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New player Elem, necro or warrior ?


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Hey, I played a bit a few years back but I didn't go far (level 30). And now that the game clicked, I have trouble finding the right class for me. I like to be a support/healer and buff allies, but also have good damage output with a good sustain (I don't know if it's possible to have all that). And I intend to play a bit of everything, pvp, wvw, pve, etc. 

I stopped on elem, necro and warrior but I don't know what to pick between them. I'll try to tell why I like them and hopefully someone with more expertise than me will be able to help me choose my first/main character. 


  • The weapons feel good to use, and a lot of weapons are fun like the hammer
  • The fact that the class has no theme means you create the theme around your character
  • Banners are cool and interesting, except when people move
  • I'm interested in berserker and spellbreaker 
  • But this is the class with the fewer skills, so I'm afraid to get bored
  • I feel like I get better survivability in solo with my elem and necro and I don't really like to die so quickly and that I can't do anything about it like heal, or go to the second form of the necro


  • I love the theme
  • All the skills seem interesting
  • Reaper and scourge are interesting too
  • Survivability is insane and this part is fun
  • But I really don't like the weapons and their skill and this is what you use most of the time 


  • This one is cool, 4 elements at once
  • Survivability, buff, and combo field are interesting and good 
  • Weaver seems cool but hard to master
  • But you don't have access to a lot of weapons
  • It seems difficult to play and remember all your abilities
  • Some say it's really squishy 


Also, I have a lot of questions when I play, is there someplace where I can ask them ?

Thank you for reading me, and have a great day.

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For Warrior for survivability you want to take Might Makes Right from Strength and/or Tactics for Mending Might and take Phalanx Strength. From there just maximize your might generation. You'll have a hard time dying in open world PvE or WvW if you play with other people.

Necro has insane survivability in PvP/WvW at the moment and it is only getting better on May 11th. If you like Warrior then have a go with Reaper. It is one of my favorite specs in the game.


Ele, you can build tanky, but you'll then have a hard time doing damage.

For each individual class you can go ask in their profession subforums. If you have the character slots, then make one of each and play them to your hearts content!

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Necro is your pick.

You gave the most "this is actually fun/interesting" points to this profession.
Additionally necro has incredible build depth. His traitlines are far less binary than other professions' leading to multiple builds and approaches for a single problem.

As for boring autos, yes, they are, but mostly in early game. Later on with new traits unlocked and your increasing knowledge of the profession you'll see how much synergy there can be between skills and traits, and when you start using weapon skills as tools to activate such synergies, rather than just aa targets to death - things will get a lot more fun.

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33 minutes ago, stuntkiller.2980 said:

is warrior that mutch sturdy in pve??

You can totally build a warrior that never dies in PvE. Just be around other players/NPCs.


That said Adrenal Health, Healing Signet, and Might Makes Right is enough to keep you alive in PvE.  Warrior survives through evade spams from building momentum and out sustaining the damage they do take.


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Honnestly, play them all.

You can easily get to 80 in a week of casual play with any profession. Also having many profession prevent boredom and help you in finding the strength and weaknesses of foes and allies alike. Which mean that it's good for teamplay, PvP and the time investment isn't that high.

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i guarantee u will reroll from warrior like most people did and only park yours as a banner slave for when team demands it..

last post in warrior sub is yesterday morning, while everybody else is within 10 hours. thats how dead warrior is, not that it is a bad class, but everybody can do the same but more.

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Quick update, I wasn't interested in guardian because of the theme but I decided to give it a try and it's some kind of mix between necro, war, and elem. You have good survivability, a good amount of weapons to choose from and that are fun to use, and you can do many things, heal, dps, support.

So I think I'll go with guardian as my first character even if the short time spent with elite specs wasn't that good, maybe I'll like them better when I understand the class better. 


Thank you all for you help !

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Let's just see which professions you can actually play and the answer is Warrior, not because it's easy but because nobody in LFG usually looks for Elementalists. Necro is less popular than Warrior.

Elementalist is one of those professions that it would not affect the game if it suddenly disappeared tomorrow as it brings nothing to the group, except for Rebound, and it does similar damage for 4 times the efforts.

Don't make the mistake I did by rolling an Elementalist after getting bored of one of the easy builds to play.

Edited by Touchme.1097
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38 minutes ago, Pegtz.2395 said:

Quick update, I wasn't interested in guardian because of the theme but I decided to give it a try and it's some kind of mix between necro, war, and elem. You have good survivability, a good amount of weapons to choose from and that are fun to use, and you can do many things, heal, dps, support.

So I think I'll go with guardian as my first character even if the short time spent with elite specs wasn't that good, maybe I'll like them better when I understand the class better. 


Thank you all for you help !

Guardian can be very fun as well. You can do very well with power or condi, as well as run heal and support roles. Guardian really does do everything, and does it pretty well.

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I saw you've added Guardian to your choice so I will pick guardian. You are good at everything. Meta in every game modes. You have almost all boons available (except alacrity), aegis, decent heal, very good at both condi and power dps (not sure about the latest update but I think it is still very good).


Anyways, try to play all classes untill you get all elite specialisations because most of them totally change the whole mood and feel of the class. GW2 is very alt friendly. I started with warrior > mesmer (mirage) > ranger > necro > guardian > thief > ele > rev and engineer is the last because everyone says he is a mess don't touch him but now I main engineer both holo and scrapper are super fun to me. Just keep playing until you find the right one. 


Edited by PepperMint.8509
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