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AOE Needs to Be Weaker than Single Target

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@Shiyo.3578 said:All AOE in the game should do 50% less damage per target hit over the first, and scaling up every time another target is hit(pets don't count). Also, no AOE should do more or equal damage to single target attacks. Zero exceptions.

They should do the thing which was already done for several mmos :Full damage on Primary target (aka the one locked onto by the player), 50% less damage to all others.

Cleave will still exist, but not to the extent where it deals enormous amounts of damage in an AoE.

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wait by aoe do some of you guys mean pulsing aoe or one off skills that hit in an aoe? cuz most pulsing aoe is already weaker then single target damage, so the problem is ofc when they get stacked over and over again in a small area. nerfing the damage of these skills on an individual level won't solve problems, it will make aoe useless since like i said they are already weak. this would have a profound effect on wvw and make blobs unkillable.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:Massive area denial.Occurs at multiple locations.Hits multiple targets.Multiple strong effects.

Why are classes that do AOE as their primary damage outperforming single target classes in single target damage?

Also, they are better at sustain and support.

Who is pvp made for?

AOE must tp be weaker than single target.... and ranged weaker than hand to hand... but...

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@megilandil.7506 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:Massive area denial.Occurs at multiple locations.Hits multiple targets.Multiple strong effects.

Why are classes that do AOE as their primary damage outperforming single target classes in single target damage?

Also, they are better at sustain and support.

Who is pvp made for?

AOE must tp be weaker than single target.... and ranged weaker than hand to hand... but...

this is at the heart of why ele is a design failure as an example. Low Health, low armor, only viable builds is melee, and only viable attacks are aoe. So now we have a class that has to be competitive in 1v1 with aoe?! A confused mess for a caster class.

What it should be broadly speaking is:

option 1: Strong ranged attacks and close cc aoe, low hp, low mitigation, weak at melee.option 2. Strong aoe, but weak enough that its no good for 1v1, medium mitigation and hp.option 3: Strong in melee, weak in aoe, strong mitigation and hp.option 4: Medium aoe, medium 1v1, medium mitigation and hp, mixed range. Maximum versatility.

That's not rocket science really, god knows why Anet cant align roughly along these kind of lines.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:Doesn't fly. Ranger is almost only single target and gets single target damage nerfed every patch.

They should've focused on nerfing ranger's sustain and effective healing instead of their damage. Keep the class high risk/reward. Instead, they went with the dull route of making them pet bots that slowly wither you down with Protect Me! spam and WS.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Doesn't fly. Ranger is almost only single target and gets single target damage nerfed every patch.

They should've focused on nerfing ranger's sustain and effective healing instead of their damage. Keep the class high risk/reward. Instead, they went with the dull route of making them pet bots that slowly wither you down with Protect Me! spam and WS.

Yeah. It falls on deaf ears but the problem is and always has been sustain through wilderness survival.

The damage isn't a problem when the class dies when caught.

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