anyways.

about those people who never group up, well it's their own fault, you need to learn to do that. [and to read... next level annoying if people get mad for nothing ]

my issue is still: no new content, no rewards. i barely had to use potions on the track, it did itself after some hours anyways, even without rewardtrack+ enrichment. i'm not a fan of the guildrider skin either, i don't even like our guilds logo.

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i have recently been grinding the wvw for weapons skins - starting to love it again - was delighted to see new wvw skin etc - really feeling good about the game - then i saw new reward track is 200 GOLD and felt like I was being CHEATED. I am angry now and feel bad about the game.

200 gold?! you can f*ck right off, mate - and you can do it for FREE

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@Safandula.8723 said:On 1 hand: if u dont like it, than just dont buy it, number of cryposts on that thread is funny.On the other hand: yea wvw players are poor AF, so 200 g May be a bit to much

WvW players need to learn how to play the market to supplement their income. With the amount of spirit shards you can gain in WvW there is no reason why anyone should be poor.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:this is really concerning me too. one time 200g for a track okay.. but if that stuff continues alike i feel robbed. we should get new tracks overall, i mean the current ones are ancient, aren't they?Well what else are you going to spend the gold on? Skins? Which is the same as a reward track.

WvWers shouldnt really poor today. The dailies, the reward tracks, the skirmish rewards, the drops, it stacks up. Hell you even get random ascended materials. Hm that reminds me, I got to open those damn stacks of junk skirmish chests I have just filling my inventory because I cant even be arsed to open them for anything other than free food. Guess 1000 chests can at least cover some of the cost.

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that's what i say - other than visual stuff, you kinda have "enough" gold once u have idk like 100. i still don't wanna pay each some months 200g for a reward track thats done in less than one day (or one minute, if i'd use my potions)

the skirmish chest? i early used them for dyes, now for tactics, bc our servers' reserves are usually brutally low. the food you get is pretty trashy not? if i want trash food/utility, i just use the badge one from the 1g vendor item :bleep_bloop:

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@XenesisII.1540 said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:Suddenly wvw is filled with rich people, be sure to point this thread out to anyone that complains about rewards in the future.

Didn't know wvw players have their pve gold farms (or TP) locked out :O

Oh I forgot when we're into wvw we're really into pve.tch what was I thinking

Oh I forgot we should get anything we want for free because we're wvw players and going out of our way is strictly forbidden. Meanwhile, just like someone already did in another thread, lets pretend that picking a reward track is "a grind".

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Never said it should be for free.I think paying for a mount or paying for a skin should be two different values.

P.S If they want to make money maybe they should bring actual content and changes to wvw if they want people to pay them for the work, instead of another damn mount skin. 8 years of screwing wvw and watching the game mode die and suddenly you all want to bend over for a skin.

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@XenesisII.1540 said:Never said it should be for free.

Of course you didn't, you actually didn't say anything other than spam some empty complaints over and over again.

You want to get the skin? Go farm gold. You don't want to farm the gold? You don't get the reward track. Not much more there is to it, you don't somehow deserve the skin just because you're playing the game, so wipe the tears about not getting a free cosmetic item and move on.

and suddenly you all want to bend over for a skin.


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@"XenesisII.1540" said:Never said it should be for free.I think paying for a mount or paying for a skin should be two different values.

P.S If they want to make money maybe they should bring actual content and changes to wvw if they want people to pay them for the work, instead of another kitten mount skin. 8 years of screwing wvw and watching the game mode die and suddenly you all want to bend over for a skin.

It's hilarious how much this board defaults to "Oh huh, well you must just want it for free, huh!?" when you criticize any element of anet's pricing or reward gating

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:Never said it should be for free.

Of course you didn't, you actually didn't say anything other than spam some empty complaints over and over again.

You want to get the skin? Go farm gold. You don't want to farm the gold? You don't get the reward track. Not much more there is to it, you don't somehow deserve the skin just because you're playing the game, so wipe the tears and move on.

Yaaaaawn I have 800 gold sitting in the bag, I've spent 1000 gold on cosmetics and server transfer the past couple weeks, shove your tears.

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@XenesisII.1540 said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:Never said it should be for free.

Of course you didn't, you actually didn't say anything other than spam some empty complaints over and over again.

You want to get the skin? Go farm gold. You don't want to farm the gold? You don't get the reward track. Not much more there is to it, you don't somehow deserve the skin just because you're playing the game, so wipe the tears and move on.

Yaaaaawn I have 800 gold sitting in the bag, I've spent 1000 gold on cosmetics and server transfer the past couple weeks, shove your tears.

Yaaaawn then why are you crying about wvw players not having gold?I don't see any tears shed by me here, feel free to show me in case I did. o/

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@Gop.8713 said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:No you'll get a knight telling you to suck it up it's not that much and you get extra stuffs for your value like account bound clovers for your next legendary!

That's me :)

Gold is really of pretty limited use in this game. The mount skin is equally available to everyone, everyone can make their own decision about whether they want to pick it up. I imagine I'll get it eventually but it's more than I was expecting so I'd rather spend on other things for now . . .

Earn the new raid legendary armor set for only 200g and gain access to the new raid vendor with a fresh new take on old skins that will display your guild logo.

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@kash.9213 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:No you'll get a knight telling you to suck it up it's not that much and you get extra stuffs for your value like account bound clovers for your next legendary!

That's me :)

Gold is really of pretty limited use in this game. The mount skin is equally available to everyone, everyone can make their own decision about whether they want to pick it up. I imagine I'll get it eventually but it's more than I was expecting so I'd rather spend on other things for now . . .

Earn the new raid legendary armor set for only 200g and gain access to the new raid vendor with a fresh new take on old skins that will display your guild logo.

Legendary set for 200g? Pretty sure the current one costs 1,8k+. Also if it's just skin, then just like with the mount -who cares.

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Because not everyone has the same play time, or run around hitting 1 with zergs, or spend 12 hours a day in pve, or get lucky with precursors, or have enough to make legendaries to make money, or mommy's creditcard.

I wouldn't even be complaining if the skin was actually unique for that reward track, it's about assigning appropriate value for a product, about respect for the time and loyalty of the people in that game mode that they're trying to sell the product to, it has been highly neglected and it is known that wvw earns less than pve.But here's a year old skin with your guild logo, fork over money for the class balance changes now thanks!

You can afford it, good for you. Doesn't mean people shouldn't complain about it's value, they did so even when the first mount skins package came out and anet went and changed that system for the better.

Lastly these the forums, where people post their problems with the game, if you don't have any good for you, you can move along.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:No you'll get a knight telling you to suck it up it's not that much and you get extra stuffs for your value like account bound clovers for your next legendary!

That's me :)

Gold is really of pretty limited use in this game. The mount skin is equally available to everyone, everyone can make their own decision about whether they want to pick it up. I imagine I'll get it eventually but it's more than I was expecting so I'd rather spend on other things for now . . .

Earn the new raid legendary armor set for only 200g and gain access to the new raid vendor with a fresh new take on old skins that will display your guild logo.

Legendary set for 200g? Pretty sure the current one costs 1,8k+. Also if it's just skin, then just like with the mount -who cares.

200g is to earn the right to the vendor that gets you started.

No one would have a problem if Anet were straight from the start and didn't hype this, but they did, you can apologize for them all you want, doesn't make it right.

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Because not everyone has the same play time, or run around hitting 1 with zergs, or spend 12 hours a day in pve, or get lucky with precursors, or have enough to make legendaries to make money, or mommy's creditcard.

Ah, so you're just pretending to be the savior of the people? Cool, everyone needs a place I guess. Also you didn't seem to be "speaking for others" when you wrote "They destroyed my spec yesterday, but I'll happily whip out my creditcard now!", just saying.Luckily none of the things you've listed are needed here, making 200 gold is easy if you were/are an active player. And again, spending anything for cosmetic items doesn't really matter, so still no problem here for me.

I wouldn't even be complaining if the skin was actually unique for that reward track, it's about assigning appropriate value for a product, about respect for the time and loyalty of the people in that game mode that they're trying to sell the product to, it has been highly neglected and it is known that wvw earns less than pve.

It is a skin that's easly (yup) accessible through gameplay and it's far from being a bad one. If someone thinks it's not worth the gold, then they skip it and keep playing the game just fine without one more cosmetic item. Oh, the horror!

But here's a year old skin with your guild logo, fork over money for the class balance changes now thanks!


Lastly these the forums, where people post their problems with the game, if you don't have any good for you, you can move along.

So you can post your opinions, but I can't? And since when is the forum strictly for "posting problems with the game"?

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@kash.9213 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@XenesisII.1540 said:No you'll get a knight telling you to suck it up it's not that much and you get extra stuffs for your value like account bound clovers for your next legendary!

That's me :)

Gold is really of pretty limited use in this game. The mount skin is equally available to everyone, everyone can make their own decision about whether they want to pick it up. I imagine I'll get it eventually but it's more than I was expecting so I'd rather spend on other things for now . . .

Earn the new raid legendary armor set for only 200g and gain access to the new raid vendor with a fresh new take on old skins that will display your guild logo.

Legendary set for 200g? Pretty sure the current one costs 1,8k+. Also if it's just skin, then just like with the mount -who cares.

200g is to earn the right to the vendor that gets you started.

If that's what you've meant then...a) If I wanted the skin, I'd pay 200 gold for it, that's less than I've traded in through gold>gems>gemstore skins anyways.b) If I didn't want the skin, I wouldn't pay attention to it, because why would I?

No one would have a problem if Anet were straight from the start and didn't hype this, but they did, you can apologize for them all you want, doesn't make it right.

I'm not apologizing for anyone and you still didn't tell me how it's not right (because if your example above was supposed to do that, then it failed pretty badly).

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Yeah I'm the savior of the people, good of you to notice, the plate will be passed around soon, be sure to slip 200g on it.Speak for others, yeah all the ones I see complaining here and in game about the price. The amount of times I saw someone ask about the track last night and then said F anet was hilarious, should do well for their dwindling quarterly reports.

Keep white knighting, I'm sure that'll be good for the game in the long run.

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