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Champions - Judgement is a Disgrace! *contains spoilers*


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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Since the Elder Dragons appeared, the Lore somehow started to get all fuzzy about the existence of the Draconic race in Tyria. From GW1 (and from the fact that Zhaitan's lieutenants are all risen dragons, which means they were very much living dragons before they got corrupted) we know that there was a lot of dragons out there at some point in history. With only some of them (Glint) having anything to do with EDs (Rotscale, and all the other undead dragons in gw1, were not Risen.

Speaking of Zhaitan, I still hope we could someday get a patch revolving around a fully cleansed-orr making the story mode instance an open world map. Or a fractal of the city pre-cataclysm.

Along those lines I'd love a fractal/Vision of the past involving the elder dragons. I wonder if Zhaitan's ALWAYS looked like that.. or he looked entirely different and just slowly stitched himself back together using parts of deceased dragons to maintain his corporeal form? I'd have to imagine he didn't ALWAYS look like that. 

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On 5/1/2021 at 6:52 AM, Trigarta.3841 said:

To start out with, I know that halfway through IBS development the focus shifted towards End of Dragons and development of the saga was cut short. This still doesn't justify butchering the storyline like that. I have never played a more rushed, underwhelming and disappointing story conclusion in my many years playing MMO's.

We kill off 2 (!) Elder Dragons in 20 minutes in an absolutely foregettable instance. How this all goes down during the instance is just jawdropping, in a bad way.

I understand you want to bring the Elder Dragon threat to a near conclusion so you can finish it of with End of Dragons. I was becoming tired of yet another Elder Dragon to kill over the years. It was too predictable. But rushing this story development so hard while it has been the driving narrative since the inception of this game is beyond me!

We waited months for the ending with minimal content to play just to play through it in 20 minutes, left to be disappointed by poor poor writing. 

Many people are baffled and angry. All we have left is this elusive expansion which you refuse to talk about since announcing it months ago. Oh wait, you will...in another 3 months time...

The ending would have been the perfect moment to drop an information-bomb on the community to hype us up for the expansion but of course you wouldn't indulge us. Not even a tiny teaser-trailer. ArenaNet was never good at marketing though. They never learned over the years how important it is to keep your community engaged.

Just communicating with us seems hard for them at times. 

I know we won't get an official appology for this disgrace of a story release. That would be admitting failure and big companies usually don't do that.

You know, although Dragonstorm was completly foregettable, something stuck with me. The scene with Ryland and his parents. Rytlock tells his son he has nothing left to prove.

You, ArenaNet,  have A LOT to prove! Prove to us that End of Dragons was worth the shafted IBS. Prove to us that you can still tell compelling stories (with a worthy conclusion). Prove to us the expansion is the beginning of a new glorious era for GW2 and not the last hurrah for this game to squeeze out money before abandoning it and letting it die.



Please stop being so entitled. Anet already proved themselves by getting content out on time despite being in a pandemic. You people need to grow up. They work hard to give us new updates and all you people do is complain about every little thing they try to do.

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1 hour ago, Caitybee.3614 said:


Please stop being so entitled. Anet already proved themselves by getting content out on time despite being in a pandemic. You people need to grow up. They work hard to give us new updates and all you people do is complain about every little thing they try to do.

Stop it with this "Entitled" bullshite, we are the customers, we have every right to criticize a sub-par product that broke a decade and a half of established lore and world building.  I couldn't care less that they put out updates every two months, if it meant getting a better story I'd wait four months or more for each episode.  They took the content of one episode and chopped it up into four parts while shelving everything that was supposed to come after.  

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2 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

Please stop being so entitled. Anet already proved themselves by getting content out on time despite being in a pandemic. You people need to grow up. They work hard to give us new updates and all you people do is complain about every little thing they try to do.

Imo the main problem ist still the communictaion from ANet. I'm pretty sure everyone would be more patient and understanding on the circumstances with the whole ongoing pandemic thing and the earlier layoffs if ANet would stay less silence toward their state of development and be honest what we can expect with all this stuff going on.


Just say, hey guys, we have not enough ppl to deliver bigger content updates atm. We were cut short on people and resources then this pandemic happened so we were already in a rough spot. With the anouncing of EoD we startet fully to focus on it. So due to all this circumstances we need to cut short our saga and we will not be delivering xpac like content within it like we said at it's start.


Same to EoD. Imo a delay with proper comunication towards it would not hurt the game itself as hard as an rushed release.

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On 5/1/2021 at 2:21 PM, Farohna.6247 said:

I feel like many people are expecting this to be like an expansion, and it's not. 


1. First of all, we were promised the IBS would have expansion-like content. Of course it never lived up to that promise.

2. So only expansions reserve the right to deliver quality content with decent writing? - I seriously doubt your claim. 😉

3. What we got quality- and quantity-wise was to be expected, though, since the release of the first Champions chapter. It was foreseeable for quite some time that the IBS wouldn't deliver in the end and that the finale would disappoint, to say the least, which is why it didn't affect me much.



3 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

Please stop being so entitled. Anet already proved themselves by getting content out on time despite being in a pandemic.


You really think the gaming industry as a whole suffers from the pandemic? I dare say it rather flourishes thanks to it, even if working conditions and coordination are a bit rough. The customer numbers alone must have been skyrocketing for the past 15 months.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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12 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


1. First of all, we were promised the IBS would have expansion-like content. Of course it never lived up to that promise.

2. So only expansions reserve the right to deliver quality content with decent writing? - I seriously doubt your claim. 😉

3. What we got quality- and quantity-wise was to be expected, though, since the release of the first Champions chapter. It was foreseeable for quite some time that the IBS wouldn't deliver in the end and that the finale would disappoint, to say the least, which is why it didn't affect me much.




You really think the gaming industry as a whole suffers from the pandemic? I dare say it rather flourishes thanks to it, even if working conditions and coordination are a bit rough. The customer numbers alone must have been skyrocketing for the past 15 months.


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10 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:


Please stop being so entitled. Anet already proved themselves by getting content out on time despite being in a pandemic. You people need to grow up. They work hard to give us new updates and all you people do is complain about every little thing they try to do.


I'd rather have quality over quantity. And there's not entitlement here, there's people like me who have been invested in this lore and world since 2005. To see it treated the way it has been in releases like the last one is a travesty.


Its not entitlement, its ANET trashing their own setups years or decade or more in the making.

Edited by Faridah.8431
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On 5/2/2021 at 2:35 PM, Uruk.3215 said:

I understand the frustration regarding Jormag dying, but why is Primordus dying such a big deal to everyone? Sure, it's been around since EotN, but let's face it, it's literally just a feral, dumb animal at its core. It's hard if not impossible to make a compelling and long-lasting villain out of something like that. Eventually it just had to go in order to open up room for more stories and plotlines. And considering that it couldn't die without Jormag dying along with it, they had to go down together. 


I do agree that the way they both died was rushed though. There should have been an epic battle between them while we fought to stop Braham and Ryland and stabilize the leylines. Still, I personally don't think that them both dying at the same time was a bad idea. 


I hope their death will open up new possibilities for the story and bring about many new interesting stories and plots that the writers will be able to explore and present to us. This might have been a terribly rushed ending, but there's still time to fix things and make the most of what is there. 

Primordus was like the "boss of bosses", as has hints towards this, like ANET modelling him always extreme big.

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On 5/2/2021 at 12:35 PM, Uruk.3215 said:

I understand the frustration regarding Jormag dying, but why is Primordus dying such a big deal to everyone? Sure, it's been around since EotN, but let's face it, it's literally just a feral, dumb animal at its core. It's hard if not impossible to make a compelling and long-lasting villain out of something like that.

The problem here is that prior to the mid-point of Irritable Bowel Saga we had no reason to think that Primordus was going to be a "feral dumb animal" when all the other  Dragon's have been at least Sapient if not outright intelligent.  We haven't been expecting that all these years.  He didn't have to be written that way just because he's the Dragon of Destruction, its just more uninspired writing that has been refusing to be faithful to the game worldbuilding and lore.

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I was not surprised that this series would end up so badly. The community is the one to blame because many of them kept on praising Anet for the Champions episodes  bones they threw at them.


The people who were happy with the new episodes reused old maps (filled with different npcs and endless grind) were only giving Anet more courage to push its greedy tactics and spend less money and make the same profit.

Edited by trixantea.1230
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/6/2021 at 10:18 AM, trixantea.1230 said:

I was not surprised that this series would end up so badly. The community is the one to blame because many of them kept on praising Anet for the Champions episodes  bones they threw at them.


The people who were happy with the new episodes reused old maps (filled with different npcs and endless grind) were only giving Anet more courage to push its greedy tactics and spend less money and make the same profit.

Yeah, Champions was a slog to get through. I'm ok with content draughts if you produce quality on the other end.

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On 5/1/2021 at 11:10 AM, Pyriin.3291 said:

In my humble opinion icebrood saga was so lackluster in terms of any meaningfull content that i would be absolutely fine if it didnt exist at all. Pvp, raids, fractals, wvw, got basicly nothing during this "expansion level saga"

We only got terrible pve drms and strike missions, and grindy achivements that got me off all that early into the saga.

Lorewise other then some important character deaths and new charr leadership, one could say it meant nothing at all to the story, jormag and primordus could still be asleep from taimis machine 😜

How dare you!!!!................we got a fractal that has a bug that persists to this day with a challenge mode that hides most of the story and the new fractal weapons! wait.....

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On 5/3/2021 at 11:46 PM, SunTzu.4513 said:

Imo the main problem ist still the communictaion from ANet. I'm pretty sure everyone would be more patient and understanding on the circumstances with the whole ongoing pandemic thing and the earlier layoffs if ANet would stay less silence toward their state of development and be honest what we can expect with all this stuff going on.


Just say, hey guys, we have not enough ppl to deliver bigger content updates atm. We were cut short on people and resources then this pandemic happened so we were already in a rough spot. With the anouncing of EoD we startet fully to focus on it. So due to all this circumstances we need to cut short our saga and we will not be delivering xpac like content within it like we said at it's start.


Same to EoD. Imo a delay with proper comunication towards it would not hurt the game itself as hard as an rushed release.

I do wonder if they think that's bad business practices to tell us such deep ongoings of the status of the company. Sometimes that can ease dissapointment and foster sympathy or be taken in more rancid ways (Cyberpunk) and create even more hostility. I do hope Rubi and the team in the upcoming chats do address it to some degree.

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