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Likelihood of GW2 coming to Steam

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Probably not, and there is no real reason to. If you REALLLY want have all your games together to you can add it to steam yourself.

But it's not like it's running through something intrusive that locks the directories behind files you don't have access to, while also not recognizing the files that get updated and patched from a launcher. (Looking at you Microsoft Store.)

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@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

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@Blude.6812 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

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Well, I'm primarily a steam player. After I left RoM a few years back I drifted looking for a game similar to RoM. Played Eve and was good at it, but the job of the game became too much. Tried Tera, boring. Filled out a few toons on ESO and enjoyed that. Even tried Wow but after ESO that was boring and has zero community. Had never had exposure to GW2 and found it on a random youtube about a month ago. Dloaded and tried.

Bought the Ultimate pack a week later and the expansions and living seasons with the bonus gems. In my case, I'm 8 years too late to a game that seems to hit all the right buttons and all because I'm mostly a steam gamer.

Just saying.

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@Blude.6812 said:

@"Zoid.2568" said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.



that_shaman, You're good! I have no idea how you found this, as I tried to cover my tracks, but you are correct.

I have been working on native controller support, as a side project in my own time. I've got a good deal of it all working, but it's still got a further to go.

My main goal is is to have accessibility in mind. If I can help just one person play the game that would would not otherwise be able to because of our current input controls, than I'll be very pleased.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Zoid.2568" said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.


that_shaman, You're good! I have no idea how you found this, as I tried to cover my tracks, but you are correct.

I have been working on native controller support, as a side project in my own time. I've got a good deal of it all working, but it's still got a further to go.

My main goal is is to have accessibility in mind. If I can help just one person play the game that would would not otherwise be able to because of our current input controls, than I'll be very pleased.

Yeah and this one, thanks for linking it. I had forgot about that.

The thing is that GW2 need a gamepad UI and also gamepad functions integrated with the features, like mounts, tabs, crafting etc. So when pressing A on the controller while mounted will do something different when not mounted and when you are in a Menu, for example.

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@FrostSpectre.4198 said:Don't think its likely. Steam would want its cut, ANet already have their system of sorts.

You just have to add your game into steam as non-steam game.

There are mmorpgs that are much less popular and make less money than GW2 that are on Steam. If they port a game to console they will add it on Steam as Steam has gamepad compatibility and steam has their own console.

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@"Zoid.2568" said:There are mmorpgs that are much less popular and make less money than GW2 that are on Steam.Maybe those games have a different business model? Maybe their investors and shareholders have different commitments? There are a lot of things that we simply do not know about Anet's management and/or financial obligations that we cannot compare GW2 to "other" mmorpgs. Yes, that includes WoW, which everyone likes to use for comparison.

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Getting GW2 via Steam is probably an as bad idea as getting ESO via Steam. If you look around a lot of people that bought ESO via steam recommend you to NOT do it. This has a simple reason, if you buy a game via steam the updates are distributed via Steam. For ESO this means, after every patch - which you get immediately for the not-Steam version - you have to wait a day or two to get it via steam. That simply means after every patch you cannot play for a day or two. (As the server is updated immediately as well)

If you would buy GW2 via steam that would probably be the same.

And as ANet distributes bug fixes quite often, I think in the last week there was a patch every day, you cannot play at all, as every patch you downloaded from steam is already outdated again.

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@kharmin.7683 said:If ANet could make more money by adding their game to the Steam library, does anyone here think that they wouldn't have done it by now?

All mmorpgs that released on console made them available on Steam. Tera, ESO, Neverwinter, FFXIV.

As you can see in above link that Linken provided, ArenaNet are making GW2 available with gamepad and most likely releasing it on consoles. So Steam will happen.I don't understand why you and so many are against GW2 on Steam?

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:If ANet could make more money by adding their game to the Steam library, does anyone here think that they wouldn't have done it by now?

All mmorpgs that released on console made them available on Steam. Tera, ESO, Neverwinter, FFXIV.

As you can see in above link that Linken provided, ArenaNet are making GW2 available with gamepad and most likely releasing it on consoles. So Steam will happen.I don't understand why you and so many are against GW2 on Steam?

I'm not against it at all. If Anet can make more profit by doing so, then I'm all for it. I'm just positing reasons why they haven't done it.

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?

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@Blude.6812 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?

I know, right? Without source, who is to say that Anet hiring a console specialist equates to GW2 moving to console?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?

I know, right? Without source, who is to say that Anet hiring a console specialist equates to GW2 moving to console?

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?


Did you not read this link?

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?

I know, right? Without source, who is to say that Anet hiring a console specialist equates to GW2 moving to console?

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?

Did you not read this link?

Yes. That is not an official statement.

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?

I know, right? Without source, who is to say that Anet hiring a console specialist equates to GW2 moving to console?

@Zoid.2568 said:They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.

Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?

Did you not read this link?

That is one dev doing it on their free time to get it into the game.It in no way predict if game is going to consoles or steam.

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@Dayra.7405 said:Getting GW2 via Steam is probably an as bad idea as getting ESO via Steam. If you look around a lot of people that bought ESO via steam recommend you to NOT do it. This has a simple reason, if you buy a game via steam the updates are distributed via Steam. For ESO this means, after every patch - which you get immediately for the not-Steam version - you have to wait a day or two to get it via steam. That simply means after every patch you cannot play for a day or two. (As the server is updated immediately as well)

If you would buy GW2 via steam that would probably be the same.

And as ANet distributes bug fixes quite often, I think in the last week there was a patch every day, you cannot play at all, as every patch you downloaded from steam is already outdated again.

Path of Exile which is also available as Steam and non-Steam has that same problem although the delay as far as I can tell from the complaints is usually not so long. Maybe hours but not days.

I don't know how ESO stores its game assets but PoE stores it the same way as GW2 in one giant .dat/.ggpk file and that apparently ends up requiring the whole file to be redownloaded for every patch ... a 48GB download for every hotfix would be awful. :/

PoE accounts can be converted between Steam and non-Steam versions so maybe that is the 'have your cake and eat too' route. Put it on steam for the exposure but give an option to convert out of it to avoid all the negative aspects.

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@"Aaden Dante.7321" said:Well, I'm primarily a steam player. After I left RoM a few years back I drifted looking for a game similar to RoM. Played Eve and was good at it, but the job of the game became too much. Tried Tera, boring. Filled out a few toons on ESO and enjoyed that. Even tried Wow but after ESO that was boring and has zero community. Had never had exposure to GW2 and found it on a random youtube about a month ago. Dloaded and tried.

Bought the Ultimate pack a week later and the expansions and living seasons with the bonus gems. In my case, I'm 8 years too late to a game that seems to hit all the right buttons and all because I'm mostly a steam gamer.

Just saying.


Steam's cross marketing engine is amazing. Sooner or later GW2 will be seen by most of its active users. That's 100+ million potential new players, and gem store purchasers.

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