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Upcoming Expansion

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I'm checking back in on gw2, and was wondering if there is any new info on the upcoming expansion?

Wondering if anyone knows when we might start to get some information? I'd love to see some details on the upcoming elite specs, or if there will be any at all.

What is coming in this expansion? Besides going to Cantha sometime in 2022, do we know more?

Thanks for your help if you know anything. ?

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I remember those... the development style of working from the shadows is a big reason I quit. With the layoffs, and big delays, I just felt like my game time would be better spent playing something else. Never know what's coming, at least for a long time now. I miss the old Devs that weren't scared to come out and get owned by Svanir on stream while showing off new skills and concepts they were working on.

I just want to know what the major features will be for the next expansion, and when we will start to get information on them?

I'm fine with some vagueness, like for HoT you could say, new elite specs, a mastery system for horizontal progression, and a challenging open world for group play.PoF came with new masteries (mounts), new maps that are more similar to Orr in challenge, and new elite specs.

What's coming next?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The official word on End of Dragons is release in 2021.The Icebrood Saga is to finish up in late April.

That's helpful, although if that's true, it'll likely be December 2021. At least to my expectations. If they manage a Summer launch, I'd be super impressed, but if would be even stranger that we haven't gotten much details. At least not officially.

I was hoping some leaks or streams had occurred I missed since I left gw2 and stopped checking the news so much.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Layoffs had nothing to do with GW2

Hmm, I did hear them say that, but it really sounded like something you say to just calm the masses. But if Gw2 is still in full development mode, and hasn't suffered any layoffs (besides all the original lead devs and the heads of the game twice that I remember), then we should be getting some more news soon.

I do hope we don't have to wait until Icebrood Saga is done until we get some solid ideas on what to expect with the next expansion. I found this Saga mostly boring (I liked some of it) and I barely recognize pvp anymore, PoF elite specs never got tuned properly or integrated well like they did eventually with HoT.

Anyway, it seems the regulars haven't heard anything new sadly. I'll prob check back in a few months again and see if anything has changed, maybe I'll play the next episode when it comes out too.

Thanks again!

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:I can totally imagine Arenanet withholding all information until they finished season 5 in May.

its pushed forward so we get it in late april now.

And they likely will do a staggered release, like they do with all chapters,so that the first part of chapter 4 comes out in late April and the second part in May.

No chapter 4 is the last chapter of this episode we are on.

Ah I see what you mean the 2 week waiting thingy.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:I can totally imagine Arenanet withholding all information until they finished season 5 in May.

its pushed forward so we get it in late april now.

And they likely will do a staggered release, like they do with all chapters,so that the first part of chapter 4 comes out in late April and the second part in May.

No chapter 4 is the last chapter of this episode we are on.

Ah I see what you mean the 2 week waiting thingy.

The two weeks of waiting and then possibly the one week of the community event after said wait, if chapter 4 plays out similar to 1.

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@Loboling.5293 said:I remember those... the development style of working from the shadows is a big reason I quit. With the layoffs, and big delays, I just felt like my game time would be better spent playing something else. Never know what's coming, at least for a long time now. I miss the old Devs that weren't scared to come out and get owned by Svanir on stream while showing off new skills and concepts they were working on.That's funny, because in those old times we, for the most part, were also kept in the dark. The non-communication communication policy is not a new thing, it goes back to 2013.

I don't know why, year after year, people still keep reacting as if it was something recent. It has always been a big problem.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Loboling.5293" said:I remember those... the development style of working from the shadows is a big reason I quit. With the layoffs, and big delays, I just felt like my game time would be better spent playing something else. Never know what's coming, at least for a long time now. I miss the old Devs that weren't scared to come out and get owned by Svanir on stream while showing off new skills and concepts they were working on.That's funny, because in those old times we, for the most part, were also kept in the dark. The non-communication communication policy is not a new thing, it goes back to 2013.

I don't know why, year after year, people still keep reacting as if it was something recent. It has
been a big problem.

For Heart of Thorns, the announcement trailer came out on January 23rd 2015, with it, came confirmation of a new concept called elite specializations. They also laid out what to expect from it.

Video here:

Then, on May 7th of that same year, the first demo video came out for an elite spec, giving some insight into what it would bring to the game.

The expansion launched on October 23rd 2015, meaning players were told what was coming in the expansion through a cool demo video, 9 months before the launch of the expansion. They then gradually released videos demonstrating the new content over those 9 months. I feel like that's quite a bit of interaction and feedback, since players can comment on the videos themselves or in the forums.

Today, we have an estimated timeline for the next 4 months, with confirmation the expansion will come out within 11 months at the latest. I am just excited to see them put out some release of information on it.

I personally feel HoT offered a stronger experience and as a whole was a far better expansion, so I hope they emulate some of the excitement and sense of exploration that came with HoT launch.

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@Dragon.4782 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The official word on End of Dragons is release in 2021.The Icebrood Saga is to finish up in late April.

I assume EoD will be released late June/early July at that pace.

I certainly hope it won't come out until the very end of the year.Arenanet's developers require that much time to make the expansion more than just decent.And the expansion needs to be more than just decent to win back at least a portion of player faith they lost.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:The official word on End of Dragons is release in 2021.The Icebrood Saga is to finish up in late April.

I assume EoD will be released late June/early July at that pace.

I certainly hope it won't come out until the very end of the year.Arenanet's developers
that much time to make the expansion more than just decent.And the expansion needs to be more than just decent to win back at least a portion of player faith they lost.

I wouldn't say that the players have lost faith; more like "very disappointed in the Icebrood Saga and its execution," IF they need more time then I expect the expansion to have some new combat features, like land-based spears or event mechanics, to make things more interesting or even something that players have been BEGGING for since the first expansion, like Tengu as a playable race.

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On the plus side, after this upcoming expansion is out, we should finally get new, original content added to the game which isn’t simply a re-hash of GW1. It’ll be the first time in like 15 years not counting Orr.

Edit; The above is referring to content after the expansion assuming LS6 doesn’t revisit areas in Cantha that were not a part of the expansion as LS4 did.

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