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Display the name of the player who placed x item on the map

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Hello,I have a cool suggestion and I don't see why this is not implemented yet. Game should display who placed for example a bonfire, guild banner, spirit banner etcSo then people will know who is putting them =) and it will make the game more friendly!

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In principle I like the idea.

However I fear that it could also lead to unwanted side effects, such as harassment of people who put up the "wrong" kind of item or someone getting nagged at to put down more stuff "cause you did at xxx event so you obviously have". Also it could give stalkers more tools.

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@"Zohane.7208" said:In principle I like the idea.

However I fear that it could also lead to unwanted side effects, such as harassment of people who put up the "wrong" kind of item or someone getting nagged at to put down more stuff "cause you did at xxx event so you obviously have". Also it could give stalkers more tools.

Especially for those times when the personal merchant auto-spawns on top of something when the player didn't intend it to do so.

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@Deeb.7638 said:Hello,I have a cool suggestion and I don't see why this is not implemented yet. Game should display who placed for example a bonfire, guild banner, spirit banner etcSo then people will know who is putting them =) and it will make the game more friendly!

That's a great idea!

  • In WvW, maybe even who pulled emergency levers/way points to spot spies/trolls =) , game could display it as a system text message for that map
  • In Squad chat, maybe it can even display a text message if a squad member placed/picked-up the banner so commanders know
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I think I prefer the current system, because the only player identifying items/functions are the ones where you're actively wanting to promote who is doing what. Guild boost banners/kegs/buffets in PvE, guild claims in WvW, Commander tags identifying players who have opted-in to lead, Who's giving you buffs and what those buffs do to affect your performance, etc.

Things like toy boxes and bonfires and merchants are just general utilities, and individuals gain nothing productive by knowing who put those items down; additionally, the current system already allows individuals to pop into map chat and say things like 'hey, dropped a bonfire @ WP' if they choose to identify themselves while others may opt to drop beneficial items for other players and remain anonymous.

Identifying individuals may backfire by taking away the choice of anonymity. Some people want to contribute without being singled out, and if what they contribute is an optional interactable, then it should probably stay how it is.

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@robertthebard.8150 said:I don't drop these things, when I drop them, for recognition, and I may not even drop them to be especially helpful, I may just drop them to get them out of my inventory/bank, and I surely don't want a bunch of whispers later on about when I'm dropping something else, so no thanks.

You could go invisible mode lol some people are able to notice who is doing it if they pay attention and then you will still get recognized and possibly stalked by someone so it wouldn't really matter. But in the long run if you are the one who is putting them then most people will be nice to you and I think it's a good thing. Think of it in real life if you are doing something for everyone in a party of course they will love you for it and you might start to get annoyed by it. But if you do then trust me you need to change your mentality, life is full of repetitive tasks so better get over it than get annoyed by it which will not help you in any way. It will only effect your happiness and health.

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@Deeb.7638 said:

@"robertthebard.8150" said:I don't drop these things, when I drop them, for recognition, and I may not even drop them to be especially helpful, I may just drop them to get them out of my inventory/bank, and I surely don't want a bunch of whispers later on about when I'm dropping something else, so no thanks.

You could go invisible mode lol some people are able to notice who is doing it if they pay attention and then you will still get recognized and possibly stalked by someone so it wouldn't really matter. But in the long run if you are the one who is putting them then most people will be nice to you and I think it's a good thing. Think of it in real life if you are doing something for everyone in a party of course they will love you for it and you might start to get annoyed by it. But if you do then trust me you need to change your mentality, life is full of repetitive tasks so better get over it than get annoyed by it which will not help you in any way. It will only effect your happiness and health.

When I donated to charity, I did it anonymously, again, because I'm not looking for recognition. It's the way I did things for 40ish years. I neither want, nor require a "pat on the back" for being helpful, when that's the motivation. Why should I go invisible, when I can drop whatever now, w/out having to worry about getting spam whispers about when I'm doing it again?

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@robertthebard.8150 said:

@robertthebard.8150 said:I don't drop these things, when I drop them, for recognition, and I may not even drop them to be especially helpful, I may just drop them to get them out of my inventory/bank, and I surely don't want a bunch of whispers later on about when I'm dropping something else, so no thanks.

You could go invisible mode lol some people are able to notice who is doing it if they pay attention and then you will still get recognized and possibly stalked by someone so it wouldn't really matter. But in the long run if you are the one who is putting them then most people will be nice to you and I think it's a good thing. Think of it in real life if you are doing something for everyone in a party of course they will love you for it and you might start to get annoyed by it. But if you do then trust me you need to change your mentality, life is full of repetitive tasks so better get over it than get annoyed by it which will not help you in any way. It will only effect your happiness and health.

When I donated to charity, I did it anonymously, again, because I'm not looking for recognition. It's the way I did things for 40ish years. I neither want, nor require a "pat on the back" for being helpful, when that's the motivation. Why should I go invisible, when I can drop whatever now, w/out having to worry about getting spam whispers about when I'm doing it again?

And again its not about you alone many people out of curiosity just want to know who is doing what. Why everything has to be anonymous? It's like you are trying to be invisible in life. That makes no sense. If you think it will make you suffer then it's your problem. No matter how hard you try to avoid problems you will get problems. Best thing to do is change your mental from avoiding problems to solving problems.

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@Deeb.7638 said:

@robertthebard.8150 said:I don't drop these things, when I drop them, for recognition, and I may not even drop them to be especially helpful, I may just drop them to get them out of my inventory/bank, and I surely don't want a bunch of whispers later on about when I'm dropping something else, so no thanks.

You could go invisible mode lol some people are able to notice who is doing it if they pay attention and then you will still get recognized and possibly stalked by someone so it wouldn't really matter. But in the long run if you are the one who is putting them then most people will be nice to you and I think it's a good thing. Think of it in real life if you are doing something for everyone in a party of course they will love you for it and you might start to get annoyed by it. But if you do then trust me you need to change your mentality, life is full of repetitive tasks so better get over it than get annoyed by it which will not help you in any way. It will only effect your happiness and health.

When I donated to charity, I did it anonymously, again, because I'm not looking for recognition. It's the way I did things for 40ish years. I neither want, nor require a "pat on the back" for being helpful, when that's the motivation. Why should I go invisible, when I can drop whatever now, w/out having to worry about getting spam whispers about when I'm doing it again?

And again its not about you alone many people out of curiosity just want to know who is doing what. Why everything has to be anonymous? It's like you are trying to be invisible in life. That makes no sense. If you think it will make you suffer then it's your problem. No matter how hard you try to avoid problems you will get problems. Best thing to do is change your mental from avoiding problems to solving problems.

Those that want the gratitude will stay in the area and accept the thanks of those who use it.

Those that don't want it don't want people whispering them or flooding their mailbox with thanks.

The majority of people who want to know who placed what is when people can't access loot or an important NPC because of a drop in order to yell at them for the placement. And while some of those placements might have been to troll, many are not.

Unfortunately, the cons of your suggestion outweigh the pros and I will have to agree with those who are saying it should remain anonymous.

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@Deeb.7638 said:

@robertthebard.8150 said:I don't drop these things, when I drop them, for recognition, and I may not even drop them to be especially helpful, I may just drop them to get them out of my inventory/bank, and I surely don't want a bunch of whispers later on about when I'm dropping something else, so no thanks.

You could go invisible mode lol some people are able to notice who is doing it if they pay attention and then you will still get recognized and possibly stalked by someone so it wouldn't really matter. But in the long run if you are the one who is putting them then most people will be nice to you and I think it's a good thing. Think of it in real life if you are doing something for everyone in a party of course they will love you for it and you might start to get annoyed by it. But if you do then trust me you need to change your mentality, life is full of repetitive tasks so better get over it than get annoyed by it which will not help you in any way. It will only effect your happiness and health.

When I donated to charity, I did it anonymously, again, because I'm not looking for recognition. It's the way I did things for 40ish years. I neither want, nor require a "pat on the back" for being helpful, when that's the motivation. Why should I go invisible, when I can drop whatever now, w/out having to worry about getting spam whispers about when I'm doing it again?

And again its not about you alone many people out of curiosity just want to know who is doing what. Why everything has to be anonymous? It's like you are trying to be invisible in life. That makes no sense. If you think it will make you suffer then it's your problem. No matter how hard you try to avoid problems you will get problems. Best thing to do is change your mental from avoiding problems to solving problems.

It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.

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It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.

The way you are talking showing too much ego already (I'm just clearing bank space).There is nothing wrong with recognition or attention, it's fun. Sorry but people like you are sad.

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@Deeb.7638 said:@robertthebard.8150

It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.

The way you are talking showing too much ego already (I'm just clearing bank space).There is nothing wrong with recognition or attention, it's fun. Sorry but people like you are sad.

I think you have a very peculiar outlook on things.Also, noone here was looking for life coaching.Least of all from you.

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Anonymity is better.If you want to thanks, do it on /say, the one who put it will read it. If you want to be praised for putting something, just say you put it when you do.Some people don't want to be bothered by constant whisper. Going invisible is not a solution as it would prevent them from getting legit whisper from their friends / guildmates.

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@Deeb.7638 said:@robertthebard.8150

It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.

The way you are talking showing too much ego already (I'm just clearing bank space).There is nothing wrong with recognition or attention, it's fun. Sorry but people like you are sad.

Really? How much ego is required to say "I only have three tabs, four now, in my bank, and don't have room for this extra stuff"? If I really needed my ego stroked, I'd have been all over "Yes, please" instead of "No thanks".

But let's break down this claim of ego, shall we? I need space for cooking ingredients that, despite being crafting materials, don't go into the crafting materials storage portion of the bank. I need it for weapon/armor parts that, again, despite being crafting materials, don't go into the material storage, some of which are bound to account. I don't need to keep dropped buffs that benefit everyone on a map that uses it, and I don't need to have my ego stroked by x number of players shouting my praises, or whispering me about when I'm doing it again. That word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

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@Deeb.7638 said:

@"robertthebard.8150" said:I don't drop these things, when I drop them, for recognition, and I may not even drop them to be especially helpful, I may just drop them to get them out of my inventory/bank, and I surely don't want a bunch of whispers later on about when I'm dropping something else, so no thanks.

You could go invisible mode lol some people are able to notice who is doing it if they pay attention and then you will still get recognized and possibly stalked by someone so it wouldn't really matter. But in the long run if you are the one who is putting them then most people will be nice to you and I think it's a good thing. Think of it in real life if you are doing something for everyone in a party of course they will love you for it and you might start to get annoyed by it. But if you do then trust me you need to change your mentality, life is full of repetitive tasks so better get over it than get annoyed by it which will not help you in any way. It will only effect your happiness and health.

No, I don't want people to know when I'm doing something helpful, that's annoying as hell. I do it for my own reasons, not to get praise or thank you's, I can't stand those, I don't work that way. It's also the main reason when I res someone I almost never respond to the "thank you", it's not to be rude, it's because I wanted to do, not because I was looking for thanks.

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@Deeb.7638 said:@robertthebard.8150

It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.

The way you are talking showing too much ego already (I'm just clearing bank space).There is nothing wrong with recognition or attention, it's fun. Sorry but people like you are sad.

Since when is it sad that someone just wants to help without being recognized or attention brought to them?

And you still haven't addressed how your suggestion will be better when the majority of messages from it will go to people who have placed an NPC/TP/item down on top of loot or important NPC due to an accident or some other means that is not equivalent to trolling. The majority of messages due to your system will not be of thanks but of harassing players that spawned an NPC or dropped an item in a bad spot on accident.

Because a majority of people will give very little care to who gave them the booster. Just that they got one.

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@"Kulvar.1239" said:Anonymity is better.If you want to thanks, do it on /say, the one who put it will read it. If you want to be praised for putting something, just say you put it when you do.Some people don't want to be bothered by constant whisper. Going invisible is not a solution as it would prevent them from getting legit whisper from their friends / guildmates.

Considering how fast a chat can become full of "ty" or something like that, it is better to leave name out of dropping things.

Most people are thankful for what is offered in public space as food, banners etc. More important is that to be able to see what kind of attribute that public food like feast or ascended food will give before one interact with it. I would like a way to see that before I interact and not need to look up a wiki each time.

As for WvW I don't want to have name public when one interact with objects as that could lead to harassment and make those items less used of fear that someone just want to find something to complain about. It is impossible to avoid trolls or people with several accounts (spies) to not abuse those items anyway.

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They are already spamming ty in general chat would you also disable general? anet could fix your issue by making a function to ignore whispers from people who is not in your friendlist/guild and that will solve your concerns. The idea seems that you have problem against spam. Take a look at twitch chat for example lmao

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@"Deeb.7638" said:They are already spamming ty in general chat would you also disable general? anet could fix your issue by making a function to ignore whispers from people who is not in your friendlist/guild and that will solve your concerns. The idea seems that you have problem against spam. Take a look at twitch chat for example lmao

The "idea" is that the system works just fine the way it is. If you want to have people fawning over you for dropping a buff, you can let 'em know you're doing it, and stand around the buff waiting for the pats on the back. If you just want to clear up some inventory space, you can drop it at a starter wp and go on about your business with no-one being the wiser, and no need to "go invisible" or to have ANet develop more systems for chat to assuage your ego.

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@"Deeb.7638" said:Hello,I have a cool suggestion and I don't see why this is not implemented yet. Game should display who placed for example a bonfire, guild banner, spirit banner etcSo then people will know who is putting them =) and it will make the game more friendly!

Your initial assertion was that the game becomes more friendly. As people have pointed out risks with this, your suggestions have been that people inconvenience themselves go invisible, or to have Anet disable whisps unless people are already friends, thereby making them (us) far less able to ineract with players. How would these changes make the game more friendly?I have a different idea: if you crave the attention, why don't you say "look at me, I put down a banner and some food here" and enjoy all the nice attention?

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Since the OP is so insistent on knowing who drops an item on a map I have to wonder if he has an ulterior motive in wanting to know who the person is.

As many have already stated you can just say ty in map chat and the person will see your gratitude.

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