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Put in some proper tutorials into beginner instance before Steam players flood in

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@"Friday.7864" said:No one is talking about babying people to the point where you tell them which key to press to move forward or anything close to it...Dodging, CC and the importance of using different skills should be properly demonstrated though!

Telling people how to use dodge and crowd control skills is babysitting. Why people can't figure out stuff by themselves and everything has to be explained from the start? Learn while you play, and selling lvl 80 boosters is stupid idea since then we have lvl 80 players who does not know the base mechanics. If you were referring to me and have any literacy at all, I said I was exaggerating with my "press x to do something" example.

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@demitel.1340 said:Telling people how to use dodge and crowd control skills is babysitting.

Even Dark Souls Series, which many consider not having a tutorial, tells people of the controls.I don't see a reason why GW2 shouldn't tell players how to control it.

But I also think the information given with the level up rewards is sufficient.For dodge training, each beginning area has that one chest.

Why people can't figure out stuff by themselves and everything has to be explained from the start?Why don't you give us a reason why people should not be told of the controls?

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@demitel.1340 said:

@"Friday.7864" said:No one is talking about babying people to the point where you tell them which key to press to move forward or anything close to it...Dodging, CC and the importance of using different skills should be properly demonstrated though!

Telling people how to use dodge and crowd control skills is babysitting. Why people can't figure out stuff by themselves and everything has to be explained from the start? Learn while you play, and selling lvl 80 boosters is stupid idea since then we have lvl 80 players who does not know the base mechanics. If you were referring to me and have any literacy at all, I said I was exaggerating with my "press x to do something" example.

Well new players are babies, they're absolutely clueless, capable of bringing down entire parties/squads/encounters with their mistakes and lack of knowledge.That's why the babysitting should be done in tutorial, so other players don't have to suffer by having to teach every new player the absolute basics.I don't run a huge guild but I can tell you I'm completely fed up with the amount of explaining I had to do to new players.

CC mechanics are a complete mystery to every new player, while the CC bar is CRUCIAL to some encounters. No part of the game tells people what it is, what CC stands for, what types there are, which skills to use or what happens if you don't use CC skills! You don't do research about CORE mechanics - it's not a fun little secret for people to discover - it's an ESSENTIAL MECHANIC, A MUST KNOW for anyone playing.

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@Fueki.4753 said:Even Dark Souls Series, which many consider not having a tutorial, tells people of the controls.I don't see a reason why GW2 shouldn't tell players how to control it.

Whatever the game is, I still think that it is babysitting. If people are clueless about the controls, they can check and remap them as they like from the options. But that is not the point, the point is that every game should not act like players are stupid and hold our hands all the time. Takes away from the experience to figure out stuff on our own.

@"Friday.7864" said:Well new players are babies, they're absolutely clueless, capable of bringing down entire parties/squads/encounters with their mistakes and lack of knowledge.That's why the babysitting should be done in tutorial, so other players don't have to suffer by having to teach every new player the absolute basics.I don't run a huge guild but I can tell you I'm completely fed up with the amount of explaining I had to do to new players.

CC mechanics are a complete mystery to every new player, while the CC bar is CRUCIAL to some encounters. No part of the game tells people what it is, what CC stands for, what types there are, which skills to use or what happens if you don't use CC skills! You don't do research about CORE mechanics - it's not a fun little secret for people to discover - it's an ESSENTIAL MECHANIC, A MUST KNOW for anyone playing.

I started this game when the game launched, I didn't need any tutorials how to play the game. I learned to play this game all by myself and I definitely didn't need any babysitting. In matter of fact, I had more fun by doing so. I don't like it when the game tells you what to do in every step. The new players you are referring to as babies, they chose to be "clueless babies" so that other people or the game would tell them what to do and do everything for them. I don't blame you for being frustrated to teach new players the game mechanics all the time when they are too lazy to do it themselves, it's their own fault. I have read countless of topics where people were complaining about this game and a lot of time it's all about learn-to-play issue.

I don't really remember GW2 mentioning CC or crowd control anywhere, so the issue is made up by players. I understand that new players might be confused when people are telling them to use "CC" skills, but I would not blame the game for not telling it. That is easy to figure out as well; "oh I used a skill which applies stun and the break bar is going down? Cool!" Though I guess I still somewhat agree that it should be mentioned somewhere.

editThis is my own opinion, but I don't like it when people can't or does not want to learn the game mechanics. Takes away all the fun from us who likes the challenge. Like HoT maps got nerfed when they were "too hard" for some people. Then the certain boss fight in PoF which was "too hard" and it was patched so it is easier to beat. Sure I lost to that boss fight, but I adapted to it and changed my build and beat him in my second try. The real issue is, that some certain people does not want to learn, whatever the rules are. Then the same people are complaining that the game is too hard and "why didn't you tell me that?".

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Combinations are explained twice in the Level-up Rewards 'tutorial'. Conditions, as well.

It's possible that those that do not read the explanations in the Level-up Rewards tutorial will eschew reading any loading screen tips, as well.
Or, that the loading screens aren't up long enough to read any tips.

Thus, this issue will likely always be present.

(Also, I've read about 'no one knows how to break a Defiance Bar' many times on the forums. Yet, in-game, the Defiance Bars always seem to get broken when I'm doing content. I do quite a bit of Bounties, Tribunes, and such, and it never seems to be a problem.)

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Combinations are explained twice in the Level-up Rewards 'tutorial'. Conditions, as well.

It's possible that those that do not read the explanations in the Level-up Rewards tutorial will eschew reading any loading screen tips, as well.

Or, that the loading screens aren't up long enough to read any tips.

Thus, this issue will likely always be present.

(Also, I've read about 'no one knows how to break a Defiance Bar' many times on the forums. Yet, in-game, the Defiance Bars always seem to get broken when I'm doing content. I do quite a bit of Bounties, Tribunes, and such, and it never seems to be a problem.)

Ofc it gets broken eventually... Even if a group blindly spams skills they will break the defiance bar, eventually...The whole point is to break it ASAP.In open world champion Muckstalker is a prime example, if everyone doesn't CC on time, it heals back up to 100%. Timer ran out with 30 people present and a bounty at full health. Same goes for raids, fractals and dungeons - if you don't CC on time you get to see some nasty mechanics and a possible wipe.A lot of people lack basic knowledge. I started carrying CC items in my inventory long ago just so I can cover for others...

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@Friday.7864 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Combinations are explained twice in the Level-up Rewards 'tutorial'. Conditions, as well.

It's possible that those that do not read the explanations in the Level-up Rewards tutorial will eschew reading any loading screen tips, as well.

Or, that the loading screens aren't up long enough to read any tips.

Thus, this issue will likely always be present.

(Also, I've read about 'no one knows how to break a Defiance Bar' many times on the forums. Yet, in-game, the Defiance Bars always seem to get broken when I'm doing content. I do quite a bit of Bounties, Tribunes, and such, and it never seems to be a problem.)

Ofc it gets broken eventually... Even if a group blindly spams skills they will break the defiance bar, eventually...The whole point is to break it ASAP.In open world champion Muckstalker is a prime example, if everyone doesn't CC on time, it heals back up to 100%. Timer ran out with 30 people present and a bounty at full health. Same goes for raids, fractals and dungeons - if you don't CC on time you get to see some nasty mechanics and a possible wipe.A lot of people lack basic knowledge. I started carrying CC items in my inventory long ago just so I can cover for others...

The thing is they tried ppl just quited ppl remember the soul eater in pof story with its cc and ppl couldnt figure out how so yeah i doubt it would work ppl would just skip that tautorial like dodge one

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Combinations are explained twice in the Level-up Rewards 'tutorial'. Conditions, as well.

It's possible that those that do not read the explanations in the Level-up Rewards tutorial will eschew reading any loading screen tips, as well.

Or, that the loading screens aren't up long enough to read any tips.

Thus, this issue will likely always be present.

(Also, I've read about 'no one knows how to break a Defiance Bar' many times on the forums. Yet, in-game, the Defiance Bars always seem to get broken when I'm doing content. I do quite a bit of Bounties, Tribunes, and such, and it never seems to be a problem.)

Ofc it gets broken eventually... Even if a group blindly spams skills they will break the defiance bar, eventually...The whole point is to break it ASAP.In open world champion Muckstalker is a prime example, if everyone doesn't CC on time, it heals back up to 100%. Timer ran out with 30 people present and a bounty at full health. Same goes for raids, fractals and dungeons - if you don't CC on time you get to see some nasty mechanics and a possible wipe.A lot of people lack basic knowledge. I started carrying CC items in my inventory long ago just so I can cover for others...

The thing is they tried ppl just quited ppl remember the soul eater in pof story with its cc and ppl couldnt figure out how so yeah i doubt it would work ppl would just skip that tautorial like dodge one

How do educators and other people that are working with people in the area of learning and how they learn (teaching) even be able to change peoples attitude and mind to learn something that are different or new?

"Learning by doing" which somebody earlier in thread talked about might not be the smartest why when we also talk about a goal that involves different level of players and all want just get on the next goal without taking time to learn why they couldn't kill this particular boss in time. As a commander with tag I have tried to take time to explain how Bounty work, but there is a limit in chat for how long each message can be and with several people with different level of patients and experience it can be really hard to explain Bounty (as a mechanism).

Most players haven't even assigned a key bind to Take Target/Call Target or even the Counter Magic ability, so when things happen they aren't able to make use of Special Action key or Call Target themselves. The last feature is useful to re-focus to boss and READ what abilities that this boss have as Unstable Magic (two icons) and all other base action/abilities that a Bounty boss can have. "Auto lock target" is also not very good name for something that make is possible to reset target, so you don't need to rotate targets with two key for left and right (back or forth). It is also sometimes that even with Promote target enabled it doesn't auto look to target for Action Camera, so it is possible that some players might have problems like this (bugs or oversights from Devs when there is a new patch) which also adds to the layer of things that can go wrong and that it is easy to blame players for in a group (new players might not even know about what went wrong and think it is their fault).

Part of problem is that too many (especially veteran player) think Open World is too easy and never take time to explain or learn things and that way creates expectation that are unrealistic for new players (that feel that don't do enough damage or worse don't belong to this game). Another issue is that when people go all out in range (ranged weapon) then they will have problem with bosses they need to stay close and vv for melee (in particular if you don't have enough of mitigation to stay at close range or get away in time when there is heavy damage around boss).

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@ShadowCatz.8437 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Combinations are explained twice in the Level-up Rewards 'tutorial'. Conditions, as well.

It's possible that those that do not read the explanations in the Level-up Rewards tutorial will eschew reading any loading screen tips, as well.

Or, that the loading screens aren't up long enough to read any tips.

Thus, this issue will likely always be present.

(Also, I've read about 'no one knows how to break a Defiance Bar' many times on the forums. Yet, in-game, the Defiance Bars always seem to get broken when I'm doing content. I do quite a bit of Bounties, Tribunes, and such, and it never seems to be a problem.)

Ofc it gets broken eventually... Even if a group blindly spams skills they will break the defiance bar, eventually...The whole point is to break it ASAP.In open world champion Muckstalker is a prime example, if everyone doesn't CC on time, it heals back up to 100%. Timer ran out with 30 people present and a bounty at full health. Same goes for raids, fractals and dungeons - if you don't CC on time you get to see some nasty mechanics and a possible wipe.A lot of people lack basic knowledge. I started carrying CC items in my inventory long ago just so I can cover for others...

The thing is they tried ppl just quited ppl remember the soul eater in pof story with its cc and ppl couldnt figure out how so yeah i doubt it would work ppl would just skip that tautorial like dodge one

How do educators and other people that are working with people and how the learn (teaching) even be able to change peoples attitude and mind to learn something new?

"Learning by doing" which somebody earlier in thread talked about might not be the smartest why when we also talk about a goal that involves different level of players and all want just get on the next goal without taking time to learn why they couldn't kill this particular boss in time. As a commander with tag I have tried to take time to explain how Bounty work, but there is a limit in chat for how long each message can be and with several people with different level of patients and experience it can be really hard to explain Bounty (as a mechanism).

Most players haven't even assigned a key bind to Take Target/Call Target or even the Counter Magic ability, so when things happen they aren't able to make use of Special Action key or Call Target themselves. The last feature is useful to re-focus to boss and READ what abilities that this boss have as Unstable Magic (two icons) and all other base action/abilities that a Bounty boss can have. "Auto lock target" is also not very good name for something that make is possible to reset target, so you don't need to rotate targets with two key for left and right (back or forth). It is also sometimes that even with Promote target enabled it doesn't auto look to target for Action Camera, so it is possible that some players might have problems like this (bugs or oversights from Devs when there is a new patch) which also adds to the layer of things that can go wrong and that it is easy to blame players for in a group (new players might not even know about what went wrong and think it is their fault).

Part of problem is that too many (especially veteran player) think Open World is too easy and never take time to explain or learn things and that way creates expectation that are unrealistic for new players (that feel that don't do enough damage or worse don't belong to this game). Another issue is that when people go all out in range (ranged weapon) then they will have problem with bosses they need to stay close and vv for melee (in particular if you don't have enough of mitigation to stay at close range or get away in time when there is heavy damage around boss).

I tried to explaining cc only to be asked what skills do these and asking me to list each. I am more in favor of removing the defiance bar mechanic from open world and fractals

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Combinations are explained twice in the Level-up Rewards 'tutorial'. Conditions, as well.

It's possible that those that do not read the explanations in the Level-up Rewards tutorial will eschew reading any loading screen tips, as well.

Or, that the loading screens aren't up long enough to read any tips.

Thus, this issue will likely always be present.

(Also, I've read about 'no one knows how to break a Defiance Bar' many times on the forums. Yet, in-game, the Defiance Bars always seem to get broken when I'm doing content. I do quite a bit of Bounties, Tribunes, and such, and it never seems to be a problem.)

Ofc it gets broken eventually... Even if a group blindly spams skills they will break the defiance bar, eventually...The whole point is to break it ASAP.In open world champion Muckstalker is a prime example, if everyone doesn't CC on time, it heals back up to 100%. Timer ran out with 30 people present and a bounty at full health. Same goes for raids, fractals and dungeons - if you don't CC on time you get to see some nasty mechanics and a possible wipe.A lot of people lack basic knowledge. I started carrying CC items in my inventory long ago just so I can cover for others...

The thing is they tried ppl just quited ppl remember the soul eater in pof story with its cc and ppl couldnt figure out how so yeah i doubt it would work ppl would just skip that tautorial like dodge one

How do educators and other people that are working with people and how the learn (teaching) even be able to change peoples attitude and mind to learn something new?

"Learning by doing" which somebody earlier in thread talked about might not be the smartest why when we also talk about a goal that involves different level of players and all want just get on the next goal without taking time to learn why they couldn't kill this particular boss in time. As a commander with tag I have tried to take time to explain how Bounty work, but there is a limit in chat for how long each message can be and with several people with different level of patients and experience it can be really hard to explain Bounty (as a mechanism).

Most players haven't even assigned a key bind to Take Target/Call Target or even the Counter Magic ability, so when things happen they aren't able to make use of Special Action key or Call Target themselves. The last feature is useful to re-focus to boss and READ what abilities that this boss have as Unstable Magic (two icons) and all other base action/abilities that a Bounty boss can have. "Auto lock target" is also not very good name for something that make is possible to reset target, so you don't need to rotate targets with two key for left and right (back or forth). It is also sometimes that even with Promote target enabled it doesn't auto look to target for Action Camera, so it is possible that some players might have problems like this (bugs or oversights from Devs when there is a new patch) which also adds to the layer of things that can go wrong and that it is easy to blame players for in a group (new players might not even know about what went wrong and think it is their fault).

Part of problem is that too many (especially veteran player) think Open World is too easy and never take time to explain or learn things and that way creates expectation that are unrealistic for new players (that feel that don't do enough damage or worse don't belong to this game). Another issue is that when people go all out in range (ranged weapon) then they will have problem with bosses they need to stay close and vv for melee (in particular if you don't have enough of mitigation to stay at close range or get away in time when there is heavy damage around boss).

I tried to explaining cc only to be asked what skills do these and asking me to list each. I am more in favor of removing the defiance bar mechanic from open world and fractals

When I started to GW2 it was in the time when Defiance bars where introduced into open world bosses also those normal bosses which is in between group content and single player (as for how strong they are at lower level maps). The reason those Defiance bar where introduced where because some bosses where wiped too fast and had no impact, didn't feel like they where stronger then any other creatures in open world. I don't think removing Defiance bars will help as those people that play today aren't willing to "learn" while they only just want to get to top of the line in achievement or get their shiny gear, infusion etc to feel like they are one of the deserving crowd (it is an MMO and this is the back side of how people compare their "worth" against other people).

MMO to large degree reflect mentality in culture and society especially when MMOs like GW2 is a mix of different cultures and social backgrounds which creates expectations and how those expectations can be fulfilled. Culture isn't some abstract idea, but very real when we look at learning (enculturation) and how we have different "modes" towards learning. As for improving a tutorial for GW2 it is clear that we need to understand what back ground do new players have, do they have experience from playing other game that have some similarities and how capable are they to understand the information that are given?


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So... people can't figure it out that they can use dodge to avoid damage? Who needs a tutorial for this? When I came to GW2, I saw a tip on my screen saying something like "press V to dodge blah-blah-blah", so I pressed V and I learned the secret technique of avoiding damage. Very useful. And no, I'm not a 200IQ player.Special Action Key is available only if you have trained masteries (because every Special skill is related to Masteries) — F2P accounts can't use it. And, whats important, everything about specific [special action] skills is EXPLAINED by NPCs. All you have to do is just read or listen. If you can't do this, then tutorials won't help you either.CC and breakbars — this should be explained in game.Videos and other things — there are plenty of videos and tutorials on youtube about literally everything.

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@"Antycypator.9874" said:So... people can't figure it out that they can use dodge to avoid damage? Who needs a tutorial for this? When I came to GW2, I saw a tip on my screen saying something like "press V to dodge blah-blah-blah", so I pressed V and I learned the secret technique of avoiding damage. Very useful. And no, I'm not a 200IQ player.Special Action Key is available only if you have trained masteries (because every Special skill is related to Masteries) — F2P accounts can't use it. And, whats important, everything about specific [special action] skills is EXPLAINED by NPCs. All you have to do is just read or listen. If you can't do this, then tutorials won't help you either.CC and breakbars — this should be explained in game.Videos and other things — there are plenty of videos and tutorials on youtube about literally everything.

People here in this thread are talking about what should be in this game as a base tutorial and not what you can find on external sites like YT or Twitch. Dodge have a short frame to avoid damage, so it not everybody that can use dodge in the exact right moment to avoid damage. Dodge where the main damage mitigation in this game for a long time, but it have been replaced with teleportation, evades and healing to some degree...on some profession there are even traits that procs from dodge.

We already have players here on forum asking which Mastery they should take for mounts, so when they have to decide to get Counter Magic (HoT green MP) and I can tell you during that time CM became accessible in game, it wasn't clear what it was meant for as it was only used to Counter a very short burst of condition damage or break free from certain bosses, often the window to use skill where very short compared to later part of game - for most part it felt more like flash (very low uptime during which one could activate skill) and then it was gone before it could be used, much on the same level some essence ability can show up in Icebrood Sage maps and then be gone before you can actually make use of it ). Later it became a Special Key that now is used generally in game instead of bundles. You are probably a later player and didn't have to prioritise among your Mastery Points for HoT as player had to do at that time Mastery Points where also more limited to get. It changed when ANet added more MP in total and more ways to actually get them (not everybody play every game mode just to get MP).

Here is a list of all HoT Mastery: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_tracks

I still haven't unlocked Oakheart or Siren, so that should be an indicator that new player might not want to invest time gaining enough Mastery Points and XP in HoT, so they can unlock these abilities when most player are going to be in Icebrood Saga maps with their own Mastery. There is a difference when today know that CM unlocks a skill that can be key bound and used on other maps outside of HoT which wasn't as clear at the time when CM where introduced.

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you guys make it seem like this game is unplayable without a "tutorial". why are we still playing then after >8 years?

hell, i sometimes even wish i could be as clueless as i was 8 years ago, just to experience the fun of stepping into a brand new world again.exploring the world, finding "hidden" mechanics, talking to NPCs and other players etc. is all part of the MMORPG experience.there are TONS of little "tutorials" all over the world. remember those circles with a chest in the middle on every starter map? yup, that's a dodge tutorial!you just have to keep your eyes and ears open.

of course if you want to rush through the game without any interaction whatsoever, youre doomed to get "lost".

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The Devs have added some tutorial achievements a while back and while i think this is a great idea, they are quit hidden in the UI and mostly just "plinging away" in the background as players complete them without even noticing what just happend. There is a lot of room to improve these in my opinion.

  1. Move them from a Subcategory in "General" to their own tab in the Achievement Panel, right above even you Daily Achievements, to improve their visibility.
  2. Poke new players with the nose into them. Either by force opening the panel and/or with Blinking Popups and Tooltips, like the ones that tell f2p players to buy PoF.
  3. Expand the Achievements with new Tiers and add new Achievements for conditions, boons, CC & breakbars, stunbreaks, dodgeing, AoEs etc.
  4. Add explanations to the Achievement Text. Insted of just "participate in 5 events" have it also say something like "Dynamic events occur in a persistent area as a result of players interacting with and exploring the world. They are called "dynamic" because there are multiple outcomes that also result in new events, creating a cascade effect." (wich is litterly just first paragraph i copy&pasted from the wiki article on events.) Basically turning it into a bit of a Glossary.
  5. Give people more opportunities and insentive to use what they have learned by addressing some of the powercreep and make "autoattacking you way to lvl. 80" a less valide strategy.

The laz... "lowest effort" way to address at least some of the problems is to send new players to the just published new player guide with some kind of ingame mail or popup, again just like it's done to get them to buy the expansion. I know there is a Button like that in the Launcher now but it's very small and i'm sure most people haven't even noticed it so MAKE IT BIGGER <-- like this. Also the launcher could tell playes about many things like ingame events or relevant news like many other games do it but thats a whole different topic all together.

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@"Glott.4830" said:The Devs have added some tutorial achievements a while back and while i think this is a great idea, they are quit hidden in the UI and mostly just "plinging away" in the background as players complete them without even noticing what just happend. There is a lot of room to improve these in my opinion.

  1. Move them from a Subcategory in "General" to their own tab in the Achievement Panel, right above even you Daily Achievements, to improve their visibility.
  2. Poke new players with the nose into them. Either by force opening the panel and/or with Blinking Popups and Tooltips, like the ones that tell f2p players to buy PoF.
  3. Expand the Achievements with new Tiers and add new Achievements for conditions, boons, CC & breakbars, stunbreaks, dodgeing, AoEs etc.
  4. Add explanations to the Achievement Text. Insted of just "participate in 5 events" have it also say something like "Dynamic events occur in a persistent area as a result of players interacting with and exploring the world. They are called "dynamic" because there are multiple outcomes that also result in new events, creating a cascade effect." (wich is litterly just first paragraph i copy&pasted from the wiki article on events.) Basically turning it into a bit of a Glossary.
  5. Give people more opportunities and insentive to use what they have learned by addressing some of the powercreep and make "autoattacking you way to lvl. 80" a less valide strategy.

The laz... "lowest effort" way to address at least some of the problems is to send new players to the just published new player guide with some kind of ingame mail or popup, again just like it's done to get them to buy the expansion. I know there is a Button like that in the Launcher now but it's very small and i'm sure most people haven't even noticed it so MAKE IT BIGGER <-- like this. Also the launcher could tell playes about many things like ingame events or relevant news like many other games do it but thats a whole different topic all together.

To add to this, I believe that they should also make an advanced combat guide. For everyone who wants to have a more thorough look into the combat mechanics.

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@ShadowCatz.8437 said:

@Friday.7864 said:They shouldn't be allowed to leave tutorial instance without a clear demonstration on how important CC and rotations (proper skill use) are.People come crying to the forums later on when they get kicked from a party because all they do is autoattack....

Found the elitist, how would the game even know what "rotations" an individual player "should" be using. Fully disagree with this post as it is only trying to force people to play in what they think is the best way.

Last guy who got kicked from a squad due to low dps got so upset on the forums they had to delete his entire thread.Also, I don't understand what's so "elitist" about explaining to people how proper skill usage can make an enormous difference in DPS. A basic demonstration with the first 5 weapon skills would be plenty to show the advantage of using skill combos over autoattacking or blindly bashing buttons. If you disagree with that it just shows how little you care about new players and the trouble/conflicts they'll get into later. Showing up with 2k dps when everyone else does 20k will get them kicked and often blocked.This game is VERY different from other games as in how the gear doesn't define your DPS. Your skills as a player do.That should be clearly communicated to new players, that's the entire point.

I think what people react negative here on forum against is when you use the expression "rotation". From what I understand your point is that there certain combination (field + blast) that increase damage or sustain (water field as an example). I have never in any game only being doing AA and thought that is the right way to play any game, so I don't buy that argument. In that case it doesn't matter how they will be introduced to game as they will ignore it and expect other players to carry them.

Yes, field and blast combos are the element that I didn't understand playing this game.

The other differences are 1. not being able to put your 1-5 skills into the order you would like, and 2. that those skills come from the weapons you choose, rather than your build/profession - so weapons aren't just for stats.

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Also: some skills can be used more than once before they go on longer recharge. As well as the guardian books, these are skills with a number in their box. They are normally a weapon skill. A little white line moves anti-clockwise around the box from the top right to show the skill on quick recharge. Wait for the quick recharge to happen, unless it's a OH KITTEN I AM REALLY REALLY KITTENED situation in which case you should probably use that skill again to put it on full recharge.

Yes, I am putting my own kittens into my posts. All the kittens!

Finally, the REAL endgame is fashion wars.

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