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How can you play thief? No uniqueness, every other class does things better


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How can I play a class I main, love, and find ways to exploit other classes weaknesses? Easy...I learn the class and get gud...when I cant do content alone I do it with an all thief guild I run...screw everyone else and their meta, I'm gonna break said meta and reinvent the wheel for all thieves...you dont need to ever struggle finding a group or forced to reroll to a different character. The Era of thief is NOW and WE WILL RISE! Together, Ape Strong!

Who can? To WHO CANT?!

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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I saw in PvP some extremly good thieves,they were using Sword+Pistol and DD ,it took some time to take them down.

In PvE is other level because 1 wrong move and you are dead,so have to memorize every patterns.

Thief were nerfed to the ground then buffed the nerfed again,many say that in good hands they are a force to be reckoned with but to be honest,which class isn't in good hands? XD

This new spec,helped nothing ,support assassin/rogue/thief/etc had support roles in many games but not a full support.

I wait to see how Anet handles the thief in future updates but until the thief is revisited I keep to my warrior,now the 120k instant dragon strike in PvE is very appealing xD

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On 3/12/2022 at 6:51 PM, Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

I love the class, even though I hate every unjustified nerf Anet does. I've been playing the class for so long, it's hard for me to enjoy the others. Even though after touching them... objectively they are better than thief now.

objectively maybe, subjectively however i disagree

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15 hours ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

If every class does it better, why are there so many "nerf thief" or "thief/stealth is op" threads...must be just hate for the class *shrug* 

Its usually hate for the class. The class fights dirty and does things that other classes cannot at the trade off for being unable to do things most classes can. Additionally requiring more effort from the player. It forced players to be careful in pvp when they were traveling alone, because the thief's high mobility and ability to counter-act  most kits via blinds and interrupts close to launch allowed them to pick off players whom were alone. 

But because the thought process many have is they associate thief with other MMOs rogues rather than letting it be its own thing. Or taking the time to play the class and understand why it is the way it is. Additionally, many specs don't have the same weaknesses that thief was designed to exploit anylonger... so a good portion of thief's kit is obsolete. 

So... it went from a high-risk but powerful duelist at launch. To a high-risk, high-effort, low-reward punching bag.

Edited by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497
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On 3/16/2022 at 4:00 PM, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

If every class does it better, why are there so many "nerf thief" or "thief/stealth is op" threads...must be just hate for the class *shrug* 

if thief is so goddamn good then why is the playerbase not playing it? every class that's good has a good chunk of the playerbase playing it while the thief is consistently one of the lowest played classes.🤔

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On 3/12/2022 at 7:09 PM, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

How can I play a class I main, love, and find ways to exploit other classes weaknesses? Easy...I learn the class and get gud...when I cant do content alone I do it with an all thief guild I run...screw everyone else and their meta, I'm gonna break said meta and reinvent the wheel for all thieves...you dont need to ever struggle finding a group or forced to reroll to a different character. The Era of thief is NOW and WE WILL RISE! Together, Ape Strong!

Who can? To WHO CANT?!

I'm curious about the anti-meta build you are gonna invent.

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1 hour ago, Swooz.7546 said:

if thief is so goddamn good then why is the playerbase not playing it? every class that's good has a good chunk of the playerbase playing it while the thief is consistently one of the lowest played classes.🤔

In fairness, the game has had long periods of Engineer being pretty dang amazing but still underplayed due to its specific mechanics and aesthetics. So this doesn't have to be strictly a power-level thing.

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4 hours ago, Swooz.7546 said:

if thief is so goddamn good then why is the playerbase not playing it? every class that's good has a good chunk of the playerbase playing it while the thief is consistently one of the lowest played classes.🤔

There are lots of reasons people play certain classes. Don't assume the only reason people play something is because it's "goddamn good'. 

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