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Spellbreaker is Gamebreaker (Story Time)


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@Lethion.8745 said:I will tell you a stroy. One day, two Spellbreakers faced with 5 guys in sPvP. Those 5 poor guys were 2 scourge, 1 core warrior, 1 fresh air ele and1 holosmith. Guess what happened in the end? Yep, you did right. Spellbreakers wiped them all. Such balance, much skill B) (true story),

Moral of the story ... don't play with newbies on your team and expect to win.

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@Lethion.8745 said:

@FearlessWarrior.7841 said:You shouldnt lose a 5v2 in the first place, no matter what profession you were up against.

Yeah, that's why this is a problem.

How so? If you have 2 players that are really good and communicate vs 2 players that are decent + 3 guy that are garbage, it's perfectly plausible for 2 to win against 5.

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@Lethion.8745 said:I will tell you a stroy. One day, two Spellbreakers faced with 5 guys in sPvP. Those 5 poor guys were 2 scourge, 1 core warrior, 1 fresh air ele and1 holosmith. Guess what happened in the end? Yep, you did right. Spellbreakers wiped them all. Such balance, much skill B) (true story),

5 lousy players against 2 very good, probably.Try to stay at distance from a spellbreaker... first rule. They are masters of melee range or should be. Dont you think?There are YT videos showing 1 holo against 2 spellbreakers. How wins?

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Is SB over performing? Maybe, 5vs2 over performing? No, just no. You got out played by a class you (all of you) didn't seem to know how to counter and they were probably much higher skill level. I run a pretty zerk DH in WvW GS/SF so I am fully melee as well, last night I did a Mirage and SB fight at the same time, before that I ran into two SB, I won both fights. Most unskilled SB have a set rotation they have, and if you know it and avoid it, they have NO idea what to do. Harder to do in a 2vs1, but possible if they are just face roll as people in here are claiming. But we are not talking about out numbered here, we are talking about the SB being outnumbered, in those cases they should both get steamrolled outside of them just running away.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:The funny thing isnt that spellbreakers are broken. Its that Anet doesnt seem to have played a single minute either with or against them.

Well i actually like the "support spec' too. An elite spec which seems designed for "heavy support" according to dev speaks and which can melt you in two second with so more condi that you can kill the world with it. The Scourge (the name really fit) throwed away a HUGE number of builds making them obsolete for compete with so much condition dammage. Really ANET have surpassed themselves with balance this expansion!

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The problem is as it has always been the amount of defensive cooldowns (both passive and active) that have been available to warrior since vanilla and how rotating them properly, allows for near perfect damage mitigation while their few combo burst skills are on cooldown.

In other words you don’t need to be a PvP sensation to be great at Warrior, you just need to be able to follow a PvE rotation to the letter.

I’ve always considered the class to be the training wheels of Guild Wars 2. The problem is that some self absorbed kids with visions of grandeur actually believed they were doing something more than that and elevated the training wheel class to new hights (partly due to ANet’s poor design choices for other classes). And as sad as it would make all those new players one day, those few will ruin it for the rest as warrior will keep getting nerfed further and further until there are no more training wheels left.

Enjoy it while it lasts boys, it will come to an end, much like the condi meta is ending Tuesday.

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@"Arlette.9684" said:Enjoy it while it lasts boys, it will come to an end, much like the condi meta is ending Tuesday.

I wouldn't hold your breathe if i was you. This is Anet we are talking about. Conditions have been broken for a VERY long time. Dont expect this "nerf" to do anything. I am actually expecting it to end up being a BUFF to condi builds. Because Anet balance is well, Anet balance and we all know how well they balance. I would say the same would go for Spellbreakers, Dead eyes and such. The game NEEDS easy win classes Anet wont EVER change that.

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@Lethion.8745 said:I will tell you a stroy. One day, two Spellbreakers faced with 5 guys in sPvP. Those 5 poor guys were 2 scourge, 1 core warrior, 1 fresh air ele and1 holosmith. Guess what happened in the end? Yep, you did right. Spellbreakers wiped them all. Such balance, much skill B) (true story),If you lose a 5v2 with 2 scourge vs 2 SB, or a 5v2 in general, you have a skill issue.

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What's with everyone defending spell breaker? Did I click in the wrong game forum? All the post I read about my favorite profession (warrior) are hate post. What is happening? Perhaps I am dreaming, yeah this has to be a dream because it is well known that warrior is the most hated class in GW2. It's a dream, that is the only logical explanation I can find.

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