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Chrono vs Mirage. Who wins?


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I don't know about WvW but in sPvP Mirage owns Chrono at 1v1s, it's more elusive and has higher dmg output while keeping about the same sustain depending on build. Especially condi, power Mirage has less counters overall but vs a chrono condi Mirage is a menace.

I think overall Mirage is a very good 1v1 spec, it's got the tools it needs.

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I am really not sure. Now I kinda want to find similar skill-leveled players to try at least in PvP.

Mirage has bigger burst and better in-combat mobility.

Chrono has better sustain and F5 with moa(gonna be hard to use against mirage).

I would think chrono might have slight edge but it is very likely to be a skil-dependent matchup.

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@Exciton.8942 said:I am really not sure. Now I kinda want to find similar skill-leveled players to try at least in PvP.

Mirage has bigger burst and better in-combat mobility.

Chrono has better sustain and F5 with moa(gonna be hard to use against mirage).

I would think chrono might have slight edge but it is very likely to be a skil-dependent matchup.

Think of it differently, Chrono needs to hit those cc skills in order to fuction properly and Mirage's specialty is to avoid given cc skills and doing dmg while at it, now add on top of it the higher condi burst and easier disengage, I think Chrono doesn't stand a chance at 1v1.

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@MikeL.8260 said:

@Exciton.8942 said:I am really not sure. Now I kinda want to find similar skill-leveled players to try at least in PvP.

Mirage has bigger burst and better in-combat mobility.

Chrono has better sustain and F5 with moa(gonna be hard to use against mirage).

I would think chrono might have slight edge but it is very likely to be a skil-dependent matchup.

Think of it differently, Chrono needs to hit those cc skills in order to fuction properly and Mirage's specialty is to avoid given cc skills and doing dmg while at it, now add on top of it the higher condi burst and easier disengage, I think Chrono doesn't stand a chance at 1v1.not really , chrono could function just fine with offhand torch . could mirage hit chrono with its burst which has slower illusion against constantly block and other tool mes has is another question .btw i don't get how you guy are comparing two elite spec . all builds from chrono vs all build from mirage ? that's pointless tbh since you can build counter easily .we should compare chrono meta build in pvp vs the best working build of mirage and compare best wvw roam build for both .

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:I am not talking about numbers here but i like the mirage more than chrono. Chrono felt to clunky and weird to use with its time mechanic and i didnt liked the wells.Mirage is fast switching combat but still easy to use for me.

Mirage is the essence of clunky combat, if you ask me. It's pretty, but incredibly annoying to play. Chrono is much more reactive to your input, for starters (Axe 2/3 are super slow and take seconds to react upon pressing it).

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I was doing some duels last night vs my friend who’s in platinum, my power mirage was destroying him when he was running insp, illu and chrono until he switched to duelling for blind on shatter and more damage. Though blurred frenzy in guild arena doing 1.5-2k per hit massively carried him as many times I would ambush leap, he’d use blurred frenzy and I’d take 2-3 hits which is 30% of my health gone.

Didn’t try condi vs condi but he had to run elusive mind, inspiration and illusions to not die in a power build to a hastily thrown together condi build from me and I haven’t played Condi Mesmer in 3 or 4 years. I would expect condi mirage to beat condi chrono in a 1v1 but that moa and mass CC from chrono is exceptionally good still but it just doesn’t have the spike damage of mirage.

Also Carighan don’t use axe, it’s clunky and bad, run sword with ineptitude in duelling so the sword ambush if it interrupts applies conditions otherwise it’s far more defensive and imo better than axe for PvP style modes.

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@apharma.3741 said:

Also Cardighan don’t use axe, it’s clunky and bad, run sword with ineptitude in duelling so the sword ambush if it interrupts applies conditions otherwise it’s far more defensive and imo better than axe for PvP style modes.

I thought axe was terrible too but , if traited , in 1 vs 1 condi it is quite strong. I did not belive till i tried it . Evasion and damage are better than sword becouse you add mobility to evasion , sword has much less mobility . The only thing imho , is not that great is axe ambush skill ,while sword... is really strong .

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@apharma.3741 said:

Didn’t try condi vs condi but he had to run elusive mind, inspiration and illusions to not die in a power build to a hastily thrown together condi build from me and I haven’t played Condi Mesmer in 3 or 4 years. I would expect condi mirage to beat condi chrono in a 1v1 but that moa and mass CC from chrono is exceptionally good still but it just doesn’t have the spike damage of mirage.

Also Carighan don’t use axe, it’s clunky and bad, run sword with ineptitude in duelling so the sword ambush if it interrupts applies conditions otherwise it’s far more defensive and imo better than axe for PvP style modes.Actually axe is pretty strong.. I personally run axe AND sword as well for power/condi burst, axe #2 is incredibly powerful condi spam, while #3 (if it lands properly) is very strong burst as well.

The chrono CC-s should not bother you much if you play mirage properly, as you shouldn't get hit by moa and friends. The only annoying thing is the s5 stun because of it's nature, which can most of the time negated with Mirage Cloak + the trait which removes the stun when you dodge.

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While we can all safely says and agree on which skills, talents and traits are better/worst, the feeling you get when playing a profession are solely down to personal taste.

I, for instance, prefer Mirage. The cloak and the mobility make up for the loss of other goodies chrono gave us. If I could choose, I would retain the clones speed on shatter and chrono phantasm trait and mix it with Mirage for a deadly combo.

I don't know, but I feel stronger when playing Mirage than when I was playing Chrono.

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@PierPiero.9142 said:

@apharma.3741 said:

Also Cardighan don’t use axe, it’s clunky and bad, run sword with ineptitude in duelling so the sword ambush if it interrupts applies conditions otherwise it’s far more defensive and imo better than axe for PvP style modes.

I thought axe was terrible too but , if traited , in 1 vs 1 condi it is quite strong. I did not belive till i tried it . Evasion and damage are better than sword becouse you add mobility to evasion , sword has much less mobility . The only thing imho , is not that great is axe ambush skill ,while sword... is really strong .

For 1v1 Sword is better in my opinion, throuch interruption, and i do think sword has more mobility overall, dont forgot sword 3. Sword 2 is probably one of the best aggro defensive skills ever made. Axe 2 and 3 is bugged too. If they fix it maybe i can look at it again. So far ; Sworch/torch - Staff , illu/chaos(chaotic interruption),/mirage , is probably one of the best dueling builds without acutally running duelling .

Ah yeah and ; sigil of draining + peseverance

Chaotic interruption + sigil of draining + Sword ambush = insane, reaaaaaally strong

But chrono can interrupt too u say. Hell not like a Mirage.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@PierPiero.9142 said:

@apharma.3741 said:

Also Cardighan don’t use axe, it’s clunky and bad, run sword with ineptitude in duelling so the sword ambush if it interrupts applies conditions otherwise it’s far more defensive and imo better than axe for PvP style modes.

I thought axe was terrible too but , if traited , in 1 vs 1 condi it is quite strong. I did not belive till i tried it . Evasion and damage are better than sword becouse you add mobility to evasion , sword has much less mobility . The only thing imho , is not that great is axe ambush skill ,while sword... is really strong .

For 1v1 Sword is better in my opinion, throuch interruption, and i do think sword has more mobility overall, dont forgot sword 3. Sword 2 is probably one of the best aggro defensive skills ever made. Axe 2 and 3 is bugged too. If they fix it maybe i can look at it again. So far ; Sworch/torch - Staff , illu/chaos(chaotic interruption),/mirage , is probably one of the best dueling builds without acutally running duelling .

Ah yeah and ; sigil of draining + peseverance

Chaotic interruption + sigil of draining + Sword ambush = insane, reaaaaaally strong

But chrono can interrupt too u say. Hell not like a Mirage.

Are you talking about pvp? What amulet?

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@trooper.2650 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@PierPiero.9142 said:

@apharma.3741 said:

Also Cardighan don’t use axe, it’s clunky and bad, run sword with ineptitude in duelling so the sword ambush if it interrupts applies conditions otherwise it’s far more defensive and imo better than axe for PvP style modes.

I thought axe was terrible too but , if traited , in 1 vs 1 condi it is quite strong. I did not belive till i tried it . Evasion and damage are better than sword becouse you add mobility to evasion , sword has much less mobility . The only thing imho , is not that great is axe ambush skill ,while sword... is really strong .

For 1v1 Sword is better in my opinion, throuch interruption, and i do think sword has more mobility overall, dont forgot sword 3. Sword 2 is probably one of the best aggro defensive skills ever made. Axe 2 and 3 is bugged too. If they fix it maybe i can look at it again. So far ; Sworch/torch - Staff , illu/chaos(chaotic interruption),/mirage , is probably one of the best dueling builds without acutally running duelling .

Ah yeah and ; sigil of draining + peseverance

Chaotic interruption + sigil of draining + Sword ambush = insane, reaaaaaally strong

But chrono can interrupt too u say. Hell not like a Mirage.

Are you talking about pvp? What amulet?

sigils arent avaible in spvp, am talkin about wvw.

For spvp im currently im using this build ; http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsfWnELDFMjFpBmpBMMjlXDDNAkTeOmpgZwJw//FATgA-jZRHABMfIA+f/B5fAAAcGAyvMAA or Sage Amulett. Depends on my mute. Both work great in my opinion. Sage has overall more sustain , Destroyer is abnormal damage, when u're able to stack might.

Edit ; oh yeah i miss superspeed for illusions on shatter so much. Pls dont suggest "IH-ambush-Shatter", it's not the same.

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For spvp in overall, not in 1vs 1 i think chrono wins . Mirage has these pros :

  • better mobility
  • better damage
  • better evasionMirage is better than chrono against dh , thieves and rangers imhoChrono meta has these pro :
  • much more trait lines synergy
  • much better healing skill
  • much consistent shatter regeneration and shatters remove conditions ( with signet of illusions and continuum split you can survive a lot )
  • much more sustainI find meta chrono with torch much better against scourge and spellbreakers, they are really strong but if you moa them it is much easier to take them down .In this particular moment in which spellbreakers and scourges destroy matches imho chronomancer is more effective than mirage for spvp. If they will rebalance this 2 class things probably will be different .
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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@apharma.3741 said:

Didn’t try condi vs condi but he had to run elusive mind, inspiration and illusions to not die in a power build to a hastily thrown together condi build from me and I haven’t played Condi Mesmer in 3 or 4 years. I would expect condi mirage to beat condi chrono in a 1v1 but that moa and mass CC from chrono is exceptionally good still but it just doesn’t have the spike damage of mirage.

Also Carighan don’t use axe, it’s clunky and bad, run sword with ineptitude in duelling so the sword ambush if it interrupts applies conditions otherwise it’s far more defensive and imo better than axe for PvP style modes.Actually axe is pretty strong.. I personally run axe AND sword as well for power/condi burst, axe #2 is incredibly powerful condi spam, while #3 (if it lands properly) is very strong burst as well.

The chrono CC-s should not bother you much if you play mirage properly, as you shouldn't get hit by moa and friends. The only annoying thing is the s5 stun because of it's nature, which can most of the time negated with Mirage Cloak + the trait which removes the stun when you dodge.

Yeah I mean it’s ok if you’re in a 1v1 where the other person has no AoE hazards you never want to get randomly placed in or get animation locked into. However it’s not that often a 1v1 stays a 1v1 or you aren’t fighting vs AoE. That’s without mentioning axe is a free full counter to a SB which are everywhere, at least you can stow BF once you’ve evaded what you need to.

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@Carighan.6758 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:I am not talking about numbers here but i like the mirage more than chrono. Chrono felt to clunky and weird to use with its time mechanic and i didnt liked the wells.Mirage is fast switching combat but still easy to use for me.

Mirage is the essence of clunky combat, if you ask me. It's pretty, but incredibly annoying to play. Chrono is
more reactive to your input, for starters (Axe 2/3 are super slow and take seconds to react upon pressing it).

I actually havent any problems with them and the class mechanic was responsive too. The mechanic is sadly limited to only 2 dodges and you need sometime to get used to it. I played condi daredevil long enough before mirage so it hasnt felt strange to me.But i couldnt warm up with chrono and its new shatter, i didnt knew what as affected from continuum split and what not and the time to do things always felt kinda short to me.As a disclaimer: I do not main mesmer nor do i play a lot of PvP. Its just that mirage felt less complicated and had a better play flow.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@Carighan.6758 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:I am not talking about numbers here but i like the mirage more than chrono. Chrono felt to clunky and weird to use with its time mechanic and i didnt liked the wells.Mirage is fast switching combat but still easy to use for me.

Mirage is the essence of clunky combat, if you ask me. It's pretty, but incredibly annoying to play. Chrono is
more reactive to your input, for starters (Axe 2/3 are super slow and take seconds to react upon pressing it).

I actually havent any problems with them and the class mechanic was responsive too. The mechanic is sadly limited to only 2 dodges and you need sometime to get used to it. I played condi daredevil long enough before mirage so it hasnt felt strange to me.But i couldnt warm up with chrono and its new shatter, i didnt knew what as affected from continuum split and what not and the time to do things always felt kinda short to me.As a disclaimer: I do not main mesmer nor do i play a lot of PvP. Its just that mirage felt less complicated and had a better play flow.

I recall it took me a good month to get used to using CSplit.

Similarly mirage's dodge is now starting to become really valuable - especially if you take as much endurance regain options from gear and vigour as possible. The 1s on demand evade is not insignificant - almost like mini distortion that you can use whenever you like.

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In a 1-on-1 fight the Mirage would have a straight combat advantage if both players are equally skilled, but that doesn’t say the Mirage is objectively the superior of the two. Chronomancer have great sustain, and in groups it offers significantly more boosts to the team than a Mirage. Mesmer-focused players can swap between the two once everything is unlocked and enjoy them both depending on the situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. I tried dueling with some similarly skilled players in PvP settings.

My current feeling is that chrono has the clear advantage in a 1v1. (Condi chrono vs condi mirage of course)

If chrono takes shield, there is no way mirage can win unless chrono messed up really badly. There are simply too many defensive utilties + cleanse for mirage to hit through chrono's defense.

Mirage does have bigger burst but it really doesn't matter how high stack of confusion you can get if enemy cleanses them with ease. Between well of eternity, shatter, continuum split and signet of illusion. There is way too much cleanse for mirage to get the damage in.

Chrono doesn't have a lot of damage. But it is enough to gradually wear mirage down. However, mirage shouldn't die with the amount of disengage he has.

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@Exciton.8942 said:Okay. I tried dueling with some similarly skilled players in PvP settings.

My current feeling is that chrono has the clear advantage in a 1v1. (Condi chrono vs condi mirage of course)

If chrono takes shield, there is no way mirage can win unless chrono messed up really badly. There are simply too many defensive utilties + cleanse for mirage to hit through chrono's defense.

Mirage does have bigger burst but it really doesn't matter how high stack of confusion you can get if enemy cleanses them with ease. Between well of eternity, shatter, continuum split and signet of illusion. There is way too much cleanse for mirage to get the damage in.

Chrono doesn't have a lot of damage. But it is enough to gradually wear mirage down. However, mirage shouldn't die with the amount of disengage he has.

If someone dies, then it's chrono in my opinion. In general dying should be rare yeah.

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@Tseison.4659 said:Depends on the player, period.

Been playing since launch and this game isn't balanced enough to make that sort of statement. Skill level is one thing but if two players of equal skill level clash then they should null each other basically however the balance in this game is such that the classes are an important factor. To say Chrono and Mirage are equal is almost like saying that base Mesmer is also equal to the other two in a pvp setting or the same for Warriors or Necro's.

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