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How can I deal with mesmer's mind wrack?


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@Murshid.9854 said:Didn't play a lot against it to be honest but when I do I feel that I can't do anything when my hp disappear in second or 2 out of stealth!!

Is there a way to counter this a ranger?

If the mesmer tries to burst while you’re capping (usually happens at the start of the match) you can drop traps on node, mesmer comes to burst you but gets downed by traps- boom done

If the shatter mes spawns clones on you to see if there are any traps but that’ll reveal the mes, they can restealth again of course but you know to expect the burst, just count to 3 and dodge

It’s also harder to burst moving targets so don’t afk on point if there’s a shatter mes on the enemy team

Shatter mesmers are very squishy and have 15k hp (no defense). You don’t have to try much to kill a mesmer right now unless the mesmer is really good.

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@Anna.7845 said:

@Murshid.9854 said:Didn't play a lot against it to be honest but when I do I feel that I can't do anything when my hp disappear in second or 2 out of stealth!!

Is there a way to counter this a ranger?

If the mesmer tries to burst while you’re capping (usually happens at the start of the match) you can drop traps on node, mesmer comes to burst you but gets downed by traps- boom done

If the shatter mes spawns clones on you to see if there are any traps but that’ll reveal the mes,
they can restealth again of course but you know to expect the burst, just count to 3 and dodge

It’s also harder to burst moving targets so don’t afk on point if there’s a shatter mes on the enemy team

Shatter mesmers are very squishy and have 15k hp (no defense). You don’t have to try much to kill a mesmer right now unless the mesmer is really good.

xD this is too much asked for

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Depends. If theyre bursting you out of stealth, then there is nothing you can do, other than keep watch of all angles and try and spot them before they stealth up. If theyre bursting afterwards, time your dodge with when they have enough clones for shattering.

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as soon as the mes stealths up then they are most likely going for a 1 shot combo, so use a movement/ leap/ teleport skill and run away. keep running for a little bit then turn around and they should reappear. if they don't then they most likely used stealth elite which gives them a lot more stealth so your best bet is to just go to another point unless you're confident you can out maneuver the mes. most mesmer builds have 2 stealths plus a long stealth elite. once they use their one teleport then you know they can't port to you so all you have to do is run directly away from them if they stealth again and dodge at the right time. dodge the great sword throw and the spinny berserker phantasms and you should be golden.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:as soon as the mes stealths up then they are most likely going for a 1 shot combo, so use a movement/ leap/ teleport skill and run away. keep running for a little bit then turn around and they should reappear. if they don't then they most likely used stealth elite which gives them a lot more stealth so your best bet is to just go to another point unless you're confident you can out maneuver the mes. most mesmer builds have 2 stealths plus a long stealth elite. once they use their one teleport then you know they can't port to you so all you have to do is run directly away from them if they stealth again and dodge at the right time. dodge the great sword throw and the spinny berserker phantasms and you should be golden.

I love this one shot combo, easy 14k burst followed by what seems like perma evades with clone spam. This among other things not surprising games population is abysmal lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:as soon as the mes stealths up then they are most likely going for a 1 shot combo, so use a movement/ leap/ teleport skill and run away. keep running for a little bit then turn around and they should reappear. if they don't then they most likely used stealth elite which gives them a lot more stealth so your best bet is to just go to another point unless you're confident you can out maneuver the mes. most mesmer builds have 2 stealths plus a long stealth elite. once they use their one teleport then you know they can't port to you so all you have to do is run directly away from them if they stealth again and dodge at the right time. dodge the great sword throw and the spinny berserker phantasms and you should be golden.

I love this one shot combo, easy 14k burst followed by what seems like perma evades with clone spam. This among other things not surprising games population is abysmal lol

Perma evades?

Uh... mirage is pretty much trash now unless you run axe and sword. There is no more perma evade.

And power core is garbage unless you have a team you can actually plus one.

The whole profession and its multiple elite specs get butchered and people still complain.

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@Murshid.9854 said:Didn't play a lot against it to be honest but when I do I feel that I can't do anything when my hp disappear in second or 2 out of stealth!!

Is there a way to counter this a ranger?

There arent many situations where your hp wont disappear in 2 seconds, it was a smart move from arena to make pvp last from 0.5 seconds to 3 max because that way a first timer and a pro wont have any difference if the burst lands. On topic however There is only 1 thing you can in this games 1 rule, 1strategy and that is land the burst before they land it on you or wait and see if the nerfs will ever actually have an impact since the nerfs until now are like -100 dmg to a class that makes 10k+ in a second

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Ok guys so I played again against that mind wrack memser with Grenth's Regalia Outfit in EU server and I manged to solo him 3 out of 3 thanks to those tips.I just kept an eye on the map to see where he is so I don't get ambushed while trying to secure new point and the traps was so great specially the spike depsite it do almost no damage but it screwed his combo a lot.

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