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Warrior Rework (What warrior needs from a pvp perspective.)


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In pvp, warrior excels at nothing. Sub par damage. Sub par sustain. Sub par support. Just sub par.Here's my rework to try and bring warrior back. I'm only going to comment on what I have ideas for how to fix. All numbers are negotiable. Not every change has to be made if they make warrior too powerful collectively. These are just some options.

Trait Lines Section

Base Profession Changes

  1. Fast hands is baseline.
  2. Burst recharge is six seconds by default.


  1. Brave Stride: Reckless Dodge inflicts 2 seconds of cripple and gives you 2 seconds of swiftness if you hit. Self explanatory. Current version is useless in prolonged fights.
  2. Restorative Strength: Keep as is with the might, but add five seconds of retaliation.
  3. Body Blow: I believe the cc play style traits should be moved to tactics. Change to give five stacks of vuln for five seconds of 3 seconds of fury for landing reckless dodge.
  4. Great Fortitude: Useless. Change to give 2 seconds of protection and 2 second of resistance on heal.
  5. Merciless Hammer: This trait will be moved to tactics. Replace with Healer's Retribution. Gain 3 seconds of quickness, fury, and swiftness on heal.

Arms (This is a mess)I'm gonna leave this for me to fill in at a later date.


  1. Thick Skin: 5% damage reduction for each stack of adrenal health. Swap places with adrenal health for clarity. Ex: Adrenal health is the first minor trait. Thick skin is the second.
  2. Spiked Armor: Gain 3 seconds of retaliation for each stack of adrenaline when you land a burst skill. Keep damage reduction. Remove icd.
  3. Armored Attack: Gain 2 seconds of protection upon landing a burst skill. No change for the amount of adrenaline stacks, always 2 seconds.
  4. Sundering Mace: Change to affect all cc's not just maces. Keep mace cooldown reduction.
  5. Lesser Endure Pain: Delete this trait. Replace with Break the Chains: Gain 2 seconds of protection and inflict area weakness for 2 seconds when you break a stun.
  6. Last Stand: Remove auto balanced stance proc. Reduce stance cooldown by 20%. Stances grant retaliation and vigor for 5 seconds and last 25% longer.
  7. Cleansing Ire: Keep as is, but have bursts remove blind on cast.


  1. Martial Cadence doesn't need an icd if it requires landing a burst skill. Remove it.
  2. Empowered: Change to soldier's focus grants fury and swiftness to allies for three seconds.
  3. Warriors cunning: Replace with merciless hammer. Remove the adrenaline gain.
  4. Martial Cadence: Delete. Replace with Crowd Control Champion: CC's inflict three seconds of weakness and cripple. Gain 10 Adrenaline on cc. 3 sec idc for the adrenaline.

Discipline1.Fast Hands: Old version is baseline. New version is gain 2 seconds of swiftness on weapon swap.

  1. Crack shot should be moved somewhere into tactics.
  2. Heightened Focus: Keep quickness and icd the same, but activate on landing a burst.
  3. Vengeful return should change, but I don't what to right now.



  1. Hundred Blades needs to be a bit more rewarding. Barely does more than the auto attack.
  2. Rush needs its pathing fixed.


  1. Eviscerate needs to do more damage. It's sad right now. I say tier three damage baseline. This will still be less than arcing slice with gs trait under 50%. Apply, 2, 4, 6 stacks of might based on adrenaline.
  2. Throw axe needs its pathing fixed.
  3. Dual strike should give 1 second of quickness per strike instead of half.
  4. Whirling axe should reflect and give retaliation.


  1. It's fine, but can we maybe get shield bash damage back please?


  1. Can we get f1 damage back?
  2. The auto attack chain is too slow. Speed it up a little.
  3. Counter blow should keep blocking unless they enter melee range.
  4. Crushing blow needs to apply cripple and do more damage.
  5. Tremor needs a faster projectile speed.


  1. Hyrbrid doesn't work. Pick power or condi and rework. I vote condi, we have enough power options.
  2. The burst needs a total rework.


  1. The burst needs to do more burning and proc more regularly.
  2. Arcing arrow needs to apply some burning and maybe a 1 second daze. Longbow needs a way to get people off of it if they are being focused.

Rifle1.Auto needs some more damage.

  1. Brutal shot needs to evade as it shoots like thief and ranger shortbow does.


  1. Either give the autos more damage or give the cc skills some damage back.

UtilitiesTo be Filled in Later

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@"Zuko.7132" said:

My first girlfriend turned into the moon :(

In pvp, warrior excels at nothing. Sub par damage. Sub par sustain. Sub par support. Just sub par.Here's my rework to try and bring warrior back. I'm only going to comment on what I have ideas for how to fix. All numbers are negotiable. Not every change has to be made if they make warrior too powerful collectively. These are just some options.

Trait Lines Section

Base Profession Changes

  1. Fast hands is baseline.
  2. Burst recharge is six seconds by default.

absolutely agree with the fast hands change, discipline has always been too important because of it.


  1. Brave Stride: Reckless Dodge inflicts 2 seconds of cripple and gives you 2 seconds of swiftness if you hit. Self explanatory. Current version is useless in prolonged fights.Would love it!
  2. Restorative Strength: Keep as is with the might, but add five seconds of retaliation.Good thought, synergy with defense
  3. Body Blow: I believe the cc play style traits should be moved to tactics. Change to give five stacks of vuln for five seconds of 3 seconds of fury for landing reckless dodge.
  4. Merciless Hammer: This trait will be moved to tactics. Replace with Healer's Retribution.

Arms (This is a mess)I'm gonna leave this for me to fill in at a later date.I look forward to how you imagine it.


  1. Thick Skin: 5% damage reduction for each stack of adrenal health. Swap places with adrenal health for clarity. Ex: Adrenal health is the first minor trait. Thick skin is the second.Good idea.

  2. Spiked Armor: Gain 3 seconds of retaliation for each stack of adrenaline when you land a burst skill. Keep damage reduction. Remove icd.

  3. Armored Attack: Gain 2 seconds of protection upon landing a burst skill. No change for the amount of adrenaline stacks, always 2 seconds.I don't know about the Spiked Armor icd, i think retal uptime would be way too high if it was removed. But lowering it is probably fineArmored Attack should grant protection regardless whether you land it or not, there are way too many things depending on landing them, heheh

  4. Sundering Mace: Change to affect all cc's not just maces. Keep mace cooldown reduction.Yes.

  5. Lesser Endure Pain: Delete this trait. Replace with Break the Chains: Gain 2 seconds of protection and inflict area weakness for 2 seconds when you break a stun.There's already a trait here connected to stunbreaking, maybe this could be something condition damage reduction based instead.

  6. Last Stand: Remove auto balanced stance proc. Reduce stance cooldown by 20%. Stances grant retaliation and vigor for 5 seconds and last 25% longer.Hmm.. may turn out overloaded, but yes it would be nice to have a trait related to stances.

  7. Cleansing Ire: Keep as is, but have bursts remove blind on cast.


  1. Martial Cadence doesn't need an icd if it requires landing a burst skill. Remove it.
  2. Empowered: Change to soldier's focus grants fury and swiftness to allies for three seconds.
  3. Warriors cunning: Replace with merciless hammer. Remove the adrenaline gain.
  4. Martial Cadence: Delete. Replace with Crowd Control Champion: CC's inflict three seconds of weakness and cripple. Gain 10 Adrenaline on cc. 3 sec idc for the adrenaline.Why did you make tactics the cc line?

Discipline1.Fast Hands: Old version is baseline. New version is gain 2 seconds of swiftness on weapon swap.Nice.

  1. Crack shot should be moved somewhere into tactics.Why?
  2. Heightened Focus: Keep quickness and icd the same, but activate on landing a burst.
  3. Vengeful return should change, but I don't what to right now.



  1. Hundred Blades needs to be a bit more rewarding. Barely does more than the auto attack.
  2. Rush needs its pathing fixed.Yes.


  1. Eviscerate needs to do more damage. It's sad right now. I say tier three damage baseline. This will still be less than arcing slice with gs trait under 50%. Apply, 2, 4, 6 stacks of might based on adrenaline.
  2. Throw axe needs its pathing fixed.
  3. Dual strike should give 1 second of quickness per strike instead of half.
  4. Whirling axe should reflect and give retaliation.Reflect may be much but won't say it's a bad idea, using it at range makes you miss out on its damage anyway. Blocking projectiles is a more likely alternative.


  1. It's fine, but can we maybe get shield bash damage back please?


  1. Can we get f1 damage back?

  2. The auto attack chain is too slow. Speed it up a little.Yasyas, at least the first hit to not be completely useless against blinds or aegis.

  3. Counter blow should keep blocking unless they enter melee range.

  4. Crushing blow needs to apply cripple and do more damage.

  5. Tremor needs a faster projectile speed.Would be even better if Tremor was a ground effect instead of a projectile. rev axe vibes.


  1. Hyrbrid doesn't work. Pick power or condi and rework. I vote condi, we have enough power options.
  2. The burst needs a total rework.


  1. The burst needs to do more burning and proc more regularly.
  2. Arcing arrow needs to apply some burning and maybe a 1 second daze. Longbow needs a way to get people off of it if they are being focused.

Rifle1.Auto needs some more damage.

  1. Brutal shot needs to evade as it shoots like thief and ranger shortbow does.Yes.There was also a suggestion somewhere to make rifle autoattack shoot 2 shots after using another rifle skill, like ele's summoned fiery axe.Hammer
  2. Either give the autos more damage or give the cc skills some damage back.

UtilitiesTo be Filled in Later

  1. Great Fortitude: Useless. Change to give 2 seconds of protection and 2 second of resistance on heal.Healer's Retribution: Gain 3 seconds of quickness, fury, and swiftness on heal.I feel like there shouldn't be such a big focus on the healing skill, as only Mending truly benefits from them, and Signet users don't get synergy with them at all.

You had many good ideas, sorry if reading my comments is lengthy. I think warrior has some deeper issues (regardless of current balance) and i'll try to write my thoughts together sometime.

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warrior being trash has nothing really to do with trait lines, but how weapon skills and utility skills functions...keep buffing numbers won't do anything good but to get nerfed in a month. warrior needs better functionalities in skills.

like no matter how you buff these numbers, warrior will never be used in any top games, unless it is buffed to a point nobody can beat it 1v1 in side node, but then it will just get nerfed super quick.

warrior needs more skill options, for example: support, tempest/fb gets projectile reflect without sacrifice, warrior needs to sacrifice res banner for projectile block. this alone completely trashed warrior in support, you take projectile block, you miss res, you take res, you only have heal to deal with projectile, heal is power less against lich/deadeye/soulbeast/nades. also here's the thing, you get interrupted.

and then we can take about landing crucial skills aka res/projectile block, tempest/fb has blink/shocking aura/overload stab/blind mantra/block mantra on demand to cover for res casting. warrior has none. warrior takes stab=1/4 healing gone and stab has 60 second CD.

secondly, warrior has 0 ways to stick to an enemy. if an enemy really wanted to kit, warrior has no way to catch it, unlike rev/thief has high blink up time, while soulbeast/mesmer has good range pressure, so you don't need to stick to finish low enemies.also warrior needs set up for any meaningful damage, while other classes just go in and do damage easy. warrior in any form of damage requires adrenaline, and adrenaline requires you to fight and be in combat. so no ganking/roaming

and obviously warrior can't team fight, as most skill are extremely small radius melee attacks. it has basically 0 area denial, not even with winds of disenchantment for how weak it is. while as necro/holo just spams all the aoes with little sacrifice and shut down enemy point presence. and if warrior opt for aoe spamming and area denial, it dies in 10 seconds.

only thing warrior can do since 2013 is troll far node 1v1 as it doesnt require you to finish target/support allies/apply huge aoes, you just need to win the fight,thus the easiest role to fill,you wonder why warrior is always nerfed so fast?because if warrior becomes so good at 1v1 far, that's only because it is overtuned, because according to balance, everybody should have a chance at 1v1ing another class right? but then warrior losing it's dominance on the side node literally means death to this class, because it is trash at everything else.

and this is why currently warrior is completely dead.

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Greatsword Hundred Blades should be reworked indeed

Mace Tremor I think rather than projectile speed I prefer change to cone shape but shorter range, the current tremor is hard to aim, plus warrior is almost want to go into melee range anyway so with cone shape it will be easier to land when it comes to melee range.

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@DKRathalos.9625 said:Greatsword Hundred Blades should be reworked indeed

Mace Tremor I think rather than projectile speed I prefer change to cone shape but shorter range, the current tremor is hard to aim, plus warrior is almost want to go into melee range anyway so with cone shape it will be easier to land when it comes to melee range.

My vote is aim it like GS 3.

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I was replying to this on Saturday, then my toddler hit the power button on my PC >< :angry: I've been thinking a fair bit about this stuff as wel and was going to post something, but I'll comment on what you have and throw in some suggestions to consider.

@"Zuko.7132" said:In pvp, warrior excels at nothing. Sub par damage. Sub par sustain. Sub par support. Just sub par.Here's my rework to try and bring warrior back. I'm only going to comment on what I have ideas for how to fix. All numbers are negotiable. Not every change has to be made if they make warrior too powerful collectively. These are just some options.

Trait Lines Section

Base Profession Changes

  1. Fast hands is baseline.We've been wanting this since 2013, so I doubt it would happen, but would free up a traitline for many people.

  2. Burst recharge is six seconds by default.We rely so much on bursts that I do not disagree, but I can hear the QQ already.Strength

  3. Brave Stride: Reckless Dodge inflicts 2 seconds of cripple and gives you 2 seconds of swiftness if you hit. Self explanatory. Current version is useless in prolonged fights.What is needed more is an increase in the movement speed that swiftness provides. Either include +20-30% movement speed increase on top of swiftness here or somewhere else. The 20-30% range is a guess, not sure on the right number, but it is an additional increase meaning that Runes of Speed would work with it.

  4. Restorative Strength: Keep as is with the might, but add five seconds of retaliation.I was thinking about Vigor myself, but Retaliation works too.

  5. Body Blow: I believe the cc play style traits should be moved to tactics. Change to give five stacks of vuln for five seconds of 3 seconds of fury for landing reckless dodge.They just reworked Tactics. Strength is where our Physical skill trait is, and all of those are either hard or soft CC. So your best bet to shove CC traits into is Defense or Strength. I do like augmenting Reckless Dodge though.

  6. Great Fortitude: Useless. Change to give 2 seconds of protection and 2 second of resistance on heal.This is a useless trait. I like the idea of further augmenting the heal skill and we need more access to protection than we currently have.

  7. Merciless Hammer: This trait will be moved to tactics. Replace with Healer's Retribution. Gain 3 seconds of quickness, fury, and swiftness on heal.Again, I'm not sure if Tactics is the place to move the CC traits. I DO like Healer's Retribution however.

  8. Make Berserker's Power activate without having to connect with a hit.Arms (This is a mess)I'm gonna leave this for me to fill in at a later date.Edge put something up, but here are a few thoughts.

  9. Wounding Precision. Apply 1 stack of torment for 4s when you apply bleed.

  10. Opportunist. Gain 20% increased chance to critical strike versus movement impaired foes. Gain 10 Adrenaline when you immobilize a foe (10s ICD).

  11. Unsuspecting Foe. Keep to 50% increased chance to crit on CCd foes, in addition to that you apply 1 stack of confusion for 5s when you strike a controlled foe.

  12. Burst Precision. Make the 100% chance to crit effect linger for 1s per adrenaline bar spent, no hit required just spending adrenaline.

  13. Dual Wielding. The 20% IAS needs to be changed to some other benefit. If IAS stuff stacked it would be great, but that wont happen, so make it +20% damage and +20% Condition damage instead.Defense

  14. Thick Skin: 5% damage reduction for each stack of adrenal health. Swap places with adrenal health for clarity. Ex: Adrenal health is the first minor trait. Thick skin is the second.Cool!

  15. Spiked Armor: Gain 3 seconds of retaliation for each stack of adrenaline when you land a burst skill. Keep damage reduction. Remove icd.Cooler! Bursts have their own CDs so this would be paced out, but considering Spellbreaker can do 3 back to back bursts, and Decap Spam is a thing perhaps 2s would be best? Again why are we suggesting tying more effects to landing the burst? Make it proc on activation.

  16. Armored Attack: Gain 2 seconds of protection upon landing a burst skill. No change for the amount of adrenaline stacks, always 2 seconds.Does it have to be on landing a burst skill? This is part of Warrior's overall problem, too much is tied to landing a hit with F1, and many of them have big tells. Make it activate on using a burst instead.

  17. Sundering Mace: Change to affect all cc's not just maces. Keep mace cooldown reduction.Great change, but I can hear the Necro's crying already.

  18. Lesser Endure Pain: Delete this trait. Replace with Break the Chains: Gain 2 seconds of protection and inflict area weakness for 2 seconds when you break a stun.I really like this one. As someone mentioned there is a stunbreak trait already, but _so what__ its not like there cant be another, and I think there needs to be more protection and ways to inflict weakness.

  19. Last Stand: Remove auto balanced stance proc. Reduce stance cooldown by 20%. Stances grant retaliation and vigor for 5 seconds and last 25% longer.I'm down with this.

  20. Cleansing Ire: Keep as is, but have bursts remove blind on cast.

  21. Rousing Resilience. Might I suggest changing the Toughness to direct damage reduction instead? Whatever the equivalent amount would be.Tactics

  22. Martial Cadence doesn't need an icd if it requires landing a burst skill. Remove it.100% agree.

  23. Empowered: Change to soldier's focus grants fury and swiftness to allies for three seconds.We need more group support, but we can give fury and swiftness fairly easily with FGJ and Warhorn, so why not another boon choice instead?

  24. Warriors cunning: Replace with merciless hammer. Remove the adrenaline gain.Not sure if Tactics is the place for this Trait.

  25. Martial Cadence: Delete. Replace with Crowd Control Champion: CC's inflict three seconds of weakness and cripple. Gain 10 Adrenaline on cc. 3 sec idc for the adrenaline.So you moved the adrenaline gain from MH to here and then crippled the adrenaline gain? The ICD on the adrenaline gain from Merciless Hammer is versus defiant foes. You can use Earthshaker right now, hit 3 enemies, and MH will give you 30 adrenaline. You can do back to back CCs and rapidly fill the adrenaline gauge. This change here would be a nerf to something that is one of the Warrior's best ways to gain adrenaline.Discipline1.Fast Hands: Old version is baseline. New version is gain 2 seconds of swiftness on weapon swap.Perhaps here is the place to include the increased movement speed effect while under swiftness that I mentioned earlier.

  26. Crack shot should be moved somewhere into tactics.They just reworked Tactics, perhaps move it BACK into Arms and replace Sundering Bursts with it? Make the effects of the trait affect all weapon skills of the ranged weapons.

  27. Heightened Focus: Keep quickness and icd the same, but activate on landing a burst.Not to sound like a broken record, but why keep tying things to when we hit with a burst? Particularly with a 15s ICD. Make it on activation and at least you make several slow af burst skills hit more quickly.

  28. Vengeful return should change, but I don't what to right now.Balthazar only knows what could go here. It competes with Warrior's Sprint which is too strong, so you'd have to really overbuff the trait or swap places with Double Standards.Weapons


  1. Hundred Blades needs to be a bit more rewarding. Barely does more than the auto attack.Unroot it. Make it hit 5 targets. Make the channel 1s faster.
  2. Rush needs its pathing fixed.


  1. Eviscerate needs to do more damage. It's sad right now. I say tier three damage baseline. This will still be less than arcing slice with gs trait under 50%. Apply, 2, 4, 6 stacks of might based on adrenaline.T3 being baseline would be too much as the new T3 would instagib Thieves, Eles, and Guardians. T2 being baseline would work better. I agree on the Might gain.

  2. Throw axe needs its pathing fixed.

  3. Dual strike should give 1 second of quickness per strike instead of half.An alternative would be for the quickness to apply per hit per foe like Cyclone Axe does with Fury.

  4. Whirling axe should reflect and give retaliation.Either or. Otherwise its just a superior Ranger Axe5. Make it reflect.Shield

  5. It's fine, but can we maybe get shield bash damage back please?


  1. Can we get f1 damage back?Please?

  2. The auto attack chain is too slow. Speed it up a little.Please?

  3. Counter blow should keep blocking unless they enter melee range.

  4. Crushing blow needs to apply cripple and do more damage.

  5. Tremor needs a faster projectile speed.Make it an AoE rather than a projectile.Sword

  6. Hyrbrid doesn't work. Pick power or condi and rework. I vote condi, we have enough power options.See my Arms suggestion. I think there should be a trait somewhere that applies torment when you apply bleed. That would make sword a beastly condi weapon. Someone else mentioned moving the bleed on Final Thrust to baseline, I agree with that as well. Same person suggested that Rip not end Impale, which I also agree with.2 The burst needs a total rework.Unroot it, make the channel 1s faster. With the above suggestion that bleeds also inflict torment you'll have a great condi burst.Longbow

  7. The burst needs to do more burning and proc more regularly.Yep.

  8. Arcing arrow needs to apply some burning and maybe a 1 second daze. Longbow needs a way to get people off of it if they are being focused.I suggest putting the daze onto Smoldering Arrow for 1/4s. That way you have a nice small AoE CC on an ammo system that also blinds them. I agree on putting burn on Arcing Arrow.

Rifle1.Auto needs some more damage.AA, Rifle 2 and Rifle 4 all need a 20% damage increase.

  1. Brutal shot needs to evade as it shoots like thief and ranger shortbow does.Or evade then shoot.Hammer

  2. Either give the autos more damage or give the cc skills some damage back.Please...

UtilitiesTo be Filled in Later

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Hammer needs utility, something that does not make it a static spin and tickle me elmo back break.

Rifle in total honesty should be reworked into a pure shotgun, designed for mid range AOE damage.

Mace is probably the most 2012 weapon in the game, something needs to be done about the F1 skill (give it a leap) and 3 needs something attached to it, its low damage and low daze.

Shield - For shield 5, attach a 0m knockback on the skill, allowing you to ram into someone knocking them back (like a shield charge)

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I read your guys comments on not moving the cc traits to tactics. I think that's fair. Do you think stay in strength but move the hammer to the same spot as gs trait to provide an alternative weapon trait? I don't see gs and hammer being taken together anytime soon. Also I meant to say arms for the ranged trait. I promise I'm not obsessed with tactics lol. I think having some traits not require landing a burst is fair. Adjust numbers accordingly if needed.

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Oh I also forgot something, I might suggest that the adrenaline didn't immediately decay after being out of combat, let's say even if out of combat we should can hold the adrenaline level for like 5-7 seconds before decay?Because I experience this situation in WvW, I play berserker and pop the precision signet for insta 30 adrenaline before engage, but since I am not in combat the adrenaline immediately decay by few points which screwing the berserk mode activation, if the adrenaline just stay max 5-7 secs before decay that will be helpful.

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@DKRathalos.9625 said:Oh I also forgot something, I might suggest that the adrenaline didn't immediately decay after being out of combat, let's say even if out of combat we should can hold the adrenaline level for like 5-7 seconds before decay?Because I experience this situation in WvW, I play berserker and pop the precision signet for insta 30 adrenaline before engage, but since I am not in combat the adrenaline immediately decay by few points which screwing the berserk mode activation, if the adrenaline just stay max 5-7 secs before decay that will be helpful.

That used to be the case. It got hit hard. You could kill something and have time to run to the next mob and use your adrenaline before it decayed to 0. Anet is very happy with the current decay rate unfortunately.

@Zuko.7132 said:I also like the improved swiftness and more application of swiftness. War has a hard time staying on top of mobile classes.

An alternative is granting superspeed when you swap weapons or use a burst.

@Zuko.7132 said:I read your guys comments on not moving the cc traits to tactics. I think that's fair. Do you think stay in strength but move the hammer to the same spot as gs trait to provide an alternative weapon trait? I don't see gs and hammer being taken together anytime soon. Also I meant to say arms for the ranged trait. I promise I'm not obsessed with tactics lol. I think having some traits not require landing a burst is fair. Adjust numbers accordingly if needed.

Depends. WvW Spellbreaker usually rocks GS + Hammer unless they are taking Warhorn. It becomes a question of if you want might stacks to heal you or if you want the extra Adrenaline gain.

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Yeah, we're struggling right now but it's not catastrophic. At least we're not mesmer...

There are still solid SB and core builds to play, berzerker though, is absolute GARBAGE. A berzerker warrior in pvp is like finding a unicorn. ANet needs to undo that "rework" that happened a few months ago. It's basically a poor man's holosmith.

Honestly though, I think ANet is scared to buff warriors. This community just blows up if warriors have any momentum whatsoever.

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@"JTGuevara.9018" said:Yeah, we're struggling right now but it's not catastrophic. At least we're not mesmer...

There are still solid SB and core builds to play, berzerker though, is absolute GARBAGE. A berzerker warrior in pvp is like finding a unicorn. ANet needs to undo that "rework" that happened a few months ago. It's basically a poor man's holosmith.

Honestly though, I think ANet is scared to buff warriors. This community just blows up if warriors have any momentum whatsoever.

...yea warrior is not mesmer, warrior is worse then mesmer.i can climb higher on power core mes then any warrior build

power core mes can a least kill people, no warrior build accomplish anything

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I think this deserves a bump and further discussion.

If ANet isn't up for the idea of tuning down the other classes then yeah, Warrior sorely needs an update to its kit and how it functions in a general sense. In fact, even despite the circumstances Warrior has needed an update to its kit for years. At least in regards to PvP, seeing as it seems to be riddled with traits and utilities that are relatively worthless in PvP situations, even in niche circumstances.

The only problem with any sort of "rework" idea in relation to the class and its Specializations, though, is that I would be genuinely concerned what they would do to it considering what happened with Berserker. All they needed to do to make Berserker more viable was have entering Berserk Mode proc Adrenaline traits...they did that, but then they did about 50 other things that essentially just turned that Elite Spec into a one trick pony.

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Imma throw this out there, Hundred blades should be a mobile skill. Making us stand still had its use but in current time its poopy and needs to be changed; It does LESS damage than whirling axe yet WA can move and has Big D energy? Greatsword needs that energy too. Hammer needs a complete overhaul as it feels horrible and thats not just on this class revenant and guardian have the same issues with the weapon.... it feels horrid.

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More cripples, less need to burst & hundred blades most certainly needs a mobility rework/alternative skill. E.g make it work like a block skill, if you wait till the end, you stay still and deal the normal hundred blades damage or instead cancel the damage for some utility, such as a. Aoe cripple or something.

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@swifti.2590 said:More cripples, less need to burst & hundred blades most certainly needs a mobility rework/alternative skill. E.g make it work like a block skill, if you wait till the end, you stay still and deal the normal hundred blades damage or instead cancel the damage for some utility, such as a. Aoe cripple or something.

How about make it a PBAoE attack that strikes quickly, immobilizes and cripples foes in the area, and flips over to the old 100B. That way you get a usable skill with the option of using the old 100B or not depending on if the immob sticks.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@swifti.2590 said:More cripples, less need to burst & hundred blades most certainly needs a mobility rework/alternative skill. E.g make it work like a block skill, if you wait till the end, you stay still and deal the normal hundred blades damage or instead cancel the damage for some utility, such as a. Aoe cripple or something.

How about make it a PBAoE attack that strikes quickly, immobilizes and cripples foes in the area, and flips over to the old 100B. That way you get a usable skill with the option of using the old 100B or not depending on if the immob sticks.

Exactly! It's a Decent pve skill with very limited pvp use. Every video I've seen of good warriors don't even use the skill, too many downsides. Having the option to covert the ability into some kind of utility would be reasonable

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@swifti.2590 said:

@swifti.2590 said:More cripples, less need to burst & hundred blades most certainly needs a mobility rework/alternative skill. E.g make it work like a block skill, if you wait till the end, you stay still and deal the normal hundred blades damage or instead cancel the damage for some utility, such as a. Aoe cripple or something.

How about make it a PBAoE attack that strikes quickly, immobilizes and cripples foes in the area, and flips over to the old 100B. That way you get a usable skill with the option of using the old 100B or not depending on if the immob sticks.

Exactly! It's a Decent pve skill with very limited pvp use. Every video I've seen of good warriors don't even use the skill, too many downsides. Having the option to covert the ability into some kind of utility would be reasonable

It has more use in WvW since you have things like sigils of hydromancy to support it, but yeah it is a very dated skill regardless.

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