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Honestly this season and the last has been my worst experiences with the game. Infinite sustain with needed power makes pvp a snooze fest. This has become a dumbed down game mode where glass builds have been deleted and it’s place we have condi spam tanks. Another example is the ranger skill that grants it barrier. It never granted the ranger barrier. Now we have rangers running around with barrier and gs block. On top of that with the sustain builds out there I can’t even believe who thought this was okay. Do skills even matter anymore because no one seems to take damage!

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@"Fueki.4753" said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are by far more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it to you, condi rev is a bunker. and the only other "bunker" getting played a lot is holo. ranger and renegade are few.

if you nerf condi rev you need to nerf power rev too, because it's the only thing keeping it in check somewhat.

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker

If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker.

@"ollbirtan.2915" said:"Body is 3 characters too short."....Is anet ever going to fix this forum bug?I doubt they are ever going to bother.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker

If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker.

@"ollbirtan.2915" said:"Body is 3 characters too short."....Is anet ever going to fix this forum bug?I doubt they are ever going to bother.

out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now.

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker

If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker.

@"ollbirtan.2915" said:"Body is 3 characters too short."....Is anet ever going to fix this forum bug?I doubt they are ever going to bother.

out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now.

any type of necro,rangers and any support tempest

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker

If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker.

@"ollbirtan.2915" said:"Body is 3 characters too short."....Is anet ever going to fix this forum bug?I doubt they are ever going to bother.

out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now.

any type of necro,rangers and any support tempest

those are not bunkers. necro is a tf dps and why would you ever take death magic, tempest is a support and ranger can be somewhat tanky but not to the extent of condi rev.

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@Jekkt.6045if it cant be killed reasonably fast its a bunker, if it also happens to be a support then its a support bunker, same goes for necro same goes for holo, and same goes for rangers. If they are tanky as fuck and damaging as fuck they are tanks that deal damage, or damage dealers that can tank but in the end its the same shit.

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker

If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker.

@"ollbirtan.2915" said:"Body is 3 characters too short."....Is anet ever going to fix this forum bug?I doubt they are ever going to bother.

out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now.

any type of necro,rangers and any support tempest

those are not bunkers. necro is a tf dps and why would you ever take death magic, tempest is a support and ranger can be somewhat tanky but not to the extent of condi rev.

Nah there’s a menders scourge that’s looking ptanky and I’ve found can 1v2 a firebrand plus condi necro for a few mins of proper kiting is used

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker

If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker.

@"ollbirtan.2915" said:"Body is 3 characters too short."....Is anet ever going to fix this forum bug?I doubt they are ever going to bother.

out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now.

any type of necro,rangers and any support tempest

have you ever played supp temp dude? You have earth 5 to have invul but you cant cast anything else, also you can switch to water to get some passive regen, 8 secs until you can overcharge water and heal with 20-30 secs cd and water 2 that throws some water out of your mouth and you get some heal, and thats it, thats all its tankyness, the rest is pressing v in the right time or using the healing ability everyone has.

Necro has its second life bar, yes, but the moment you close gap and cc its dead lol, if you have stab its even better because you will resist any fear like a champ and just walk to him.

I can agree on ranger more or less, the barrier is way too much considering how easy ranger can back away to start pewpewing again.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@xWiroo.3841 said:Necro has its second life bar, yes, but the moment you close gap and cc its dead lol,That 2nd life bar gives 50% damage reduction though.

if you have stab its even better because you will resist any fear like a champ and just walk to him.Nah, you just get corrupted.

not all necros have corrupt tho, most use worm and green walk, then you either choose fear party circle or corrupt. Also you dont save corrupt until 1 guy comes after you, you can use it against protection on guardians or stab on any other guy like a temp in overcharge or a necro on lich, also, corrupting a 15 stack might is fantastic, its too situational to say that that the necro IS going to corrupt your stab everytime.

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Of course necro/holo/ranger/power rev/renegade could be looked at too, but at least they can be killed (eventually) and are not as ridiculous as condi rev.Recently I had a few matches in which even two (platin-) players couldnt kill condi rev on a node. And it still does even decent condi damage.Thats just annoying !Although there are already some threads about this problem, I decided to post another one, to cause some pressure on anet, because I am afraid that thiscarried-by-build fiesta will last for ages again until something gets done against it.

Condi rev has to be the first one to be nerfed !


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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker

If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker.

@"ollbirtan.2915" said:"Body is 3 characters too short."....Is anet ever going to fix this forum bug?I doubt they are ever going to bother.

out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now.

any type of necro,rangers and any support tempest

Excuse me? Tempest can't bunker by itself. It is a good support via spamming its auras and getting cc off, but it is NOT a good bunker all on its own. It sure as HELL cannot side node, not with holo running around. You must be confused with HoT, unnerfed Tempest when it could sit on a point as hard as unnerfed HoT scrapper.

Now if you would have said scrapper then you would have been making more sense since those guys are actually tanks.

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@"Fueki.4753" said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it to you, condi rev is a bunker. and the only other "bunker" getting played a lot is holo. ranger and renegade are few.

if you nerf condi rev you need to nerf power rev too, because it's the only thing keeping it in check somewhat.

News to me. Condi rev shit on power rev so how exactly are they keeping em in check?

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@Scoobaniec.9561 said:

@"Fueki.4753" said:Only if they nerf every single bunker first.Bunkers are
by far
more atrocious than condition Revenants.

sorry to break it to you, condi rev is a bunker. and the only other "bunker" getting played a lot is holo. ranger and renegade are few.

if you nerf condi rev you need to nerf power rev too, because it's the only thing keeping it in check somewhat.

News to me. Condi rev kitten on power rev so how exactly are they keeping em in check?

? i don' really understand what you mean with your sentence. condi rev is strong vs power? if you mean that, then doesn't that mean condi rev keeps power rev in check?

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@lovemghool.7613 said:get a thief? essence sap is still broken and not every condi rev 1vs2 like Obindo

problem is your sidenoders aside from rev no longer have enough damage even if they have enough cleanse to kill the condi rev and that makes the job of your thief harder

If only glass burst specs existed that could get in and burst builds like these down if the catch the player off guard, unfortunately those don't exist anymore. Players tried telling the community those classes/builds exist in every mmo for a reason, to deal with tanks or high sustain classes. Even if the burst class are paper but can +1 these classes and get a kill on them in secs or die if not successful at disengaging and get hit, still healthier gameplay than this gbage. Again why the usually exist in other mmo's.

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