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QoL Wishlist for Next Expansion

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In simple list fashion name the the QoL things you want to see in the thext expansion. Please stay away from obvious things like "Less lag" or "Balance".Keep it short and simple, but feel free to add a short explanation if needed.I'll start off with my two ones that I can think of right now.

  • Option to change the size of commander tags that you (personally) see.Example: Large - Medium - Small (Medium being the current size)
  • In game mouse tracker. A number of selectable visual options for this.Pretty much an in game version of Yolomouse
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I want the health depletion visual they showed us during the pof gameplay reveal, the way hp turned white right before depleting looked nice.

Also further ui costumisation, including being able to move ui elements, resize them, or flat out disable them.

And additional optional hotbars.

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This is more of a QoL change for Fashion Wars more than anything, but I would kill to have restrictions on transmutating armor appearances based on armor type removed. We're already getting tons of new armor that would clearly fit one of the armor types specifically (IE: Raven Ceremonial Gear being light, every item skin added to the gem store, etc) but it's available to all armor types.

To the argument that the visual distinction for PvP is needed, when you can wear outfits into PvP that are giant suits of armor as a mesmer or thief, and a t-shirt and shorts as a warrior or guardian, yeah-no. That's already out the window.

So please.Let me wear the t3 cultural heavy charr armor for my ranger

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1.) Travel Pass: Combine Portals (Bastion, Home, World Boss, etc) and books (LS3/LS4) into one item you click on and chose what you want to access. While this takes less space, it's also more convenient then looking for the right icon.

DX12 implementation to improve performance. I believe performance issues is an issue holding GW2 back.

Fix Low/Lowest character setting.1.) Vital NPC's never go invisible. This includes: what you guard, enemies you are attaching, who you are following, and bosses no longer go invisible. This is happening to much. I saw 1 of 4 pack mules in SW the other day on low setting. I like to game on lowest for frame rate. Same with the rest of the group on Discord.2.) Show Party members before anyone else.3.) If they are not in a party, show players off mounts before showing players on mounts.

Difficulty option for instanced content.LFG que for Dungeons, Raids, Strikes, Fractals. Join group and instantly ported.Increased loot/rewards for dungeons to make them more viable.

Necro:Mounting and dismounting to fast no longer destroys all minions. Zoning into a new zone does not destroy minions.

Cosmetic:Infusion option in Wardrobe. Let us select which infusion we want to apply. Unlocking the infusion graphic to wardrobe binds that infusion.Ability to preview using infusions.Ability to preview infusions affects in the Hair Stylist Salon.This would allow them to add gemstone only infusions too.

Wardrobe -> Armor: Restrictions are removed. Seriously, we already have cloth users in heavy equipment outfits. This is an unnecessary restriction that doesn't accomplish anything with the current outfits people can chose from.

Shared Inventory Slots:Increase maximum to 32

Party features:Party only Mentor Markers. I want to help guild mates sometimes, and I don't want the map to think I am doing events.

Savage All: Customized Default Option.Example:All Blues -> Copper SalvageamaticGreen -> Rings and Amulates -> Copper SalvagematicsYellow ->Mystic Salvage Kit or Silver fed SalvagematicsDo not salavage anything that is unidentified.

This would be a huge QoL improvement. Then I can just click salvage all, it remembers my rules, and I can focus on the game instead of inventory wars.

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@Josiah.2967 said:1.) Travel Pass: Combine Portals (Bastion, Home, World Boss, etc) and books (LS3/LS4) int one item you click on and chose what you want to access. While this takes less space, it's also more convenient then looking for the right icon.

DX12 implementation to improve performance. I believe performance issues is an issue holding GW2 back.

Fix Low/Lowest character setting.1.) Vital NPC's never go invisible. This includes: what you guard, enemies you are attaching, who you are following, and bosses no longer go invisible. This is happening to much. I saw 1 of 4 pack mules in SW the other day on low setting. I like to game on lowest for frame rate. Same with the rest of the group on Discord.2.) Show Party members before anyone else.3.) If they are not in a party, show players off mounts before showing players on mounts.

Difficulty option for instanced content.LFG que for Dungeons, Raids, Strikes, Fractals. Join group and instantly ported.Increased loot/rewards for dungeons to make them more viable.

Necro:Mounting and dismounting to fast no longer destroys all minions. Zoning into a new zone does not destroy minions.

Cosmetic:Infusion option in Wardrobe. Let us select which infusion we want to apply. Unlocking the infusion graphic to wardrobe binds that infusion.Ability to previous using infusions.Ability to previous infusions affects in the Hair Stylist Salon.This would allow them to add gemstone only infusions too.

Wardrobe -> Armor: Restrictions are removed. Seriously, we already have cloth users in heavy equipment outfits. This is an unnecessary restriction that doesn't accomplish anything with the current outfits people can chose from.

Shared Inventory Slots:Increase maximum to 32

Party features:Party only Mentor Markers. I want to help guild mates sometimes, and I don't want the map to think I am doing events.

Savage All: Customized Default Option.Example:All Blues -> Copper SalvageamaticGreen -> Rings and Amulates -> Copper SalvagematicsYellow ->Mystic Salvage Kit or Silver fed SalvagematicsDo not salavage anything that is unidentified.

This would be a huge QoL improvement. Then I can just click salvage all, it remembers my rules, and I can focus on the game instead of inventory wars.

Wow, I like all of these. Would like to add that a Necro does not lose its minions when using food that changes your shape. I know you can avoid this by mounting up but that is not always possible(aggro). Small thing but would be nice. Not losing minions when leveling up would be nice too (I still level up characters) but this may be harder to do.

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I would like to see a Wardrobe Template System (I'd call it Outfits but that name is already being used). In other words, let me create my own presets of Skins and Dyes, very much like the Equipment Template System. The main thing here is to make it more convenient to keep multiple outfit ideas around at the same time. One of the reasons I don't switch my outfits much (except for by switching between an Outfit and my Wardrobe) is because of the hassle of changing all the pieces, all of the dyes, and then remembering what all of those were if I want that outfit back again. How Transmutation Charges would interact with this system is not as important to me as simply having the ability to save designs I like so I can remember them and access them without hassle.

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Yup, but that's part of why I didn't make it part of my suggestion. It's a much bigger topic, but the most important part to me is that the feature is there at all. The details would be another suggestion. ;P

@Josiah.2967 said:Savage All: Customized Default Option.Example:All Blues -> Copper SalvageamaticGreen -> Rings and Amulates -> Copper SalvagematicsYellow ->Mystic Salvage Kit or Silver fed SalvagematicsDo not salavage anything that is unidentified.

This reminds me of a Quality of Life suggestion I had back in the day. Since Salvage Kits have been such a core part of inventory management since Guild Wars 1, I wanted to just see Salvage Kits as a series of buttons on the backpack (still with the tiers and number of uses, but they wouldn't be inventory items themselves). Things like the Salvage-O-Matics make that more complicated and not quite a feasible solution anymore, but anything to improve Salvage Kits is great.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Jokubas.4265 said:How Transmutation Charges would interact with this system is not as important to me as simply having the ability to save designs I like so I can remember them and access them without hassle.I would imagine that how transmutations charges would interact with this system would be highly important to Anet. ;)

Agree would probabley make it cost 6 transmutation charges every time you equip said template.

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Crafting stations upgrades for the Guild Hall workshopAbility to store items that are used to teleport us Elsewhere than in the main inventory.Ability to store Book items that have been completed so they can be kept and read (Build on that system with hidden quest hinted at in books)

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I want a Transmutation Overhaul.

It's often used as a counterargument, in discussions on the topic, that Transmutation Charges don't matter because they're easy to earn and people are swimming in them. I recently saw someone hope that none would be given for free during these giveaways because they have so many that it would be meaningless. I think this situation is overestimated. I doubt that applies to most players, and it obviously applies more to people who main PvP than people who main PvE. Also, the main recommendation for earning them in PvE, creating extra characters to do Map Completion, is clearly not a use of alts that anyone intended.

My point is, that's broken no matter how you put it. From one side, Transmutation Charges are so easy to get that, by the same logic, they already aren't contributing to the economy and don't need to exist. Then, earning them itself is extremely skewed, being apparently too easy for PvP, but requiring unintuitive hoops for PvE.

For my playstyle, they are just a hassle. I barely earn them. I have a decent stockpile, but only because I barely ever use them. I know that if I regularly used them, I would be out of them in no time. However, this doesn't encourage me to buy more, because I also know that would be endless, and isn't exactly an exciting purchase. On the other hand, it has caused me to pretty much otherwise ignore any non-Outfit cosmetic on the Gem Store, because I know my uses of that item will be limited by another reagent.

I don't have any numbers, however. That is why I said Transmutation Overhaul, and not Transmutation Removal. I have to admit, the economy in Guild Wars 2 is one of the most stable I've seen in an MMO, and I wouldn't want to destroy the exchange rate over something I've mostly been able to ignore. However, something is clearly broken here, even if you're currently okay with the way it is broken.

Maybe all we need is normalizing the way you earn charges between PvP and PvE, but maybe people like me are more common and the system is holding us back from making more and bigger purchases on the Gem Store. I legitimately don't know and I legitimately don't want to make an assumption, I'd just like to see the problem addressed.

The current system may have me relatively apathetic, but I feel like posting about it because I think an improvement would be an exciting quality of life expansion feature for me.

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please condense banner buffs into one icon. also I don't really care if an enemy has banner buffs, all that does is make it harder to find out which boons they have.

friends list groups/ tags.

option to display stab + resistance above endurance bar.

allow commander and player to prioritize which combo field they want to combo (player prefs override). so for example comms can have all their squadies blast water, but a player can blast chaos field for example.

finally make the pvp match ready/ map choice/ all of it NOT interrupt our current action and put it off to the side so it doesn't get in the way. jesus fucking christ with this already.

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