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Things which make me very unhappy with the current state of the ranger and the last patch reminded me of them.


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So this patch is been a downer so far. The few buffs the class had or do not apply to pvp or they simply are made useless. I am not happy with the results from today's changes and seeying the rest of the classes get uncalled and in some cases unnecesary buffs  while ranger is kicked to the curb once again. 


After the buff to Warrior's Rifle autoattack most classes pierces baseline with long range projectile weapons. Except the ranger. The ranger needs to pick a Grand master trait to be able to pierce and in reallity those grandmaster don't have anything else to offer. And even then it has worst access to unblockable than other classes which don't have so many porjectile weapons. 


DragonHunter gets a faster and non rooting "barrage". Because. While ranger is stuck with weird rooting 2 seconds long casts for the two ranged AoE, barrage and call of lighting. 


Ranger get's a daze and weakness in warhorn and it does limit it's range to melee. Who would think that desing would  feel good i don't know why. 


The cunckly Axe#2 with a 1.5 seconds precast which gets autocancelled if you hit any other button. 

Axe#4 which does 0 damage in the piercing attack. Axe#5 roots you while you are sitting ducks waiting any one hit burst which otherclasses have plenty of. 


The weird an uncessary precast animations in many weapon skills like soulbeast's Dagger#3 


The fact Primal Cry is useless. 


Hiena with half the stats than other pets. The absurd long CD in some pets F2s. The pets can't hit moving targets. Pet's can't keep up with moving targets either. 


The two cleanses GMs  in the same traitline compiting one with each other. If the ranger needs any consistent cleansing only choice is Wilderness Survival. The fact that empathic bond is nerfed in PVP and there is no real reason for that. 


The weird ICD in a cleansing at dodge trait in nature magic traitline with no indicator when the trait is ready in the status bar. Just that makes that trait totally unrealiable  as source of cleanses. 


The fact Nature Magic has a GM wich only function is to do a 2K heal around the ranger with an ICD. That trait should be a minor and baseline to the traitline. 


The fact Shortbow has no utility or deffensive skills, it is focus in ramping condition damage and yet it has the same short range as Axe which makes this weapon only be usable with some troll trait like ancient seeds. 


The fact Ancient Seeds in the game yet. And the fact that without it Druid would be useless in WvW or PvP.


Ranger had ranged AoE access with throwable traps and mobile spirits and all got destroyed by the changes over the years and nothign was brought in it's place.


The fact that in 9 years and 2 different specializations rager has got 0 play in WvW squad game play. 7 traitlines and no chance to be needed in an squad. 


The fact i totally gave up on Druid in wvw because it  can only build a trailblazzers ancient seeds troll  and i don't care for the state of that specialitation. 






Edited by anduriell.6280
miscelaneus corrections. Title correction
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  • anduriell.6280 changed the title to Things which make me very unhappy with the current state of the ranger and the last patch reminded me of them.

One day a dev will main a ranger and we will start to see changes and not just nerfs on everything and anything just for ranger to have something printed in the patch notes.


things which I’d like to know are..
When are they going to fix soulbeast stance interval bugs?

When are they going to fix axe auto attack from .88 sec to the listed 1/4 sec attack speed?

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9 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

One day a dev will main a ranger and we will start to see changes and not just nerfs on everything and anything just for ranger to have something printed in the patch notes.


things which I’d like to know are..
When are they going to fix soulbeast stance interval bugs?

When are they going to fix axe auto attack from .88 sec to the listed 1/4 sec attack speed?

The last time we had a balance dev main a ranger and pet damage and health were boosted the damage was nerfed less than 10 days after being implemented. Even when we had a dev the buffs we got were short lived because people complained they couldn't kill us easily anymore. Was fun for a short time though, take beast mastery trait line, bring the jag, sent it into prowl + sic em, and it would crit someone that was running glass cannon 12-16k while in prowl with sic em. I miss having a dangerous active pet.

Edited by Criminal.5627
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18 minutes ago, Criminal.5627 said:

The last time we had a balance dev main a ranger and pet damage and health were boosted the damage was nerfed less than 10 days after being implemented. Even when we had a dev the buffs we got were short lived because people complained they couldn't kill us easily anymore. Was fun for a short time though, take beast mastery trait line, bring the jag, sent it into prowl + sic em, and it would crit someone that was running glass cannon 12-16k while in prowl with sic em. I miss having a dangerous active pet.

Well i would be happy if pets would apply a low damage but consistent, like i don't understand why the leash range of the pet was reduced. Used to be something like 5000 and now it is around 2000. 


That defeats the purpouse of the pet mechanic. Sometimes i can hit with my longbow but my pet can't reach the target. It is so unrewarding. 


Edited by anduriell.6280
small corrections
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6 hours ago, Criminal.5627 said:

The last time we had a balance dev main a ranger and pet damage and health were boosted the damage was nerfed less than 10 days after being implemented. Even when we had a dev the buffs we got were short lived because people complained they couldn't kill us easily anymore. Was fun for a short time though, take beast mastery trait line, bring the jag, sent it into prowl + sic em, and it would crit someone that was running glass cannon 12-16k while in prowl with sic em. I miss having a dangerous active pet.

yes, having immortal pet AI that can kill someone in 1hit was legit, and in no way degenerate o/
same way people defended bird spam that was hitting people for 6k+ each F2 and 4,5k+ with basic attack
DoNt NeRf, JuSt KiLl ThE pEt
Yes ranger has issues and its not all that amazing but lets not forget that it also has some stupid kitten, ancient seed, entangle, jarakanda F2, pet damage, longbow range come to mind.

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3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

yes, having immortal pet AI that can kill someone in 1hit was legit, and in no way degenerate o/
same way people defended bird spam that was hitting people for 6k+ each F2 and 4,5k+ with basic attack
DoNt NeRf, JuSt KiLl ThE pEt
Yes ranger has issues and its not all that amazing but lets not forget that it also has some stupid kitten, ancient seed, entangle, jarakanda F2, pet damage, longbow range come to mind.

Funny. If you really look at the state of the game when pets could reach those numbers (and not even consistently) you would see how useless they still were. There was one time were it was relevant and that was with druid (I think during hot).

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Some part I do not agree with:


  1. Sb has 1 fully defensive skill (3) and 2 that you can use to also gain time / distance (4 and 5).
  2. I find Axe 5 fine because of the damage it can bring.
  3. Spirits are fine in PvE since the addition of a tp skill. It does not bother me to not have them in PvP.
  4. I do not think we need piercing baseline because weapons are good enough

I do agree that the next part is not in a good shape. But maybe you underestimate them or how hard they can be to balance which I think is the main reason they are like this 😕 

  1. Primal Cry has some solid damage. The only reason it is not used often is because condi slb needs an additional sustain. I would be hard to buff without making the damage broken.
  2. As sustain went down, traps became better. Condi ranger can actually be dangerous on some mid nodes. Right now it would be impossible to throw them again without a drawback.
  3. Evasive Purity The ICD on the dodge trait is an issue on any profession. The trait is strong, but it sure is hard to use because most of the instant cleanse are tied to survival. 

I agree with :

  1. Axe 4 should get some damage back. I think it was also in one of your threads where I suggested a damage increase with the range because it is hard to land and not rewarding (but they should keep it constant in PVE to avoid a new nerf)
  2. Dagger 3 ; it does feel weird.
  3. Invigorating bond : I have still cannot find a use with the values and the cd. Even Guard and eternal bond which I find some of the worst things on ranger can sometimes have a use (Soul River as a druid and kite on deimos)
  4. Pets are a full thread by themselves. What they should do or not is an endless debate. There are so many families that are weak or bad. I know they do not want to buff them but I do not like bears, devourer, Even Moa in PvE is a lucky accident.


In addition

  1. I would love to see a change to Eternal Bond : maybe reward  staying a long time merged or out of merge
  2. Signet of Renewal + Spiritual Reprieve : Some change / buffs pls 🙂 especially for soulbeast



In PvE

For power slb I am still waiting to try the nerfs in a raid but I would not be surprised to find myself asking for a buff.

For druid I am getting a bit worried by the impact the new mirage staff will have.


Edit : Right now I am not sure if ancient seeds really need a nerf. Maybe a 5s increase if you buff some aspect of druid.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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24 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:

Edit : Right now I am not sure if ancient seeds really need a nerf. Maybe a 5s increase if you buff some aspect of druid.

Druid needs a full rework, the specialization is too easy to break with any buff. Ancient Seeds with 20s iCD  is not unbearable in sPvP that's true but still is pretty bad if you have your doubts.


In WvW however it is in a 10s iCD and that's simply too much. Pair that with trailblazzers and you have the most disturbing build in game  designed just  to grief other players.  Pair it with a Dreamer and you have the perfect combo. 


The roots as mechanic from my experience is bad as elite in a 60s cooldown with very little tells or in a pet skill withno tell even if it's an slow projectile every 30s.


If Ancient Seeds trait would be removed and intead the roots would come up if  you get hit with the Vine Surge staff skill It would not be that bad. Any player see the effect and understand why you got trapped. 


So if Juvenile Jaracanda would cast the same skill Vine Surge and trap the target it would be simply perfect.  Or the Entangle to be removed from Survival and set as Active for the Spirit of Nature. That would make much better sense and it would be more fair against other players.  


But a passive trait which procs with any CC you are afflicted every 10s is a spammy no-no as game pvp design. Even 20s iCD is questionable at best. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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32 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Druid needs a full rework, the specialization is too easy to break with any buff. Ancient Seeds with 20s iCD  is not unbearable in sPvP that's true but still is pretty bad if you have your doubts.


In WvW however it is in a 10s iCD and that's simply too much. Pair that with trailblazzers and you have the most disturbing build in game  designed just  to grief other players.  Pair it with a Dreamer and you have the perfect combo. 


The roots as mechanic from my experience is bad as elite in a 60s cooldown with very little tells or in a pet skill withno tell even if it's an slow projectile every 30s.


If Ancient Seeds trait would be removed and intead the roots would come up if  you get hit with the Vine Surge staff skill It would not be that bad. Any player see the effect and understand why you got trapped. 


So if Juvenile Jaracanda would cast the same skill Vine Surge and trap the target it would be simply perfect.  Or the Entangle to be removed from Survival and set as Active for the Spirit of Nature. That would make much better sense and it would be more fair against other players.  


But a passive trait which procs with any CC you are afflicted every 10s is a spammy no-no as game pvp design. Even 20s iCD is questionable at best. 

I had no idea the cd was 10s in wvw, that seems crazy. Yes I was thinking about sPvP.

I am not a fan of having a gm tied to a weapon (especially when we already have a trait with staff) but I like this idea. It reminds me of an old suggestion I made to change the staff 4 like the rev road but against immob, cripple and other alterations.

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"The ranger is a potent damage dealer. We've seen that Soulbeast has extreme burst damage potential, and unfortunately in this case, this has helped create some very homogenous group compositions." I doubt  that the ANET understands the meaning of homogenous .(composed of things that are the same kind , similar , equivalent , alike)

I'm of-course assuming they mean the "PEW -PEW"

But when you consider the changes to retaliation to resolution this essentially negates  the effectiveness of condition  ranger , spirit ranger , and trapper ranger . So how exactly does this  change a group to a less  homogenous composition ? It doesn't . In effect the ranger is now forced further into the PEW -PEW roll  at the same time making guardian even more invulnerable to attack. 

Retaliation should never have been introduced to begin with and should have been removed entirely . Guardian did not need a buff replaced with a more powerful buff..

Do they honestly think that I would use  Whirling Defense now ? It's a death sentence . Removing The unblockable from Call of the Wild isn't just a nerf to the ranger but a buff to Guardian again . I can't for the life of me understand how a 5 second unblockable with a 30 second cool down is such a threat when guardian has the most blocks in the game. 

I guess ranger was just to much of a threat to the guardian boon ball meta and something needed to be done to keep the Devs freinds  happy .

Why doesn't ANET just simplify everything and delete all other classes  and change to  Guardian Wars 2 .

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actually the pierce on warrior rifle was a nerf, now gets less adrenline and so less killshot/gunflame only so you can pierce on auto attack

even tho i barely even pierce any one even zerg fight in wvw.


like you get nothing from piercing auto attack, trust me, just go try auto attack warrior rifle in 30 v 30 fights and see how many people you will actually pierce, you will be lucky if you actually got like 1 pierce at all.


also DH longbow pierce is also a nerf as bouncing was so much better then pierce which you rarely even pierce anyone.

Edited by felix.2386
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15 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

yes, having immortal pet AI that can kill someone in 1hit was legit, and in no way degenerate o/
same way people defended bird spam that was hitting people for 6k+ each F2 and 4,5k+ with basic attack
DoNt NeRf, JuSt KiLl ThE pEt
Yes ranger has issues and its not all that amazing but lets not forget that it also has some stupid kitten, ancient seed, entangle, jarakanda F2, pet damage, longbow range come to mind.

Ya it was pretty funny how people refused to kill the pet so Anet did it for them by reducing it's damage so much it's no longer used at all in pvp

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11 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Druid needs a full rework, the specialization is too easy to break with any buff. Ancient Seeds with 20s iCD  is not unbearable in sPvP that's true but still is pretty bad if you have your doubts.


In WvW however it is in a 10s iCD and that's simply too much. Pair that with trailblazzers and you have the most disturbing build in game  designed just  to grief other players.  Pair it with a Dreamer and you have the perfect combo. 


The roots as mechanic from my experience is bad as elite in a 60s cooldown with very little tells or in a pet skill withno tell even if it's an slow projectile every 30s.


If Ancient Seeds trait would be removed and intead the roots would come up if  you get hit with the Vine Surge staff skill It would not be that bad. Any player see the effect and understand why you got trapped. 


So if Juvenile Jaracanda would cast the same skill Vine Surge and trap the target it would be simply perfect.  Or the Entangle to be removed from Survival and set as Active for the Spirit of Nature. That would make much better sense and it would be more fair against other players.  


But a passive trait which procs with any CC you are afflicted every 10s is a spammy no-no as game pvp design. Even 20s iCD is questionable at best. 


Ok wait, you want to remove Ancient Seeds...but apply Ancient Seeds when using Vine Surge? The thing that hits 3 targets, can be used with no CC needed, and that can be used very quickly with Staff trait + Quick Draw? You also want Jacaranda to use Vine Surge and trap 3 targets when you can't even avoid the single, VERY slow moving projectile? 


Yeah that definitely sounds like it wouldn't cause massive crying on forums.  Ever.  


In addition, you want to remove Entangle as a survival skill and put it on a spirit--with what recompense? Firstly, Entangle almost never works to begin with in WvW, it's a literal condi clear and it's an Elite.  Second, If you put it on the spirit you are removing an Elite, like literally we'd now have no survival Elite.  


All of this is kind of funny since your avatar is a Deadeye...and thieves are the one class that is literally unable to be CC'd let alone immob'd unless they blow all of their escape abilities.  So I'm not sure where all this vitriol about Ancient Seeds is coming from, especially since every Ranger I meet in WvW is running Soulbeast anyway (something that also cannot be immob'd really at all).  

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16 hours ago, Substance E.4852 said:

Ya it was pretty funny how people refused to kill the pet so Anet did it for them by reducing it's damage so much it's no longer used at all in pvp

The thing was it was still hard to get pets to hit regularly, the pathing on pets was and still is bad, Jag was good in that you could stealth it so they had a hard time avoiding it, but someone who is aware of where the ranger pet is can usually out run the pet attack animation to the point that when the pet stops to attack it missed, or strafe the pet attacks so they never hit. Really the reason why it was nerfed was because of people running glass cannon builds thought it was unfair that they had to worry about something attacking their flank while they tried to burst down the ranger in a few seconds (while not having to pay attention to things that are not players) it was part of the old original meta of bunker builds, bunker burst builds, and skirmishers. The dumb thing is that old balance patching to bring things inline with stuff that is no longer in the game never gets revisited with the removal of stats, runes, and sigils from pvp. For instance the way spirits used to fallow you with the grand master trait is one of those over balanced things that should probably be revisited as it was the ranger's bunker build that required stats that no longer exist in pvp and would benefit multiple other areas of gameplay once again.

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On 5/14/2021 at 9:16 AM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

yes, having immortal pet AI that can kill someone in 1hit was legit, and in no way degenerate o/
same way people defended bird spam that was hitting people for 6k+ each F2 and 4,5k+ with basic attack
DoNt NeRf, JuSt KiLl ThE pEt
Yes ranger has issues and its not all that amazing but lets not forget that it also has some stupid kitten, ancient seed, entangle, jarakanda F2, pet damage, longbow range come to mind.

I just want to remind you that any ranger besides soulbeast actually has less damage on weapon skills than any other class in the game. All of the ranger core abilities were created with the idea that pets would be doing some dmg and the stats of pets were originally created to be on par at lvl 80 with a character in full rare gear. Pets have not been updated for a very long time either, in fact they have been nerfed more recently than they have been updated which puts core ranger much farther behind any other class's dmg output with the casual damage creep that has occurred in this game meaning that unless you take Soulbeast for the added stats from merging with your pet and the additional skills from merging with your pet (as relying upon the pet to be soul responsible to hit every attack off CD and stay on it's target is very unreliable) the ranger is currently unable to be competitive in any pve activity for damage output. Condi Druids are not even competitive with condi soulbeasts for being close in dps.

Yes, rangers have access to some things that make them mobile or more durable in pvp, but the thing is rangers don't have the ability to exceed in all aspects of pvp the way other classes do atm such as  solo roaming, 1v3 skirmishing, or solo area denial. Currently in pvp rangers mostly excel with being backup to at least one other person or roaming with a small group of teammates.

Pets were also never immortal in pvp, and for a long time they were constantly targeted and one shot by bosses in pve (same with necromancer minions, lead to the jellyfish boss becoming immortal in fractals if it eat a ranger pet or necro minion, good times). The Jaguar was the only pet to land high crits like that because of it's F2 gave them +25% crit hit chance and +375 ferocity and stealth, you also had to hit a utility CD and hope that the idiot that was coming to attack you stood still which they typically did as warriors using 100 blades. So 2 cd's to land high crits on a full glass cannon warrior.  The bird spam was annoying yes when that all happened, but it should also be said that the birds were able to do more damage than any of the rangers other attacks or abilities while keeping swiftness up to more reliably hit targets in contrast to almost any other pet. The birds should not have been an outlier in pets and should have been how other pets functioned on a base level and then pet damage should have been looked at and balanced to each individual pet species to keep them all similarly viable (looking at you spiders and devours).


Out of "ancient seed, entangle, jarakanda F2, pet damage, longbow range come to mind." the only thing that benifits a ranger as far as the individual playing the ranger is the longbow range. Ancient seed and entangle are only good to use if you have teammates around that can take advantage of it as the roots can be killed pretty quickly from any aoe or cleave dmg. The Jarakanda is overall an overall underwhelming pet with one good ability and pretty much nothing else to offer during combat, it is the land jellyfish. Pet damage is underwhelming for the lack of reliably being able to land hits on CD (seriously go look at old ranger forum posts prior to soulbeast being a thing, people kept begging for anet to get rid of pets for being so unreliable instead of trying to fix them as well as frustration with lower weapon damage on skills). Even the long bow range is negligible boon when you take into account of being able to LoS or strafe most situations besides barrage.


Really anything besides soulbeast from ranger is not in a great place across the board right now. As it is, even the druid glyph utilities are mostly crap and have been so ever since they got rid of glyph of enhancement; spirits are overwhelmingly preferred for druids to take in 19/20 encounters. Nothing from Druid or core Ranger screams they are in a good place and anyone who played ranger long enough to remember more than playing soulbeast in all aspects of the game. Those that do remember past issues with ranger balance were not exactly thrilled with the lack of attention to core ranger and druid from the last balance patch. Maybe the expansion will fix the serious issues and Soulbeast will no longer be what rangers are required to fall into in order to be competitive in all areas of the game. Maybe pet stats will start to actually scale with gear (instead of a lvl 80 ranger in greens and a lvl 80 ranger in full ascended/legendary having pets with the same stats) and maybe their AI will be able to land hits reliably instead of interrupting its self.

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13 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

yes, all you had to do was deal 16k dmg 3 times over, easy peasy lemon squeezy

Actually I dont believe pets in pvp ever had that much health. Even now bears have the highest at 30k and most other pets have 22k, with all of the abilities that cleave and aoe, and back then I believe pet health was even lower as offensive pets just got boosted up to 18k health around then, pets melt. They don't dodge out of the way and when anet allowed pets to evade when you dodged you had to use your dodge as well to keep your pet alive which meant that you might not have it when you needed it. There was more risk reward instead of the facerolling that is common in gameplay now since the power creep started.

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I really wish people would think before they jump on a band wagon about how "over powered"  Ranger skills are

Ancient Seeds requires prerequisites  and is profession specific and is ONE SECOND immobilize . Look at other immobilize from other classes and it's no more powerful . In fact many have longer duration's  and shorter cool downs that do not require a prerequisite or are not profession specific .  By peoples thinking it should have a 20second cool down at least . That would mean that any immobilize should have a 10 second cool down for every 1 second of immobilize  . . What about Zealot's Embrace , Pin Down , Brutal Shot , Knot Shot , Net Shot , Net Wall , Bola Shot , Infiltrator's Strike , Surprise Shot , Spotter's Shot , Malicious Surprise Shot , Earthen Rush , Swap , Dark Pact  . I can go on .

People have no idea what it takes to control an AI pet . They're always out of position , slow to activate or dead  Most of the time the skills that are controllable fail . 

. Yet most people won't bother to look any of this  up for themselves and compare the skills that do similar things and keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages . No , that would be to hard wouldn't it . But jumping on band wagons is easy .

You want something that really needs a nerf take a real good look at guardian . Retaliation should have been just removed not replaced . The boon ball is more powerful then ever now  . All this patch did was cater to the all ready existing  Boon Ball AOE meta that's been an annoyance for three years  now and push the rest of us farther to the side.



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yo i wanna be really mad so here's another one


take the damage off lightning reflexes already because i'm sick and tired of it immediately failing despite being an evade because of shocking aura


it literally serves no purpose, the damage doesn't need to exist, it never should have from the very start

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9 hours ago, Mokk.2397 said:

I really wish people would think before they jump on a band wagon about how "over powered"  Ranger skills are

Ancient Seeds requires prerequisites  and is profession specific and is ONE SECOND immobilize . Look at other immobilize from other classes and it's no more powerful . In fact many have longer duration's  and shorter cool downs that do not require a prerequisite or are not profession specific .  By peoples thinking it should have a 20second cool down at least . That would mean that any immobilize should have a 10 second cool down for every 1 second of immobilize  . . What about Zealot's Embrace , Pin Down , Brutal Shot , Knot Shot , Net Shot , Net Wall , Bola Shot , Infiltrator's Strike , Surprise Shot , Spotter's Shot , Malicious Surprise Shot , Earthen Rush , Swap , Dark Pact  . I can go on .

People have no idea what it takes to control an AI pet . They're always out of position , slow to activate or dead  Most of the time the skills that are controllable fail . 

. Yet most people won't bother to look any of this  up for themselves and compare the skills that do similar things and keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages . No , that would be to hard wouldn't it . But jumping on band wagons is easy .

You want something that really needs a nerf take a real good look at guardian . Retaliation should have been just removed not replaced . The boon ball is more powerful then ever now  . All this patch did was cater to the all ready existing  Boon Ball AOE meta that's been an annoyance for three years  now and push the rest of us farther to the side.



Ancient seeds isn't just 1 second of immob, tho....


It is 5 applications of immob with 1 second each, for a total sum of 5 seconds of immob. That is really long, one of the longest lasting immob from a single skill in the entire game.


I personally don't mind ancient seeds that much, but saying that it is just 1 second of immob is just factually wrong.

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13 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Ancient seeds isn't just 1 second of immob, tho....


It is 5 applications of immob with 1 second each, for a total sum of 5 seconds of immob. That is really long, one of the longest lasting immob from a single skill in the entire game.


I personally don't mind ancient seeds that much, but saying that it is just 1 second of immob is just factually wrong.

OH so Electrified Net is ok ?

Besides that bug was fixed

May 17, 2016
  • Fixed a bug that allowed multiple triggers of this trait on a single target.
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17 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Ancient seeds isn't just 1 second of immob, tho....


It is 5 applications of immob with 1 second each, for a total sum of 5 seconds of immob. That is really long, one of the longest lasting immob from a single skill in the entire game.


I personally don't mind ancient seeds that much, but saying that it is just 1 second of immob is just factually wrong.

pretty sure the tendril for ancient seed only has like 2k health, I am sorry but if you cant take the time to click on it and auto attack it you really don't have room to complain it is a 5sec imob

that is also why this skill sucks in anything that is not 1v1 as it will instantly die due to cleave and aoe dmg from any group fight that occurs.

Edited by Criminal.5627
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