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Get rid Of placements


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It's amazing the number of people that believe that having afk/bot/DC teammates is something that only happens to them.

I get that everyone has their own personal bias, but just a few moments of critical thinking should lead you to realize that the effect bad teammates is just as prevalent for other players as it is for you, so unless you're only playing a handful of games each season, this won't skew your ratings.

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@Kokurai.7258 said:I just played two games against you. You play staff core guard with spirit sword iirc. Start playing better builds and maybe you'll get a better rating. And maybe you won't get afkers.

Fact check In both these gameS we had 2 3 4 TEAMMATE S AT HOME Most the game . My team mates in both these games are JUST ABOUT silvers at this time .I suspectin a few more games they will be officially BE silvers While Ive only lost 4 games so far This is why placements are trash and got to go ..

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@Math.5123 said:

@Thanks.6859 said:AliamRationem.5172 No match history

You realize you can't see cross- region leaderboards, right?

Fact check THE only people that dont show are the ones that didn't finish there min game requirement AKA Placements ive played with over 200 people in 40 games . Im on my 40th game I'm still playing with people doing there placements. #get rid of placements

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Placements are bad since ppl are treated unevenly by them. Everyone will be pulled towards the 1200 mark. And due to the very broad matchmaking, everyone will be playing with everyone. Depending on your class and if you duo or not this will lead to uncarryable games.

Since the first few matches you play are key to your placement; getting "unlucky" during those games means you will sink hard.

The only way to maneuver around it is to play duo where both players are playing high dmg/burst roamers (holo, thief, zerker rev). Where you and your duo just run around and burst ppl down. Since half of the teams will be filled with 1000-1400 ppl who will just flop playign a duo like this will lead to snowballing of most matches you're in.

If you like to play support, sidenoder, teamfight brawler you're out of luck. This isn't as effective for placements. If you cant roam across the entire map and kill literally everyone you can still lose.

This is a screen of my results during a lost match. I held and killed 2-3 ppl at far solo pretty much the entire game.


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The problem with getting rid of placements is that the point of placements is to get rid of potential serious issues later in the season, at the expense of highly volatile ranking at the start in order to make sure high rated players are separated from low rated players asap.

PvPs issue is this: The average Platinum player will absolutely destroy a team of silvers. The average Legendary player will both absolutely destroy them and solo spawncamp their entire team for the rest of the match. This is not a good experience for low rated players. No matter how much they believe that they "deserve" to be rated higher, or that they are in elo hell, the reality is most of these players when actually put in a match against someone who is over 400 rating higher than them are going to feel like quitting PvP for the night.

Anet knows this difference in skill exists, and so placements are intentionally made "unfair" to reduce the chance of an unskilled player being put in a game where they feel like they can't contribute anything.

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@"supvil.3470" said:Placements are bad since ppl are treated unevenly by them. Everyone will be pulled towards the 1200 mark. And due to the very broad matchmaking, everyone will be playing with everyone. Depending on your class and if you duo or not this will lead to uncarryable games.

Since the first few matches you play are key to your placement; getting "unlucky" during those games means you will sink hard.

The only way to maneuver around it is to play duo where both players are playing high dmg/burst roamers (holo, thief, zerker rev). Where you and your duo just run around and burst ppl down. Since half of the teams will be filled with 1000-1400 ppl who will just flop playign a duo like this will lead to snowballing of most matches you're in.

If you like to play support, sidenoder, teamfight brawler you're out of luck. This isn't as effective for placements. If you cant roam across the entire map and kill literally everyone you can still lose.

This is a screen of my results during a lost match. I held and killed 2-3 ppl at far solo pretty much the entire game.


This makes a lot of sense. I won 7/10 placements, got put in gold 2, duo queue'd with a friend and lost 4 in a row. One team had a burn DH that would just sit in mid and watch fights happen at far and home. They still won. My friend and I rushed far in the beginning of a game, chain killed players and gave our team a 100 point lead. Still lost.

I main thief and he mains ele. He'd swap between auramancer or weaver. I play d/p power but mostly p/d condi. Those 4 games were incredibly frustrating since it seemed that no matter how much we'd try, we'd lose. I'd time my rotations well. Pop into a team fight to burst someone down then leave to decap and roam.

Didn't matter. Skill rating dropped 100 points and I went from almost G3 to now G1. I really don't understand this match making system. I'm no pvp goddess but I do well for myself and won most of my quali's yet I get in matches with people that don't rez, stomp, just stand on a node, don't try and play to the objective like the bell in capricorn or stillness/tranq, etc. And since I play a thief I'm often blamed yet walk away with high marks for decapping. I usually only die a max of 3 times a game. shrug Feels hopeless. I just want to farm shards to be able to make legendary armor.

Maybe WvW would be better to just sit in all the time since the legendary armor looks nicer. I enjoy doing AT's everyday. I typically have better matches there than ranked. GW2 pvp matchmaker seems screwy.

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@Thanks.6859 said:

@Thanks.6859 said:AliamRationem.5172 No match history

You realize you can't see cross- region leaderboards, right?

Fact check THE only people that dont show are the ones that didn't finish there min game requirement AKA Placements ive played with over 200 people in 40 games . Im on my 40th game I'm still playing with people doing there placements. #get rid of placements

or how about get good and carry them? in silver if you are plat material you should go 40/0 and hard carry yourself at LEAST to high gold.like fuck me I got to high gold by playing warrior without knowing anything more then throw sword, rush in F1 hope enemy ded

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@Anomaly.7612 said:

@"supvil.3470" said:Placements are bad since ppl are treated unevenly by them. Everyone will be pulled towards the 1200 mark. And due to the very broad matchmaking, everyone will be playing with everyone. Depending on your class and if you duo or not this will lead to uncarryable games.

Since the first few matches you play are key to your placement; getting "unlucky" during those games means you will sink hard.

The only way to maneuver around it is to play duo where both players are playing high dmg/burst roamers (holo, thief, zerker rev). Where you and your duo just run around and burst ppl down. Since half of the teams will be filled with 1000-1400 ppl who will just flop playign a duo like this will lead to snowballing of most matches you're in.

If you like to play support, sidenoder, teamfight brawler you're out of luck. This isn't as effective for placements. If you cant roam across the entire map and kill literally everyone you can still lose.

This is a screen of my results during a lost match. I held and killed 2-3 ppl at far solo pretty much the entire game.

This makes a lot of sense. I won 7/10 placements, got put in gold 2, duo queue'd with a friend and lost 4 in a row. One team had a burn DH that would just sit in mid and watch fights happen at far and home. They still won. My friend and I rushed far in the beginning of a game, chain killed players and gave our team a 100 point lead. Still lost.

I main thief and he mains ele. He'd swap between auramancer or weaver. I play d/p power but mostly p/d condi. Those 4 games were incredibly frustrating since it seemed that no matter how much we'd try, we'd lose. I'd time my rotations well. Pop into a team fight to burst someone down then leave to decap and roam.

Didn't matter. Skill rating dropped 100 points and I went from almost G3 to now G1. I really don't understand this match making system. I'm no pvp goddess but I do well for myself and won most of my quali's yet I get in matches with people that don't rez, stomp, just stand on a node, don't try and play to the objective like the bell in capricorn or stillness/tranq, etc. And since I play a thief I'm often blamed yet walk away with high marks for decapping. I usually only die a max of 3 times a game.
Feels hopeless. I just want to farm shards to be able to make legendary armor.

Maybe WvW would be better to just sit in all the time since the legendary armor looks nicer. I enjoy doing AT's everyday. I typically have better matches there than ranked. GW2 pvp matchmaker seems screwy.

If you die more then once as a thief there is a problem, but you should seriously die 0 times, and 1 time when you really overextend/fuck upfrom what I have seen from ~gold rank thiefs is that they make BIG mistakes that they dont even realize are mistakes, like wasting sooo much time moving to wrong places, or overstaying in fights for way too long, taking wrong routes that loses them time, not knowing shortcuts, etc.

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