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New Mesmer Weapon

Harry Foud.1935

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@Harry Foud.1935 said:

@Kobeathris.3645 said:

@Gambit.9501 said:

@Photoloss.4817 said:Dual ranged daggers,

Oh yeah that too! Mesmer could totally use daggers like throwing knives, like with some stage performer-type theme going on.

Elite weapon that is a pack of playing cards?

AND MELEE STAFF. That would be amazing!!!!

Related: it would be kind of interesting if a future set of elite specs didn't give you a new weapon, but instead gave you the option to change how you use a weapon you could already use. It wouldn't do it automatically, but it'd give you a little check box in your character screen to let you switch between which "style" you use for that weapon. You could even have a melee staff in one weapon set and a ranged staff in the other that way.

Melee staff Mesmer would be really cool, I think. I'm imagining an almost dance-like fighting style with lots of illusions, leaps, and spinning attacks.

I'm also picturing things like Thieves using their daggers as throwing weapons, Rangers using melee axes, Revenant with ranged staff or melee hammer, that kind of thing.

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@Agent Noun.7350 said:

@Kobeathris.3645 said:

@Gambit.9501 said:

@Photoloss.4817 said:Dual ranged daggers,

Oh yeah that too! Mesmer could totally use daggers like throwing knives, like with some stage performer-type theme going on.

Elite weapon that is a pack of playing cards?

AND MELEE STAFF. That would be amazing!!!!

Related: it would be kind of interesting if a future set of elite specs didn't give you a new weapon, but instead gave you the option to change how you use a weapon you could already use. It wouldn't do it automatically, but it'd give you a little check box in your character screen to let you switch between which "style" you use for that weapon. You could even have a melee staff in one weapon set and a ranged staff in the other that way.

Melee staff Mesmer would be really cool, I think. I'm imagining an almost dance-like fighting style with lots of illusions, leaps, and spinning attacks.

I'm also picturing things like Thieves using their daggers as throwing weapons, Rangers using melee axes, Revenant with ranged staff or melee hammer, that kind of thing.

That would be amazing and I've been thinking about that concept for a while but tbh I dont see that happening. Maybe when they're oute of weapons but that means years of expansions. As a matter of fact I wouldnt like to see every class use every weapon. I cant imagine a thief or a war with a scepter or a focus. It makes no sense. I'd like to see them add new weapons like Greataxes or Crossbow.

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@Hifox.9106 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:Bringing over my
Elite idea....

This is maybe the most awesome idea about mesmer i have ever read! Would love to see this happening!

Why Thank-you :) I still want to add to it; numbers wise but it's difficult to fantasize of a new elite spec and make it balanced especially balance it out with the classes current mechanics (cough illusions cough)

@Harry Foud.1935 said:I love the idea but while reading this I thought it was a condi spec with all that confusion and bleeding and then the armor runes are power. Can u be more specific? thank you :) Overall I would play this in an instant! sounds amazing!

I added a bit of condition just in case there were players that invested a lot in Viper/Trailblazer/Sinister etc... armor and weapons and still wanted that hybrid of Power & Condition.

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A weapon idea could be the Focus which has your typical 1-3 skills. BUT, you select one of your F1-F4 skills which gives you an array of 1-5 skills just as if you were wielding a two-handed weapon depending on what you selected. So for example;

FOCUSSkill 1Skill 2Skill 3

ACTIVATE MIND WRACK (gives you a set of 5 skills that are based around the mind wrack shatter)Skill 1Skill 2Skill 3Skill 4Skill5

and so forth. Why I think focus because this elite would unlock *FOCUSED SHATTERS which will give you a variety of skills (20 in total) that you can use at a 1500 range distance since this would be more of a "Focus on an area, channel but deal massive damage/effects" kind of concept. Maybe like a Cerebro where your mental abilities are enhanced? Just a thought, will likely create an elite spec around the idea though so ;)

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Dual daggers, mainhand pistol plssss

how bout a mainhand focus? I think that would be pretty elegant as if we are holding nothing and don't need legit weapons. It'd be real subtle elegant tricky illusionary magic and the power of the mind kind of feel.

Daggers should honestly have been mirage... Fits with the whole mirage thief evade feel...

I don't really get the whole concept with axe and shield honestly .... How does that fit the mesmer image? I mean Chrono is a good spec and I love it. But thematically...? Axe as well? I mean they made it work kinda but still

I just don't see bows rifle etc fitting with our class now that we have axe and shield which are two heavy handed crude weapons.

We need something real elegant and mind games ish.

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@OriOri.8724 said:I'd rather see a 2H weapon, because I think that a shortbow mesmer would be pretty kitten fun to use.

Yep id love a shortbow mes but that would scream condi. And pls dont. On the other hand an entirely new weapon on expac 3 would be expected. Sooo maybe spear power mesmer?

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I prefer a main hand pistol for the next mesmer elite spec. With that, the mesmer could get a void mage spec where the mesmer creates small portals around the enemy and uses the dual pistols to blast the enemy to shreds. There are only two dual wield pistol classes in the game at the moment which are Thief and Engi which both use medium armor.

There are no dual wielding light armor classes yet.

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@Doctor Hide.6345 said:I prefer a main hand pistol for the next mesmer elite spec. With that, the mesmer could get a void mage spec where the mesmer creates small portals around the enemy and uses the dual pistols to blast the enemy to shreds. There are only two dual wield pistol classes in the game at the moment which are Thief and Engi which both use medium armor.

There are no dual wielding light armor classes yet.

Umm we can dual wield swords and ele and necro can dual wield daggers.

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The only role missing from Mesmers right now is midrange power build. The main-hand weapons that fit are dagger, mace, pistol, and shortbow. Any of them would be good additions for Mesmer.

I'd like an elite class called Enchanter. Maybe something like this:

Elite Name: EnchanterClass: Mesmer

Weapon unlocked: Dagger (midrange)

Weapon Skills: One of the dagger skill induces fear.

Skill Category unlocked: Spirit Weapon


Healing: Enchanted Focus:

  1. Enchanted Daggers:

  2. Enchanted Trident:

  3. Enchanted Scepter:

  4. Enchanted Pistol:

Elite: Enchanted Greatsword:

F1 changes: Each enchanted weapon counts as half an illusion for shattering.

Role: Power DPS

Mechanics: Enchanter controls foe's thoughts. Dagger can be a scalpel that opens the foe's skull, inducing fear to foes. They conjure enchanted weapons that disrupt the enemy and protect the mesmer's allies. These magical weapons swirl around you or the enemy appropriately.

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My dream is to be able to use my purple unicorn shortbow on my purple based Mesmer. Dreamer just looks like a weapon a Mesmer should be using and the idea of 3 illusions and me all murdering things with unicorns in unison makes me giddy. I was so mad when I found out that Rev was getting the SB and not a light armor profession. I just want a herd of unicorns stampeding my enemies to death, is that too much to ask for?

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@Refia Montes.3205 said:

@Doctor Hide.6345 said:I prefer a main hand pistol for the next mesmer elite spec. With that, the mesmer could get a void mage spec where the mesmer creates small portals around the enemy and uses the dual pistols to blast the enemy to shreds. There are only two dual wield pistol classes in the game at the moment which are Thief and Engi which both use medium armor.

There are no dual wielding light armor classes yet.

Umm we can dual wield swords and ele and necro can dual wield daggers.

I was referring to dual wielding pistols; I just didn't mention it on my last line because I already said it like 4 times on the main paragraph. lolz

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@Noctix.9624 said:Honestly since Mesmer is suppose to be a "Duelist" type I could see the next spec getting either dual daggers or dual pistols.

Well it could get MH pistol, we already have OH pistol :P But I really do think its time for mesmer to get a 2h weapon as their next elite spec. And currently, the shortbow needs a lot of love. So its one of the top contenders for me right now.

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Hammer mesmer with physcial skill category power based, which is actually a melee wep unlike greatsword. Crushing Reality etc. could be skill names or such.Lore would be something like few mesmers are so mentally powerful that they can turn "will into reality", thus using more materially manifested illusions than standard mesmers.

Would be a sturdy AoE oriented melee style opposed to 1h swords single target.prof mechanic could be personal armor buff shatters, instead of current offensive shatters, so more like a Illusionary Juggernaut(clone name), than just dodging/evasion mitigation.

Would be a very different playstyle, like the devs have said about future elites should be.

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@Noctix.9624 said:Honestly since Mesmer is suppose to be a "Duelist" type I could see the next spec getting either dual daggers or dual pistols.

Well it could get MH pistol, we already have OH pistol :P But I really do think its time for mesmer to get a 2h weapon as their next elite spec. And currently, the shortbow needs a lot of love. So its one of the top contenders for me right now.

I wonder if they would make shortbow a power weapon. Mesmer really lacks a good dmg dealling power weapon. Esp a melee one but shortbow is very fitting idd.

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