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Ascended Stuff

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Alright so now that the legendary armory is out, and being one of the fortunate enough player to have full legendary armor, what can I do with the ascended stuff? Got 4 bank tabs filled with useless ascended armor pieces. Buying salvaging kits and salvaging them doesn't look to profitable for me so any other ideas?

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Well, somebody pointed out to not salvage them because t´he devs could be working on heroes for EoD and you might want to keep the gear to equip them properly. Strangely I can't find the post here anymore. 
Maybe it was deleted by the mods due to them saying that they don't "want to see another "compensate me" post". 

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2 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Well, somebody pointed out to not salvage them because the devs could be working on heroes for EoD and you might want to keep the gear to equip them properly.


Heroes? In GW2? Without a customizable UI to place their indivual windows? I don't see that happen.

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Salvage it. No reason to keep it when you have legendary armor. You’re one of the few players that have a single set of legendary armor, let alone all three weight tiers.


I’d say hold onto weapons since you might need those if you don’t have enough copies of a weapon for a build, but the rest can probably go.


On the off chance they’re making heroes — doubtful they are — you’ll probably know by the end of the month during the livestream. Maybe hang on until then.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


Heroes? In GW2? Without a customizable UI to place their indivual windows? I don't see that happen.

As I said, i don't think it's likely either but there was a post in the forums about warning people to salvage their ascended stuff that I can't find anymore. 

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2 hours ago, Perisemiotics.4579 said:

Personally I'd keep everything not only until the livestream but a little after the expansion itself to avoid unpleasant surprises.
But that's just me 😉


No, it's not just you. I no longer have no use of the vast inventory space all of my characters sport (permanent bank access and a portable merchant do wonders to keep your inventory clean 😉 ), so I've decided to hang on to all that stuff as well for now. I couldn't afford ascended salvage kits for ~300 items total (chars+bank) anyway. :classic_rolleyes:

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14 hours ago, George Cosmin.7924 said:

Alright so now that the legendary armory is out, and being one of the fortunate enough player to have full legendary armor, what can I do with the ascended stuff? Got 4 bank tabs filled with useless ascended armor pieces. Buying salvaging kits and salvaging them doesn't look to profitable for me so any other ideas?


I wait until the EoD announcement in ca. 2 weeks and if there is no hint that ascended stuff is used for EoD then I salvage all ascended I do not need anymore. 


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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


No, it's not just you. I no longer have no use of the vast inventory space all of my characters sport (permanent bank access and a portable merchant do wonders to keep your inventory clean 😉 ), so I've decided to hang on to all that stuff as well for now. I couldn't afford ascended salvage kits for ~300 items total (chars+bank) anyway. :classic_rolleyes:

haha, that's next-level hoarding! I once had my warrior's bag full of asc rings from fractals... nowadays though I just hoard fluff and even premium trash like Tainted Canvas from the desert and Last Year's Fruit Cake from the BLTC 😛

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i think keeping extra weapons such as axes, swords and daggers which some builds may need 2 of is fine. I dont see the point in keeping multiple staves, hammers or greatswords. I salvaged all my armor since i have legendary in every weight class. Again i dont really see why ANET would put anything in the game to compensate you for ascended gear. You have been using the gear for years. You made use of it so it not exactly wasted. 

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11 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

Always be wary about something coming out that "encourages" you to just dump a bunch of stuff. Especially with an expansion on the horizon. Who knows what we need in it.

^^ This.  Wasn't there an IBS episode a while back that initially promised some new, better weapons than the ones in the previous episode, so some people including me dumped the old ones.  Then it turned out you needed those to get the upgraded ones.

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1 hour ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

The only real solution is to let us sell our ascendeds on the trading post, salvage is a joke selling is a joke let us make some gold back on all the time invested for ascendeds.

The amount of ascended gear out there is incredibly high. I easily had over 150 pieces of armor and more fractal chests than I'm willing to count. If you dump that into the trading post, the ascended materials economy might as well take a swan dive into a freaking volcano.

You want them to allow you to TP your bound exotics too, because you made ascended? C'mon now. 

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2 hours ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

The only real solution is to let us sell our ascendeds on the trading post, salvage is a joke selling is a joke let us make some gold back on all the time invested for ascendeds.

While i like the general idea that it should be possible to compensate drops you cant otherwise use and have to destroy, that should only be valid for things that won't "kill" the economy and/or devalue something extremely.

So not everything should be tradeable or being sold at TP in my opinion.
Its not nice to sit on a mountain of asc. armor/weapons pieces but trading would be the worst solution and not the "real" or "best".
Since there are a lot of asc pieces, you wouldn't get much gold out of it in first place since a LOT of players would try to sell it then.

But i support the idea in general. A bit more mats (not need to be asc mats in the first place) but some mats to work with maybe instead of having to destroy asc pieces or salvage them for things you mostly don't need for anything.


Edited by theCypher.9406
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