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Impending DH nerfs?


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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:for the first time in years.

I love how romantic this statement sounds and how many people use it.

ps: balance has nothing to do with "past", it's all about present and future.

Not true at all. In MMOs people are connected to their characters, so leaving a particular class in the dust over and over (or even most of the time) disenfranchises the players that like that class. One of our best guildies in my primary guild was looking for a new game as soon as the chrono revamp hit as it was his main, and chronos weren't particularly op at the moment either (ip being removed destroyed his ability to WvW). Not saying nerfs should never happen to a class barely coming out on top, but such things need to be done delicately.Otherwise, the message is "devs hate x class, because they don't want it to even have a moment in the sun."In fact many of either huge breaks or leaves from particular games for me have been directly because of the state of the classes i enjoy.

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@"mrauls.6519" said:I'm all for class balancing.. and It seems DH has one of the highest win rates. I am SURPRISED. I'm not even sure how DH can get nerfed, but I pray it's still viable. Please be careful about how this is executed. I'm still shocked to hear the word DH and nerf together in the same sentence. I know I'm biased, but compared to Necro and Ranger, it's pretty balanced

where do you see class win rates at? i been wondering myself about this

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@"mrauls.6519" said:I'm all for class balancing.. and It seems DH has one of the highest win rates. I am SURPRISED. I'm not even sure how DH can get nerfed, but I pray it's still viable. Please be careful about how this is executed. I'm still shocked to hear the word DH and nerf together in the same sentence. I know I'm biased, but compared to Necro and Ranger, it's pretty balanced

where do you see class win rates at? i been wondering myself about this

CmC the PvP/WvW Balance Dev said it on MightyTeapots stream.

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@Waffler.1257 said:I'm not sure why Anet would base balancing decisions on win rates at all as they mean essentially nothing due to the game automatically balancing professions between teams.

Yeah, this interaction has crossed my mind as well - I commented to someone a season or two that one of the biggest disincentives to playing a non-firebrand guardian is that it increased the chance that the enemy team would have a firebrand and yours wouldn't.

Obviously, playing a particular profession doesn't guarantee that the enemy team has one, but it happens often enough that countering different builds of your own profession is probably a significant predictor for win rate outside of matches with full premades.

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@Exedore.6320 said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

The only reason I ever use this trait is the other 2 are garbage. I would like the removal of all passive traits, but 1 aegis on CC with a min CD is strong?

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@Exedore.6320 said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

If Guardian's base HP gets raised to Warrior and Necro base HP, I'll gladly trade Aegis-granting traits for it.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Exedore.6320 said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

The only reason I ever use this trait is the other 2 are garbage. I would like the removal of all passive traits, but 1 aegis on CC with a min CD is strong?And what about no icd on aegis gain? You couldnt understand/read it in my thread :joy:

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It's a weird paradox in competitive games that some of the least viable classes have the best winrates.

I remember in Overwatch Symmetra had by far the highest winrate of all heroes, yet she was the worst hero in the game and borderline unplayable. The reason being that Symmetra was only really used in very specific niche scenarios where she was actually very good, and people simply didn't play her otherwise.

Might be a similar thing here. DH is a terrible spec that's only good in bronze or silver, but it's a class that requires 0 skill to play and can delete bad players. So the casual PvE players who do dailies in bronze may have a good winrate on it, and since they never play enough games to climb the ladder, they never reach a point where the winrate would drop significantly. And in higher ratings people simply don't play it.

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@witcher.3197 said:Might be a similar thing here. DH is a terrible spec that's only good in bronze or silver, but it's a class that requires 0 skill to play and can delete bad players. So the casual PvE players who do dailies in bronze may have a good winrate on it, and since they never play enough games to climb the ladder, they never reach a point where the winrate would drop significantly. And in higher ratings people simply don't play it.

CMC said it had a good winrate in plat as well, but ye those are probably wins of DH mains since 1000 BC.

Also DH is not bad at all, it's just that lb3 is bad.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Might be a similar thing here. DH is a terrible spec that's only good in bronze or silver, but it's a class that requires 0 skill to play and can delete bad players. So the casual PvE players who do dailies in bronze may have a good winrate on it, and since they never play enough games to climb the ladder, they never reach a point where the winrate would drop significantly. And in higher ratings people simply don't play it.

CMC said it had a good winrate in plat as well, but ye those are probably wins of DH mains since 1000 BC.

Also DH is not bad at all, it's just that lb3 is bad.

Even lb3 is still usable since you can still kinda reposition yourself that it still hits your target (unlike rev staff5)

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Might be a similar thing here. DH is a terrible spec that's only good in bronze or silver, but it's a class that requires 0 skill to play and can delete bad players. So the casual PvE players who do dailies in bronze may have a good winrate on it, and since they never play enough games to climb the ladder, they never reach a point where the winrate would drop significantly. And in higher ratings people simply don't play it.

CMC said it had a good winrate in plat as well, but ye those are probably wins of DH mains since 1000 BC.

Yeah this is the other thing, the only people who are still playing DH in plat are the few diehard DH mains with like 3k hours clocked into playing it.

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@witcher.3197 said:It's a weird paradox in competitive games that some of the least viable classes have the best winrates.

I remember in Overwatch Symmetra had by far the highest winrate of all heroes, yet she was the worst hero in the game and borderline unplayable. The reason being that Symmetra was only really used in very specific niche scenarios where she was actually very good, and people simply didn't play her otherwise.

Might be a similar thing here. DH is a terrible spec that's only good in bronze or silver, but it's a class that requires 0 skill to play and can delete bad players. So the casual PvE players who do dailies in bronze may have a good winrate on it, and since they never play enough games to climb the ladder, they never reach a point where the winrate would drop significantly. And in higher ratings people simply don't play it.

Tharan rocks dh even in p3

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Exedore.6320 said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

thisthisthis, especially now when CC does no damage

There are only 2 traits that grant aegis on disable and I run neither of them. They're so bad now :z

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@"mrauls.6519" said:

@Exedore.6320 said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

thisthisthis, especially now when CC does no damage

There are only 2 traits that grant aegis on disable and I run neither of them. They're so bad now :zDH that has no ICD nullify any followup after being CC'd, ye, clearly bad /s
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@Odik.4587 said:

@"mrauls.6519" said:

@Exedore.6320 said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

thisthisthis, especially now when CC does no damage

There are only 2 traits that grant aegis on disable and I run neither of them. They're so bad now :zDH that has no ICD nullify any followup after being CC'd, ye, clearly bad /s

What are you talking about? What skills or traits? Hunter's Determination with a 4 minute CD? That trait is terrible now and I have no idea what you mean by no ICD... The aegis you can pickup from the ground? They need to replace that trait with a new defensive one. No one in their right mind runs a 4 minute CD trait

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@"mrauls.6519" said:

@"mrauls.6519" said:

@"Exedore.6320" said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

thisthisthis, especially now when CC does no damage

There are only 2 traits that grant aegis on disable and I run neither of them. They're so bad now :zDH that has no ICD nullify any followup after being CC'd, ye, clearly bad /s

What are you talking about? What skills or traits? Hunter's Determination with a 4 minute CD? That trait is terrible now and I have no idea what you mean by no ICD... The aegis you can pickup from the ground? They need to replace that trait with a new defensive one. No one in their right mind runs a 4 minute CD traitYou and other "guardian" mains cant read for sh*t? Read HD description?
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@Odik.4587 said:

@"mrauls.6519" said:

@"mrauls.6519" said:

@"Exedore.6320" said:If you want to fix the offensive guardian builds, especially DH, get rid of granting Aegis automatically when disabled. It's nearly as bad as automatic stun breaks and makes landing a CC counter-productive.

thisthisthis, especially now when CC does no damage

There are only 2 traits that grant aegis on disable and I run neither of them. They're so bad now :zDH that has no ICD nullify any followup after being CC'd, ye, clearly bad /s

What are you talking about? What skills or traits? Hunter's Determination with a 4 minute CD? That trait is terrible now and I have no idea what you mean by no ICD... The aegis you can pickup from the ground? They need to replace that trait with a new defensive one. No one in their right mind runs a 4 minute CD traitYou and other "guardian" mains cant read for kitten? Read HD description?

I don't get what your point is, but no one in their right mind has continued to use HD since the big balance patch. I'm not sure what silver-tier games you're in where you see people using it, but it's a useless 4 minute CD skill. If you're losing to a DH gimping themselves using HD, that's a L2P problem. For all I care, they can delete it from the game. It is useless and irrelevant

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