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Ranger elite specialization for the 3rd expansion.


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@Thornwolf.9721 said:Name: WardenRole : Tank/dpsLore: The Wardens of the Evhovald forest are something of legend, their teachings and methods have been something that was thought to be lost in time. However you having become a living legacy to their methods and ways of life have learned to tap into the world around you. With Mace and shield you enter the fray and bulwark yourself with living vines and living constructs of nature. But the true power you bring to bear is in the pets you tame, massive monsters that would otherwise be thought to be unnameable have become your allies in this fight. They deal the decisive blow while you create an opening and together the two of you can conquer all odds for you are now a force of untamed nature.

The trade off would be the player is very reliant on the pet to deal the damage, or to be the tank. It can't be both and the player has to decide whether or not they want to be CC and tanky or Squishy and reliant on their beast to protect them. (The player won't do as much damage as say a soulbeast, but paired with the pet they could easily be more of a threat.)

I really like this Warden idea. Type of ranger that has reliance on plant/nature protective and enhancing magic - new skills maybe?, and trading abilities with your pet could be spec. mechanic , or vice versa. The trait line would surely compliment those. Iam not much fond of using the shield though, I would rather have focus, but thats probably just my thing :)

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@Bealis.6023 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Name: WardenRole : Tank/dpsLore: The Wardens of the Evhovald forest are something of legend, their teachings and methods have been something that was thought to be lost in time. However you having become a living legacy to their methods and ways of life have learned to tap into the world around you. With Mace and shield you enter the fray and bulwark yourself with living vines and living constructs of nature. But the true power you bring to bear is in the pets you tame, massive monsters that would otherwise be thought to be unnameable have become your allies in this fight. They deal the decisive blow while you create an opening and together the two of you can conquer all odds for you are now a force of untamed nature.

The trade off would be the player is very reliant on the pet to deal the damage, or to be the tank. It can't be both and the player has to decide whether or not they want to be CC and tanky or Squishy and reliant on their beast to protect them. (The player won't do as much damage as say a soulbeast, but paired with the pet they could easily be more of a threat.)

I really like this Warden idea. Type of ranger that has reliance on plant/nature protective and enhancing magic - new skills maybe?, and trading abilities with your pet could be spec. mechanic , or vice versa. The trait line would surely compliment those. Iam not much fond of using the shield though, I would rather have focus, but thats probably just my thing :)

Focus could be good, I just went with shield because when I think warden I think of a soldier type character who stands in the front line. But focus could be cool too depending on how they go about it

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Pathfinder - ScoutThey can use/muster some form of environmental perk based on their location. Can call upon 'nature essence' to change out their 1-5 like Firebrand. Perhaps the pet can influence their offhand 4&5 skills.Focusing on support/CC - the more teammates/mobs involved the stronger the essence.Focusing on dps - could mean something of a combo of cc/dps.Focusing on heals - no idea.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

Given current design principles, what would be the tradeoff? The core ranger mechanic is, for better or worse, pets, so an elite specialisation that only strengthens that would be hard to tradeoff short of a direct penalty to the ranger's stats. One possibility, I guess, could be to make it so that the F2 is no longer under the player's control, but happens when the pet chooses to use it - this could possibly fit for a case where the ranger has both pets out at once.

Good question. I honestly hadn't considered it when I was thinking of the concept initially. Off hand I would be nervous about removing micro from the pet. Honestly I am all for more micro of pets. It may just be me but controlling both the character and the pet adds another level of play to pet classes.

As far as a tradeoff, off hand since my suggestion was to improve the ranger within a certain distance of the pet, the ranger could be negatively affected if they are beyond a certain distance. Maybe reduced movement since they are not as confident by their side or reduced toughness since they are used to the pet guarding their flank. I don't think that it needs to be completely debilitating as otherwise it could be too easily exploited in pvp. The pet stat reduction on druids for example is not really crippling.

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Spectator, you deal and receive no damage and are unable to carry supplies in WvW, the servers would be flooded with 'em. (You are unable to change this specialization outside of major outposts.)

Would finally cater to all the ranger hate too, making pets cosmetic only. I guess few would notice their damage decrease by much.


Alright, on a more serious note, I've been thinking about this a lot and have come to the conclusion that I would rather see a new core weapon released, than another elite specialization. On the same note I'd rather see existing traitlines fleshed out more, but if we are to go there...


Weapon: (terrestrial) Spear or Trident

Utilities: (expanding upon existing options) Geyser Trap, Unsteady Footing, Signet of the Whale, Ahab's Spirit... etc.

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Off hand katana roninPet less may not be possible to all the traitline's or a lot of them are designed for pet class.Kimono with large tiger print or prints of what animal u chose/tamed on back that emerge in spirit form to aid in combat for a duration. Pet traits work like soulbeast does so u gain some stats when spirit is dormant and lose them when its active in combat with u. Imo that would be awesome.

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@Bealis.6023 said:

I really like this Warden idea. Type of ranger that has reliance on plant/nature protective and enhancing magic - new skills maybe?, and trading abilities with your pet could be spec. mechanic , or vice versa. The trait line would surely compliment those. Iam not much fond of using the shield though, I would rather have focus, but thats probably just my thing :)

A focus would be a cool idea. I like the idea of channeling Tyria for protection,

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A hunter specialization, with 2 pistols or rifle could be considered, with our specializations only the magical aspect of Rangers has always been taken into consideration, expanding the other aspect of our profession would be nice.

If they continue to consider Ranger a sort of magical archer:https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warden, an offensive version of Druid. Scepter or hammer main weapons.

I don't like the idea of equipping any off-hand weapon, it's a new specialization I would like to get 3-5 new skills, the idea of having only 2 of them, I don't like it.The primary weapon affects the gameplay more.

In both circumstances, I would like a power specialization that does Aoe damage and not another support specification

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:Focus could be good, I just went with shield because when I think warden I think of a soldier type character who stands in the front line. But focus could be cool too depending on how they go about itYeah, after all it depends specificaly on Weapon Skills what the weps usage would be right? Weapon type is mostly about taste and what is the dev teams vision for the theme. I agree that what the ranger is missing is the soldier type. After all one thing most ranger archetypes have in common is the affinity to woods, there is no constraint why rangers cant be warriors.

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@Bealis.6023 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Focus could be good, I just went with shield because when I think warden I think of a soldier type character who stands in the front line. But focus could be cool too depending on how they go about itYeah, after all it depends specificaly on Weapon Skills what the weps usage would be right? Weapon type is mostly about taste and what is the dev teams vision for the theme. I agree that what the ranger is missing is the soldier type. After all one thing most ranger archetypes have in common is the affinity to woods, there is no constraint why rangers cant be warriors.

That and it could be the first time we get a truly offensive shield, they could even work thorns in as a defensive which gives you and the group retaliation and reflects damage. Heck that could be one of the three playstyles a warden could have even~

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Hmm. So if I was going to go with something, I'm a big advocate for pet/summoner builds so that's what I'd like to focus on.

My idea would be called Pack leader or Wild caller. Something along those lines.

As opposed to having one pet out at once you have a small pack of 2-5 that don't have the absurdly high amount of health of your main pet.

Mechanically, I'd make it so the Pets do swarm attacks so they at least look like they're attacking as a unite as opposed to attacking next to each other like the Necromancer minions do. These are intelligent creatures, not mindless masses of flesh.

Each family of pets would get their own specialized attacks so your command skills would change based on the family. So if you have a Raven pet out for example you would have 5 ravens and gain an ability called Raven storm where they swarm a location and damage foes, bleeding and crippling maybe. Where as if you have bears which could be 2 at a time maybe you they have a stomp ability that shakes the ground.

Your utility skills might offer more abilities for the pet but I'm not sure. As for weapons I'd go with Scepter. But that's just my idea.

Seems I'm not the only one who wants a swarm of animals though so that's good.

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I really want rifle but with that being said I know that what ranger needs overall is a class that is useful in WvW zergs or PvE groups. Druids used for now but slowly slipping from the PvE meta (not good for anything outside of raids and even that is meh).

We need an aoe weapon AND pets (aoe buffs/heals for a defensive one and damage/offensive buffs for offensive) as some have suggested, hammer fits well. I'd much rather there be a new weapon like a land version of the trident (the mirage skin looks amazing). I think it would neat for a water themed elite spec with trident. "The Poseidon or Naga".

Imagine leaping into an enemy frontline and having an aoe water splash that looked like the holosmiths holographic shockwave, the rev 2 hammers CoR but water splashing out, an "aqua jail, kind of like the dragon hunters longbow.. probably sounds a bit too much but I really want to be welcome in group content/WvW.

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A ranger that has ONE pet, somewhat strongt than when 2 is avaliable and skills focusing on enhancing/support that pet.It could even be so that this e-spec can tame 5 (adolecent) pets that only that "class" have acsess to, apart from the ordinary ones.New Weapon - spear or scepter.

This could be a "class" with many roles depending on the pets; Cc, heal, power, condi, support.

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A wandering vagabond with one faithful pet, a scruffy mangy looking dog. All skills themed towards being a skilled martial artist with focus on blades. Off hand sword being the new weapon given, stats for power. Unlock the mystery of his past.Oh and he talks to his dog like rev does his legends lol.That would be a different take on ranger than the same old nature focus which a ranger doesn't have to be considering rangers are rangers cuz their great survivalists not cuz their one with nature or cuz a bow is ranged lol.

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If druid is the spirit/nature magic spec, soulbeast is probably the signet/wilderness survival spec.Which can leave a dodge or movement survival/squirmishing spec or a preparation (venom) trap/marksmanship spec.Granted the broken records of ANet's, dev I'd bet on the former, the dodge spec. Anyway the marksmanship spec would probably be one frustrating option with very limited mobility (for the sake of "balance").

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I always thought the spirits just seemed out of place on the core ranger .Like it was thrown in to fill a gap. I would rather see a spirits dropped from the core traits and moved to a new profession that expanded the spirits to a more worth while specialization similar to the ritualist . Change Natures Vengeance (minus the spirits) to something that makes more sense like ,for example ,Call of the wild could grant a small amount of healing to nearby allies. Since Spirit of Nature is kind of useless anyway it would be nice to have an elite trap or elite signet

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@Mokk.2397 said:I always thought the spirits just seemed out of place on the core ranger .Like it was thrown in to fill a gap. I would rather see a spirits dropped from the core traits and moved to a new profession that expanded the spirits to a more worth while specialization similar to the ritualist . Change Natures Vengeance (minus the spirits) to something that makes more sense like ,for example ,Call of the wild could grant a small amount of healing to nearby allies. Since Spirit of Nature is kind of useless anyway it would be nice to have an elite trap or elite signet

Spirits have been part of Ranger in GW1, you can't simply cut them out.Guild Wars Rangers are more than the pew-pew ranged weapon with pet archetype.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Mokk.2397 said:I always thought the spirits just seemed out of place on the core ranger .Like it was thrown in to fill a gap. I would rather see a spirits dropped from the core traits and moved to a new profession that expanded the spirits to a more worth while specialization similar to the ritualist . Change Natures Vengeance (minus the spirits) to something that makes more sense like ,for example ,Call of the wild could grant a small amount of healing to nearby allies. Since Spirit of Nature is kind of useless anyway it would be nice to have an elite trap or elite signet

Spirits have been part of Ranger in GW1, you can't simply cut them out.Guild Wars Rangers are more than the
pew-pew ranged weapon with pet

They could just do the same they did with Guardian's tomes. Give the core ranger new utilities (Preparation ? Shouts ?) and give the reworked spirits to a new elite spec. That would make it much much better than just the convoluted fire and forget buffing spirits that are completely useless outside of Druid in raids.

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@Krispera.5087 said:

@Mokk.2397 said:I always thought the spirits just seemed out of place on the core ranger .Like it was thrown in to fill a gap. I would rather see a spirits dropped from the core traits and moved to a new profession that expanded the spirits to a more worth while specialization similar to the ritualist . Change Natures Vengeance (minus the spirits) to something that makes more sense like ,for example ,Call of the wild could grant a small amount of healing to nearby allies. Since Spirit of Nature is kind of useless anyway it would be nice to have an elite trap or elite signet

Spirits have been part of Ranger in GW1, you can't simply cut them out.Guild Wars Rangers are more than the
pew-pew ranged weapon with pet

They could just do the same they did with Guardian's tomes. Give the core ranger new utilities (Preparation ? Shouts ?) and give the reworked spirits to a new elite spec. That would make it much much better than just the convoluted fire and forget buffing spirits that are completely useless outside of Druid in raids.

The original Guardian tomes and Ranger spirits are fundamentally different.Originally, rangers were primarily priestesses and priests of Melandru, the Goddess of Nature and Earth.Thus, rangers are heavily attuned to nature, including the primal spirits and friendship with their animal companions.Spirits (even if Arenanet nerfed them into the ground) embody the magical side of Ranger's identity in GW2.Even though the focus on Melandru is no longer present, it still has that magical core part of their identity.On the other hand, the original Guardian tomes (as well as Thief traps that got replaced) had no lore behind their existence were just tacked on things because Arenanet had no idea what other elite skills to give to Guardians.As you should see, the original Guardian tomes (and Thief traps) and Ranger spirits are fundamentally different.

If you were to remove the spirits, core Rangers would lose their connection to Nature and a substantial part of the lore behind them and suddenly become nothing more than another iteration of the bland pew-pew Archetype that many games incorporate.

If you want your pew-pew-Archetype character, you can just go play Marksmanship, Wilderness Survival and Skirmishing.Noone forces you to use the nature aspects of the class. But that should be no reason to remove a core part of the profession's identity.But maybe Ranger gets a pew-pew-Archetype Elite spec in the future.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Mokk.2397 said:I always thought the spirits just seemed out of place on the core ranger .Like it was thrown in to fill a gap. I would rather see a spirits dropped from the core traits and moved to a new profession that expanded the spirits to a more worth while specialization similar to the ritualist . Change Natures Vengeance (minus the spirits) to something that makes more sense like ,for example ,Call of the wild could grant a small amount of healing to nearby allies. Since Spirit of Nature is kind of useless anyway it would be nice to have an elite trap or elite signet

Spirits have been part of Ranger in GW1, you can't simply cut them out.Guild Wars Rangers are more than the
pew-pew ranged weapon with pet

Guild wars 2 is fundamentally different to Guild wars 1 since the Exodus of the Gods . Guardians of GW2 took over the aspects of the GW1 monk . Paragons and Dervish have pretty much disappeared as professions aside from followers of Palawa Joko. Thieves are pretty much the remnants of the much honoured Assassins after decimation the Empire of the Dragon .Who can say that common rangers of Tyria could have lost the art of spirit calling because of the Exodus of the Gods only to be found again with a new specialization.The change wouldn't be cutting spirits out anyway . Just simply moving them to there own specialization making them more useful with better functionality . Creation of a hybrid of the remaining knowledge of the Ritulist and Ranger rituals of GW1 would be fitting since the spirits were rituals of the ranger. . Right now spirits take up one trait slot that hardly ever gets used because it has no synergy with anything.

The pew- pew of the current ranger was forced by poor structuring in the mechanics and unreasonable nerfing of the other aspects and specializations. Given the current state of the ranger class people have had no choice but to take up Glass LB as main play style. Which is no more annoying than Mesmer clone spam ,Thief stealth spam , Scourge AOE spam, Guardian boon spam.

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@Fueki.4753 said:If you were to remove the spirits, core Rangers would lose their connection to Nature and a substantial part of the lore behind them and suddenly become nothing more than another iteration of the bland pew-pew Archetype that many games incorporate.

Ok, then, let's keep useless spirits that only work with Druid in raids for the sake of roleplaying and lore.

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@Krispera.5087 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:If you were to remove the spirits,
Rangers would lose their connection to Nature and a substantial part of the lore behind them and suddenly become nothing more than another iteration of the bland
pew-pew Archetype
that many games incorporate.

Ok, then, let's keep useless spirits that only work with Druid in raids for the sake of roleplaying and lore.

Spirits are stand alone, buffed by one single trait . Non of the specializations have any effect on what spirits do.

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