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Petition to bring forth the fun from Guild Wars (1)

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I am posting this as a newbie. I have played less than 3 months, and have found the community here to be amazing, and the world to be inviting and enjoyable. In conversations I have learned that there is also an original Guild Wars, that still seems to have a following! Guild Wars 2 players, ironically, muse about things they miss from Guild Wars (1). In a non technical way, I have learned that there was a lot to do with the software, game engine, or something that made it impossible for the game itself to evolve into what we now know as Guild Wars 2. Early players have shared fond memories, and talk about things they don't miss, but still play from time to time. Regardless, I was curious about something, and I keep hearing about two things, that seem unrelated to the "engine" of game itself: emotes and dances. I was shown a video last night of some of the dances, and was given a HUGE list of emotes. I was stunned. As someone who dabbled in the land of Azeroth for a short while, I was STILL amazed by what I saw by comparison. It was not even close! I can't really comment on the dances in Guild Wars 2...even the ones in the gem store shrug Why can't these from Guild Wars be brought forward (even gem store for some of them)? Emotes are just character animations, right? Aside from the limit on how many emotes you can do in a short time (like the annoying email block when I try to send gifts to friends), is there a reason all these are/were "left behind?" I can't hug anyone, or even curtsey? In my limited scope, I am unable to see how adding this would cause a lot of changes to the way we roam Tyria. I hope it would not take too much programming time to do. Let me hug my friends please :D I promise to wear an exotic or better mask at all times, and stay distant during quarantine....



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As an old GW1 veteran I wouldnt necessarily put emotes on the top of the list of things that I wish had transferred over but I'll admit to missing more than a few, though to be fair GW2 did pick up a couple that GW1 never had. If I had to guess the smaller emote list would probably be because of the increased number of character models thanks to having multiple playable races as opposed to few models with the single playable race of GW1. I do miss things like Rock-Paper-Scissors or the instruments.

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GW1 had more dances in total, but it didn't give you any choice. Each profession had their own one, but that was it. If you were a ranger you did the ranger dance, if you were a warrior you did the warrior dance etc. you couldn't change it or get new ones. (There were 'special' versions for some professions if you had the collectors edition of Factions or Nightfall, but it was the same dance with an extra effect, for example dervishes had a disco ball above their head when dancing.) So GW2 has fewer dances in total but more variety per character because it is possible to get some new ones.

More emotes could be fun and they have added some new ones recently, but it's not something I'd really consider important. They can be useful for role-playing, but even with loads of them it often feels a bit limited and artificial (especially if you're me and it can take 2 or 3 attempts to type it correctly so the timing is ruined). If they can add more that would be good, but I assume it's one of those things where any time the animators are making emotes is time they aren't making any other kind of animation and other things often take priority.

If I could bring back one thing which GW1 had and GW2 doesn't it would probably be something like adding more PvP modes. I don't like PvP in GW2 and almost never play it (unless you count WvW) but I used to enjoy doing Fort Aspenwood or Jade Quarry and I'd like to see that back. Or the ability to choose each skill on your bar (including weapon skills) individually, although I suspect that's impossible to do with things like weapon swapping and elementalist attunements (in GW1 if you did something which gave you new skills, like entering a snowball mini game, rearranging those skills also messed up your normal skill bar, I suspect something similar would happen in GW2 as well, which would make it totally impractical).

I'd also like the Zaishen Menagerie back, even though I know it would have absolutely no practical benefits (and was only useful for rangers anyway) because it was fun being able to wander around and see all the pets you'd collected.

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For me, there are no aspects of GW1 that I would want to see in GW2. To me, these are two, separate games and I believe that they should remain so. Emotes aren't a thing with me so I would rather see development resources spent on other aspects of GW2 that would benefit a larger portion of the player base.

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:As an old GW1 veteran I would necessarily put emotes on the top of the list of things that I wish had transferred over but I'll admit to missing more than a few, though to be fair GW2 did pick up a couple that GW1 never had. If I had to guess the smaller emote list would probably be because of the increased number of character models thanks to having multiple playable races as opposed to few models with the single playable race of GW1. I do miss things like Rock-Paper-Scissors or the instruments.



To short

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@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

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My main issue with emotes is the auto-hiding of weapons and back items in Gw2..

This is something I really wish the Devs would fix some time as I find it very tedious having to go into my hero panel and hide/unhide my weapons and back item every time I use crossarms or dance etcIt kinda deters me from using emotes as much as I normally would otherwise.

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@Smoosh.2718 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now.

Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, the Devs previously said they could work on emote animations, or new other animations, but not both.They have, since then, added a couple of new emotes.

Now, with most hands on deck for the new expansion, I'd guess any new animations will be coming with said expansion.

Good luck.

I think they where not received well, due to the way they where implemented behind grindy completions.

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@finkle.9513 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, the Devs previously said they could work on emote animations, or new other animations, but not both.They have, since then, added a couple of new emotes.

Now, with most hands on deck for the new expansion, I'd guess any new animations will be coming with said expansion.

Good luck.

I think they where not received well, due to the way they where implemented behind grindy completions.

Indeed, I only just got the RockOn emote this week, I don't have a problem with new emote being earned, I just don't think they should be earned via a Meta Achievement like RockOn and Shiver are.

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@Smoosh.2718 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now.

Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game.

Have to agree.Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist.

The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now.

Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game.

Have to agree.Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist.

The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo.

Character looking bored is a bad thing, but goofy minis photobombing important/emotional scenes is not!

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now.

Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game.

Have to agree.Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist.

The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo.

Character looking bored is a bad thing, but goofy minis photobombing important/emotional scenes is not!

Don't forget all those giant obnoxious frogs that love getting in the way of everything :P

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now.

Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game.

Have to agree.Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist.

The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo.

Character looking bored is a bad thing, but goofy minis photobombing important/emotional scenes is not!

Don't forget all those giant obnoxious frogs that love getting in the way of everything :P

What about those Pixel retro Raptors... that totally fit into the game..

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@"kharmin.7683" said:For me, there are no aspects of GW1 that I would want to see in GW2. To me, these are two, separate games and I believe that they should remain so. Emotes aren't a thing with me so I would rather see development resources spent on other aspects of GW2 that would benefit a larger portion of the player base.

This is curious, and you are not alone. I appreciate your sharing this because I was not part of GW1. Aside from so many who have shared fond memories, this is significant. Oddly enough, I have heard this same thought from people commenting from a point of view of "The developers want to keep GW and GW2 separate," But I am not able to understand that logic. For developers to do that would imply that people play for all the exact same single reason, which is a gross (almost egocentric) generalization. Or perhaps, they WANT players to be for a single reason? Ironically, I thought Guild Wars was ONLY PvP when i started (well, GUILD wars, after all). I have learned that it used to be more that way, but that it's evolved over time. in fact, the rich PVE content was the only reason I kept at it in the first place. I don't care for PvP ("Why Cat? Really? Are you kidding? Everyone likes PvP." No. "Everyone" doesn't. I am mainly for social reasons, and am perfectly happy with that. I hang out with hard core PVP players, people who seem to want to farm all day long...others who love being social, others who do never leave the Mists unless their bags are full. We all coexist just fine :) So i am still confused, lol. THANK YOU

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:

@coso.9173 said:i wish we had more emotes, more clothes/armor, more villages, more inns/taverns, more personal houses, relationships, everything that helps build the world and make it more rich and immersive. :)

Kinda sounds like you want a different game.

This is the cool thing about games of this type. It's YOURS to play as you wish...(if those options are there). You don't HAVE to do this or that. The richness comes in the variety of options to tailor things to your own play style.

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@Smoosh.2718 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now.

Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game.

Have to agree.Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist.

The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo.

Character looking bored is a bad thing, but goofy minis photobombing important/emotional scenes is not!

Don't forget all those giant obnoxious frogs that love getting in the way of everything :P

What about those Pixel retro Raptors... that totally fit into the game..

YES YES...variety. I have no idea what they mean, but I am seeing pop culture references EVERYWHERE. Some have complained, some LOVE it. 5 people will have 10 different opinions. it's also smart marketing :)

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile.

I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that.

It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!!

It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right.Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.

Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now.

Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game.

Have to agree.Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist.

The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo.

Character looking bored is a bad thing, but goofy minis photobombing important/emotional scenes is not!

I saw the character visuals of the game itself and sighed "sexist" when I first arrived...shrug. And for some reason, female sylvari cannot bear or nurse children, yet seem to have the anatomical build as if to do so? Then there are the Fashion Wars. But a thing is sexist mainly because of the value we assign TO it, right? Rule 34 is a choice, not a default. This game seems way less sexist than some I have seen, and it's because of the COMMUNITY. Hooray for you all!

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I don't see how a race that's both conceptually and in-univserse intended to mimic the human form, and all that that implies, is somehow sexist, but its rather off topic.

My previous statement probably still applies to the both of you: it sounds like you want a different game. Once upon a time I too wanted the deepest immersion and widest array of options possible for GW2, but years of seeing Arenanet being Arenanet has taught me to temper my expectations but a sizable margin. And quite frankly "Immersion" in GW2 got shot twice in the back of the head and dumped in a lake ages ago. Arenanet just doesn't care about that anymore and even when they did they just didn't have the resources.There is also the fact that GW2 is not a sandbox MMO but a Theme Park MMO, its not meant to function in a way that's particularly conducive to RPing and similar game play, and its not going to have as wide of a variety of options as a sandbox. You might enjoy BDO though, its got a crazy amount of options for playing however you choose, though it can be grindy as fuck and kinda P2W. Or stick around here and learn to do what I did: temper your expectations.

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