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[Suggestion] Guild Raids - finally putting the Guild in Guild Wars 2


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Thoughts on idea I have called "Guild Raids" ?It's new concept of raid/s that can only be done by members from the same guild. You cannot pug it, cannot use the lfg system. The only way to do the raid is by combining the strength and knowledge of the members of the guild you represent. This can be a fun opportunity to implement a guild leaderboard with the best guilds there are(first clear, fastest clear, most clears, etc.). Arenanet can implement this option to the old raids as well by changing the old wings/bosses a bit, adding some new mechanics, visuals of the surrounding/bosses that can indicate that this indeed is a guild run. They can add the guild emblem all over the place when boss is killed indicating that the area is cleared and now owned by the guild and when a wing/boss is cleared there can be some daily/weekly/monthly bonuses like free chests, gathering nodes, vendors with exclusive items that all the guild members can go in and collect. The Guild Raid might be of 10/25/50 players and can be weekly or monthly cleared. The raid squad can go in, kill a boss and after that a mirrored version of the cleared part can be accessible by all the members of the same guild to feast on the goodies their guild mates cleared for them.All of this can strengthen the members, the bonds, and the guilds in general, make the players dream of some day being a part in the guild squad force that are clearing the wings for their guild mates.

Edit: Guild Raids doesn't have to be "a walk in the park". I'm talking about hard and challenging raids with multiple difficulties. Something that only true raiders can appreciate.

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@"Terter.4125" said:Thoughts on idea I have called "Guild Raids" ?It's new concept of raid/s that can only be done by members from the same guild. You cannot pug it, cannot use the lfg system. The only way to do the raid is by combining the strength and knowledge of the members of the guild you represent. This can be a fun opportunity to implement a guild leaderboard with the best guilds there are(first clear, fastest clear, most clears, etc.). Arenanet can implement this option to the old raids as well by changing the old wings/bosses a bit, adding some new mechanics, visuals of the surrounding/bosses that can indicate that this indeed is a guild run. They can add the guild emblem all over the place when boss is killed indicating that the area is cleared and now owned by the guild and when a wing/boss is cleared there can be some daily/weekly/monthly bonuses like free chests, gathering nodes, vendors with exclusive items that all the guild members can go in and collect. The Guild Raid might be of 10/25/50 players and can be weekly or monthly cleared. The raid squad can go in, kill a boss and after that a mirrored version of the cleared part can be accessible by all the members of the same guild to feast on the goodies their guild mates cleared for them.All of this can strengthen the members, the bonds, and the guilds in general, make the players dream of some day being a part in the guild squad force that are clearing the wings for their guild mates.

I support this, are any kind of new guild missions tbh, current guild missions are outdated.

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@"Terter.4125" said:Thoughts on idea I have called "Guild Raids" ?It's new concept of raid/s that can only be done by members from the same guild. You cannot pug it, cannot use the lfg system. The only way to do the raid is by combining the strength and knowledge of the members of the guild you represent. This can be a fun opportunity to implement a guild leaderboard with the best guilds there are(first clear, fastest clear, most clears, etc.). Arenanet can implement this option to the old raids as well by changing the old wings/bosses a bit, adding some new mechanics, visuals of the surrounding/bosses that can indicate that this indeed is a guild run. They can add the guild emblem all over the place when boss is killed indicating that the area is cleared and now owned by the guild and when a wing/boss is cleared there can be some daily/weekly/monthly bonuses like free chests, gathering nodes, vendors with exclusive items that all the guild members can go in and collect. The Guild Raid might be of 10/25/50 players and can be weekly or monthly cleared. The raid squad can go in, kill a boss and after that a mirrored version of the cleared part can be accessible by all the members of the same guild to feast on the goodies their guild mates cleared for them.All of this can strengthen the members, the bonds, and the guilds in general, make the players dream of some day being a part in the guild squad force that are clearing the wings for their guild mates.

Edit: Guild Raids doesn't have to be "a walk in the park". I'm talking about hard and challenging raids with multiple difficulties. Something that only true raiders can appreciate.

if it is instaured it gonna make forum go crazy with "guild are toxic" being posted ever 2 day. people already complain of being kick from pugs, getting them kicked from guild won't make it any better :p

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Can not be pugged? LFM members for XY, join guild then leave again. Just like when people need help to claim their guild hall.This will truly „strengthen“ the bonds ;) .

I‘m against it. Not to mention that artificial barriers like 10/25/50 is not very guild-like, since guilds are made up of various amounts.

Edit: I'd rather have actual new Guild Missions than "Guild" raids.

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What is the goal behind this idea?

Raids as is are having issues with population and participation. You are essentially asking to have resources, which could be used on developing regular raids, to be spent on even more exclusive content. That makes absolutely 0 sense.

If the goal is to encourage players join guilds, which I personally would fully support, there are better ways than exclusive access (easiest would be additional rewards for a full guild run). Besides there being work arounds for this already, players could simply join temporary guilds.

EDIT:and just to be clear, when I'm asking what the goal is, I'm not asking what you THINK this idea will achieve, but how it will actually play out? Spend 5 extra minutes on considering implementation and effect, then double check if your intended benefits are actually met and how the implementation of this idea benefits the game.

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First off, saying the term guild wars has anything to do with player guilds is an argument often used, but is not very accurate. The Guild Wars is an historic event in the history of Tyria that predates GW1. It has nothing to do with content specific for Player Guilds and is to me a weak argument.

So I just treat this as an idea for immproving things to do as a guild. Wich would be very welcome.

I dislike the idea of locking content behind a guild. All content should be able to all players and nobody should feel forced to join a guild.I also fear this idea would result in the same as the guild world events if it is not made exclusive for guilds.

Instead of this I would like to see improved options for doing existing and future things as a guild. Make it rewarding for the guild. So maybe a continues guild currency that can be spent at upgrades and bonusses for members. To do so you need to do content as a guild and get the guildcurrency as a bonus.

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New/improved guild missions would be welcome but a guild raid isn't likely and definitely not fair as it only benefits large guilds with 10+ people who are geared and experienced raiders, something that's not very common. Throw in the need for those 10+ people to have the same schedule so they can get together for 2+ hours a week every week (and never, ever have to drop for IRL reasons/their power going out since they can't be replaced with a PUG) and that's content the vast majority of players will never see or be part of.

Guild puzzles using raid maps could be interesting and incorporate aspects of the raid/boss(es), but raids that are locked to guild members is taking content the vast minority of players play and restricting it further while also putting no small amount of development resources into it.

Edit: Guild Raids doesn't have to be "a walk in the park". I'm talking about hard and challenging raids with multiple difficulties. Something that only true raiders can appreciate.

Anet has stated repeatedly that they do not want raids to have multiple difficulties and that they have no intention of doing so, and if they aren't willing to do that with raiding in general, they're not going to do that for niche content that even fewer people will be able to access. Also "true raiders" is making some huge assumptions about players, and not in a good way.

I'd also say a guild raid should be easier than regular raids as it would have to account for players who gear-wise and/or skill-wise aren't up to snuff for even VG, and outside of raiding guilds or mega-guilds, odds of a guild having 10+ active members who are able to raid at any given time is slim. And if it's impossible to bring in a PUG, the difficulty floor would need to accommodate that and scale things down. Which Anet won't do as they've dug in their heels about raid difficulty despite years of players asking for an easier mode that would be more accessible to all players.

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If implemented, a guild raid (or any raid, honestly) should have different difficulty modes (with rewards that scale proportionately), accurate scaling depending on how many players are in the instance, and rewards that would ensure repeated playthroughs. For a guild raid, I guess guild decorations, commendations, guild-themed armors, mounts, and other guildy-like things would be what you'd aim for in terms of loot.

Forging Steel is by no means a raid (or a strike - it's more like a 10-man dungeon), but the framework of it is a good example of content that's puggable, straightforward, scales well (you can even solo it) and has rewards that draw people back in multiple times with a challenge mode for those who want it. Is challenge mode as hard as current raids? Not really, but if you had multiple difficulties available for raids, there's no reason it couldn't be.

There's a raid community in this game, but it's not big. Part of the reason is a lack of train-up by the game (some people still have no idea what a break bar is and the game doesn't go out of its way to teach them), part of it is that so much of the game appeals to casual players (and has for years) which has expanded the casual base, and part of it is a lack of large friend groups or pugs willing to partner up with strangers. I think raids would be much more welcome in the game if ArenaNet expanded the audience for them.

Retool them to appeal to both raiders and casuals; I see no reason to only provide content for one group if you want more people doing them.

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Thought of something completelyvdifferent when reading the title o_o what about:

Guild raiding another guild guild hall? The WvW decorations would become foes shooting/attacking intruders and other become destroyable (worry not, you can t tuins other gh decos, it is just in the gh assault instance) the goal would be as example to destroy specific unique decos put by gh members on what is considered to be accessible and part of ground for the game.

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