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Why buy chairs?

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@"kharmin.7683" said:Have you not been to Divinity's Reach?

-Divinity's Reach-2020lmao

Rich people look for a way to spend their money, think of arab millionaries buying cars made of gold, fashion items in videogames follow the same idea, its more of a status thing to have a stupidly expensive/rare thing than most players dont, so you get "recognized"

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@Welcometotheden.8547 said:I honestly have no idea. I bought one on a whim. I was bored, had some free gold/gems laying around, and it was a spur of the moment purchase. Ya know, I was in line, I saw it on the shelf, and gawdamnit, the marketing department dunked on me right there on the spot. I've probably used it a handful of times, and every time, it reminds me how superfluous the purchase was. It's utterly useless. Do NOT buy the kitten chairs!

To be fair when you buy a chair, in Guild Wars AND in real life, it's pretty apparent what it's functionality will be. Expectations should start and end at 'chair'.

That being said I'll take 20.

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Chair novelties are much easier to use if you have a keybinding for them. Otherwise you'd need to use the novelty drop down menu to switch to the chair category. That button is very small. It was easier to open up my inventory to use novelties than it is to use the novelty UI to change between novelties.

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I like chairs for the same reason i treasure the quaggan tonic...pointless fun. Also, asura look kinda like theyre planning someones murder when sitting on them (which is probably correct, considering its an asura) which is a great reason to sit IMO.

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