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Thank you for the patch, wvw is the best it's been in a while!!


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I only play wvw and pvp and because of the patch there is so much to do, so many people and fun to roam around now, also no more condi meta. I am personally hoping some of the pvers stay it's fun to meet new people in wvw.

Anyway new people just like raids it's optimal if you run a meta build, however you do you and have fun roaming or zerging ?

Edit: wow you people must be so bad at roaming if you are getting killed by condi in wvw atm. Damn, when I roam I only see a few condi users maybe 2 in 4 hours, everything else is power or bunker, tsk, tsk must be because I am not playing in NA server XD

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If anything as people try out different build combinations people I chat with expect condition specs to grow in popularity. A lot us are still experimenting (myself included) to see what we can pull off. I agree I've been having a blast but that also has a lot more to do with when I play which is largely outside of NA prime time.

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@Fatherbliss.4701 said:If anything as people try out different build combinations people I chat with expect condition specs to grow in popularity. A lot us are still experimenting (myself included) to see what we can pull off. I agree I've been having a blast but that also has a lot more to do with when I play which is largely outside of NA prime time.

I wonder if, as that popularity grows with condi builds, taking condi clears will also become more popular? It would appear not based on other responses here, but I guess it could happen.

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@Tman.6349 said:

@Fatherbliss.4701 said:If anything as people try out different build combinations people I chat with expect condition specs to grow in popularity. A lot us are still experimenting (myself included) to see what we can pull off. I agree I've been having a blast but that also has a lot more to do with when I play which is largely outside of NA prime time.

I wonder if, as that popularity grows with condi builds, taking condi clears will also become more popular? It would appear not based on other responses here, but I guess it could happen.It will, and yes that highly affects the effectivness of condition. Condi simply cannot keep up with power when you start stacking people.

In terms of defense, combo fields and cleanses are as strong as ever - in particular I havent even seen the doom scenario with firebrands being nerfed so you have to double up on them.

In terms of offense, it all falls back on time. Despite all the power nerfs, a zerg still has the oomph to one-push another zerg when they surprise them. You dont have the time for conditions to do their work.

This will just keep spilling over to smallscale as well because the threshhold is still ~3-5 people. When they get a healer - or heaven forbid, two - the effectivness of condi builds fall off a cliff. It becomes more important to get single targets downed and stomped rather than puking condis all over.

And the more smallscale people build for cleansing, this affect roaming as well because its hard to handle a +1 against you when one of the targets is basicly facetanking you. Sure, some will fall to solo condi but thats just how it has always been.

But maybe thats just me misintepreting everything.

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Judging on the "Thumbs Up" it seems like there is a silent majority that actually enjoy WvW and agree with the OP. I also agree with the OP that WvW has been a lot more fun to me after the patch. Things are slightly longer to kill, and you need to time your CC well. But that's part of the fun, instead of mindlessly press all your buttons.

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@"Sunshine.5014" said:Judging on the "Thumbs Up" it seems like there is a silent majority that actually enjoy WvW and agree with the OP. I also agree with the OP that WvW has been a lot more fun to me after the patch. Things are slightly longer to kill, and you need to time your CC well. But that's part of the fun, instead of mindlessly press all your buttons.

If you are gauging this off 9 people, this is more of a reason they need to bring back the thumbs down if we are using 9 people as directional indications of an issue. Agree or disagree that is a terrible sampling size to work off of, just saying.

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