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Whatever new elite spec is..


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I think ANet needs to continue with giving the class what needs with the new elites. I have to say the last elite was definitely a surprise. So surprising they had to change the lore and statue to fit the current image of the Legend. No one was looking for or asking for a Short Bow welding Legend, but they gave it out anyway. Now, I can say I like the idea, but they should have save that for last.

The community wants what's predictable because it makes sense. Let the next elite weld a Great Sword, then after that how about a Scepter, or better yet, dual welding a focus. I would as that the 5th elite dual weld two pistols, just to show to fit that back-from-the-future vibe they could have, by connecting to a future legend. There so much potential that this class could have. They layed a great foundation.

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@"DonArkanio.6419" said:

Currently I feel like the devs are trying to streamline Revenant and make it just like 8 other classes, which is lol.

Weaponskill wise, it seems like only the "problematic PvP/WvW centric" ones are being hit.

Watch Mace cooldowns get hit, then followed by whatever's next in flavour for Rev weapons.

I swear to god I hate it when devs just dumpster truck class performances based on like, the top 10% of PvP matches where things look "somewhat op"Many MMOs I've played went down that route and nerf bat after nerf bat based on a small population of PvP statistics, then ends up in a complete rework that no one likes.

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@RabbitUp.8294 said:

@Scoobaniec.9561 said:I hope it will come with low cd skills on weapon and remove weapon swap from the class as tradeoff. Time to go back to rev roots of what it was supposed to be.Personally, that's the thing I don't want. This would only push Rev towards the same faulty design as thief, where you spam the 1-2 skills that do the most for their cost.

What I would like to see is the removal of energy costs for weapon skills.

@VocalThought.9835 said:I think ANet needs to continue with giving the class what needs with the new elites. I have to say the last elite was definitely a surprise. So surprising they had to change the lore and statue to fit the current image of the Legend. No one was looking for or asking for a Short Bow welding Legend, but they gave it out anyway. Now, I can say I like the idea, but they should have save that for last.

The community wants what's predictable because it makes sense. Let the next elite weld a Great Sword, then after that how about a Scepter, or better yet, dual welding a focus. I would as that the 5th elite dual weld two pistols, just to show to fit that back-from-the-future vibe they could have, by connecting to a future legend. There so much potential that this class could have. They layed a great foundation.

They changed the lore cause they wanted female legend for equality. they could have choose Pyro who wield bow but feminism got into a way. Soy overloadEmm no, that had nothing to do with it. You can say they chose Kalla over some other legend for that reason, but that had nothing to do with the gameplay. Since when shortbow=feminism?

On a well designed weapon everything will be used. And its not about the weapon but legend. They wanted another female figure for muh diversity.

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@"Justine.6351" said:they will give you low cooldown on 4 trash weapon skills but give huge damage on the auto attack probably...

It's already a thing.I burst harder with IO Sword autos than with Deathstrike.

Took off over 7k HP in a single second with Quickness on.

And at the risk of getting shot : I actually like it.I wouldn't mind a version of Shiro dual swords where alot of their skill 2 - 5 are gap closing or defensive utilities to support yur "damage phase" where yu just steroid yurself with Quickness and chop people up like a butcher.

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@Scoobaniec.9561 said:I hope it will come with low cd skills on weapon and remove weapon swap from the class as tradeoff. Time to go back to rev roots of what it was supposed to be.

Great, so In PvP/WvW we woul have to chose either doing damage having 0 defenses (sword + sword or mace + axe) or having defenses and 0 damage (staff), or being forced to use a single main weapon (sword or mace) with shield as the only defense (a block which roots, which is a superb concept in zergs). And also making Herald mandatory.

Be honest: did you really have taken some time to think about the repercussions in competitive game modes of the change that you propose or is just that you don't care about those modes and/or the people which plays GW2 mainly due them?

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:I hope it will come with low cd skills on weapon and remove weapon swap from the class as tradeoff. Time to go back to rev roots of what it was supposed to be.

Great, so In PvP/WvW we woul have to chose either doing damage having 0 defenses (sword + sword or mace + axe) or having defenses and 0 damage (staff), or being forced to use a single main weapon (sword or mace) with shield as the only defense (a block which roots, which is a superb concept in zergs). And also making Herald mandatory.

Be honest: did you really have taken some time to think about the repercussions in competitive game modes of the change that you propose or is just that you don't care about those modes and/or the people which plays GW2 mainly due them?

How herald would be mandatory when its literally another elite spec? Lmao.Besides i always played this class "without" weapon swap, camping just one set and doing fine in pvp anyway.

Regardless 5yrs later im still up to delete bandaid fix called weapon swap and rework rev so it can fuction as ele/engi like it was meant to.

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The real bandaid is not weapon swap, it's Glint. It's easy to ignore the flaws of the energy system when you have an entire legend with no energy costs.

Weapon skills should not have energy costs. Not when their cooldown and powerlevel are comparable to those of the other professions.

The whole design of energy seems backwards. Revenant gets 2 sets of 6-0 skills, so a resource system to reel in the spam makes perfect sense. That way, having 2 sets of utilities is more about the versatility and adaptability in the middle of combat, rather than spamming. Yet this is exactly what the system ends up rewarding, by starting you at 50% so you quickly run out and are forced to change, at which point you get an energy reset to spam your fresh new skills.

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@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

How herald would be mandatory when its literally another elite spec? Lmao.Besides i always played this class "without" weapon swap, camping just one set and doing fine in pvp anyway.

If weapon swap were removed from the class Herald would be the only way in PvP in which the Revenant would have access to both a viable damage weapon (main hand sword or mace) and a block (shield), due the other only two blocks were in the off hand sword (removed) and the staff (meaningless damage, useful only for self-sustain and interrupts in conjunction with the main set of damage dealing weapons). But you're rigth in part, because removing weapon swap from Rev wouldn't make the Herald mandatory: just will turn that Herald would become the least un-optimal build for PvP, because has a block that heals, and has low energy cost. Anyway the class will just fade away entirely from that game mode.

If you want to play without swapping weapons is fine; other people play PvP without gear; I personally play Rev it as if Ventari and Kalla didn't exist.

RabbitUp: The problem isn't Glint, but the absurd amount of enregy cost in the other legends; even if you erase Glint, why would I want to use utilities at 40+ energy cost? As other players mentioned, most of the utilities are bloated of effects while the skills on weapons are fairly mediocre: reduce the effects in the skills to their essential functions, cut the cost in energy and give some meaning to the weapon skills: we currently lack any ranged weapon worth mentioning and as support weapon the staff leaves a lot to be desired.

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@Buran.3796 said:

@Scoobaniec.9561 said:I hope it will come with low cd skills on weapon and remove weapon swap from the class as tradeoff. Time to go back to rev roots of what it was supposed to be.

Great, so In PvP/WvW we woul have to chose either doing damage having 0 defenses (sword + sword or mace + axe) or having defenses and 0 damage (staff), or being forced to use a single main weapon (sword or mace) with shield as the only defense (a block which roots, which is a superb concept in zergs). And also making Herald mandatory.

Be honest: did you really have taken some time to think about the repercussions in competitive game modes of the change that you propose or is just that you don't care about those modes and/or the people which plays GW2 mainly due them?

Well sword off-hand had a block. That could return as well reworks to the legends to make them stronger, to compensate for the lack of weapon swap. I feel like the conception of the class being OP is coming from them having two weapon sets and legends. (Even though on both fronts neither has as much impact as people say.)

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@Buran.3796 said:RabbitUp: The problem isn't Glint, but the absurd amount of enregy cost in the other legends; even if you erase Glint, why would I want to use utilities at 40+ energy cost? As other players mentioned, most of the utilities are bloated of effects while the skills on weapons are fairly mediocre: reduce the effects in the skills to their essential functions, cut the cost in energy and give some meaning to the weapon skills: we currently lack any ranged weapon worth mentioning and as support weapon the staff leaves a lot to be desired.

High energy costs are just a low hanging fruit. It makes no difference if you pay 40 energy for a strong skill like Rite of the Great Dwarf or 40 energy to use 3 weapon skills. Those 3 weapon skills other classes get for free and can then weapon swap and use more skills, while Rev has to wait to get their energy back.

Glint is very much a crutch for the class, because unless you remove all energy costs from utilities to bring them in-line with Glint, the problem remains the same. There's a huge difference between having your utilities disabled when you are low on energy and having everything besides your auto disabled.

The only skills I agree are overcosted are Citadel Orders, especially F3. Having both high energy costs and long cooldowns makes no sense.

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@"RabbitUp.8294" said:

The only skills I agree are overcosted are Citadel Orders, especially F3. Having both high energy costs and long cooldowns makes no sense.

I've NEVER used Rite of the Great Dwarf to break a stun: it costs so much and the cast time is so long that when I use the skill is preventively, no reactively, searching for the damage reduction and not the counter cc effect. Inspiring Reinforcement (also casted preventively) is just a better anti-cc skill.

I still don't understand the concept of "1 single weapon, only energy cost in skills from legends" being "the Rev roots of what it was supposed to be". The developers tried that in beta stages and didn't work. It was also supposed that in each armor category the game will have a low, mid and high health pool class (as happens in plate armor), but that was ditched and adjusted for balance. Developers also tried to turn the hammer into a ranged weapon (imitating Mesmer's greatsword) because was "cool and unusual" and as result of that now is amongst the worst weapons in the entire game, useless in every game mode (and we end with a single weapon for physical attacks, which is used mostly for auto attacking, and another single weapon for conditions).

Anyway: I misinterpreted this thread, I was thinking about ditching the weapon swap for the whole class but Scoobaniec is talking just about the next spec. I'm not opposed to that, but just won't happen: that will mean that aside from the new skills of the weapon and the new 5 skills of the legend and the F skills they will have to redesign Jalis, Mallyx, Shiro, Ventari, the two swords, the mace, the axe, the staff and the hammer in order to balance them to cope with a single weapon mechanic which means a rework in 40 skills. That only happens if you have a reputable class (as the Elementalist) with a competent design team supporting it, not the Revenant, which was designed by a guy who is no longer in the company, a class that teleports itself into objects, randomly attacks WvW supplies and ignores basic functions as the skill templates. Just look at Kalla, which main contributions to the game are to share alacrity and a number buff as Fervor. Compare what they did with the Rev in PoF to what they made with the Weaver or the Firebrand... We will be very lucky if they find any use for F3 or F4...

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@"Buran.3796" said:

Rev always had energy costs for weapon skills even before weapon swap.

I'm not agreeing with the OP, I'm saying keep the weapon swap and remove the energy costs. Make energy a resource only for utility skills, the opposite of initiative. That's not how early beta rev worked.

It was also supposed that in each armor category the game will have a low, mid and high health pool class (as happens in plate armor)

It's the same for light armour (ele=guard, mesmer=rev, necro=warrior)

Only medium armour is different, where there is 1 low Hp and 2 medium.

Developers also tried to turn the hammer into a ranged weapon (imitating Mesmer's greatsword) because was "cool and unusual" and as result of that now is amongst the worst weapons in the entire game, useless in every game mode

Being "cool and unusual" has nothing to do with it. Hammer is bad because it has been nerfed a hundred times since HoT launched. You can't seriously think that if the hammer was a rifle or a bow it would be better.

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@RabbitUp.8294 said:

@"Buran.3796" said:

Rev always had energy costs for weapon skills even before weapon swap.

I'm not agreeing with the OP, I'm saying keep the weapon swap and remove the energy costs. Make energy a resource only for utility skills, the opposite of initiative. That's not how early beta rev worked.

It was also supposed that in each armor category the game will have a low, mid and high health pool class (as happens in plate armor)

It's the same for light armour (ele=guard, mesmer=rev, necro=warrior)

Only medium armour is different, where there is 1 low Hp and 2 medium.

Developers also tried to turn the hammer into a ranged weapon (imitating Mesmer's greatsword) because was "cool and unusual" and as result of that now is amongst the worst weapons in the entire game, useless in every game mode

Being "cool and unusual" has nothing to do with it. Hammer is bad because it has been nerfed a hundred times since HoT launched. You can't seriously think that if the hammer was a rifle or a bow it would be better.

If it was a rifle it would make sense thematically that skill 2 would constantly misfire! Haha.

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