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It has now been more than 9 months since Mesmers had a balance update in patches.


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The last balance change Mesmers received was on the 7tth day of July 2020. Since then, they have received one bug fix, and one tooltip update, and nothing else. The balance update was the return of self shatters to Chronomancer, which was a good thing. Do you think it made mesmers balanced enough that they could survive ten months with no changes while everyone else is tweaked around them? On a side note, it has now been almost fourteen months since Mirage lost a dodge in competitive modes.

I have usually thought this forum was over dramatic with the anet hate (before the one dodge days). But I haven't had the urge to play GW2 for almost ten months now. Every couple of months, I check the patch notes, to see if anything has changed to make mesmers fun again. And every month, nothing has, because it seems that Anet has abandoned all attempts at balancing this class.

I understand to some degree that the world wide pandemic has affected their ability to push out content for the game. But anet is still pushing content out in the form of regular balance patches for every other profession. So that excuse does not hold water. Anet has the resources and the ability to push profession based balance patches out. In the instance of Mesmer, they choose not to. They have abandoned the Mesmer as a class.

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Yeah, i'm totally fine with that. Every time i don't se a Mesmer in the balance patch, i breathe a sigh of relief.And granted, Mesmers are definitely in the gutter now, but somehow i fear that the next "balance" patch will make it worse.No more nerfs! Even if it means being stuck where we are.

On the other hand, this could mean (if you're very optimistic like i am lol), that they're revamping the whole Mesmer profession from core and up. If so, no amount of small balance patches will help anyone because they'll have to constantly re-balance for the "big reveal" which will then be only that much harder. My theory is that they'll release a huge Mesmer update with EoD and try to balance the Mesmer that way. I just pray that they don't nerf us any more because it's ridiculous enough as it is.

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I mean, it kind of seemed to me that we were the standard that the rest of the professions were being balanced against. When we start getting too many easy kills in competitive play, Anet will know they went too far. Right now, we are a high cap class that still has counters, so we are right where any game dev would want us.

But the fact that we have received effectively nothing since July 7th seems hateful. The only change we get to the builds we play is based on what they do to the other classes. Hard not to feel like an afterthought. We getting some tough love from Anet right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I can't see a single positive one among the upcoming mesmer changes.


Once again, Mesmers are being mentioned in patch notes and they are being changed for the worse.

As someone who no longer pvp (cuz lets face it, pvp now is garbage), I think the mirage and chaos changes are nice. It is pretty bizarre (alacrity for mirage?!) but overall a buff. However, they do feel like monkey throwing darts, which I don’t think is far off from what Anet has been doing for the last 18 month or so.

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8 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

As someone who no longer pvp (cuz lets face it, pvp now is garbage), I think the mirage and chaos changes are nice. It is pretty bizarre (alacrity for mirage?!) but overall a buff. However, they do feel like monkey throwing darts, which I don’t think is far off from what Anet has been doing for the last 18 month or so.

the issue is that those buffs are nullified with the torment changes. And for any condi mirage who do not uses chaos or staff it's a huge nerf

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3 hours ago, Gryxis.6950 said:

the issue is that those buffs are nullified with the torment changes. And for any condi mirage who do not uses chaos or staff it's a huge nerf

Not in pve though. Mobs, especially champions and bosses, tend to not move a lot. The reg stuff is pretty weird, considering axe has no reliable access to it. 

Edited by otto.5684
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My perspective on mesmer changes.
1 Power chrono is dead, its gonna be hard mode version of other power specs that doesnt even do all that good.
2 Cmirage will be overpowered as kitten in raids, alongside rev.
3 Cmirage might take over alac spot, as alacrity+might+ good dps could be very good, loss off CC can be compensated with
3 clone F3, dom sig + moa, but its hard to know untill it is tried.
Cmirage is dead.

Pchrono is dead.
There is SMALL hope for staff monkey mirage build, or support core staff chaos build, but is very unlikely.
A kick in the nut for the worst pvp class in the game.

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30 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

My perspective on mesmer changes.
1 Power chrono is dead, its gonna be hard mode version of other power specs that doesnt even do all that good.
2 Cmirage will be overpowered as kitten in raids, alongside rev.
3 Cmirage might take over alac spot, as alacrity+might+ good dps could be very good, loss off CC can be compensated with
3 clone F3, dom sig + moa, but its hard to know untill it is tried.
Cmirage is dead.

Pchrono is dead.
There is SMALL hope for staff monkey mirage build, or support core staff chaos build, but is very unlikely.
A kick in the nut for the worst pvp class in the game.


I don't think cmirage can really offer same dps as rev. You end up spending significant dodges on alacrity share to maintain full duration and losing out on ambush for other skills. Chaos vortex still hit like wet noodles even with IH and clones.

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1 hour ago, NICENIKESHOE.7128 said:


I don't think cmirage can really offer same dps as rev. You end up spending significant dodges on alacrity share to maintain full duration and losing out on ambush for other skills. Chaos vortex still hit like wet noodles even with IH and clones.

yes, exept staff ambush, with 25might and all the juice will do somewhere close to 35k dmg every time its used.
if you just keep spamming it, you should be able to get something close to 25-30k dps like this, but as I said, it will be hard to test or make a build for, time will tell.

You also need to remember that staff auto-attacks get speed up, they get reduced after-cast to increase the damage.

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14 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

My perspective on mesmer changes.
1 Power chrono is dead, its gonna be hard mode version of other power specs that doesnt even do all that good.
2 Cmirage will be overpowered as kitten in raids, alongside rev.
3 Cmirage might take over alac spot, as alacrity+might+ good dps could be very good, loss off CC can be compensated with
3 clone F3, dom sig + moa, but its hard to know untill it is tried.
Cmirage is dead.

Pchrono is dead.
There is SMALL hope for staff monkey mirage build, or support core staff chaos build, but is very unlikely.
A kick in the nut for the worst pvp class in the game.

don’t forget core 😞 the changes to torment hit core hybride and condi the most 

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11 hours ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

These changes are actually such a shame because Mirage was finally becoming pretty decent for PvP again.  There will need to be a compensation buff for the torment change. Weapon autos (axe/scepter) need to hit harder or something. 

axe needed to hit harder already, you legit do more harm to yourself against retal.
the kitten is 300 damage per swing, legit suicide.
on condi soulbeast my ranged shortbow can hit for 1k

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On 5/2/2021 at 8:22 AM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

axe needed to hit harder already, you legit do more harm to yourself against retal.
the kitten is 300 damage per swing, legit suicide.
on condi soulbeast my ranged shortbow can hit for 1k

Yeah I am actually pretty pissed about the torment and mantra change. I have been taking alotta flak here on the mesmer boards by saying Mirage doesn't need any buffs. I've been saying that if the balance changes keep continuing as they have been with other classes getting nerfed than Mirage will end up in a good place. Mirage finally reached a pretty solid place and ANET is going to dumpster it again. 

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