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Why does reaper?


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17 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

Imagine attacking someone instead off their argument, sad.
Btw, I dont think I have played more then 5 games with chrono-bunker, and when I did play it, nobody else did as it was already over-nerfed to kitten ( it was when immortal decap scrapper was a thing and there was like 3 of them in each team )

Nobody attacking you, I am telling the truth. You're the typical GW2 player who change opinion as he changes Flag, the expertise of typical GW2 players comes from what they play and assume to know. You should for once try to have a "broad" point of view, I can't equip Pharus on every class I play and I refuse to accept any "hard counter" talk BS

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On 5/19/2021 at 6:28 PM, bethekey.8314 said:


Thanks for taking the time to respond.


For projectile blocking, I was referring to Death's Charge. I'm surprised a Reaper player doesn't know this.


6 seconds of stability (3 stacks, even) every 25 seconds is over 20% uptime. The stability is on demand too, not some proc, so it can be used at the right times. It also reduces all damage, and can be used for a fear. This seems like an amazing skill to me.


Regarding Shroud 5, the typical shroud combo seems to be: Dash In, Quickness+Stability, Whirl for huge damage/get a dodge, AoE Stun + Chill, Autos. I'm fairly convinced nothing consistently beats this combo in melee range. If someone can't run away, they either:

- Eat the Whirl and die

- Are forced to dodge, still get hit by Shroud 5 because its range is bugged (I believe) or dodge again and have nothing left


I agree, Consume Conditions (are others used?) is very interruptible. It's also extremely powerful and deserving of this.


Not every class has the ranged burst Sic 'Em Soulbeast has. I posted that longbow range is broken right now, hitting well beyond its listed range, if you're interested.


Roots are hard for every class to deal with, not a Reaper specific weakness.


I agree, bursty and mobile classes can somewhat counter Reaper. I am still not seeing how it counters Reaper more than other classes.



Literally just block when they spin, and once the stab is down drop a stun. Then you can either disengage or drop a nuke depending on how much shroud is left.

This, of course, assuming you are in melee range against a reaper in shroud... which you shouldn't really be doing, but in case you are, one literal block is the secret recipe

Necro has some problems when it comes to marks (unblockable marks generating lf even when dodged is honestly bs), but reaper on its own is far from OP.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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6 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Nobody attacking you, I am telling the truth. You're the typical GW2 player who change opinion as he changes Flag, the expertise of typical GW2 players comes from what they play and assume to know. You should for once try to have a "broad" point of view, I can't equip Pharus on every class I play and I refuse to accept any "hard counter" talk BS

you are calling people bots, if that is not attacking then honestly I dont know what is.
And stop projecting and get out of your high horse.
There is several people trying to explain to you that reaper has plenty of counter-play and abusable weaknesses, and the strongest argument you came up with is " getting in and out of shroud to gain quickness " 3s btw.
and " fear chain " on a build with 2 fears.
Sad really/

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23 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you are calling people bots, if that is not attacking then honestly I dont know what is.
And stop projecting and get out of your high horse.
There is several people trying to explain to you that reaper has plenty of counter-play and abusable weaknesses, and the strongest argument you came up with is " getting in and out of shroud to gain quickness " 3s btw.
and " fear chain " on a build with 2 fears.
Sad really/

The unblockable fear is bs tbh, but necros aren't the only ones doing it. It's just that pretty much every class is spitting unblockable CC like candies. Guardians can spear (there's ward too, though nobody uses it), wars have full counter and the tether which is unblockable on dagger burst, rangers can make their goat's headbutt unblockable, thieves have an unblockable CC which can even bypass stability and basilisk venom turn everything to unblockable CC, necros have both the ring and the mark, elementalists have 3 unblockable hard CCs that even deal damage (mud slide, gale and stun aura), then there's an engi block that stuns on every hit without even the courtesy of an ICD. It's a clown fiesta if you ask me. If it was limited to some classes (let's say thief and... one or two more, maybe revenant and necromancer) with thematic relevance to "disrupting" people I'd love it, but rn I play mesmer and I feel like I'm the only imbecile without unblockable CCs.

I know I'm not alone and my revenant brothers feel the same pain, but still

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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2 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

The unblockable fear is bs tbh, but necros aren't the only ones doing it. It's just that pretty much every class is spitting unblockable CC like candies. Necros can fear for days, guardians can spear (there's ward too, though nobody uses it), wars have full counter and the tether which is unblockable on dagger burst, rangers can turn their goat's headbutt to unblockable, thieves have an unblockable CC which can even bypass stability and basilisk venom turn everything to unblockable CC, necros have both the ring and the mark, elementalists have 3 unblockable hard CCs that even deal damage (mud slide, gale and stun aura), it's a clown fiesta if you ask me. If it was limited to some classes (let's say thief and... maybe one or two more) with thematic relevance to "disrupting" people I'd love it, but rn I play mesmer and I feel like I'm the only imbecile without unblockable CCs

CC's are kinda needed for some classes. imagine for instance you nerfed nec's ccs and as a scourge tries to torment you, well since he cannot do damage on targets that are moving he is unable to do that or if he's getting chased and needs to get away.


This also applies of course to other classes too. Just imagine what a disaster it would be if engi lost its immobs.

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1 hour ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

The unblockable fear is bs tbh, but necros aren't the only ones doing it. It's just that pretty much every class is spitting unblockable CC like candies. Guardians can spear (there's ward too, though nobody uses it), wars have full counter and the tether which is unblockable on dagger burst, rangers can make their goat's headbutt unblockable, thieves have an unblockable CC which can even bypass stability and basilisk venom turn everything to unblockable CC, necros have both the ring and the mark, elementalists have 3 unblockable hard CCs that even deal damage (mud slide, gale and stun aura), then there's an engi block that stuns on every hit without even the courtesy of an ICD. It's a clown fiesta if you ask me. If it was limited to some classes (let's say thief and... one or two more, maybe revenant and necromancer) with thematic relevance to "disrupting" people I'd love it, but rn I play mesmer and I feel like I'm the only imbecile without unblockable CCs.

I know I'm not alone and my revenant brothers feel the same pain, but still

fear on staff 5 would be fine if it had this overhead fear animation, it has long CD, long cast time and short duration ( for a cc )
and since its fear, its the weakest out of all hard CC there is ( easiest to remove, cleansing sigil swap exists for example )
Like reaper would be legit perfection if staff 5, focus 5 had better animations, and they did SOMETHING with lich.
There would legit be almost nothing to whine about, on a spec that is very good.

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6 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

fear on staff 5 would be fine if it had this overhead fear animation, it has long CD, long cast time and short duration ( for a cc )
and since its fear, its the weakest out of all hard CC there is ( easiest to remove, cleansing sigil swap exists for example )
Like reaper would be legit perfection if staff 5, focus 5 had better animations, and they did SOMETHING with lich.
There would legit be almost nothing to whine about, on a spec that is very good.

Gotta give em credit it seems like they are trying..


I think they need to have a dev play each class like the way wow used to have dev for each class.

I don't know how many devs there are in GW2 for balance i imagine a lot, but if we had people look at ele all its issues for instance mesmers, maybe we could finally see some hope.





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8 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

fear on staff 5 would be fine if it had this overhead fear animation, it has long CD, long cast time and short duration ( for a cc )
and since its fear, its the weakest out of all hard CC there is ( easiest to remove, cleansing sigil swap exists for example )
Like reaper would be legit perfection if staff 5, focus 5 had better animations, and they did SOMETHING with lich.
There would legit be almost nothing to whine about, on a spec that is very good.

Wish the GS wasn't so clunky, cause I enjoy the idea of it hard hitting slow weapon, but with all the nerfs and changes it is just slow, it is better to do the auto instead of gravedigger at this point and death spiral does way more damage even though it is supposed to be the set up skill, Reaper GS doesn't feel scary as guardian or ranger GS even though Gravedigger should be on par with Maul.

I have written from long ago the same things about lich and the focus, but the nerfs that arenanet makes are not good, they over nerf something without giving other options, best examples here are Warrior and Mesmer , even though mirage and SB pop up from time to time, since OP mechs that come with the elite,  their base mechanics have gotten worse and worse and even their HOT elites are garbage. Their whole "let the people think of builds, while we reduce options" doesn't work, they should sit on their kitten and make several working builds for each elite and for each mode, we are long past throwing crap at the wall hoping it sticks, that works only for the starting years of the game.    

I don't know who designed Reaper but it is quite well made, it is very strong in low tier games since you can compensate for one teammate that isn't doing so well with good kiting because the shroud is easy to use on demand damage in teamfights and it falls of to  average in higher tier games since it becomes more and more reliant on teammates position and peels, so in high tiers you are a half a person but in a combination with some help, both of you are efficient as 3.     

Edited by Vancho.8750
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Reaper is actually one of the easiest profs to counter. Its one of the slowest profs + insanely vulnerable to ranged burst / poking. Kite away when hes in shroud + poke him from range to make his shroud run out.  He cant do anything vs you while in shroud when youre at max range. When he drops his shroud its relatively easy to burst him down again. 


Only playing at plat 1 till 3 (mostly as thief)....but havent seen a single reaper the last 5+ seasons where i was like omg this guy is dominating. Most of them get focussed hard since they are the squishiest necro spec/prof.  They are super susceptible / weak vs + 1s and focus fire.  

Edited by Locuz.2651
removed 1 sentence
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