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Necromancer Fractal/Raid Balance?


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@Armen.1483 said:

@"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

Lol, let me guess, you've never
seen (or played with) a good Daredevil, Holo, DH, Berserker, Weaver or SB before, right? They all EASILY outdps the Reaper by a mile in fractals.
they all (except for maybe Weaver) have better burst as well!Maybe it's you that is new to reaper ? Can you backup your words ? What do you mean by outdpsing by
? What is a mile to you ? Is it so much that it is more important than the safety and self sustain that reaper can have ? You can easily get 50k burst with reaper in fractals. 50k single target burst (where reaper doesn't shine) is not bad to meWow, and
get to that easily, even? I'd love to se proof of that! I mean, even in the (SC) benchmark videos they don't get to that number on a single target. So you must be
good then. Love to see it!

considering that you just push several buttons and never care about dyingAgain, it's one or the other. You can't do the so called 50K single target burst (like you put it ...)
soak up damage!

or your team being badly positioned. So many times My pugs died while I was chilling pushing reaper shroud 4 while drinking my coffee.Again, my question: have you
played with good other professions??? In other words, professions who
easily outdps a Reaper, cause it's literally possible to do so, quite easily!!! And if you really don't believe me, just try it. Again: pick a Berserker or Daredevil or Dragon Hunter or Holo or even Soulbeast: they're not that difficult to play (Berserker is dead easy, even! Just like Daredevil and DH), and you'll be really surprised how easy they are in outdpsing a Reaper. Maybe it takes you a little while, depends on what kind of a player you are, but I promise you: it's a LOT easier!

It is why we play reaper, it is why we love reaper, it is why reaper is balanced.Speak for yourself, please. I love Reaper/Necro for one thing only: mine looks cool! REALLY cool! Which as we all know is the actual endgame of GW2, so in that matter my Necro is even OP :)

Ofc you can finish a t4 run a little bit faster with a healless full meta comp, if you have a good static it is a good thing to do. However have you ever seen a lfg group that doesn't have a healer ? No, because playing with a healer is safer (but way less group dps), so ppl chose to play slowly but surely, which makes running fractals with healers so common.Even
a healer, you're so much faster with any other dps than a Necro ... Your group just has to be good or ... decent even!

Reaper is the same you chose reaper not for "top dps" but for chill play. And even there it happened to me so many time to be top dps in fractal pugs while I wasn't even grinding for dps.You REALLY want chill play: play Marauder Berserker (or even Warrior will suffice) and take Banners. You're more useful to the group and technically still deal more DPS than a Reaper (cause you have to count in the extra party DPS from banners). You only have to rest your fingers on F1 and skill 5, and you're set! Ow, and being
MOST durable profession in the game makes you pretty much unkillable! And let me not start about Marauder Daredevil please!

Also reaper is very easy to play and unlike other dps classes new players can easily play reaper from the start and not be complete garbage as those random weavers (btw you should rather play tempest dps in regular t4s not weaver if you grind for dps so much) that join pugs and do absolutely nothing.If reaper is to given more dps, his survivability must be cut in half as tradeoff, and me along with many other players don't want it.

If people like you keep on posting this nonsense, these kind of stigmas, which are simply not true, and are backed by anecdotal stories only: NOT real numbers, these hurt the community. If we all keep on thinking like this, Necro's will never get fixed, and will never REALLY get a genuine place in the PvE endgame.

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@"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:Again, it's one or the other. You can't do the so called 50K single target burst (like you put it ...) AND soak up damage!Here is a video to back up my words, yes you can easily get to 50k burst and easily even more in fractals with reaper. https://www.twitch. tv/videos/554396799 (remove space)This is a pretty casual low kp chill run for cms where reaper doesn't shine and he isn't even tryharding for damage and you can see on dps meter that the burst is above 50k (it can be much more with sb with stance share and spirit as 2nd dps).You compare it to the golem dps check that is why those numbers seem unrealistic to you. Here I am to tell you that in real fractals most damage is dealt during the "exposed" debuff on bosses unlike long sustained dps on dps golem without breakbar and without the fractal potion buffs. And even on golem check video SC posted they reach to 45k or smth which is also decent considering they don't use Lich form (which is the big part of the burst in fractals) and it is not a burst damage check. But again it is not comparable to fractals.

Hopefully it will open your eyes on real numbers in fractals. Reaper is an excellent dps choice for casual fractals. It is only outshined by sb and ele (sb is very strong but ele can be replaced with any "offmeta" dps class reaper included) in organised static groups. So unless you are trying to do some records in cms, you can easily take reaper, nobody will have any problems with that if you know what you're doing (yea just stop roleplaying with minions, use lich form on bursts and you're fine).So what were you talking about unrealistic 50k burst numbers ? right.. get out of here

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:So the argument is that you can make a burst of 50k dps on a foe that have it's breakbar broken and thus take double damage... Ok...Well if we're talking about fractal bosses: definitely yes. If you wanna do good damage in fractals you should learn bursting on exposed. It is actually the whole idea of bursting and why burst damage is valued more than sustained damage and that is why necro is so sleaper dominant in fractals.

However if you asked that ironically just to mock my argument about the importance of bursting I will just add here that "the miles difference in damage" between reaper and weaver (which is the strongest dps in fractals) is realistically around 2k/sec (usually less) in cms which in my opinion is not too much considering that bosses in fractals have little health and die fast. And on regular t4s reaper can do even more damage than weaver (you shouldn't be playing weaver there anyway mostly, ptempest is better) But to some people who want to speedrun cms and break records 2k/sec is big difference indeed. For people doing records on regular t4s I'd advise reconsidering reaper, you might be positively surprised what hights reaper can get you.

In regular t4s reaper is even stronger due to great burst aoes and trash mobs dying and replentishing life force. Life force is the limit of reapers' damage on golem, but fractals with many mobs bump up reaper's sustained damage by a lot and while having a top burst damage and cleave among all classes reaper makes the absolute best dps for those fractals and actually any content where there are many adds need to be cleaved.

Edit: I will add a good website that specialises on fractal metas and explains how to play fractals efficiently: https://discretize.eu/guides/meta-explained

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He plays with Dread + Fear of death (burst on Fear).
This is very interesting, and effective I agree, but on some particular situations as it's a DPS with periods, in saw-tooth.
But let me be devil's advocate : the group was pretty average, DPS on Arrk was a bit low for all members, they didn't dodge the balls etc; weaver and berserker didn't have all fury looped, same for the 20+ mights, alacrity... :#

All it says it's a good class/build for average groups. Which I agree ; reaper rotation is very intuitive and simple + balanced auto-mights, quickness,100% precision etcBut I can show you too streams with 30+k/s dps for Berserker-weaver-dh-SB at the end of the fight of MAMA, Skorvald, Ensolyss ... :angry: Or hit a 70k+ burst on SB and DH engaging these bosses. .

May be the "fear" reaper could be in this number, because of the very high burst and so short fight ?It could be interesting to see 3-4 reapers (Dread + Fear of death ) + a good ren (+ a war?)

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@Armen.1483 said:

@"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:Again, it's one or the other. You can't do the so called 50K single target burst (like you put it ...)
soak up damage!Here is a video to back up my words, yes you can easily get to 50k burst and easily even more in fractals with reaper.
. tv/videos/554396799 (remove space)This is a pretty casual low kp chill run for cms where reaper doesn't shine and he isn't even tryharding for damage and you can see on dps meter that the burst is above 50k (it can be much more with sb with stance share and spirit as 2nd dps).You compare it to the golem dps check that is why those numbers seem unrealistic to you. Here I am to tell you that in real fractals most damage is dealt during the "exposed" debuff on bosses unlike long sustained dps on dps golem without breakbar and without the fractal potion buffs. And even on golem check video SC posted they reach to 45k or smth which is also decent considering they don't use Lich form (which is the big part of the burst in fractals) and it is not a burst damage check. But again it is not comparable to fractals.

I was talking about raids ... (so not about fractal god, pots, 222+ AR, etc. ... I hope I don't have to explain what they all do, right?) (Ow.... and a breakbar example .... really?).

But anyway, my question still stands ... give all those perks to ANY other profession, especially the Soulbeast, Brs, DH, Holo and DD, and you'll easily top that in both total DPS AND burst (if you choose those classes that I just mentioned), in a group like that (which isnt even the best group, I might add)!Why are you keep avoiding THAT question? Have you ever had decent to good experience (maybe by even watching a Twitch stream) with other professions??? Because they are better and easier if it comes to roles like DPS!!!And by the sound of it (or at least what I get from your knowledge about at least Fractals), you know this!!! So, is this a personal grudge against Necro's? They can't have nice things? .... Or is it a lack of experience/knowledge about those other classes? Genuine question.

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@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:

@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:Again, it's one or the other. You can't do the so called 50K single target burst (like you put it ...)
soak up damage!Here is a video to back up my words, yes you can easily get to 50k burst and easily even more in fractals with reaper.
. tv/videos/554396799 (remove space)This is a pretty casual low kp chill run for cms where reaper doesn't shine and he isn't even tryharding for damage and you can see on dps meter that the burst is above 50k (it can be much more with sb with stance share and spirit as 2nd dps).You compare it to the golem dps check that is why those numbers seem unrealistic to you. Here I am to tell you that in real fractals most damage is dealt during the "exposed" debuff on bosses unlike long sustained dps on dps golem without breakbar and without the fractal potion buffs. And even on golem check video SC posted they reach to 45k or smth which is also decent considering they don't use Lich form (which is the big part of the burst in fractals) and it is not a burst damage check. But again it is not comparable to fractals.

I was talking about raids ... (so not about fractal god, pots, 222+ AR, etc. ... I hope I don't have to explain what they all do, right?) (Ow.... and a breakbar example .... really?).

But anyway, my question still stands ... give all those perks to ANY other profession, especially the Soulbeast, Brs, DH, Holo and DD, and you'll easily top that in both total DPS AND burst (if you choose those classes that I just mentioned), in a group like that (which isnt even the best group, I might add)!Why are you keep avoiding THAT question? Have you ever had
decent to good
experience (maybe by even watching a Twitch stream) with other professions??? Because they are better
easier if it comes to roles like DPS!!!And by the sound of it (or at least what I get from your knowledge about at least Fractals),
you know this!!!
So, is this a personal grudge against Necro's? They can't have nice things? .... Or is it a lack of experience/knowledge about those
classes? Genuine question.

The question to him is the same answer I've been giving for a long time, so pretending it's different because it's a different person is not really being honest here.

There isn't any personal grudge ... like somehow people like him and me are suppressing Anet from dumping tons of DPS on necro? LAWL! Sorry, no ... the Necro is designed like this because it's how Anet did it, not because of how players, regardless who they are, want it. The fact is that classes aren't designed around equivalent DPS because it's not necessary in this game to do so ... the balance is on the content side to allow people to play how they want.

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@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:Lol, let me guess, you've never really seen (or played with) a good Daredevil, Holo, DH, Berserker, Weaver or SB before, right? They all EASILY outdps the Reaper by a mile in fractals. And they all (except for maybe Weaver) have better burst as well!and then suddenly@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:I was talking about raids ... (so not about fractal god, pots, 222+ AR, etc. ... I hope I don't have to explain what they all do, right?) (Ow.... and a breakbar example .... really?).Btw did you know that reaper is crit capped with full berserker gear in fractals with regular +9 ar infusions and fractal god is not needed for that unlike other dps classes ? I guess not. At this point you are not credible, sorry.And as Obtena said there is no personal grudge. I like reaper as it is designed by Anet.

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@Armen.1483 said:

@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:Lol, let me guess, you've never
seen (or played with) a good Daredevil, Holo, DH, Berserker, Weaver or SB before, right? They all EASILY outdps the Reaper by a mile in fractals.
they all (except for maybe Weaver) have better burst as well!and then suddenly@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:I was talking about raids ... (so not about fractal god, pots, 222+ AR, etc. ... I hope I don't have to explain what they all do, right?) (Ow.... and a breakbar example .... really?).Btw did you know that reaper is crit capped with full berserker gear in fractals with regular +9 ar infusions and fractal god is not needed for that unlike other dps classes ? I guess not. At this point you are not credible, sorry.And as Obtena said there is no personal grudge. I like reaper as it is designed by Anet.

Still not answering my question ....

Edit: I have to say sorry about the raids/fractals mix-up, I really thought that this topic was mainly about raids, not fractals. My bad, and I'm sorry I made that mistake!

Edit2: Fractal god for crit chance? Really?... something about credibility!

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@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:

Still not answering my question ....I guess it was already clear. Yes ofc I play other dps professions or I wouldn't be here to compare reaper to anything. Donno about thief or engi, I have no experience with those. I play other meta classes: weaver (mostly ptempest in not cm fractals), soulbeast, reaper and dh mostly in fractals and I am a main power chrono if that matters to you much. And yes all those classes have different uses, but reaper is a class that i sometimes choose over everything else. Not always, but it happens quite often.Edit2: Fractal god for crit chance? Really?... something about credibility!Yes, we need Fractal god to be able replace assassin's pieces with berserkers when we play dps. It is also handy when playing supports for boon durations. Maybe it is not a very known fact, but mist attunments make fractal potions be stronger this is where their value comes from. Offensive potion gives precision based on your ar (which is useless when crit capped), defensive one gives toughness, and mobi one: concentration. So high ar fractal players have special gear for fractals with less presision (or diviner stat gear) than they need normally in other places.If you got any other questions go inform yourself on wiki.

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@Armen.1483 said:

Still not answering my question ....I guess it was already clear. Yes ofc I play other dps professions or I wouldn't be here to compare reaper to anything. Donno about thief or engi, I have no experience with those. I play other meta classes: weaver (mostly ptempest in not cm fractals), soulbeast, reaper and dh mostly in fractals and I am a main power chrono if that matters to you much. And yes all those classes have different uses, but reaper is a class that i sometimes choose over everything else. Not always, but it happens quite often.Edit2: Fractal god for crit chance? Really?... something about credibility!Yes, we need Fractal god to be able replace assassin's pieces with berserkers when we play dps. It is also handy when playing supports for boon durations. Maybe it is not a very known fact, but mist attunments make fractal potions be stronger this is where their value comes from. Offensive potion gives precision based on your ar (which is useless when crit capped), defensive one gives toughness, and mobi one: concentration. So high ar fractal players have special gear for fractals with less presision (or diviner stat gear) than they need normally in other places.If you got any other questions go inform yourself on wiki.

7% outgoing damage!!! Does this ring a bell???That's the REAL reason why people want to have Fractal God! The extra AR (and therefore precision) is nice, but it could also mean, that you can swap a few expensive +9, +5 infusions for cheaper +5, +5 infusions and give those expensive ones to your alts, like a Thief or Engi (or any other profession): maybe you should try that!And the fact that the Reaper is fully capped out on crit, which as far as I know is still NOT at regular (as you were referring to) 150 total AR, but I know it's indeed close to that, is actually a bad thing, not good! They're capped once AGAIN! You could bring a Berserker theoretically up to 276 AR, which will make them deal even more DPS!!! You literally can't do this with a Reaper! It's capped, which is a bit the story of the Necro's life. It's always capped in potential!

Conclusion, I know all this (why would you think I was originally mentioning the 222 AR example ... it's not really arbitrary, now is it?!), and a lot of others in this section, know this as well! I just made one honest mistake where I thought I was mainly talking about raids in this topic, but I wasnt. Again, my mistake, I hope you can forgive me!

Lastly: You have tried DH and Soulbeast, you say? In CM's? With a good party? If so, then you know what I'm talking about (or at least you should know, or you're playing those classes completely wrong)!

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Btw, while I was posting my last post, I was just thinking ...Wouldn't it be nice if Reaper (or Necro in general) would get a trait where surplus/extra precision and crit chance is transferred to ferocity and crit damage? Not sure what the proportion key should be to make it interesting but not OP, but build crafting gets a whole lot more fun that way!

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I don't know why people bother trying to pretend like a Reaper's damage or utility is on par with other classes. I mean, it's not really debatable at this point. It is a fact that Necromancers across the board have the lowest potential dps and utility by far when compared to any other class in the game.

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Reaper's damage is indeed far below par in the PvE endgame, which is imo not that difficult to fix.The utility on the other hand, and/or the offensive (team) support, etc. goes deep into the Necro's design, or even worse, into the design of the PvE endgame in general. And that's difficult to fix, imo. Sure, you can look at making Vampiric Presence more interesting, or add a whole new profession specific mechanic to the Necro, but like others already said, that's not what this game needs even more of. I mean, Banners is a terrible example of how pigeon holed we all are in this game: you must always take a Warrior and they must always take Banners with them. It's not fun for the party/squad and the warrior.

What I do think is a good idea though, is look at the 2 most important pillars in the PvE endgame ....: Quickness and Alacrity. These 2 boons are not healthy in the PvE endgame. There's literally no squad/party out there that can/wants to even consider do without them. ANet could look into that?!? What do you guys think?Next up, obviously, is Might and Fury, but that's so widely available these days, that that's imo less of a problem (still exists as a real issue, imo though).

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@"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:Reaper's damage is indeed far below par in the PvE endgame, which is imo not that difficult to fix.The utility on the other hand, and/or the offensive (team) support, etc. goes deep into the Necro's design, or even worse, into the design of the PvE endgame in general. And that's difficult to fix, imo. Sure, you can look at making Vampiric Presence more interesting, or add a whole new profession specific mechanic to the Necro, but like others already said, that's not what this game needs even more of. I mean, Banners is a terrible example of how pigeon holed we all are in this game: you must always take a Warrior and they must always take Banners with them. It's not fun for the party/squad and the warrior.

What I do think is a good idea though, is look at the 2 most important pillars in the PvE endgame ....: Quickness and Alacrity. These 2 boons are not healthy in the PvE endgame. There's literally no squad/party out there that can/wants to even consider do without them. ANet could look into that?!? What do you guys think?Next up, obviously, is Might and Fury, but that's so widely available these days, that that's imo less of a problem (still exists as a real issue, imo though).

The problem is that there is high probability that there will always be a "next in line" mandatory thing unless every profession can provide the rigorously the same things. For some people this would spell the end of "diversity" and possibly "thematic".

The truth is that in 2013 to 2014 fire fields and blast were "mandatory" because they were the main source of might for your party and any field that came polluting the fire fields were frowned upon. Then until HoT, the superiority of elementalist's conjured weapons (mainly bow and GS but also hammer) followed that. After HoT release we had mesmer's quickness/alacrity and shared blurr (with chrono) along with Druid load of shared % damage increase and Warrior's banner. Chrono lost shared blurr while guardian and revenant came contending on quickness and alacrity. Druid exchanged some of it's increased of damage for might while warrior's banner lost a bit of power. Scourge tried it's luck at sharing it's "2nd health bar" with barrier. (note that it's not an exhaustive list, since I don't mention things like projectile reflexion/block or stealth)

There will always be a "next in line" and ANet need to add new things to keep their players away from boredom.

The main issue of the necromancer remain that it's design and the design of it's tools is not PvE friendly. Managing foes's boons isn't a thing in PvE for numerous reasons (nor should it be a thing). ANet still struggle with the concept of conditions being a slow ramping damaging mean (and it's especially true in PvE). A mean of damage that doesn't deal critical hits when critical hits allow you to increase the damage of a hit by x4 and proc a few effects just can't be competitive in PvE (even if it heal). And conditions effects being mostly negated by a mechanism in PvE don't help in any way either. As for the poor ability to deal with hard CC in compensation of a high amount of health points, this is the icing on the cake.

  • Is there a way around to fix all that? Like you said, that wouldn't be an easy feat at all.
  • Could ANet do some things that would soothe a bit all these issue? Yes and no, soothing all the issues is an impossible task, however making some of them less of a pain shouldn't be that difficult (making boon corruption apply a condition that have a significant effect on defiant foes shouldn't be asking for to much, the same goes for asking for weapon skills that drain health to be able to deal critical hits).
  • Could ANet inflate necromancer's numbers to a competitive level? Yes, that's their specialty after all, however, the large amount of health points of the necromancer will remain a barrier to such thing because the other profession's playerbase isn't wrong in being adverse to it.
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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:Reaper's damage is indeed far below par in the PvE endgame, which is imo not
difficult to fix.The utility on the other hand, and/or the offensive (team) support, etc. goes deep into the Necro's design, or even worse, into the design of the PvE endgame in general. And that's difficult to fix, imo. Sure, you can look at making
more interesting, or add a whole new profession specific mechanic to the Necro, but like others already said, that's not what this game needs even more of. I mean, Banners is a terrible example of how pigeon holed we all are in this game: you
always take a Warrior and they
always take Banners with them. It's not fun for the party/squad
the warrior.

What I
think is a good idea though, is look at the 2 most important pillars in the PvE endgame ....: Quickness and Alacrity. These 2 boons are not healthy in the PvE endgame. There's literally no squad/party out there that can/wants to even consider do without them. ANet could look into that?!? What do you guys think?Next up, obviously, is Might and Fury, but that's so widely available these days, that that's imo less of a problem (still exists as a real issue, imo though).

The problem is that there is high probability that there will always be a "next in line" mandatory thing unless every profession can provide the rigorously the same things. For some people this would spell the end of "diversity" and possibly "thematic".

The truth is that in 2013 to 2014 fire fields and blast were "mandatory" because they were the main source of might for your party and any field that came polluting the fire fields were frowned upon. Then until HoT, the superiority of elementalist's conjured weapons (mainly bow and GS but also hammer) followed that. After HoT release we had mesmer's quickness/alacrity and shared blurr (with chrono) along with Druid load of shared % damage increase and Warrior's banner. Chrono lost shared blurr while guardian and revenant came contending on quickness and alacrity. Druid exchanged some of it's increased of damage for might while warrior's banner lost a bit of power. Scourge tried it's luck at sharing it's "2nd health bar" with barrier. (note that it's not an exhaustive list, since I don't mention things like projectile reflexion/block or stealth)

There will always be a "next in line" and ANet need to add new things to keep their players away from boredom.

The main issue of the necromancer remain that it's design and the design of it's tools is not PvE friendly. Managing foes's boons isn't a thing in PvE for numerous reasons (nor should it be a thing). ANet still struggle with the concept of conditions being a slow ramping damaging mean (and it's especially true in PvE). A mean of damage that doesn't deal critical hits when critical hits allow you to increase the damage of a hit by x4 and proc a few effects just can't be competitive in PvE (even if it heal). And conditions effects being mostly negated by a mechanism in PvE don't help in any way either. As for the poor ability to deal with hard CC in compensation of a high amount of health points, this is the icing on the cake.
  • Is there a way around to fix all that? Like you said, that wouldn't be an easy feat at all.
  • Could ANet do some things that would soothe a bit all these issue? Yes and no, soothing all the issues is an impossible task, however making some of them less of a pain shouldn't be that difficult (making boon corruption apply a condition that have a significant effect on defiant foes shouldn't be asking for to much, the same goes for asking for weapon skills that drain health to be able to deal critical hits).
  • Could ANet inflate necromancer's numbers to a competitive level? Yes, that's their specialty after all, however, the large amount of health points of the necromancer will remain a barrier to such thing because the other profession's playerbase isn't wrong in being adverse to it.

I understand that there's always a next best thing ... what I like to see is that these kind of things rotate far more often. Because ANet is so incredibly focused on creating more and more content, it is imo VERY bad in keeping the different playstyles and balance interesting. At the very moment you see only a few major balance updates in a year, mostly not changing a lot at all. The balance in this game is far from perfect, but they don't seem to strive to it either. And that's what annoys me. Imo, you can win a lot of players back (a few years ago I would say, you can keep a lot of players interested), if you deliberately change skills, playstyles, META, etc. FAR more often. And you don't even have to worry that much about fitting the theme, you can do that with clever communication (read: marketing). I mean, just a few posts ago in this thread, theme was mentioned around Reaper having a lot of surplus Precision. If one stat clearly doesn't fit in the Reaper theme at all, it would be Precision imo, where Ferocity would fit far better in it, right? And there are far more examples like that. Again, ANet is not at all that great in fitting to their own themes. So, imo that shouldn't be a hurdle!

For me, new content is nice, but far more regular balance updates would get me playing a LOT more! And would make me want to invest in the game as well again, which I'm not doing anymore for a while now.

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Balance updates are not for 'mixing up' or 'rotating' the 'next best thing' between classes. I don't even understand where the idea of doing this would come from. The classes have defined themes and skills. Those shouldn't be trifled with because players bored or unhappy with the class they play. It's why you have the CHOICE to play all nine classes if you desire. The idea that Anet just deposit 'best things' onto different classes on some rotational schedule for whatever reason is actually pretty absurd.

There is clearly a recurring theme here: people not willing to make choices to play how they want.

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@"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:I understand that there's always a next best thing ... what I like to see is that these kind of things rotate far more often. Because ANet is so incredibly focused on creating more and more content, it is imo VERY bad in keeping the different playstyles and balance interesting. At the very moment you see only a few major balance updates in a year, mostly not changing a lot at all. The balance in this game is far from perfect, but they don't seem to strive to it either. And that's what annoys me. Imo, you can win a lot of players back (a few years ago I would say, you can keep a lot of players interested), if you deliberately change skills, playstyles, META, etc. FAR more often. And you don't even have to worry that much about fitting the theme, you can do that with clever communication (read: marketing). I mean, just a few posts ago in this thread, theme was mentioned around Reaper having a lot of surplus Precision. If one stat clearly doesn't fit in the Reaper theme at all, it would be Precision imo, where Ferocity would fit far better in it, right? And there are far more examples like that. Again, ANet is not at all that great in fitting to their own themes. So, imo that shouldn't be a hurdle!

For me, new content is nice, but far more regular balance updates would get me playing a LOT more! And would make me want to invest in the game as well again, which I'm not doing anymore for a while now.

From my point of view, there is no room for the necromancer's tools to have their moment of success in an hypothetic profession's rotation. They just aren't fit to fit into a meta outside of a nearly "full necro" meta (And it's better to avoid a "full [classe]" meta). Fixing the shortcoming of the necromancer's tools in PvE should be the priority of the developpement for the necromancer in this specific area of the game. Just making boon corruption apply fear (2s) on a defiant foe have the potential to help the necromancer in PvE (for both condi and power) without impacting sPvP/WvW at all. Is it to much to ask for the traits procs to be able to crit in PvE (only)? Is it to much to ask for the off-hands leeching skills to be able to crit in PvE (I don't ask for the heal to crit, just the damaging part)? Is it to much to ask to lower some ICD on the traits implemented due to PvP issues (chilling darkness, chilling nova)? I mean, now that PvP have a balance on it's own, can we undo a part of the shackles that have been placed on traits and skills in PvE due to PvP?

And yes, the reaper's isn't especially rigorous when it come to fit it's thematic. The image was supposed to be that of a movie slasher (most likely "Jason") yet it end up with shouts (while movie monsters tend to be quiet). It also stay easy to control (while movie monster tend to be hard to even phase). It's not especially good at embushing (while embushing is a movie monster's thing)... etc. There is a trait that grant sustain when you grant yourself boons which isn't thematically fiting with an e-spec who is supposed to focus on chill and like you said there is a surplus of crit chance that don't really make sense.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

Reaper, in the most general terms, is a Necro version of warrior with its high-cleave greatsword, a little mobility, and shouts. Reaper is, of course, heavily adapted for Necromancer using chill and a pull to make up for lower mobility and a faster shroud decay to reduce sustain. Overall, Reaper is a solid, pseudo shout-warrior.

Necro needed Reaper for older PvE content; needed it badly. However, that solved only one of Necro's problems. Scourge was an even more radical attempt to solve another problem: bad group support. Barriers resulted as well as a skill LF cost for Scourge.

Necro still underperforms in several roles like tanking, condi-dps, boon support and mobility but two huge holes were filled to one extent or another by the last two expansion packs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:

@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:Reaper's damage is indeed far below par in the PvE endgame, which is imo not
difficult to fix.The utility on the other hand, and/or the offensive (team) support, etc. goes deep into the Necro's design, or even worse, into the design of the PvE endgame in general. And that's difficult to fix, imo. Sure, you can look at making
more interesting, or add a whole new profession specific mechanic to the Necro, but like others already said, that's not what this game needs even more of. I mean, Banners is a terrible example of how pigeon holed we all are in this game: you
always take a Warrior and they
always take Banners with them. It's not fun for the party/squad
the warrior.

What I
think is a good idea though, is look at the 2 most important pillars in the PvE endgame ....: Quickness and Alacrity. These 2 boons are not healthy in the PvE endgame. There's literally no squad/party out there that can/wants to even consider do without them. ANet could look into that?!? What do you guys think?Next up, obviously, is Might and Fury, but that's so widely available these days, that that's imo less of a problem (still exists as a real issue, imo though).

The problem is that there is high probability that there will always be a "next in line" mandatory thing unless every profession can provide the rigorously the same things. For some people this would spell the end of "diversity" and possibly "thematic".

The truth is that in 2013 to 2014 fire fields and blast were "mandatory" because they were the main source of might for your party and any field that came polluting the fire fields were frowned upon. Then until HoT, the superiority of elementalist's conjured weapons (mainly bow and GS but also hammer) followed that. After HoT release we had mesmer's quickness/alacrity and shared blurr (with chrono) along with Druid load of shared % damage increase and Warrior's banner. Chrono lost shared blurr while guardian and revenant came contending on quickness and alacrity. Druid exchanged some of it's increased of damage for might while warrior's banner lost a bit of power. Scourge tried it's luck at sharing it's "2nd health bar" with barrier. (note that it's not an exhaustive list, since I don't mention things like projectile reflexion/block or stealth)

There will always be a "next in line" and ANet need to add new things to keep their players away from boredom.

The main issue of the necromancer remain that it's design and the design of it's tools is not PvE friendly. Managing foes's boons isn't a thing in PvE for numerous reasons (nor should it be a thing). ANet still struggle with the concept of conditions being a slow ramping damaging mean (and it's especially true in PvE). A mean of damage that doesn't deal critical hits when critical hits allow you to increase the damage of a hit by x4 and proc a few effects just can't be competitive in PvE (even if it heal). And conditions effects being mostly negated by a mechanism in PvE don't help in any way either. As for the poor ability to deal with hard CC in compensation of a high amount of health points, this is the icing on the cake.
  • Is there a way around to fix all that? Like you said, that wouldn't be an easy feat at all.
  • Could ANet do some things that would soothe a bit all these issue? Yes and no, soothing all the issues is an impossible task, however making some of them less of a pain shouldn't be that difficult (making boon corruption apply a condition that have a significant effect on defiant foes shouldn't be asking for to much, the same goes for asking for weapon skills that drain health to be able to deal critical hits).
  • Could ANet inflate necromancer's numbers to a competitive level? Yes, that's their specialty after all, however, the large amount of health points of the necromancer will remain a barrier to such thing because the other profession's playerbase isn't wrong in being adverse to it.

I understand that there's always a next best thing ... what I like to see is that these kind of things rotate far more often. Because ANet is so incredibly focused on creating more and more content, it is imo VERY bad in keeping the different playstyles and balance interesting. At the very moment you see only a few major balance updates in a year, mostly not changing a lot at all. The balance in this game is far from perfect, but they don't seem to strive to it either. And that's what annoys me. Imo, you can win a lot of players back (a few years ago I would say, you can keep a lot of players interested), if you deliberately change skills, playstyles, META, etc. FAR more often. And you don't even have to worry that much about fitting the theme, you can do that with clever communication (read: marketing). I mean, just a few posts ago in this thread, theme was mentioned around Reaper having a lot of surplus Precision. If one stat clearly doesn't fit in the Reaper theme at all, it would be Precision imo, where Ferocity would fit far better in it, right? And there are far more examples like that. Again, ANet is not at all
great in fitting to their own themes. So, imo that shouldn't be a hurdle!

For me, new content is nice, but far more regular balance updates would get me playing a LOT more! And would make me want to invest in the game as well again, which I'm not doing anymore for a while now.

I’d hate that (I couldn’t keep playing GW2 if something like that would happen). I don’t really want things to change often, and I want the things I enjoy to stay.

For many people balance patches are a huge stress, and I think what you are suggesting would be mostly hated by our community (most people I met in game for sure would hate that).

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@Black Storm.6974 said:

@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:Reaper's damage is indeed far below par in the PvE endgame, which is imo not
difficult to fix.The utility on the other hand, and/or the offensive (team) support, etc. goes deep into the Necro's design, or even worse, into the design of the PvE endgame in general. And that's difficult to fix, imo. Sure, you can look at making
more interesting, or add a whole new profession specific mechanic to the Necro, but like others already said, that's not what this game needs even more of. I mean, Banners is a terrible example of how pigeon holed we all are in this game: you
always take a Warrior and they
always take Banners with them. It's not fun for the party/squad
the warrior.

What I
think is a good idea though, is look at the 2 most important pillars in the PvE endgame ....: Quickness and Alacrity. These 2 boons are not healthy in the PvE endgame. There's literally no squad/party out there that can/wants to even consider do without them. ANet could look into that?!? What do you guys think?Next up, obviously, is Might and Fury, but that's so widely available these days, that that's imo less of a problem (still exists as a real issue, imo though).

The problem is that there is high probability that there will always be a "next in line" mandatory thing unless every profession can provide the rigorously the same things. For some people this would spell the end of "diversity" and possibly "thematic".

The truth is that in 2013 to 2014 fire fields and blast were "mandatory" because they were the main source of might for your party and any field that came polluting the fire fields were frowned upon. Then until HoT, the superiority of elementalist's conjured weapons (mainly bow and GS but also hammer) followed that. After HoT release we had mesmer's quickness/alacrity and shared blurr (with chrono) along with Druid load of shared % damage increase and Warrior's banner. Chrono lost shared blurr while guardian and revenant came contending on quickness and alacrity. Druid exchanged some of it's increased of damage for might while warrior's banner lost a bit of power. Scourge tried it's luck at sharing it's "2nd health bar" with barrier. (note that it's not an exhaustive list, since I don't mention things like projectile reflexion/block or stealth)

There will always be a "next in line" and ANet need to add new things to keep their players away from boredom.

The main issue of the necromancer remain that it's design and the design of it's tools is not PvE friendly. Managing foes's boons isn't a thing in PvE for numerous reasons (nor should it be a thing). ANet still struggle with the concept of conditions being a slow ramping damaging mean (and it's especially true in PvE). A mean of damage that doesn't deal critical hits when critical hits allow you to increase the damage of a hit by x4 and proc a few effects just can't be competitive in PvE (even if it heal). And conditions effects being mostly negated by a mechanism in PvE don't help in any way either. As for the poor ability to deal with hard CC in compensation of a high amount of health points, this is the icing on the cake.
  • Is there a way around to fix all that? Like you said, that wouldn't be an easy feat at all.
  • Could ANet do some things that would soothe a bit all these issue? Yes and no, soothing all the issues is an impossible task, however making some of them less of a pain shouldn't be that difficult (making boon corruption apply a condition that have a significant effect on defiant foes shouldn't be asking for to much, the same goes for asking for weapon skills that drain health to be able to deal critical hits).
  • Could ANet inflate necromancer's numbers to a competitive level? Yes, that's their specialty after all, however, the large amount of health points of the necromancer will remain a barrier to such thing because the other profession's playerbase isn't wrong in being adverse to it.

I understand that there's always a next best thing ... what I like to see is that these kind of things rotate far more often. Because ANet is so incredibly focused on creating more and more content, it is imo VERY bad in keeping the different playstyles and balance interesting. At the very moment you see only a few major balance updates in a year, mostly not changing a lot at all. The balance in this game is far from perfect, but they don't seem to strive to it either. And that's what annoys me. Imo, you can win a lot of players back (a few years ago I would say, you can keep a lot of players interested), if you deliberately change skills, playstyles, META, etc. FAR more often. And you don't even have to worry that much about fitting the theme, you can do that with clever communication (read: marketing). I mean, just a few posts ago in this thread, theme was mentioned around Reaper having a lot of surplus Precision. If one stat clearly doesn't fit in the Reaper theme at all, it would be Precision imo, where Ferocity would fit far better in it, right? And there are far more examples like that. Again, ANet is not at all
great in fitting to their own themes. So, imo that shouldn't be a hurdle!

For me, new content is nice, but far more regular balance updates would get me playing a LOT more! And would make me want to invest in the game as well again, which I'm not doing anymore for a while now.

I’d hate that (I couldn’t keep playing GW2 if something like that would happen). I don’t really want things to change often, and I want the things I enjoy to stay.

For many people balance patches are a huge stress, and I think what you are suggesting would be mostly hated by our community (most people I met in game for sure would hate that).

Hmm, I understand, and you're definitely entitled to your opinion, and I guess quite a few more people have that opinion as well. But I know for sure that there are also quite a few people out there that would like to see ANet spicing it up a little. I mean, look at the upcoming patch: a whole lot of nearly nothing is coming our way again, except for maybe the shade changes ... which is literally a revert to what it used to be ... I mean, if that's THE most exciting thing this entire patch has to offer ... well, that says more than enough, right?!I for one am very displeased with these incredibly low effort underwhelmed patches. And if we would get them every few weeks or so, I'd say, ok it's fine, at some stage things will change. But it's about only 4 in a year. No wonder Necro is your most useless pick in the PvE endgame since .... well ... 2012, really. Very small delta, very large interval ... only means one thing: NO REAL CHANGE!In other words, this must be the best game you've ever played, right?!

But we're not all like that! I'd like to see at least some actual change every now and then!

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@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:

@Agrippa Oculus.3726 said:Reaper's damage is indeed far below par in the PvE endgame, which is imo not
difficult to fix.The utility on the other hand, and/or the offensive (team) support, etc. goes deep into the Necro's design, or even worse, into the design of the PvE endgame in general. And that's difficult to fix, imo. Sure, you can look at making
more interesting, or add a whole new profession specific mechanic to the Necro, but like others already said, that's not what this game needs even more of. I mean, Banners is a terrible example of how pigeon holed we all are in this game: you
always take a Warrior and they
always take Banners with them. It's not fun for the party/squad
the warrior.

What I
think is a good idea though, is look at the 2 most important pillars in the PvE endgame ....: Quickness and Alacrity. These 2 boons are not healthy in the PvE endgame. There's literally no squad/party out there that can/wants to even consider do without them. ANet could look into that?!? What do you guys think?Next up, obviously, is Might and Fury, but that's so widely available these days, that that's imo less of a problem (still exists as a real issue, imo though).

The problem is that there is high probability that there will always be a "next in line" mandatory thing unless every profession can provide the rigorously the same things. For some people this would spell the end of "diversity" and possibly "thematic".

The truth is that in 2013 to 2014 fire fields and blast were "mandatory" because they were the main source of might for your party and any field that came polluting the fire fields were frowned upon. Then until HoT, the superiority of elementalist's conjured weapons (mainly bow and GS but also hammer) followed that. After HoT release we had mesmer's quickness/alacrity and shared blurr (with chrono) along with Druid load of shared % damage increase and Warrior's banner. Chrono lost shared blurr while guardian and revenant came contending on quickness and alacrity. Druid exchanged some of it's increased of damage for might while warrior's banner lost a bit of power. Scourge tried it's luck at sharing it's "2nd health bar" with barrier. (note that it's not an exhaustive list, since I don't mention things like projectile reflexion/block or stealth)

There will always be a "next in line" and ANet need to add new things to keep their players away from boredom.

The main issue of the necromancer remain that it's design and the design of it's tools is not PvE friendly. Managing foes's boons isn't a thing in PvE for numerous reasons (nor should it be a thing). ANet still struggle with the concept of conditions being a slow ramping damaging mean (and it's especially true in PvE). A mean of damage that doesn't deal critical hits when critical hits allow you to increase the damage of a hit by x4 and proc a few effects just can't be competitive in PvE (even if it heal). And conditions effects being mostly negated by a mechanism in PvE don't help in any way either. As for the poor ability to deal with hard CC in compensation of a high amount of health points, this is the icing on the cake.
  • Is there a way around to fix all that? Like you said, that wouldn't be an easy feat at all.
  • Could ANet do some things that would soothe a bit all these issue? Yes and no, soothing all the issues is an impossible task, however making some of them less of a pain shouldn't be that difficult (making boon corruption apply a condition that have a significant effect on defiant foes shouldn't be asking for to much, the same goes for asking for weapon skills that drain health to be able to deal critical hits).
  • Could ANet inflate necromancer's numbers to a competitive level? Yes, that's their specialty after all, however, the large amount of health points of the necromancer will remain a barrier to such thing because the other profession's playerbase isn't wrong in being adverse to it.

I understand that there's always a next best thing ... what I like to see is that these kind of things rotate far more often. Because ANet is so incredibly focused on creating more and more content, it is imo VERY bad in keeping the different playstyles and balance interesting. At the very moment you see only a few major balance updates in a year, mostly not changing a lot at all. The balance in this game is far from perfect, but they don't seem to strive to it either. And that's what annoys me. Imo, you can win a lot of players back (a few years ago I would say, you can keep a lot of players interested), if you deliberately change skills, playstyles, META, etc. FAR more often. And you don't even have to worry that much about fitting the theme, you can do that with clever communication (read: marketing). I mean, just a few posts ago in this thread, theme was mentioned around Reaper having a lot of surplus Precision. If one stat clearly doesn't fit in the Reaper theme at all, it would be Precision imo, where Ferocity would fit far better in it, right? And there are far more examples like that. Again, ANet is not at all
great in fitting to their own themes. So, imo that shouldn't be a hurdle!

For me, new content is nice, but far more regular balance updates would get me playing a LOT more! And would make me want to invest in the game as well again, which I'm not doing anymore for a while now.

I’d hate that (I couldn’t keep playing GW2 if something like that would happen). I don’t really want things to change often, and I want the things I enjoy to stay.

For many people balance patches are a huge stress, and I think what you are suggesting would be mostly hated by our community (most people I met in game for sure would hate that).

Hmm, I understand, and you're definitely entitled to your opinion, and I guess quite a few more people have that opinion as well. But I know for sure that there are also quite a few people out there that would like to see ANet spicing it up a little. I mean, look at the upcoming patch: a whole lot of nearly nothing is coming our way again, except for maybe the shade changes ... which is literally a revert to what it used to be ... I mean, if that's
most exciting thing this entire patch has to offer ... well, that says more than enough, right?!I for one am very displeased with these incredibly low effort underwhelmed patches. And if we would get them every few weeks or so, I'd say, ok it's fine, at some stage things
change. But it's about only 4 in a year. No wonder Necro is your most useless pick in the PvE endgame since .... well ... 2012, really. Very small delta, very large interval ... only means one thing: NO REAL CHANGE!In other words, this must be the best game you've ever played, right?!

But we're not
like that!
like to see at least
change every now and then!

Yes, from my point of view this is the “best” (what I enjoyed the most) game I’ve ever played, even if there are many things I dislike (almost every profession which is not a Necromancer, for example). It is something entirely subjective.

Necromancer changed a lot since 2012 and it is now much more useful. It is also far more accepted in groups.

I’m comfortable staying in what maybe most people consider the bottom, if the bottom is what we have now in PvE.

I don’t need constant changes in the “environment”, I can change and also find my balance, if the environment is not too chaotic.

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  • 1 month later...

@Obtena.7952 said:

@Shaogin.2679 said:Wow, all these comments make it worse. Basically everyone is like, "Meh, it sucks and is bottom tier but it can still be played so whatever." Everyone just sounds so defeated, like they gave up caring about the game long ago.

The game isn't designed to need any class to compete' in PVE to begin with ... so there isn't anything to fix.

What a ridiculous statement. lmao

What's ridiculous about it? Anyone can play whatever they want and be successful in this game, so what is being fixed if Anet changes DPS on Necro?

People being happy to play their favourite class in raids with actual good people without feeling like you are dragging your friends down and getting higher killtimes?

Hey, if you impose subjective conditions on the system that throws out all the available choices, that's simply a "you" problem. That combination of factors has too much subjectivity for Anet to ensure that can be fulfilled for
player ... instead they have done the more practical approach because this game isn't about placating EACH player ... a wide range of choice that covers as best as possible any players conditions.

If your subjective and numerous requirements to be happy playing the game can't be satisfied ... that's not something Anet can fix. The game wasn't designed to need higher kill times because of the low threshold for success in endgame, so of course DPS differences between classes doesn't manifest itself as a problem.

Ok. I'll stop discussing with a stubborn whiteknight.

Good ... that just tells me you need more time to think about the fact that the game design doesn't need control individual class DPS because of players wanting faster kill times.

Playing necro is essentially playing GW2 on a harder difficulty where every enemy and boss has 30% more health and thus 30% more chances to wipe you with mechanics.

Doing less DPS is bad.

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