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Temporal Curtain


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I was standing OUTSIDE THE SECOND GATE OF OUR KEEP AS WE ARE GETTING FARMED, and a temporal curtain somehow pulled me THROUGH both gates to where they were nuking the entrance.

You NEED to fix this broken ability. It ignores los, it pulls people from the stairs of a tower ALL THE WAY OVER THE WALL, and it has no business being in this game mode.

Excuse me for thinking I would be safe standing 3 feet away from the OUTSIDE OF THE KEEP waiting to enter. Nope, focus pulled THROUGH walls now apparently.

This has gone on long enough and it's no wonder this game mode is rapidly dying.

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2 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

It doesn’t pull a player through a gate but up to it instead.  So stop lying about an ability and its interaction with you.

I have been pulled from the bottom of the stairs in Klovan all the way up the stairs and over the wall, by a single pull.  I have been pulled through the walls at WC, Klov, and OW.  I have also pulled people up stairs and over the wall at the NE inner of SMC.  The skill has a greater interact range then the skill says it has.  Yes, it needs to be looked in to.

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2 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

It doesn’t pull a player through a gate but up to it instead.  So stop lying about an ability and its interaction with you.

Assuming I'm lying. Go get a buddy and test it out.

I was standing near the middle of the outside gate, curtain showed up and BOOM, pulled inside both gates to entrance near waypoint of the blue keep in ebg.

Nice try though.

And no, I don't have a video because it was a split second and I don't stream like 80% of the rest of the population, apparently.

If you don't believe me you can easily find someone on another server and test it yourself.

As far as how, no clue. The keep was owned by us and it may not work if the keep wasn't ours, but I find it really hard to believe that it's intentional behavior either way. I don't know why the pull of his skill works drastically different than all other pulls in the game.

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2 minutes ago, Ubi.4136 said:

I have been pulled from the bottom of the stairs in Klovan all the way up the stairs and over the wall, by a single pull.  I have been pulled through the walls at WC, Klov, and OW.  I have also pulled people up stairs and over the wall at the NE inner of SMC.  The skill has a greater interact range then the skill says it has.  Yes, it needs to be looked in to.

I would understand if it was TWO curtains, one pulling to the top of the stairs and another pulling over the wall, but no, numerous times I have been pulled from the bottom of the stairs over the wall by ONE curtain. It's just that certain mesmers that have been using it for a long time in wvw know how to position it to abuse it. And that's what it is, abuse of a skill that needs to be looked at.

But there's really no point in defending a keep these days anyway with server imbalance, siege being useless unless you have 6 people on an arrow cart and they don't get pulled or bombed, and blobs being able to sustain through literally anything.

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1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

I was standing near the middle of the outside gate, curtain showed up and BOOM, pulled inside both gates to entrance near waypoint of the blue keep in ebg.

Lmao same situation as mine. Also blue keep and pulled through the outer northern gate. 


I remember we were sieged by Underworld (two relinks ago, back when they were so overstacked). 

I did stand just outside of that gate and started spamming /laugh emote and others. And bam, pulled through gate just to the middle of their zerg. Maybe some nolife cheater got angry? LuL

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Temporal curtain is an AoE pull and needs only LoS to plant the initial "line", not to collapse it, so you'll get pulled regardless of LoS or not.

As someone said before, the range is a little bit fuzzy: on a flat surface is works as intended, now when you paint a 3D surface with the initial line, and yourself you are on a 3D surface, the collapse can have some weird range effect due to the engine, and that's why you can get pulled up a stair.

For passing through a wall, it is most likely:

  • either a bug (there are gaps between some tower/keep doors and the wall (or between doors themselves, and some skills are known to pass through  under certain circumstances).
  • either you where pulled close to the portal and your hitbox touched it and you got portaled out of the keep lke fi you exited by yourself.

All in all, it's not a focus pull, more like fishing and the mesmer got lucky this time...

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Just a thought but are mesmers pulling people into their portal-to-exit? That would look like being pulled through a gate. I'm not sure if it is technically possible but would be an interesting technique to learn. Pulling people off walls is a skilled art. If you don't think so go get on a mesmer and try it yourself. A LOT of things prevent successful pulls and even more prevent a player from being pulled completely off those walls. If you don't like it, stop playing zero stun break try hard builds.

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24 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

Into the void is 600 range. If that shouldn't be able effect people through objects, things like Catapults or any AoE shouldn't either. 

If I can't pull you into a gate, your cata shouldn't be able to knock us back through a gate. 

This is good idea actually make siege not dmg through the gate and knockback. 

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Its actually really easy to pull people through portals that are close to the inside of the gate. Just dependent on player positioning. 

If a player is within 600 of the gate and has the portal between them and the gate, Temporal Curtain on the gate will pull them through if they clip the portal. (They have to be standing pretty close to the portal)

Some of the gates (haven't personally tested all of them), if the player is standing on the back side of the wall, with the portal somewhat between them and the gate. You can place Temporal Curtain in the gap above the gate and pull them into the inside of the objective. If they land on the portal, they get ported out. 

But tbh, most people with a brain will just stun break and dodge back in. 

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I'm gonna add my 3 braincells.
You can pull people through the portal in the objectives if you properly aim with whatever pull that isn't projectile or Magnet type thngie.
The pulls in these game are so weird, some work in very questionable ways, others don't work at all. Some people are capable of pulling you, but when you try to pull them it won't work for some reason, even though you're like sniffing enemys neck distance,
Other times people get hit by your pull but they're just ignored without stab, 3 times in a row and you still see numbers for hitting them in combat log, fun.

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2 hours ago, Zepoolpe.9217 said:

Temporal curtain is an AoE pull and needs only LoS to plant the initial "line", not to collapse it, so you'll get pulled regardless of LoS or not.

As someone said before, the range is a little bit fuzzy: on a flat surface is works as intended, now when you paint a 3D surface with the initial line, and yourself you are on a 3D surface, the collapse can have some weird range effect due to the engine, and that's why you can get pulled up a stair.

For passing through a wall, it is most likely:

  • either a bug (there are gaps between some tower/keep doors and the wall (or between doors themselves, and some skills are known to pass through  under certain circumstances).
  • either you where pulled close to the portal and your hitbox touched it and you got portaled out of the keep lke fi you exited by yourself.

All in all, it's not a focus pull, more like fishing and the mesmer got lucky this time...

I was standing in the center and the curtain was to the left of me, so theoretically I shouldn't have been pulled into the portal. But given the misleading range on curtain, especially on things like walls, I suppose it's possible. But given they were on the INSIDE of the keep and there was another gate before the one I was standing at, I'm not sure how the mesmer managed to land a curtain on the outside of the keep. Unless they were on the wall above and jumped down, but then it should have pulled me into the middle section not all the way through both gates.

Pretty stupid regardless. 

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36 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

I'm gonna add my 3 braincells.
You can pull people through the portal in the objectives if you properly aim with whatever pull that isn't projectile or Magnet type thngie.
The pulls in these game are so weird, some work in very questionable ways, others don't work at all. Some people are capable of pulling you, but when you try to pull them it won't work for some reason, even though you're like sniffing enemys neck distance,
Other times people get hit by your pull but they're just ignored without stab, 3 times in a row and you still see numbers for hitting them in combat log, fun.

Pretty much this.


Also op probably got pulled to their portal but thinks the curtain was all the way back on inner gate, when you just need to place the curtain on the back side of the portal wall from the inside. You might as well complain about Grasping darkness from reapers gs cause it does the same thing and I've even seen it pulling people off walls. There's plenty of areas where you can hit people through walls gates or under floors or under bridges with aoes.


Curtain is a ground target aoe not a projectile, that pulls to it's middle, of course it doesn't require los like most other ground aoes including gravity well. Maybe they need to show the range like they did with CoR and Sand shades with a bubble area of pulling, cause people are apparently too stupid to sit on a wall for 10s waiting for a pull bomb on them so they can run and complain in the forums about it. 


Respect aoe areas when enemies are around, sit on your mount on walls if you're scouting, or don't go on the wall trying to pewpew without a stun breaker or stability.



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3 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Pretty much this.


Also op probably got pulled to their portal but thinks the curtain was all the way back on inner gate, when you just need to place the curtain on the back side of the portal wall from the inside. You might as well complain about Grasping darkness from reapers gs cause it does the same thing and I've even seen it pulling people off walls. There's plenty of areas where you can hit people through walls gates or under floors or under bridges with aoes.


Curtain is a ground target aoe not a projectile, that pulls to it's middle, of course it doesn't require los like most other ground aoes including gravity well. Maybe they need to show the range like they did with CoR and Sand shades with a bubble area of pulling, cause people are apparently too stupid to sit on a wall for 10s waiting for a pull bomb on them so they can run and complain in the forums about it. 


Respect aoe areas when enemies are around, sit on your mount on walls if you're scouting, or don't go on the wall trying to pewpew without a stun breaker or stability.



Yeah I am pretty careful on walls with zergs below because I know they are looking for pulls. I also preemptively dodge roll into piles of marks to pop them before some hopeless noob eats them.  It really is pretty basic starter stuff in wvw.

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26 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:


Respect aoe areas when enemies are around, sit on your mount on walls if you're scouting, or don't go on the wall trying to pewpew without a stun breaker or stability.



I am always curious on how people are getting pulled with mounts around, assuming they're not fighting or using disablers.


In the off chance that I do get pulled, dodging twice and a stunbreak usually prevents me from even taking damage at all.


The only class without good stab or teleports is necro, but they could also put up spectral walk before going up on top. Heck with that, I usually jump down on my own. 😓


It gets really stupid when it's usually rangers pew pew up on top and that class has many ways to get out of a jam.


Finally, if I actually die, well, big flipping deal-- spawn is right there!


In any case, the mistake here was nothing to do with being pulled, but failing to pull off an unfavorable battle and getting farmed instead of going somewhere else.  Sometimes you just have to keep it real if you know your group can't do anything but feed bags. You can cut off their supply, or reinforcements, or disable siege from behind. Or go attack their stuff elsewhere. None of that requires hiding in a keep.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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19 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

I was standing OUTSIDE THE SECOND GATE OF OUR KEEP AS WE ARE GETTING FARMED, and a temporal curtain somehow pulled me THROUGH both gates to where they were nuking the entrance.

You NEED to fix this broken ability. It ignores los, it pulls people from the stairs of a tower ALL THE WAY OVER THE WALL, and it has no business being in this game mode.

Excuse me for thinking I would be safe standing 3 feet away from the OUTSIDE OF THE KEEP waiting to enter. Nope, focus pulled THROUGH walls now apparently.

This has gone on long enough and it's no wonder this game mode is rapidly dying.


Get good plz

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If you were standing inside both gates and just to the left where the opening is to go out, if you were pulled, you will go out cos the game client thinks you are going out of that exit portal.

I have also seen instances of ppl running in the portal and get hit with the Rev chain skill and run back out the portal (no stab) again for enemies to hit you.

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I've been pulled into the inner gate at Hills Keep on the borderlands.  Not through the gate, not up against the gate, not through the portal.  Through the terrain, and stuck inside the gate itself.  I was trying to jump and run in all direction with no luck.  Clearly, what happened to me was a bug with the map itself, and not with any skills in particular.  I've also seen attackers get pulled through the gate from the outside to the inside.  There's  even an old video of that happening to one of the WvW devs.    

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