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Japanese Language Input Support 日本語

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6 minutes ago, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

If I had a choice to interact in Japanese with my Japanese friends, that would certainly improve my GW2 experience greatly.


This just proves my point.  You would limit yourself to playing with people who type in your language instead of being accessible to every player on the map.  True, it would improve your experience greatly, but that isn't a reason to make such a change that may well have an adverse effect on the rest of the player base.


I think that Anet would agree which is why I don't believe that this would be implemented.

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So, how much of the playerbase would prefer a change in language to some new content, or other improvement to the game?


Sure, it would be great for you and some others, but how many others?

More than, say, those who would like some new 'quests'?

More than, say, those who would like one of the many, many other 'QoL' suggestions found in the Sticky above?


Maybe ArenaNet, or someone, should put up a poll....

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ArenaNet should certainly allow the option for people to type in the language input they desire. It's a great way for people to connect and learn each other's language while playing and exploring the game. More options is never a bad thing.

And I already suggested, for those who don't want to see foreign text, they should also have the option to censor it in the settings menu in addition. All this does is improve the social interaction element of the MMO. It doesn't divide people because people are already playing with the people they want and can understand and not everyone knows English that well when playing the game. Making the game more accessible and giving people more options is a good thing and only improves the game. I don't understand how some people would even defend the idea of declining others choices when it doesn't effect them personally. The game isn't made just for you, it's made for all of us who want to play it too and not all of us are native English speakers or can speak English. Some play this game to improve their English as well as enjoy the game as a whole and I think allowing access to different language input will let us English speaking players do the same. I would like to practice my Japanese where my Japanese friends can practice their English during game session. It makes it more enjoyable. Learning a language while playing a game we like together is fun. So it's worth allowing a universal IME chat system so all sorts of fonts can be supported.

Edited by DreamyAbaddon.3265
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No, they shouldn't, you can clearly communicate in english, so it's not even a necessity, but a pointless self-centered wish. You can communicate with your friends on a voice comm or external chats if you want to practice the language or whatever your reasoning for that is. It brings no value to the game and it's overal community, but quite the opposite.



Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

ArenaNet should certainly allow the option for people to type in the language input they desire.

If they simply had such a magic switch that allows that, they should flip it. Obviously they don't have such a switch, so it's a lot of money and work for little gain. You can pointlessly argue about it, which happens to all these threads no matter what for some reason, but if anet saw gains in doing it, they'd have already done it.


Try to avoid the "it's worth it because it would make a lot of money if only anet wasn't too lazy to do it", i'm sure that's some logical fallacy or something. It's not that simple.

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I would like to practice my Japanese where my Japanese friends can practice their English during game session.”


Anet isn’t here to cater to those wanting to learn new languages. Use other methods to practice with your friends. 


And FF is run by Square Enix, with a headquarters in Japan, so naturally they support Japanese. 

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  • 1 year later...

Dear ArenaNet,

Please allow us to type in Japanese. MMOs are a great way to make friends and play with others but it's also a great way to study languages while playing with others too.

I would like to type in Japanese日本語「にほんご」If possible.

Thank you! ❤️


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4 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

I think it would be annoying to have different types of letters and alphabets in chat. 
You can type outside the game in Japanese, in discord. 

1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Anet has already said that they will not support additional languages.

Yet we received full chinese language support from last year's update.

If we can co-exist with a large spanish community for the last 10 years with no major complaints, we can live with others.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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I personally don't see the problem if they give the chance to type in other alphabets, it's just people writing in chats. I don't know in na, but in eu we often see lot of languages in chats and it's normal, so for me another alphabet is not a problem.

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5 hours ago, Nymeria.1653 said:

 in eu we often see lot of languages in chats and it's normal, so for me another alphabet is not a problem.

Different languages yes but not different alphabets. It would be an ugly mess if the chat is full with Russian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese and Latin letters. 

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14 hours ago, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

Dear ArenaNet,

Please allow us to type in Japanese. MMOs are a great way to make friends and play with others but it's also a great way to study languages while playing with others too.

I would like to type in Japanese日本語「にほんご」If possible.

Thank you! ❤️


3rd time is a charm? 😁… The devs already read your last two, so you were good before this one. 

Gw2 not for “study languages”. Use discord. Problem solved. 

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14 hours ago, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

Dear ArenaNet,

Please allow us to type in Japanese. MMOs are a great way to make friends and play with others but it's also a great way to study languages while playing with others too.

I would like to type in Japanese日本語「にほんご」If possible.

Thank you! ❤️


As it was pointed out in your previous thread: You can communicate with your friends on a voice comm or external chats if you want to practice the language or whatever your reasoning for that is.

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

Different languages yes but not different alphabets. It would be an ugly mess if the chat is full with Russian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese and Latin letters. 

Well idk I think it's a personal thing, I'm used to different alphabets so for me it's not an "ugly mess", but I can understand your point of view, thanks for sharing.

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2 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Different languages yes but not different alphabets. It would be an ugly mess if the chat is full with Russian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese and Latin letters. 

No "Latin" letters? 😂😂😂😂😂 kitten this is really funny like is there anyone going to tell him or what

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57 minutes ago, Lystodyne.4719 said:

No "Latin" letters? 😂😂😂😂😂 kitten this is really funny like is there anyone going to tell him or what

I assumed they meant those alphabets alongside the existing Latin letters. If not, they have that get out clause 😉 

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