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Just delete elementalist..the design is just atrocious, replace the class with something else


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It's simply not playable, what even this class supposed to be at this point ? a pseudo - healing bot with zero pressure? a flashing eye candy for pvers?.

Lowest HP, lowest armor married to low/mediocre damage mostly reliant on a single easily removed condition...if not stacked quickly and high enough, an aspect that has been consistently reduced to uselessness every single time ele would move from joke status to threat level. It seems this class is not allowed to be of any real threat, merely a flashy presence in the background waving his hands.

I can play few other classes...I have sustain- dmg -mobility -teleports...I have pressure....I go back to ele and ask myself : "how can you kill anything with a brain using this class?"

The worst part is these devs never come here and explain what this class supposed to be , no honesty....

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If you look at the traits and skills, it's pretty obvious it's meant to take a beating - which fit well with the old celestial era since you could outheal your opponents and win by attrition, however it's not in as good a place right now.

The issue is on one hand we have tempest, the go to for healing. It does decent, not as strong as in the HoT days, but not druid level either.

On the other we have weaver, in all forms made to stall on point utilizing evades and barrier - it's doing a better job at it than celestial will ever be able to.

This leaves us with Fresh Air, which is solely viable (through 2 years of theorycrafting) because of the nature of the scepter - more a fluke than intended design, as I mentioned earlier most of your traits activate when you get hit. But being able to keep your distance gives you viability.

It's therefore reasonable to conclude it's intended role is to be a duelist, and a safe stomper (seriously look at how many skills you have for this and compare with other professions) - and a teamfighter who cleans up the kills ensuring the tide favors your team.

If you want the real answer as to why it struggles - it's incredibly reliant on stats as a whole. You literally get nothing for free, meaning everything you do will be 15%(armor) to 40%(health) worse off than other professions f.ex, and wanting to buff in defense require a hard sacrifice in offense. Which only leaves gimmicks as a means to maintain viability. The latest patch hit any form of non-dagger weaver really hard because of this.

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@"ZhouX.8742" said:you need to be good to play it, suggest watching phantaram for tips

I want to say that I played ele for well over 8k hrs , in the past I was an avid pvper and managed to obtain few exclusives titles from ranked; I duelled extensively on this class from pvp to wvw but that's not what I am for.

Your assumption that somebody need to be "good" to full enjoy a class....would be correct in a game where you're rewarded for your efforts , but it's not the case in GW2, on ele you have access to less boons and conditions than other classes, lower dmg coefficients and at the end of a combo chain you're "rewarded" with as much dmg as any other class pressing a single button from safe distance.

Before even setting my foot in a pvp/wvw environment I need to make sure that my healing power/vitality are at least enough to secure valid gameplay...let alone doing enough pressure to do anything.

The whole premise of the class is BS

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@Sunshine.5014 said:They need to reduce all other classes' HP down to Ele level. 11k base HP for everyone. The only difference should be on the armor class, not HP.

The base HP is not even the problem, I can play a 12k core guard with zero problems...because I have the gameplay options to support it! I have that level of dmg mitigation I need to play with that little HP, something like that it's completely missing from ele.

As @rng.1024 said, you need heavy stats investments on ele to accomplish anything but you can only do one thing at once...you either survive or you do dmg but on all other professions I can do both, it's like the class is stuck at 2012.

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Wouldnt say ele is completly useless. Its still playable, after patch some builds got deleted and burned to the ground, such as FA or sw/d Weaver. But there are still viable builds, such as d/f Weaver or slightly worse d/d core. One relying on CC, the other one on bunker gameplay, pressure and few spikes. But I agree, compared to some other classes/specs its not so good, you have to put alot more work to win a duel and still it takes time and skill. Id say this class still has some potential, ANet needs just to follow proper path and keep balancing.

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Part of the problem really is the health difference though, the milestones should be 10k, 11.5k, and 13k, not 10k, 15k and 18k. Having 15% or 30% extra health is all you need, and brings it in line with armor ratings more or less.

Because think about it, how much of your offensive stats do you have to waste on defense in a typical build. This is even worse in PvP, where there are a very limited number of stat combinations available, by design.

That's the whole reason Celestial was meta for so long..

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@Widmo.3186 said:Wouldnt say ele is completly useless. Its still playable, after patch some builds got deleted and burned to the ground, such as FA or sw/d Weaver. But there are still viable builds, such as d/f Weaver or slightly worse d/d core. One relying on CC, the other one on bunker gameplay, pressure and few spikes. But I agree, compared to some other classes/specs its not so good, you have to put alot more work to win a duel and still it takes time and skill. Id say this class still has some potential, ANet needs just to follow proper path and keep balancing.


They burned FA??? Even though maybe 3 it percent of ele players played FA in ranked and I basically have no viable scepter build to play on? Yea, glad I quit.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"ZhouX.8742" said:you need to be good to play it, suggest watching phantaram for tips

I want to say that I played ele for well over 8k hrs , in the past I was an avid pvper and managed to obtain few exclusives titles from ranked; I duelled extensively on this class from pvp to wvw but that's not what I am for.

Your assumption that somebody need to be "good" to full enjoy a class....
would be correct in a game where you're rewarded for your efforts
, but it's not the case in GW2, on ele you have access to less boons and conditions than other classes, lower dmg coefficients and at the end of a combo chain you're "rewarded" with as much dmg as any other class pressing a single button from safe distance.

Before even setting my foot in a pvp/wvw environment I need to make sure that my healing power/vitality are at least enough to secure valid gameplay...let alone doing enough pressure to do anything.

The whole premise of the class is BS

ok :) , im not saying that, but you do need to be good to play the class effectively in a level that would be garnering a success... enjoy and play are 2 different things. If you don't enjoy getting destroyed on a high skill ceiling class then I'm not sure what else could help you. I didn't mean disrespect but was merely giving tips to get better. Take it as you will

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:It's simply not playable, what even this class supposed to be at this point ? a pseudo - healing bot with zero pressure? a flashing eye candy for pvers?.

Lowest HP, lowest armor married to low/mediocre damage mostly reliant on a single easily removed condition...if not stacked quickly and high enough, an aspect that has been consistently reduced to uselessness every single time ele would move from joke status to threat level. It seems this class is not allowed to be of any real threat, merely a flashy presence in the background waving his hands.

I can play few other classes...I have sustain- dmg -mobility -teleports...I have pressure....I go back to ele and ask myself : "how can you kill anything with a brain using this class?"

The worst part is these devs never come here and explain what this class supposed to be , no honesty....

It is called, not respecting Profession roles and the continual consequences of it.Never in Guild Wars this would ever be tolerated!!

-It is the exact problem with Guild Wars 2 design, it destroys Profession roles-

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OF nerf hit FA and LR way harder than it hit fire weaver. I understand that it was necessary to nerf fire and water weavers but why nerf fresh air? The damage ist a joke even when played berserkers. You cannot kill anyone so fast that it would make up for your ridiculously low defences.

I cannot understand why OF got nerfed tbh. Not every class is the same and as mentioned before: other classes have other ways to defend themselfes like f.ex. high health pools blocks and so on.

OF allowed you to actually be dangerous for 4 seconds.Not having to waste your dodges bc you have to evade symbols or mantras of a firebrand :') and actually deal dmg or heal yourself in the progress

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