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Mesmer needs buff


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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:@"bravan.3876" it started because a thief said mesmer could burst for 14k+ and I said you could do that with a backstab too with much less effort.I was wrong yadda yadda, backstab does only 5k damage.So I with a couple of friends went into arena, one of this friends put on a build in some seconds and the screenshots were born.It was all fabricated, it was impossible to do that damage, I'm a liar, etc, noodle comes in with math skills proves you can in fact do that damage.

TLDR: this was all a smartkitten getting kittenhurt because thief can do even a higher burst than mesmers and trying to debunked it with bad calculations.

Just one more thing. You don't need to dodge 3 times to do that shadowshot damage.

Not just tripling, but quadrupling down on your lie. You really should know when to quit. Anyway, you said that, and then failed to prove it, with the only backstab example that hit anywhere
to Mesmers burst being a fully stacked malicious backstab (which is in fact much
effort. Whoops).

And yes, the screenshots were fabricated. That has been extensively proven. Noodle didnt prove that you could do that damage, he actually proved that you couldnt.

"this was all a
player who dares to doubt getting
bored by your pathetic attempts to lie because thief
can do even a higher burst
cant even burst nearly as hard (which you proved yourself since even your triple dodge havoc mastery backstab was 6k less damage than Mesmers 19k burst) than mesmers and
trying to debunked it with bad calculations
successfully debunking it with correct and infallible calculations." There, fixed it for you.

No, you dont, because you were Deadeye and not using Havoc Mastery. You just need to stack might or vulnerability, or ask the Mesmer to take off parts of their armour. Oh but you cant do that shadowshot damage without doing one of those things, that has been extensively proven.

You know anyone can go a few posts back and read noodle, right?

DE backstab 19k.DD Hs to backstab 20kDE SS 9k

But I will tell you more with DD you can get even higher numbers with SS.

With that said I'm done with you, you're nothing but an ignorant "flat earther".

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:@"bravan.3876" it started because a thief said mesmer could burst for 14k+ and I said you could do that with a backstab too with much less effort.I was wrong yadda yadda, backstab does only 5k damage.So I with a couple of friends went into arena, one of this friends put on a build in some seconds and the screenshots were born.It was all fabricated, it was impossible to do that damage, I'm a liar, etc, noodle comes in with math skills proves you can in fact do that damage.

TLDR: this was all a smartkitten getting kittenhurt because thief can do even a higher burst than mesmers and trying to debunked it with bad calculations.

Just one more thing. You don't need to dodge 3 times to do that shadowshot damage.

Not just tripling, but quadrupling down on your lie. You really should know when to quit. Anyway, you said that, and then failed to prove it, with the only backstab example that hit anywhere
to Mesmers burst being a fully stacked malicious backstab (which is in fact much
effort. Whoops).

And yes, the screenshots were fabricated. That has been extensively proven. Noodle didnt prove that you could do that damage, he actually proved that you couldnt.

"this was all a
player who dares to doubt getting
bored by your pathetic attempts to lie because thief
can do even a higher burst
cant even burst nearly as hard (which you proved yourself since even your triple dodge havoc mastery backstab was 6k less damage than Mesmers 19k burst) than mesmers and
trying to debunked it with bad calculations
successfully debunking it with correct and infallible calculations." There, fixed it for you.

No, you dont, because you were Deadeye and not using Havoc Mastery. You just need to stack might or vulnerability, or ask the Mesmer to take off parts of their armour. Oh but you cant do that shadowshot damage without doing one of those things, that has been extensively proven.

You know anyone can go a few posts back and read noodle, right?

And they can then also read on and notice that I disproved what Noodle claimed, in particular due to the fact that since steal damage is static now, his damage is inexplicably lower than possible, and his explanation of "oh its just more might" fails because your build doesnt have might. But you know all of that.

DE backstab 19k.

Max Malice backstab. Not feasible, but more importantly, not a oneshot. The thief had to actually stack up the Malice first, reveal his presence, have the enemy fail to fight back at all, and have the enemy stand still so that the thief can go around to make the backstab hit the back. So, no, doesnt work.

DD Hs to backstab 20k

Same as above, not a oneshot. Also same as above, requires to walk around the enemy. Worse yet, requires the thief to dick around and dodge 3 times in a row to activate havoc mastery and then survive without any defenses. And for brevity's sake, Im going to add the answer to both of these here: If you want to give Thief Black Powder and Heartseeker as well, I can just give Mesmer Mind Stab and Phantasmal Berserker. That pushes the damage way past 20k, so even then its much lower.

DE SS 9k

A fabricated lie that both math and in-game testing showed to be fabricated beyon the shadow of a doubt. Not a good idea to use an already debunked lie as an argument.

But I will tell you more with DD you can get even higher numbers with SS.

Sure, just ask the Mesmer to take off even more armour to lower their defense rating further.

With that said I'm done with you, you're nothing but an ignorant "flat earther".

Says the guy who needs to fabricate screenshots because his position doesnt have any actual evidence to support it. A tactic that is pretty typical for flat earthers. Ironic, you project the very thing you are onto me.

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@"Leonidrex.5649" said:I dont play thief and I know you can orientate steal to stab the back lol.I bet this guy slowwalks to peoeple to backstab them and thinks thats how thief is played, and is supriesed that there are human beings that do it differently with better resoults ;p

I dont know what you think you "know", but there is no way to "orientate" steal. Steal teleports you directly to your target. Not behind them, not to the side of them, directly to the front of them. The only way to get a backstab to hit the back is to start within the 180° behind the player and then either walk up, or steal.

Of course, normally thats not an issue. You approach the enemy in stealth, they dont know youre there, theyre going to show you your back. But if a thief tries to BP + Heartseeker in your face and backstab, you just dodge backwards on the heartseeker, then start walking backwards while cleaving in front of you. The thief is now in a conundrum, they cant hit your back without walking past you, but doing so makes them take heavy damage and lets the player know the thief is close, to le them pop mobility, active defenses or another dodge. Of course, the thief could burn a shadowstep to get a backstab, but that isnt worth it.

Edit: Just as a way to cover everything, Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you were referring to the Matador stab. A trick where, on a target moving towards you, you turn your camera around, start the backstab and steal, all while standing still yourself. However, you didnt "orientate" steal. All you did was let the opponent walk past you, and exposing their back that way. It also has a critical flaw. I just even specified it. The opponent has to walk towards you. If theyre walking backwards, this doesnt work, best case scenario you get a frontstab, more likely scenario, your backstab misses alltogether.

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@"UNOwen.7132" said:Edit: Just as a way to cover everything, Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you were referring to the Matador stab. A trick where, on a target moving towards you, you turn your camera around, start the backstab and steal, all while standing still yourself. However, you didnt "orientate" steal. All you did was let the opponent walk past you, and exposing their back that way. It also has a critical flaw. I just even specified it. The opponent has to walk towards you. If theyre walking backwards, this doesnt work, best case scenario you get a frontstab, more likely scenario, your backstab misses alltogether.

If they are walking away from you, you can just steal backstab.

If they are walking towards you, you can do the 180 degree thing.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:@bravan.3876 it started because a thief said mesmer could burst for 14k+ and I said you could do that with a backstab too with much less effort.I was wrong yadda yadda, backstab does only 5k damage.So I with a couple of friends went into arena, one of this friends put on a build in some seconds and the screenshots were born.It was all fabricated, it was impossible to do that damage, I'm a liar, etc, noodle comes in with math skills proves you can in fact do that damage.

TLDR: this was all a smartkitten getting kittenhurt because thief can do even a higher burst than mesmers and trying to debunked it with bad calculations.

Just one more thing. You don't need to dodge 3 times to do that shadowshot damage.

I rly appreciate your effort to give a tldr from the last 4 pages but may i just quote myself:

@bravan.3876 said:

Getting banned in 3...2...1!

Btw i can't believe you guys still respond to him...

Getting banned in 3...2...1!

Simply calling truth that hurts by itself should not get you banned. No insult included here.Btw i can't believe you guys still respond to him...

We played Mesmer for 7 years. If we are not the master of ZEN i don’t know who it is.

I guess uno just represents or better sums up the whole situation Mesmers are currently in. All his arguments are like „well in my fantasy this should counter that“. It’s the same thing with the one dodge nerf. In the fantasy of this Community it’s just one dodge less without any other consequences but we need to explain it again and again that we have to spam it now off cd .

But as you can see, it rly leads to nowhere. This is going since days. Some ppl tryhard to not see truth and at some point it is rly just a waste of time. I mean it is up to you all guys to continue if you have nothing better to do (it is not that i also try very long to talk to ppl and explain stuff long and detailed, so i am guilty of that time waste often enough too), but this conversation can't hardly be beaten in nonsenseness anymore.

Maybe you guys need a calm down exit, let me try to give one: I haven't rly read any of the last pages (after i started to simply ignore this guy) but from skimming your answers to UNOsomething, you guys seems to talk about who has more brust dmg/ dmg overall? Without doing any math (so i might be wrong) i would assume that Mesmer sure has some more burst spike dmg than Thief (ofc also needs way more buttons for that more dmg and the oneshot clearly is harderr to hit and harder to do because it needs way more buttons pressed very fast in the right order and right timing) but that Mesmer has less dps over a longer time.But that is not even the point, even WHEN Mesmer has more burst dmg it still gets hardcountered by Thief because Thief has like 30 strengths in compensation for that bit less burst dmg. As Daishy explained very well for example the way higher infight mobility, max range instant ports through walls, way more active sustain incl. dodges and weaponskill evades etc. The whole math about dmg is per se completely irrelevant for any point any of you guys want to make in a Thief vs Mesmer perspective. Thief is a mechanical hardcoutner not a dmg-hardcounter.

Also why you guys even care, let him get oneshotted out of 3 second stealth because he will not accept and learn any counterplay and everyone who not get oneshotted by a non PU-stealthspam Mesmer all day long just never met a good Powermesmer like he does all day in silver/ gold because self-fulfilling assumptions are facts in his world. He is the one with the problem not you.

Just stop arguing with those type of ppl. It is 10000% pointless. Those ppl are not even willing to prove what they say by showing how they get carried by that insane op and easy to play class themself and show some footage playing Powermesmer/ -mirage vs decent ppl (i guess the problem starts for them already with getting into ranks where they even meet decent ppl, also bad matchmaking makes it quite possible in silver even). So all they have are baseless claims and opinions build up on nothing else than their lack of skill. You will never change their mind. They prefer to argue with you for days instead checking the forums for the already several times mentioned counters to a non PU Powermes in several other threads, instead watching some guides on Youtube and instead watching good ppl play against Powermesmers and not get oneshot left and right all day and try to understand what they do to avoid that. There is a reason only new and bad player complain about Powermesmer. Just accept it even though it is not fair. Or just switch to their own class and wrekt them with their own cancer, that is the reason i multiclass, it is hella fun to do. He seems not even to know how to disable melee attack assist or at least how to position himself for a Steal-Backstab combo to not land just in front of their face. How you expect someone that clueless about how to play his main class to understand another class? In particular Mesmer which always needed some braincells more than others to understand?

All you get out from playing a Powermes spec at this point is handicapping yourself for no good reason, still get hate from ppl carried by build should win vs you ez even with lower skill and suffer from undeserved nerfs Anet does for the sake of Condiplaystyle. Why in god's name someone would do that?

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"UNOwen.7132" said:Edit: Just as a way to cover everything, Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you were referring to the Matador stab. A trick where, on a target moving towards you, you turn your camera around, start the backstab and steal, all while standing still yourself. However, you didnt "orientate" steal. All you did was let the opponent walk past you, and exposing their back that way. It also has a critical flaw. I just even specified it. The opponent has to walk
you. If theyre walking backwards, this doesnt work, best case scenario you get a frontstab, more likely scenario, your backstab misses alltogether.

If they are walking away from you, you can just steal backstab.

If they are walking towards you, you can do the 180 degree thing.

Walking backwards. Steal backstab on them, and you get a frontstab. Doesnt really work, does it?

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:Edit: Just as a way to cover everything, Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you were referring to the Matador stab. A trick where, on a target moving towards you, you turn your camera around, start the backstab and steal, all while standing still yourself. However, you didnt "orientate" steal. All you did was let the opponent walk past you, and exposing their back that way. It also has a critical flaw. I just even specified it. The opponent has to walk
you. If theyre walking backwards, this doesnt work, best case scenario you get a frontstab, more likely scenario, your backstab misses alltogether.

If they are walking away from you, you can just steal backstab.

If they are walking towards you, you can do the 180 degree thing.

. Steal backstab on them, and you get a frontstab. Doesnt really work, does it?

I saw it somewhere on stream or on the youtube, you start stab, turn aroud and then steal for backstab.I think I remember it right.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:@bravan.3876 it started because a thief said mesmer could burst for 14k+ and I said you could do that with a backstab too with much less effort.I was wrong yadda yadda, backstab does only 5k damage.So I with a couple of friends went into arena, one of this friends put on a build in some seconds and the screenshots were born.It was all fabricated, it was impossible to do that damage, I'm a liar, etc, noodle comes in with math skills proves you can in fact do that damage.

TLDR: this was all a smartkitten getting kittenhurt because thief can do even a higher burst than mesmers and trying to debunked it with bad calculations.

Just one more thing. You don't need to dodge 3 times to do that shadowshot damage.

I rly appreciate your effort to give a tldr from the last 4 pages but may i just quote myself:

Getting banned in 3...2...1!

Simply calling truth that hurts by itself should not get you banned. No insult included here.Btw i can't believe you guys still respond to him...

Getting banned in 3...2...1!

Simply calling truth that hurts by itself should not get you banned. No insult included here.Btw i can't believe you guys still respond to him...

We played Mesmer for 7 years. If we are not the master of ZEN i don’t know who it is.

I guess uno just represents or better sums up the whole situation Mesmers are currently in. All his arguments are like „well in my fantasy this should counter that“. It’s the same thing with the one dodge nerf. In the fantasy of this Community it’s just one dodge less without any other consequences but we need to explain it again and again that we have to spam it now off cd .

But as you can see, it rly leads to nowhere. This is going since days. Some ppl tryhard to not see truth and at some point it is rly just a waste of time. I mean it is up to you all guys to continue if you have nothing better to do (it is not that i also try very long to talk to ppl and explain stuff long and detailed, so i am guilty of that time waste often enough too), but this conversation can't hardly be beaten in nonsenseness anymore.

Maybe you guys need a calm down exit, let me try to give one: I haven't rly read any of the last pages (after i started to simply ignore this guy) but from skimming your answers to UNOsomething, you guys seems to talk about who has more brust dmg/ dmg overall? Without doing any math (so i might be wrong) i would assume that Mesmer sure has some more burst spike dmg than Thief (ofc also needs way more buttons for that more dmg and the oneshot clearly is harderr to hit and harder to do because it needs way more buttons pressed very fast in the right order and right timing) but that Mesmer has less dps over a longer time.But that is not even the point, even WHEN Mesmer has more burst dmg it still gets hardcountered by Thief because Thief has like 30 strengths in compensation for that bit less burst dmg. As Daishy explained very well for example the way higher infight mobility, max range instant ports through walls, way more active sustain incl. dodges and weaponskill evades etc. The whole math about dmg is per se completely irrelevant for any point any of you guys want to make in a Thief vs Mesmer perspective. Thief is a mechanical hardcoutner not a dmg-hardcounter.

Also why you guys even care, let him get oneshotted out of 3 second stealth because he will not accept and learn any counterplay and everyone who not get oneshotted by a non PU-stealthspam Mesmer all day long just never met a good Powermesmer like he does all day in silver/ gold because self-fulfilling assumptions are facts in his world. He is the one with the problem not you.

Just stop arguing with those type of ppl. It is 10000% pointless. Those ppl are not even willing to prove what they say by showing how they get carried by that insane op and easy to play class themself and show some footage playing Powermesmer/ -mirage vs decent ppl (i guess the problem starts for them already with getting into ranks where they even meet decent ppl, also bad matchmaking makes it quite possible in silver even). So all they have are baseless claims and opinions build up on nothing else than their lack of skill. You will never change their mind. They prefer to argue with you for days instead checking the forums for the already several times mentioned counters to a non PU Powermes in several other threads, instead watching some guides on Youtube and instead watching good ppl play against Powermesmers and not get oneshot left and right all day and try to understand what they do to avoid that. There is a reason only new and bad player complain about Powermesmer. Just accept it even though it is not fair. Or just switch to their own class and wrekt them with their own cancer, that is the reason i multiclass, it is hella fun to do. He seems not even to know how to disable melee attack assist or at least how to position himself for a steal back stab combo to not land just in front of their face. How you expect someone that clueless about how to play his main class to understand another class? In particular Mesmer which always needed some braidcells more than others to understand?

All you get out from playing a Powermes spec at this point is handicapping yourself for no good reason, still get hate from ppl carried by build should win vs you ez even with lower skill and suffer from undeserved nerfs Anet does for the sake of Condiplaystyle. Why in gods name someone would do that?

I still play power mes on wvw, dom duel illu with shatterstorm. Only thing I found that kind of works 1vX

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:@bravan.3876 it started because a thief said mesmer could burst for 14k+ and I said you could do that with a backstab too with much less effort.I was wrong yadda yadda, backstab does only 5k damage.So I with a couple of friends went into arena, one of this friends put on a build in some seconds and the screenshots were born.It was all fabricated, it was impossible to do that damage, I'm a liar, etc, noodle comes in with math skills proves you can in fact do that damage.

TLDR: this was all a smartkitten getting kittenhurt because thief can do even a higher burst than mesmers and trying to debunked it with bad calculations.

Just one more thing. You don't need to dodge 3 times to do that shadowshot damage.

I rly appreciate your effort to give a tldr from the last 4 pages but may i just quote myself:

Getting banned in 3...2...1!

Simply calling truth that hurts by itself should not get you banned. No insult included here.Btw i can't believe you guys still respond to him...

Getting banned in 3...2...1!

Simply calling truth that hurts by itself should not get you banned. No insult included here.Btw i can't believe you guys still respond to him...

We played Mesmer for 7 years. If we are not the master of ZEN i don’t know who it is.

I guess uno just represents or better sums up the whole situation Mesmers are currently in. All his arguments are like „well in my fantasy this should counter that“. It’s the same thing with the one dodge nerf. In the fantasy of this Community it’s just one dodge less without any other consequences but we need to explain it again and again that we have to spam it now off cd .

But as you can see, it rly leads to nowhere. This is going since days. Some ppl tryhard to not see truth and at some point it is rly just a waste of time. I mean it is up to you all guys to continue if you have nothing better to do (it is not that i also try very long to talk to ppl and explain stuff long and detailed, so i am guilty of that time waste often enough too), but this conversation can't hardly be beaten in nonsenseness anymore.

Maybe you guys need a calm down exit, let me try to give one: I haven't rly read any of the last pages (after i started to simply ignore this guy) but from skimming your answers to UNOsomething, you guys seems to talk about who has more brust dmg/ dmg overall? Without doing any math (so i might be wrong) i would assume that Mesmer sure has some more burst spike dmg than Thief (ofc also needs way more buttons for that more dmg and the oneshot clearly is harderr to hit and harder to do because it needs way more buttons pressed very fast in the right order and right timing) but that Mesmer has less dps over a longer time.But that is not even the point, even WHEN Mesmer has more burst dmg it still gets hardcountered by Thief because Thief has like 30 strengths in compensation for that bit less burst dmg. As Daishy explained very well for example the way higher infight mobility, max range instant ports through walls, way more active sustain incl. dodges and weaponskill evades etc. The whole math about dmg is per se completely irrelevant for any point any of you guys want to make in a Thief vs Mesmer perspective. Thief is a mechanical hardcoutner not a dmg-hardcounter.

Also why you guys even care, let him get oneshotted out of 3 second stealth because he will not accept and learn any counterplay and everyone who not get oneshotted by a non PU-stealthspam Mesmer all day long just never met a good Powermesmer like he does all day in silver/ gold because self-fulfilling assumptions are facts in his world. He is the one with the problem not you.

Just stop arguing with those type of ppl. It is 10000% pointless. Those ppl are not even willing to prove what they say by showing how they get carried by that insane op and easy to play class themself and show some footage playing Powermesmer/ -mirage vs decent ppl (i guess the problem starts for them already with getting into ranks where they even meet decent ppl, also bad matchmaking makes it quite possible in silver even). So all they have are baseless claims and opinions build up on nothing else than their lack of skill. You will never change their mind. They prefer to argue with you for days instead checking the forums for the already several times mentioned counters to a non PU Powermes in several other threads, instead watching some guides on Youtube and instead watching good ppl play against Powermesmers and not get oneshot left and right all day and try to understand what they do to avoid that. There is a reason only new and bad player complain about Powermesmer. Just accept it even though it is not fair. Or just switch to their own class and wrekt them with their own cancer, that is the reason i multiclass, it is hella fun to do. He seems not even to know how to disable melee attack assist or at least how to position himself for a steal back stab combo to not land just in front of their face. How you expect someone that clueless about how to play his main class to understand another class? In particular Mesmer which always needed some braidcells more than others to understand?

All you get out from playing a Powermes spec at this point is handicapping yourself for no good reason, still get hate from ppl carried by build should win vs you ez even with lower skill and suffer from undeserved nerfs Anet does for the sake of Condiplaystyle. Why in gods name someone would do that?

I still play power mes on wvw, dom duel illu with shatterstorm. Only thing I found that kind of works 1vX

That is up to you, i know there are ppl out there being masochists^^

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:Edit: Just as a way to cover everything, Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you were referring to the Matador stab. A trick where, on a target moving towards you, you turn your camera around, start the backstab and steal, all while standing still yourself. However, you didnt "orientate" steal. All you did was let the opponent walk past you, and exposing their back that way. It also has a critical flaw. I just even specified it. The opponent has to walk
you. If theyre walking backwards, this doesnt work, best case scenario you get a frontstab, more likely scenario, your backstab misses alltogether.

If they are walking away from you, you can just steal backstab.

If they are walking towards you, you can do the 180 degree thing.

. Steal backstab on them, and you get a frontstab. Doesnt really work, does it?

I saw it somewhere on stream or on the youtube, you start stab, turn aroud and then steal for backstab.I think I remember it right.

Yeah thats the Matador stab. Works on players moving towards you. Doesnt work on players moving backwards. It works by letting the enemy move past you and indirectly exposing their back. Its the same concept as the Matador Stab in TF2, hence why I call it that. For the BP + Heartseeker -> backstab combo, it doesnt work.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:Walking

I don't think you have to worry about someone walking backwards for that long.

I mean, we are talking about specifically BP + Heartseeker -> backstab. In that situation, yeah you do have to worry about them. You want to backstab them, but theyre cleaving in front, so you cant just walk through. You cant steal + backstab because theyre walking backwards. In that situation, you just dont get to hit your backstab. Of course, this is a bit contrived because you dont actually do that as a thief, but thats the point.

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Tbh in my last 10rounds or so where i played pvp, ive seen some mesmers.yes they dont have their tons of sustain from their 2. dodge, but they are still an killing machine.

Just like they should be. Good supporters, very high damage but low(well lets say more than mediocre) sustain

supporters? what supporters? moral support? we cheerleaders now or wat?have i missed some supporting buffs?

support for many things ofc ^^ Like boons, invis ,save stomps etcYe, mesmer became firebrand and sucked up thief smoke blasting in the process.its still strong. There is only the typical "i cant win, buff my class" scenario.With such dumb logic we can delete 90% of class mechanics and add there 10 minutes cooldown(continuumsplitlol) and be like "dont whine because its harder to play now, its just no more easy facerolling and still strong (against terribad players), if you would complain then its another I CANT WIN BUFF ME".

well it is like it is. Its still very strong, if not
one of the strongest classes
And still people complain cuz they cant play without an second burst-immunity-clonebuff
You should uninstall and free us from the "wisdom" you spitting here, dying to mirage should autouninstall your game.

im just gonna leave

here.If u cant play mirage, u are just unable to think, read and adapt.

watch that, go back to mirage and stop whining in the forums for being lazy

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@"Virdo.1540" said:im just gonna leave

here.If u cant play mirage, u are just unable to think, read and adapt.

watch that, go back to mirage and stop whining in the forums for being lazy

You can play a similar but better build with core mesmer, which already has 2 dodges :tongue:

If you want real mesmer gameplay, go watch this guy.

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Tbh in my last 10rounds or so where i played pvp, ive seen some mesmers.yes they dont have their tons of sustain from their 2. dodge, but they are still an killing machine.

Just like they should be. Good supporters, very high damage but low(well lets say more than mediocre) sustain

supporters? what supporters? moral support? we cheerleaders now or wat?have i missed some supporting buffs?

support for many things ofc ^^ Like boons, invis ,save stomps etcYe, mesmer became firebrand and sucked up thief smoke blasting in the process.its still strong. There is only the typical "i cant win, buff my class" scenario.With such dumb logic we can delete 90% of class mechanics and add there 10 minutes cooldown(continuumsplitlol) and be like "dont whine because its harder to play now, its just no more easy facerolling and still strong (against terribad players), if you would complain then its another I CANT WIN BUFF ME".

well it is like it is. Its still very strong, if not
one of the strongest classes
And still people complain cuz they cant play without an second burst-immunity-clonebuff
You should uninstall and free us from the "wisdom" you spitting here, dying to mirage should autouninstall your game.

im just gonna leave
here.If u cant play mirage, u are just unable to think, read and adapt.

watch that, go back to mirage and stop whining in the forums for being lazy

I watched for couple of minutes but gave up.you have absolutely 0 impact. your autos hit for 1k when they land a good hit, after 30s of free casting you cant even take 25% hp from scourge, all the while nobody focuses you.You catch deadeye and he doesnt even lose 1/4 hp from you. absolutely useless.in most of this clip ranger standing far away holding M1 would have much more impact let alone actually using abilities.I can not even immagine a class that could do as little as you did in that clip, the most you did was immob and daze with sword.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:I watched for couple of minutes but gave up.you have absolutely 0 impact. your autos hit for 1k when they land a good hit, after 30s of free casting you cant even take 25% hp from scourge, all the while nobody focuses you.You catch deadeye and he doesnt even lose 1/4 hp from you. absolutely useless.in most of this clip ranger standing far away holding M1 would have much more impact let alone actually using abilities.I can not even immagine a class that could do as little as you did in that clip, the most you did was immob and daze with sword.

It's not him, it's vallun's video lol

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:I watched for couple of minutes but gave up.you have absolutely 0 impact. your autos hit for 1k when they land a good hit, after 30s of free casting you cant even take 25% hp from scourge, all the while nobody focuses you.You catch deadeye and he doesnt even lose 1/4 hp from you. absolutely useless.in most of this clip ranger standing far away holding M1 would have much more impact let alone actually using abilities.I can not even immagine a class that could do as little as you did in that clip, the most you did was immob and daze with sword.

It's not him, it's vallun's video lol

meaningless who is at the helm, whoever did should stop playing mesmer and play a different class becouse this right there should be considered trolling.

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Tbh in my last 10rounds or so where i played pvp, ive seen some mesmers.yes they dont have their tons of sustain from their 2. dodge, but they are still an killing machine.

Just like they should be. Good supporters, very high damage but low(well lets say more than mediocre) sustain

supporters? what supporters? moral support? we cheerleaders now or wat?have i missed some supporting buffs?

support for many things ofc ^^ Like boons, invis ,save stomps etcYe, mesmer became firebrand and sucked up thief smoke blasting in the process.its still strong. There is only the typical "i cant win, buff my class" scenario.With such dumb logic we can delete 90% of class mechanics and add there 10 minutes cooldown(continuumsplitlol) and be like "dont whine because its harder to play now, its just no more easy facerolling and still strong (against terribad players), if you would complain then its another I CANT WIN BUFF ME".

well it is like it is. Its still very strong, if not
one of the strongest classes
And still people complain cuz they cant play without an second burst-immunity-clonebuff
You should uninstall and free us from the "wisdom" you spitting here, dying to mirage should autouninstall your game.

im just gonna leave
here.If u cant play mirage, u are just unable to think, read and adapt.

watch that, go back to mirage and stop whining in the forums for being lazy

Odik is one of the best mesmers out there, just saying.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Tbh in my last 10rounds or so where i played pvp, ive seen some mesmers.yes they dont have their tons of sustain from their 2. dodge, but they are still an killing machine.

Just like they should be. Good supporters, very high damage but low(well lets say more than mediocre) sustain

supporters? what supporters? moral support? we cheerleaders now or wat?have i missed some supporting buffs?

support for many things ofc ^^ Like boons, invis ,save stomps etcYe, mesmer became firebrand and sucked up thief smoke blasting in the process.its still strong. There is only the typical "i cant win, buff my class" scenario.With such dumb logic we can delete 90% of class mechanics and add there 10 minutes cooldown(continuumsplitlol) and be like "dont whine because its harder to play now, its just no more easy facerolling and still strong (against terribad players), if you would complain then its another I CANT WIN BUFF ME".

well it is like it is. Its still very strong, if not
one of the strongest classes
And still people complain cuz they cant play without an second burst-immunity-clonebuff
You should uninstall and free us from the "wisdom" you spitting here, dying to mirage should autouninstall your game.

im just gonna leave
here.If u cant play mirage, u are just unable to think, read and adapt.

watch that, go back to mirage and stop whining in the forums for being lazy

Odik is one of the best mesmers out there, just saying.I'm not the best mesmer atm thats for sure :blush:How I would describe the situation with mesmer atm with words of another player
Even Jazz is frustrated, thats speak the volumes
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