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people don't know basics of pvp


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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Nothings better than watching ur teammate run across the map while ur on a node capping and gets there almost at full cap to help u.....stand on the node? All while ur teammates are in a team fight mid, constant plays like these make u so glad ur rank is solely based on win/losses.Good stuff.

I see this a lot, sometimes i feel minimap is a 5k gem feature

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@"Crozame.4098" said:WOW used to have tips on loading screen, I have made similar suggestions to ANET before, but simply got ignored. But another issue is that the prevalence of SSD makes this less useful. So maybe a summary of tips somewhere in the mist.

maybe before starting the match might be a good place for such thing since if you dotn click on the "yes" button you have like a minute to read...

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@Raizel.1839 said:

@razaelll.8324 said:Vallun have very nice guides about that ,they helped me a lot to get started

When you have to rely on outside sources to learn basics is a symptom of bad design.

For a lot of other stuff maybe but 5vs5 relies heavily on strategy which in turn relies on players even if you make a guide some people will ignore it to run their strategy . Which actually screw up the whole teamwork often . From the overview perspective it can be really complex because it is based on ascertaining and analysing each situation. This is also why in 5 vs 5 bots really sucks .

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Nothings better than watching ur teammate run across the map while ur on a node capping and gets there almost at full cap to help u.....stand on the node? All while ur teammates are in a team fight mid, constant plays like these make u so glad ur rank is solely based on win/losses.Good stuff.

I think you are just mad because you lost a game ^^ A good scoring system filters the good and the bad players which helps everyone.

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@Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

@razaelll.8324 said:Vallun have very nice guides about that ,they helped me a lot to get started

When you have to rely on outside sources to learn basics is a symptom of bad design.

For a lot of other stuff maybe but 5vs5 relies heavily on strategy which in turn relies on players even if you make a guide some people will ignore it to run their strategy . Which actually screw up the whole teamwork often . From the overview perspective it can be really complex because it is based on ascertaining and analysing each situation. This is also why in 5 vs 5 bots really sucks .

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Nothings better than watching ur teammate run across the map while ur on a node capping and gets there almost at full cap to help u.....stand on the node? All while ur teammates are in a team fight mid, constant plays like these make u so glad ur rank is solely based on win/losses.Good stuff.

I think you are just mad because you lost a game ^^ A good scoring system filters the good and the bad players which helps everyone.

This happening doesn't mean games lost so.... but doesn't contribute to a win either but nice un needed and failed attempt at an attack for no reason. Also u sound mad cuz ur the player who does such thing lol. Lastly the last comment about the score system is telling of how much stake one should put in ur comments. Thanks for ur input tho :)

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I like how it is was done in LoL. You can't just do ranked right away but can get there pretty fast. There is tutorial match but also games vs bots (oh the irony) so one can try out things and learn. It probably will never happen but i think matches vs bots would really help there.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@razaelll.8324 said:Vallun have very nice guides about that ,they helped me a lot to get started

When you have to rely on outside sources to learn basics is a symptom of bad design.

So chess is a bad designed game because most people have to look up basic openers and strategy?

Comparing a table board game to a videogame?

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@Raizel.1839 said:

@razaelll.8324 said:Vallun have very nice guides about that ,they helped me a lot to get started

When you have to rely on outside sources to learn basics is a symptom of bad design.

So chess is a bad designed game because most people have to look up basic openers and strategy?

Comparing a table board game to a videogame?

You made a general statement about game design that is arguably not true. 3 point conquest is a complex gamemode, and chess is a very complex board game. Most competitive games require a fair bit of training and practice just to achieve basic proficiency.

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@"eksn.7264" said:You could've done a quick Google search and linked some guides. Helping less experienced players > whining about less experienced players.

Metabattle for buildsGodsofPvPVallun's YT channelMy guide

Remember that it's a dying game mode. The more we can help players stick with PvP, the better off everyone is.

This is a great mentality to have but unfortunately the being helpful or patient with new players so they stick around is lost in this pvp community for the most part just as is the wanting all classes to be fun and viable increasing the chance for players to stay with the game is largely overshadowed by the f....any class I don't play or find challenging to fight and pls delete mentality that covers most of the pvp communities outlook.

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@"eksn.7264" said:You could've done a quick Google search and linked some guides. Helping less experienced players > whining about less experienced players.

Metabattle for buildsGodsofPvPVallun's YT channelMy guide

Remember that it's a dying game mode. The more we can help players stick with PvP, the better off everyone is.

Sites with builds i know, the others 2 i don't.

This guide in docs is amazing and anet should lern from this one!!!

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@"mozlima.4015" said:The newbie/noob certificate is when at the beginning of the game, they do not click "yes" to ready up and let it go until the countdown ends.When I and the enemy team are the only ones who fast clicked "yes", I already know that I will lose

This is not true, in high tier games most of the players wait the 1 minute

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@"mozlima.4015" said:The newbie/noob certificate is when at the beginning of the game, they do not click "yes" to ready up and let it go until the countdown ends.When I and the enemy team are the only ones who fast clicked "yes", I already know that I will lose

This is not true, in high tier games most of the players wait the 1 minute

1 minute moment of silence for brain death

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