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Char selection screen


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@Balsa.3951 said:Add birthday date to each char(also show back packs and infusion)

Tbh, I'm not crazy about the idea of adding birthday date to the screen (how useful is it really?), you can check your age on game with /age and as someone above mentioned, GW-Efficiency is amazing to keep track of things if you have tons of characters. I think it would be wasted dev time to just add the date, what you should be requesting is that we get a little symbol beside each character if they have a birthday gift so we don't have to log in to see if they are due one. That might be a better idea than purely the date. As for showing backpacks, infusions.... hell yes, that is wanted by the majority of folks.

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@Turial.1293 said:

@Balsa.3951 said:Add birthday date to each char(also show back packs and infusion)

Tbh, I'm not crazy about the idea of adding birthday date to the screen (how useful is it really?), you can check your age on game with /age and as someone above mentioned, GW-Efficiency is amazing to keep track of things if you have tons of characters. I think it would be wasted dev time to just add the date, what you should be requesting is that we get a little symbol beside each character if they have a birthday gift so we don't have to log in to see if they are due one. That might be a better idea than purely the date. As for showing backpacks, infusions.... hell yes, that is wanted by the majority of folks.

The /age thing requires logging into every character to use which can take a significant amount of time if you have a lot of alts..Gw-Efficiency is a useful tool too but most players don't use it nor any 3rd party tools etc

So it's a small QOL thing that may benefit a lot of people.

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@"Teratus.2859" said:

So it's a small QOL thing that may benefit a lot of people.

But for what reason? If you don't log in to those characters for months on end then does it matter at all? Why not just set 3 or 4 dates in your own year to go through all of your characters at once and collect what gifts are there. Speaking of which, the contents of birthday gifts are so small that you are not going to be missing out if you have not collected it within a few days or more. Like in my suggestion above, have a symbol on the char select screen if there is a gift available, just having dates is not efficient and would be sort of ugly looking too. It's not a good use of dev time for something so miniscule but if they did, at least make it a "quality" QoL and not mediocre.

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That would definitely be nice. Being able to select what information gets shown would be a huge QoL feature, imo, and because you'd be able to select the information (for this purpose, think a list with tick boxes) you could have as much or as little as you'd want so you can control what your character select screen looks like.

Because I'm an altoholic, I have to rely on a spreadsheet and gw2efficiency to keep track of who's in what order, map completion, story stage, birthdays, etc. and it would be nice to have some or all of that information right there in-game rather than using outside resources. Because when you break 15-20 characters, it gets exponentially harder to remember all the details of each one and it's time consuming to log into each of them individually even if the game is on an SSD.

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I think I like the idea of a reminder icon on the character portrait more than the birthday being listed, for a couple of reasons. One, it's a lot easier to quickly pan through the pages of alts and spot the symbol than to have to read each date, compare it to the current date, and remember if I picked up the gift yet or not. Two, the birthdays are 365 days apart. Thanks to leap years, my launch characters are actually getting their gifts a couple of calendar days ahead of their August 25th 2012 creation, and later alts likewise are getting advanced depending on when they were created. The icon could be like what we see on the BL logo when there is a free item to collect, assuming that it's a similar coding job (might not be, the BL is its own interface, quite distinct from the character selection screen).

But this would certainly help quite a bit, either way it's implemented. As it is I keep a Word document I can consult to see who's coming due for a birthday. With 27 alts so far, it's rather a lot to log in to each one just to check on that.

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@Turial.1293 said:

@"Teratus.2859" said:

So it's a small QOL thing that may benefit a lot of people.

But for what reason? If you don't log in to those characters for months on end then does it matter at all? Why not just set 3 or 4 dates in your own year to go through all of your characters at once and collect what gifts are there. Speaking of which, the contents of birthday gifts are so small that you are not going to be missing out if you have not collected it within a few days or more. Like in my suggestion above, have a symbol on the char select screen if there is a gift available, just having dates is not efficient and would be sort of ugly looking too. It's not a good use of dev time for something so miniscule but if they did, at least make it a "quality" QoL and not mediocre.

Just Qol.. Many Qol improvements are miniscule small things that just make something a lot more convenient.

Adding dates would be arguably a lot easier and more useful than just adding an icon since you wouldn't have to create a new icon for this purpose, plus an icon wouldn't give you any information about upcoming birthdays only when that character has a gift waiting for them.Adding a creation date instead provides more information and you'll be able to see when character birthdays are due soon.An icon could also be added as well as a date too.. it doesn't have to be one or the other.

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@TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

@"Smoosh.2718" said:For me personally, Id love to see all of them at once, or at least 12 on the screen at once.

Me too, I'd love to see them right next to each other, scaled properly, showing their in-game heights :)

Tera did this with their game, it gave a really cool first screen you see. All your characters walking towards the screen, select one and they get their weapon out.I'll try to find the example:

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@Linken.6345 said:

@fluffdragon.1523 said:Can we also restore the indicator of what Order we joined, maybe? Gets annoying having to sift through my characters to figure out who can talk to which merchant when I finally feel like unlocking something.

Dont that show in my story text?

In the text of the hero panel it does, but not on the character selection screen. If it's been a while since you've done the story and/or have a lot of characters, it can be a royal PITA to log into each character individually to see if they've joined an order and if so, which one. A symbol or other indicator on the character select screen would be a huge QoL improvement and save players a lot of time, especially as there are HoT achievements tied to each order that are available only to characters in that order.

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@"Zephire.8049" said:

In the text of the hero panel it does, but not on the character selection screen. If it's been a while since you've done the story and/or have a lot of characters, it can be a royal PITA to log into each character individually to see if they've joined an order and if so, which one. A symbol or other indicator on the character select screen would be a huge QoL improvement and save players a lot of time, especially as there are HoT achievements tied to each order that are available only to characters in that order.


Particularly for the fact that there USED to be a mechanism that showed the "account medals," (currently unfilled, here; stock image by ANet for the Guesting announce, pre-megaserver).

You'd think they could adapt this to show it per-character as well, in addition to account-wide status.

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