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Unnaturally Tall Charr: Grothmar Valley

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The real answer is that Charr and Norn are both meant to be much larger than Humans, but the player character's model is restricted so that they fit through all the doors and passageways in the game, something most NPCs don't have to worry about.

(And lore-wise, you're just a cub.. even if you chose the faces that look like you're about to retire.)

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@Hannelore.8153 said:The real answer is that Charr and Norn are both meant to be much larger than Humans, but the player character's model is restricted so that they fit through all the doors and passageways in the game, something most NPCs don't have to worry about.

(And lore-wise, you're just a cub.. even if you chose the faces that look like you're about to retire.)

From what I've seen though Anet usually puts the slider on the low end for Norn NPCs. I honestly mistake female Norn NPCs for humans all the time. I don't know why they do that.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:The real answer is that Charr and Norn are both meant to be much larger than Humans, but the player character's model is restricted so that they fit through all the doors and passageways in the game, something most NPCs don't have to worry about.

(And lore-wise, you're just a cub.. even if you chose the faces that look like you're about to retire.)

When is there any reference to your characters age at any point?

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