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Only lesbians, AGAIN?!?!

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One thing I would like to see (although I won't hold my breath from a video game story line), is societal implications of different pairings in the different societies.For instance, it always seems a little shallow to just see characters in, for instance, human society in Tyria to just blanket accept same-sex couples. Humanity is a dying race in Tyria (supposedly...you wouldn't know based on the amount chosen by the playerbase, hehe). But I would bet in a real life situation such as that, where a race was actually "dying out", it would not be as widely accepted. THAT would cause some interest for me. Because people like stories where characters "fight against all odds", etc. etc.I don't see Sylvari having giving it even one bit of thought. They aren't supposedly gendered beings.I think with Charr, there could be some interesting relationships that suit their society well, Norn, etc. I think that if they want to explore relationships, they should go all out and write content that fits with said relationships. I think it would just make it more interesting/believable.

I don't like the mindset of "Okay now we're going to fill this and that diversity quota". I think that line of thinking comes from not wanting to step on anybody's toes. And, realistically, no not everybody and their mother needs to be "represented" in a video game. The purpose of stories is to get you to see through somebody else's eyes. To walk a mile in their shoes. Let's face it, sometimes you have to step on toes/offend people to write good stories. And not everybody's going to agree with you about what is "offensive" and that's okay. It's okay to be offended. It helps us to see who we are and what we believe, you know?

I know a large company isn't likely to risk things. They're very careful not to offend anybody because they want peoples' money. But it would be nice to see some more complex story lines in video games, and this one specifically. Does a video game even need complexity? I think it couldn't hurt.

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@Chicken Fro.6953 said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the game. :) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to anyone. I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

This member of the gay community agrees with you. Games should be a place we all escape from the real world and it's drama. Keep social justice issues out of games.

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@paintpixie.7398 said:I think with Charr, there could be some interesting relationships that suit their society.

Definitely. Especially considering that up until relatively recently they were a very sex-segregated race/culture akin to the ancient Greeks (and their fellows, such as the Spartans) who all were notoriously homosexual in both directions simply because men and women lived in pretty much two different worlds, only really coming together because of social obligations.

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@cptaylor.2670 said:

@thrdeye.1028 said:

@Cirrion.8951 said:

@thrdeye.1028 said:

Nearly everyone is fine with gays simply existing.

Sadly that is not even close to being true.

Maybe in the Middle East or other backwards regions it's not true, but in Western countries (where GW2 is likely to be played) people who can't accept the existence of gays are uncommon and generally reviled. Even the traditionally gay bashing religious groups have adopted a live and let live approach. They still believe it's a sin, but the sins are between the sinner and God and they just prefer not to have it rammed down their throats.

Your existence being tolerated and your differences being accepted are completely different. The point is to get to a place where that difference is a non-issue, and despite the fact that this doesn't pertain to you personally it is still risky. People still stare if you hold hands with someone of the same sex walking down the street or shout kitten out the window as they're driving by. Sure, progress has been made and the chances of being lured into an alley somewhere and beaten to death with a baseball bat have diminished, but it's still a possibility. But I guess we should celebrate the fact that our existence is tolerated and be thankful that some people have the sense to keep their opinions to themselves. It doesn't matter that questioning youth is still exposed to prejudice in smaller doses and develop psychological and emotional trauma forever effecting who they are or will become as an individual in society.

I'm white and black people aren't being lynched or forced to drink from separate water fountains anymore so obviously racism doesn't exist anymore. So glad we're past that too.

You cannot, and will never be able to make all people everywhere accept something that they don't want to/aren't programmed to accept. Trying to force them will cause the exact opposite of what you want to happen. You cannot force people to like you, you cannot force them to be nice to you. The best you can hope for is that they will treat you fairly. That goes beyond sexuality. Somebody may just not "accept you" into their group because you pick your nose. And that's okay. So long as they still treat you fairly.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@paintpixie.7398 said:I think with Charr, there could be some interesting relationships that suit their society.

Definitely. Especially considering that up until relatively recently they were a very sex-segregated race/culture akin to the ancient Greeks (and their fellows, such as the Spartans) who all were notoriously homosexual in both directions simply because men and women lived in pretty much two different worlds, only really coming together because of social obligations.

That's totally the type of thing I had in mind for the Charr when I wrote that. Hehe.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:Problems the majority of the world does not care about. Anet needs to stop implementing politics in every corner of the game.

Or if they do, make it a relevant part of the storyline. I'm much more interested in the aftermath of the story than I am in what these imaginary characters do among themselves. I come to a game to escape from the world, not to be reminded of the tiresome "identity politics" crusade.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Esprit Dumort.3109 said:Forget sexism, what about cross species love? Anet is species-ist!!

Do we really - and I mean really - want another Sonic '06 situation?

I am unfamiliar with this incident.

And to the other person, I was unaware of a Logan and Rytlock relationship, also I am being facetious because the OP is silly.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@Cirrion.8951 said:

@thrdeye.1028 said:

@Cirrion.8951 said:

@thrdeye.1028 said:

Nearly everyone is fine with gays simply existing.

Sadly that is not even close to being true.

Maybe in the Middle East or other backwards regions it's not true, but in Western countries (where GW2 is likely to be played) people who can't accept the existence of gays are uncommon and generally reviled. Even the traditionally gay bashing religious groups have adopted a live and let live approach. They still believe it's a sin, but the sins are between the sinner and God and they just prefer not to have it rammed down their throats.

Most Western counties, yes. America, no. There is still a large, electorally significant contingent of social conservatives that are still set on fighting against the inclusion of LGBT peoples into mainstream society and institutions. You can find them in this very thread. They're easy to find, they're usually complaining about having LGBT acceptance rammed down their throats simply by being exposed to them.

Social changes happen as a process of education of multiple generations, not just by creating authoritary law in a month. You can write anything you want on piece of paper and people who don't feel like accept it won't respect this law anyway.

Which is pretty much my point...

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@Malediktus.9250 said:Problems the majority of the world does not care about. Anet needs to stop implementing politics in every corner of the game.

They didn't. They implemented a heart quest where one of the possible activities is to match up characters romantically. Some of those pairings can be same-gender. That's it. If someone sees this as being political or having some agenda 'rammed down your throat' (funny how they always use that exact phrase...) then the problem is with them, not the game.

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@Esprit Dumort.3109 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Esprit Dumort.3109 said:Forget sexism, what about cross species love? Anet is species-ist!!

Do we really - and I mean really - want another Sonic '06 situation?

I am unfamiliar with this incident.

Ah well, apart from being one of the worst games ever, it featured a romantic plotline between the titular hedgehog and a very human, teen-looking princess which kinda grossed people out as well due to the bestiality implications. Kind of a double-whammy.

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It's funny the number of people who perceive the mere existence of the LGBT community in video games as "political" stuff that's "shoved down their throats" and they want removed.

Their mere existence. Let that sink in.

Nothing in the game is "over-sexualised" in terms of story presentation, yet people use that argument when the LGBT community merely exists within the game. Nothing is shoved down our throats, not even the kasmeer/marjory relationship. I 100% believe that the vast majority of the complaints about their relationship would cease to exist if they were a straight couple, because most complaints have to do with their relationship being "shoved down our throats". The poor writing involving their relationship and how they're better characters when apart has nothing to do with their sexuality and everything to do with the writer's capability of portraying characters well (I think the writing is fine, but I have low standards and I know it).

The number of people getting up in arms about the LGBT community merely existing within GW2 (or any media portrayal) is astounding. You can provide legitimate criticism on their implementation (because we seriously do not need 'token lgbt stereotypes'), but criticizing their mere existence as political is something that should really make you stop in your tracks and think "why do I have an issue with this?"

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Rox and Braham have a "I have nothing else" connection rather than a love interest. It would have been the literal perfect way to go about having a cross-species couple and I can't imagine most people being bothered by it since charr and norn are roughly the same size.

I'm pretty sure the devs have explicitly stated that cross-species love doesn't exist in GW2 (it was humorously hinted at in GW1) probably to prevent the mental image of various species accidentally killing other species during love-making.

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@castlemanic.3198 said:100% believe that the vast majority of the complaints about their relationship would cease to exist if they were a straight couple, because most complaints have to do with their relationship being "shoved down our throats".

Yeah no

@Oglaf.1074 said:

Jory and Kasmeer are like 99% stock/generic lesbian couple, 1% interesting characters. Ugh.

That is why they are far more better characters when apart from one another.

Which is really just down to poor writing in the end, honestly. Nothing to do with their orientation - if a straight couple were likewise just definied solely by their shared romantic relationship, they'd be terrible characters as well.

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@paintpixie.7398 said:"Palawa Joko's Amusement Authority demands that our citizens possibly find love and definitely procreate. Your efforts in entertaining have resulted in an uptick in potential population, helping supply rise to meet demand. Well done, and praise Joko! "

This is funny to me since that dialogue implies Joko would be against gays/lesbians among his subjects - or at least against homosexual monogamy.

Which is made a bit more funnier because the heart had me gift the same guy three times from three different women. "Good to have choices, right?"

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@Cirrion.8951 said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:Problems the majority of the world does not care about. Anet needs to stop implementing politics in every corner of the game.

They didn't. They implemented a heart quest where one of the possible activities is to match up characters romantically. Some of those pairings can be same-gender. That's it. If someone sees this as being political or having some agenda 'rammed down your throat' (funny how they always use that exact phrase...) then the problem is with them, not the game.Let me think: helping refugees, helping deserters, mexican colored infusion (aka Anti Trump infusion), a larger quantity (percentage wise) of LGBT NPCs than you can find in real life etc. I fail to see how this is not political. It is a MMO and I just want to kill stuff not help useless NPCs or care about LGBT preferences or stuff like that. And it is not just me who noticed it, I talked to friends about this and they see this too.

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