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End of Dragons = End of GW2?

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i don't hope this will be the endBy the time we're finally done with these uninteresting and repetitive dragons, I'd like to see something elseA motivating scenario like in gw1, which had such a superior story than gw2 ...

But I think unfortunately it will be the end after the expansion or maybe one last living story to complete it all.Arena has every interest in finding a new way to make money quickly because gw2 is clearly at the end of his life.

And I think the money they will earn with the next expansion will be used to launch their new project. This money will not be used at all to continue creating content on gw2

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And what are the proofs that utopia is coming? What it is hinting at currently is Jormag freezing everything, primordius eliminated. And no depths of tyria in sight again. About the eod trailer for me it is clearly aurene speaking to kunaverg. Thought of jormag, but its voice is different than the trailer.About the icebrood saga trailer, only the centaur and sinking corpses part is missing. And frankly, I don t see at all how would be the transition between jormag everywhere and centaurs...

There is only two locations where it's centaurs lands jungle and water near it: North of harathi hinterlands and the delta/ maguuma wastes or shiverpeaks (gw1 wiki). And since it is icebrood saga trailer, I highly doubt of cantha centaur.There is no snow in the trailer, it is really a classic canopee/temperate. So more north to me at delta. It can be around maelstrom but again I kinda doubt.

So would like to go underground in depths of tyria, and gonna be disapointed if we just stay in surface with 2012 destroyers models. I noticed that many destroyers is insect-looking or use some of their features: Chelicera, dart, clamps, mandibles...So god, just invent new destroyers already! Search arthropods and insects, copy paste picture, add rocky and lava textures on it, add some unusual organ and here you go! (EG: A caterpillar with a jellyfish head like pouch on it s back and four mantis legs)

To return to the main subject. I re watched the trailer. And things like humans looking like sparks of light that simply disapear a second later and the sentence of it shouldn't be like this....I'm still convinced that the deep sea dragon on lieutenants ability is related to dreams or manipulating knowledges. Let me explain, what if, its corruption isn't killing you but is making you feel high or that you are dreaming, that you are living an alternative endless live? In reality, you look like from outside, a mindless minion like risens; but inside you are feeling normal. Also, compared to fire or ice or rotting spreading in you destroying your organs, a psychotropic gas would be non noticable but still has big impact.

Kraits and karka were chased. We just know because of a menace in the waters. But, somehow they can't describe it? The crucible of eternity was waiting for one of those minions but somehow it never arrived? The priory can't say it's name? Feel like that thing is doing what it can to stay a mystery. Consider that, what if a giant squid is destroying the earth but, by using its ink smoke it can make forgot everyone about the fact it is here? Citizens wouldn't be a threat to it anymore, and as double bonus they are influenced/corrupted.

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@Buran.3796 said:Maybe will became like the last 100 pages of The Lord of the Rings: a total anti-climatic epilogue about Frodo fighting mafia goons in The Shire.

Just saw this. As an interesting aside, Orson Scott Card described Lord of the Rings as a milieu book. That is to say Frodo isn't actually the main character...Middle Earth is. It's not Frodo's story alone, but the story of the last days of the fourth age of middle earth. The reason why it has so many endings and why it doesn't end until the elves leave and the age ends is because Tolkien is telling the story of Middle Earth.

We're used to character driven books, and if that's your preference (as it is mine), you'll see Lord of the Rings the way you do, but there's another way to look at it.

Guild Wars 2 isn't structured that way so it's unlikely to happen. This is definitely a character driven story.

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@Vayne.8563 said:Just saw this. As an interesting aside, Orson Scott Card described Lord of the Rings as a milieu book. That is to say Frodo isn't actually the main character...Middle Earth is. It's not Frodo's story alone, but the story of the last days of the fourth age of middle earth. The reason why it has so many endings and why it doesn't end until the elves leave and the age ends is because Tolkien is telling the story of Middle Earth.

But The Silmarillion is also a book centered on the landscape, and choral in terms of characters. And was interesting from start fo finish, whereas I couldn't read again the first 100 pages and the last 100 pages of The Lord Of The Rings if my life hanged on it.
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@Buran.3796 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Just saw this. As an interesting aside, Orson Scott Card described Lord of the Rings as a milieu book. That is to say Frodo isn't actually the main character...Middle Earth is. It's not Frodo's story alone, but the story of the last days of the fourth age of middle earth. The reason why it has so many endings and why it doesn't end until the elves leave and the age ends is because Tolkien is telling the story of Middle Earth.
But The Silmarillion is also a book centered on the landscape, and choral in terms of characters. And was interesting from start fo finish, whereas I couldn't read again the first 100 pages and the last 100 pages of The Lord Of The Rings if my life hanged on it.

Not everyone finds it so.

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@hugo.4705 said:So would like to go underground in depths of tyria, and gonna be disapointed if we just stay in surface with 2012 destroyers models. I noticed that many destroyers is insect-looking or use some of their features: Chelicera, dart, clamps, mandibles...So god, just invent new destroyers already! Search arthropods and insects, copy paste picture, add rocky and lava textures on it, add some unusual organ and here you go! (EG: A caterpillar with a jellyfish head like pouch on it s back and four mantis legs)Actually, they could go back to the GW1 destroyer models (they already started doing that, but for the most part GW2 destroyers are still lava-reskins of normal creatures, instead of the completely alien and creepy designs they were in GW1)

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:I am wondering what's gonna happen after Anet completes the trilogy set in GW, and I think I figured what they are going to do. The next GW campaign was going to be Utopia but they scrapped it for GW2. If I'm right Utopia will be coming to GW2 [maybe not the name but the concept]

And what was that concept?

The concept was the people of central and south America before the European's arrived.

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