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The, I have no legendary thread.

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5 hours ago, Ironhand.9081 said:

I don't have a single legendary; there was no reason to care. 


IF the so-called legendary armoury becomes a reality, legendaries will actually have a function that matters. 

Well, given that they've announced a release date I'm thinking it's kind of a sure thing. Unlike Alliances which kept having a.. within the coming months release date.. and those months never came.

But they're still handy to have. I honestly might even consider going for the runes/sigils at some point, I'm just not sure why they're so freakin' expensive and require provisioner tokens or whatever. 

Legendaries in general being this colossal gold sink is kind of lame though. I honestly wish they would just make legendaries have a random drop chance instead of getting a precursor as the drop. I mean, I get that's where a lot of their money comes from in terms of gem to gold conversions, but at this point in the game when we have infusions that are worth 3 legendaries as a random drop chance is a full on legendary weapon without mystic forging really going to put a dent into it? 

Maybe there's some reasoning behind having only the precursors drop that I'm missing, but if I'm going to credit card farm for unnecessary materials to make a legendary weapon I'd rather just be able to buy the weapon. 

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On 5/27/2021 at 5:13 PM, Zuldari.3940 said:

So here's a question for you. I picked up the predator from the legendary vendor in LA. This and nevermore are the only 2 I have wanted since I first saw them. I assume the item i picked up to start the gun will make a precurser? Is predator one of the least expensive to make? Im not good at making gold in the time i get to play, I have been logging in to do my dailys every day though.

I am not quite sure what you meant.  Did you mean you bought "The Predator I: The Experimental Rifle" from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs?  That just unlocks the first of a long journey towards making The Predator.  Check out a beginner's guide to crafting Legendaries to understand it all, and if you want to get a good idea of what you need and how much gold you're talking about, get a free account at GW2Efficiency, and look under Crafting.  Looks like the precursor to The Predator, which is called The Hunter, is cheaper to buy than to craft, but then it's cheaper to craft the rest of the Legendary weapon.  Good luck.

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I haven't bothered yet.  Sort of wish I did world completion and maybe a legendary in the base game when it was released instead of running so many boring awful dungeons.

Now I just don't have much interest in legendary gear, as a set of Berserker's and Viper's ascended seems to be enough for fractals.  If I got a nice raise I might buy gold and buy a legendary just to support the game, but grinding one out the hard way isn't for me.

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I have only Legendary Weapons, because I hate raids and prefer solo-play, which is sad, because game was supposed to play as you want.


I would love to spend hundreds/thousands hours for farming Legendary armor in PvE :<

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3 hours ago, Iron.4372 said:

I have only Legendary Weapons, because I hate raids and prefer solo-play, which is sad, because game was supposed to play as you want.


I would love to spend hundreds/thousands hours for farming Legendary armor in PvE :<

Do the pve objectives in wvw and earn your legendary`armor over hundreds/thousands of hours?

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On 5/23/2021 at 12:44 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I'm very far away still from legendaries.

Far, far away.

I was looking through what's necessary to craft one and I just gave up.

I wonder if I'll ever get there at all.

I think not.

Because to make one, I would have to have one for each character.

It would just bug the heck out of me having only one character with a legend and not the others.

So for that reason, I'm out.

I agree. I'm at the point where it's just going to be Ascended for me. I'd have to do WvW to finish Frostfang, and I have zero interest, so that's never going to happen. It's just way too much to have changeable stats and a few nifty effects. Anthologies of Heroes and Upgrade Extractors are cheap. For that matters, so is crafting more ascended items, comparatively. Hopefully, the 3rd generation leggies in EoD will be more realistic goals.

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1 minute ago, Danger Ferret.6342 said:

I agree. I'm at the point where it's just going to be Ascended for me. I'd have to do WvW to finish Frostfang, and I have zero interest, so that's never going to happen. It's just way too much to have changeable stats and a few nifty effects. Anthologies of Heroes and Upgrade Extractors are cheap. For that matters, so is crafting more ascended items, comparatively. Hopefully, the 3rd generation leggies in EoD will be more realistic goals.

I wouldent hold my breath on that mate, the gen 2.5 are more expensive then gen 1 so following that trend gen 3 will be even worse.

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

I wouldent hold my breath on that mate, the gen 2.5 are more expensive then gen 1 so following that trend gen 3 will be even worse.

That's cool. I don't mind the effort. I just have zero interest in PvP or WvW, personally. If 3rd gen still requires a WvW track to finish (like Frostfang), well, I'm fine hoarding my mystic clovers 😄

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22 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Do the pve objectives in wvw and earn your legendary`armor over hundreds/thousands of hours?

That's right, but that's different type of gameplay. Right now we have 3,5 types of gameplay - PvP, WvWvW, PvE, Team-Meta-PvE. 3 are common-known, but the last one belongs to the combination of high-focused teams which clearly are untouchable by Story-Lovers/Solo players.


I remember, that there were always meta-dedicated High-End like Urgoz/Kanaxai/UWSC/FoWSC/DoA, but it was non-dependable for specialized skills/build and teamplay. I don't know... it was simpler to change skills/attributes only, but not the whole equipment. Maybe not too complicated as it is now. 


You know, I'm not complaining, because it's different game right now, just pointing to "Play as you want"  😉

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On 6/3/2021 at 6:56 PM, Iron.4372 said:

I don't know... it was simpler to change skills/attributes only, but not the whole equipment. Maybe not too complicated as it is now.

Well, swapping gear wasn't as important in GW1, as it had no direct effect on your skill-related stats.

I see that as being one of the biggest mechanical mistakes in GW2, and in a lot of modern "RPGs".

Weapons should solely be about damage and control, while armour should be about defense and mobility.

Making everything you equip affect all of your stats makes for drastically limited build flexibility.


Having said that, making it hard and expensive to effectively change your equipment makes it easier for developers to monetise their games.

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