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Roaming Flamethrower Scrapper MEME build for you to try out.


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Become a hulking Juggernaut that dishes out lethal damage, is Immune to CC, and has near-permanent superspeed thanks to the latest scrapper buff. That is a theme of this build, while it may not be Optimal when matched against serious meta builds and can get easily countered. It is still a helluva fun to play and it surprises people when they get hit by 7k flamethrower auto-attack. Give it a shot ;)

It is also scientifically proven that gamers hate the most when you take the possibility to play the game from them which in gw2 comes in the form of Crowd Control, and this build completely counters it. So you could argue that this build is scientifically proven to be the most fun build.

I tried a lot of variations of this build in my video but I recommend these the most.PvP - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlFwsYYsO2JW8SatfA-zZIPj8VAZMBE6A

WvW - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlFwsYYsO2JW8SatfA-zVpYBRBRLMoJxQLICixIIwxISBUJBUfRCjNwbR/zI-w

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Haha I saved the helltaker remixes some week ago because I was going to use it for whatever next clips I do.

I've never found the flamethrower to be anywhere near effective due to other roaming builds having far higher burst capabilities on the kind of glass cannon that's needed to do damage. Even stab isnt enough when a rev tps and nearly instakill you, an immo ranger stands at 1800 range and just pewpew, a perma-stealth deadeye appear for 1s etc. Last time I met a "dangerous" flamethrower engie in a 1 on 1 was like a year ago and he still died because he had the burst but not the sustain. But yeah that was alot of patches ago.

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Well done on the video!

I've been running this build on my Engi since the Flamethrower buffs now in Unranked sPVP (with every once in a while in ranked since bots are running rampant) and roaming/zergs in WvW. While most consider this a meme build, is has the element of surprise that really catches some people off guard.

The one thing that players don't seem to realize is the scaling on Flamethrower 1 (Flame Jet) scales super hard on Power damage - Flame Jet WIki . It never got a PvP split so it's power coefficient in 2.5! So while it seems logical to build condi with a Flamethrower, power is the way to go (also why it works great with Scrapper because of shield). It's also a reason why I've seen some Scrappers running Flamethrower in zergs for the melee push and hit for 4k+ a tick. That's really good damage!

I've been experimenting with Core Flamethrower Gadget Engi in sPvP (again mostly unranked) - sort of a pseudo roamer/+1. I replace Scrapper line with Tools. I can then take Streamlined Kits for perma-Swiftness and Gadgeteer for reduced CD on Rocket Boots and Slick Shoes. Combined with Runes of Speed, you have perma 99% movement speed and Rocket Boots for fast rotations for decaps (not as fast as thief obviously). Nothing can really catch you and you can +1 where needed and you still have a Excessive Energy 10% damage boost from high vigor uptime (not quite the 15% from Object in Motion). The downside is you replace your elixirs and you don't have the stacking shield from Scrapper damage. Nothing great, but it's a fun meme variation.

Selfishly, I was hoping the Flamethrower meme builds would stay hidden for as long as it could. It's quirky, under-performs in areas, and you definitely get the hate whispers. But it's so fun to make it work! And that's what I enjoy about the game, having fun success with fun unique builds.

Thanks again OP for the post!

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@"DRfear.5234"Nice video, ty for proving that scrapper can roam too :D

I have 2 similars builds, if you will boring you can check on them :D

Well abuse :http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAQJlRwcYdML2JW+SateA-zVhYBhJGFAsSQgwNC64MiQC0rCQlHgA2AvF9PjA-w

And this one i used to roam on Gandara and solo taking lordshttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAQJlFwcYdML2JW+SateA-zVZYBRBHOcSQYE0xZEhEoXFgGPABsBeL6fGB-w

@Jaykay.9641yep but also keep in mind that is only skill that he using to do dmg so i think that is ok with scaling

havy condi or roots spam counter that build from my 3months experience on similar build

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@"Jaykay.9641" said:Selfishly, I was hoping the Flamethrower meme builds would stay hidden for as long as it could. It's quirky, under-performs in areas, and you definitely get the hate whispers. But it's so fun to make it work! And that's what I enjoy about the game, having fun success with fun unique builds.Pretty sure it doesnt matter if its "in the open", few will run it because its so glassy. I did experiment with it. It lasted a couple of minutes before I met a 5 man guild that punched straight through the stab, knocked me around 3 times within about as many seconds and promptly killed me before I could do anything.

I mean it would be fun to meet a bunch of flamethrower engies just to figure out how to fight them (not like one get much training fighting engies nowadays except stupid minstrel scrappers being attached to the hip of their dps) but I dont think its going to happen. Guess we will find out, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Jaykay.9641" said:Selfishly, I was hoping the Flamethrower meme builds would stay hidden for as long as it could. It's quirky, under-performs in areas, and you definitely get the hate whispers. But it's so fun to make it work! And that's what I enjoy about the game, having fun success with fun unique builds.Pretty sure it doesnt matter if its "in the open", few will run it because its so glassy. I did experiment with it. It lasted a couple of minutes before I met a 5 man guild that punched straight through the stab, knocked me around 3 times within about as many seconds and promptly killed me before I could do anything.

I mean it would be fun to meet a bunch of flamethrower engies just to figure out how to fight them (not like one get much training fighting engies nowadays except stupid minstrel scrappers being attached to the hip of their dps) but I dont think its going to happen. Guess we will find out, lol.

Why would you expect this build (or any build) to be competitive 1v5? Not just any 5, but a guild 5...

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I've been running something very similar in WvW when in pugmander groups and it's a blast. Most foes don't realize they're getting flamed and sit in the dmg for a few seconds too long. I feel it's somewhere in the range of 2k-4k DPS depending upon when your quickness boon pops due to might stacks. The stab is really great for pugmander groups as well.

It goes through doors, cannot be reflected, cleaves 3 enemies -- good stuff.

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@juno.1840 said:

@"Jaykay.9641" said:Selfishly, I was hoping the Flamethrower meme builds would stay hidden for as long as it could. It's quirky, under-performs in areas, and you definitely get the hate whispers. But it's so fun to make it work! And that's what I enjoy about the game, having fun success with fun unique builds.Pretty sure it doesnt matter if its "in the open", few will run it because its so glassy. I did experiment with it. It lasted a couple of minutes before I met a 5 man guild that punched straight through the stab, knocked me around 3 times within about as many seconds and promptly killed me before I could do anything.

I mean it would be fun to meet a bunch of flamethrower engies just to figure out how to fight them (not like one get much training fighting engies nowadays except stupid minstrel scrappers being attached to the hip of their dps) but I dont think its going to happen. Guess we will find out, lol.

Why would you expect this build (or any build) to be competitive 1v5? Not just any 5, but a guild 5...Competetive? No. I just expect to do something. Maybe I'm just bad at the build or fail to see what the meme superspeed and permastab actually bring. I returned to that same group with my core engie and performed
better with zero stab.

The excitement of this build seems to have subsided though - I actually still saw a few early last week but little more since. Just regular meta scrappers and holos. Oh and one notable scrapper trying to use grenades. Poor thing.

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I actually play this variant mostly in ranked pvp and it dominates scrappers in a lots of situations, this build has no any good condi cleanse and 10+ stacks of burning can be optained in a core engi with permastab/perfect mobility/lots of condi cleanses (turns them into boons, love supporting also) and a perfect balance of hybrid dps with defense options like blocking and pull.


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