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GW2 lacks this RPG experience

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:I don't believe any of those things are a necessity. GW2 doesn't need to do everything that < insert MMO > does.

I think you're wrong. I think lack of variety in environments has hurt GW2, and the type of indoor environments described by the OP are often what dungeons provide in other MMOs - they help foster a sense of immersion that the open world can't. This is glaringly missing in GW2 and it's to the game's detriment.

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I don't believe any of those things are a necessity. GW2 doesn't need to do everything that < insert MMO > does.

I think you're wrong. I think lack of variety in environments has hurt GW2, and the type of indoor environments described by the OP are often what dungeons provide in other MMOs - they help foster a sense of immersion that the open world can't. This is glaringly missing in GW2 and it's to the game's detriment.

But the OP is not talking about dungeons they want indoor open world zones.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I don't believe any of those things are a necessity. GW2 doesn't need to do everything that < insert MMO > does.

I think you're wrong. I think lack of variety in environments has hurt GW2, and the type of indoor environments described by the OP are often what dungeons provide in other MMOs - they help foster a sense of immersion that the open world can't. This is glaringly missing in GW2 and it's to the game's detriment.

But the OP is not talking about dungeons they want indoor open world zones.

Which can be dungeons too,If any of you played Everquest, Karnors Castle is a giant castle dungeon zone, thats what I'm talking about here.Not really LDoNs (Everquest thing), Cadecus Manor, Veteran Dungeons. Which all are instances.

I'd like open world dungeon feeling. WoW has this, EQ, ESO has it somewhat, its not as huge in ESO, but its not small (you can rush to the boss that sometimes is there, but dies quickly because people come to see if he's up and kill him and leave, or stay and grind till he spawns, but not really a major zone). GW2 does not have this experience.

GW2 kind of has it, but doesn't, like with HoT, Chalk zone, theres some areas with poison, you basically just show up for achievement and one and done. It needs more depth to it, this game has too much one and done, it really defeats the feeling of a dungeon. I'd like places where thats what people do after their dailies is hangout in the open world dungeon, have it as an option at least.

Thing is, its meaningless in this game, dungeons usually have reward, doesn't have to be super amazing too, I prefer it sometimes rare though, as in you only get it from that dungeon. Thinking about dungeons and this topic, if they pretty much opened up dungeons, it they'd already have it, but since its a bunch of instances, this game lacks dungeons. Open world.

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@uberkingkong.8041 - if you haven't already done it make sure you check out Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands and the Dwarven Catacombs in Thunderhead Peaks. They're classed as mini dungeons or puzzles but I think you'd like them. (In fact a lot of the mini dungeons sound like what you're looking for, except the ones which are outside and some are very short.)

I also recommend doing it without a guide as much as possible, because then you get to explore a lot more. I spent about 4 or 5 hours doing Derelict Delve, getting all the achievements and finding all the stuff, then got told if I'd gone through with a guide I could have done it in under an hour, but I don't think it would have been anywhere near as much fun.

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I would certainly like more indoor and street-like settings in the game to explore. Fort Evennia in Lake Doric, Ebonhawke (to the weakest extent), and Garden of Seborhin in Domain of Vabbi are examples of the kind of content an RPG could use more of. Espionage, seeking out hostiles, and investigating.

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Hmm, I must have been out of the loop a lot longer than I thought? Since when is RPG defined as "you have a house, and lots of buildings to explore" instead of simply being a Role Playing Game? I have a character that can call for supply drops out of nowhere that can heal allies and target enemies, that seems pretty RPGish to me. I have another that can drop aoe elemental damage, seems pretty RPGish as well. Given that I don't know anyone IRL, where I have a house, and lots of inside areas to explore, that can do those things, at least not w/out having to actually possess the means to do so, such as a helicopter for some Ice drops, or maybe some grenades, or firebombs. GW 2 has lots of RPG elements, so trying to say "but it doesn't have more of the things I like, so it's not an RPG anymore", or some such nonsense doesn't really carry a lot of weight with me, let alone with anyone that's in game development.

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OP, it seems that you make a whole lot of different posts about gw2 being worse than other similar games. You posted in wvw forums about some other game being better (which kinda backfired), you post this. If gw2 isnt to your liking, just stop playing and seek another game. Games are about having fun. And it seem kinda seems to me that gw2 isnt really your kind of game.

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All I'll say is.... imagine if tangled depths were done as a series of small, interconnected tunnels rather than the huge caverns it currently has? If it would be composed of dozens upon dozens of paths and where it'd be a real maze to get anywhere...

It would had been the ultimate indoors experience... and the financial ruin of GW2. :D

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This so much! Everything is huge in this game. The few interiors we have are way too big. We need more interiors in general. Places to explore, house interiors, manors, caves, ruins, castles, etc.for example in ESO i can pretty much enter all houses available in all towns/cities. in here most cities have like 3 houses i can enter, and many towns have none. and when there are interiors we explore, they don't feel like interiors because they're huge. i liked the story quests with the manor because of that.

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I have to agree on some parts. I hope we are fighting through the streets of Cantha as well as through the sewers and inside Asian style castles with multiple layered maps that have large indoor and outdoor areas. You can still have large areas that are technically inside a building. Kaening has some real potential to be a sprawling multi layered metropolis. They have gone gun shy on that type of map design though after people cried in Hot. The main issue was difficulty before you unlocked your elite and people had issues getting around due to the layers... now with power creep and mounts neither issue should be a problem.

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There are plenty of places inside and out to get lost in... many caves are there, not to mention the open world dungeons. Many labs to explore, underwater tunnels, caves, mountains plenty of buildings to get in and out of. Pirate ships in and out of water to explore.

Did you even play the game?

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Thenme.6491 said:There are plenty of places inside and out to get lost in... many caves are there, not to mention the open world dungeons. Many labs to explore, underwater tunnels, caves, mountains plenty of buildings to get in and out of. Pirate ships in and out of water to explore.

Did you even play the game?

You can't get lost in them, because its just a small part of a map. Usually has nothing real to offer too. Its a one and done achievement. It needs to be more permanent, like it has something serious to offer that is repeatable.

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