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EoD is a $30 Patch.....

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7 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

I have every bit of awareness when playing this game. I know exactly the good, the bad, the ugly and pretty of this game since it launched. 


Meanwhile, all you've done is pass over this game's Cash Shop Functions and cry about it being "pay2win" along with "WoW did it better" with over 3/4 of your paragraphs built around bootlicking WoW. Guild Wars 2 ain't perfect, no game truly is, but when you can't even see how wrong you are with over half of what you said because you're too busy praising WoW, I think you're the one who truly lacks self-awareness. 

Have you not noticed people in the thread praising Guild Wars 2 cash shop for example? My rebuttable is 'so? Other games also have the same positive aspects whilst not having the negatives that Guild Wars 2 has.'


But if all you want to hear is 'Guild Wars 2 good.' Then you've come to the wrong thread. It is after all a thread about the dissatisfaction with what EoD offers.

Edited by Azure Prower.8701
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20 minutes ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Exactly. That's why this forum is so slow with activity compared to how it was years ago. Or haven't you noticed?

No, not really.


And you still dodged this in an effort to keep pretending launching a game once every 1-3 months means "playing it religiously" 🙄


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1 minute ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Considering the opinion of the masses (which is literally what this thread is about), I'm confident about this game being good. If people are genuinely happy with how the cash shop works, guess what? It's good enough for what it is. 


And just like that you prove my point, you don't know jack about this game. 

Because I haven't given my money for one expansion? Riiight. Keep deluding yourself on both counts.

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On 7/27/2021 at 6:44 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

For the game to be expanded on.....that's the point of an "Expansion"


Not 20 minutes worth of content in fishing and an already existing mount...now in boat form....


you've  ignored ther New Elites, New Maps to come, New Aesthetics, Tier 3 Legendaries and everything involved with these things. to attempt to make the expansion look small.. im ngl what is going on here realistically. Fishing is a New ability coming in the expansion. Just like we've seen other games such as WoW which have added proffession skills during expansion launchs also.

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47 minutes ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Probably won't. Just like how I haven't bought PoF.

There you go. See that makes sense to me. Seems to me the problem here is that you just don't like the direction of the game. For some reason you translated that as "it's bad content". 

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7 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

There you go. See that makes sense to me. Seems to me the problem here is that you just don't like the direction of the game. For some reason you translated that as "it's bad content". 

Never said PoF is bad content. If any thing, HoT was bad content.

Edited by Azure Prower.8701
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17 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

So you just read the bare minimum info about it? Oh man that's actually hilarious, no wonder your statements about this game sounded so nonsensical, you REALLY have no clue what you're on about. I'll just leave you your own nonsense lel

To be fair, they may have liked Heart Of Thorns, but didnt like that they made all content after HOT easier, who knows honestly, but its fair to like one expansion and not look forward to the others.


HOWEVER: You cannot say its bad content due to that(i mean you can, but its not an accurate statement.). Its content not enjoyable to you, yes. Not bad though.

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30 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

So you just read the bare minimum info about it? Oh man that's actually hilarious, no wonder your statements about this game sounded so nonsensical, you REALLY have no clue what you're on about. I'll just leave you your own nonsense lel

You can also add that Guild Wars 2 has quite the toxic community.

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There is a reoccuring theme here from the nay-sayers:


"I don't see things I want, so the expansion isn't worth expansion-level money"


That is a value-based determination based on personal factors. That's not how the cost of the expansion is determined though. Furthermore, the volume of content we have seen matches what we saw previously. Hey, you might not LIKE it, but that doesn't mean we aren't getting a similar level of content that we have traditionally seen from an expansion. 


TLDR: The value the xpac has to you has nothing to do with the price. If it doesn't have the value to you that the price suggests, you simply don't buy it. It's not something to complain about.  

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Op i think you are jumping the gun a bit? The last GW1 Canthan expansion was the best expansion i've ever played in any mmorpg or other ever.


Now i'm betting it wont beat GW1 but i feel you haven't seen it all yet.

Edited by Dante.1508
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16 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

I know what content PoF provides. I just haven't purchased it out of principle due to HoT. You are really making a clown out yourself and trolling at this point


What you mean on principle? 🤣🤣 And clowns?.. no ones making a clown out of themselves barring you. Lol. 


You haven't even listed 1/4 of the stuff EoD brings and half of it hasn't even been shown yet and your already badgering about content. 


We are getting fishing. But that doesn't mean it's the expansions feature lol. 


If you look at trends. Gliders and mounts were store sellable skins. You think they are gonna launch something they can't sell assessories to on the store? Lol. 


PoF has dropped onto £10 sales multiple times 🤦🤦 I'm ngl. If you value this game so lowly you don't beleive it's even worth £10 I'd question why you play the game. 

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3 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:


What you mean on principle? 🤣🤣 And clowns?.. no ones making a clown out of themselves barring you. Lol. 


You haven't even listed 1/4 of the stuff EoD brings and half of it hasn't even been shown yet and your already badgering about content. 


We are getting fishing. But that doesn't mean it's the expansions feature lol. 


If you look at trends. Gliders and mounts were store sellable skins. You think they are gonna launch something they can't sell assessories to on the store? Lol. 


PoF has dropped onto £10 sales multiple times 🤦🤦 I'm ngl. If you value this game so lowly you don't beleive it's even worth £10 I'd question why you play the game. 

Sometimes i wonder why people who dislike where the game is(and continues to) head stay around. Clearly they dont plan to go back to pre HOT. When i get to a point i dont enjoy a game, and refuse to buy content for it i leave, theres no point in staying behind.



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Lol, how is GW2 a pay2win game? I literally never use the Gem Store. Seriously. I think the extent of what I've bought are some bank slots because 1 panel is not enough, and I do have the opinion that you should be able to get more outside the gem shop, but I digress.


Infinite gathering tools are a convenience feature, I never use them either. Every single march in the game (post-leveling maps) sells them, so unless you are just wanting to free up 3 slots in your bags for carrying extras, then it's just a convenience feature. 


Rest is toys, skins, costumes, more convenience features like salvage kit (for which I just make a mystic salvage kit), and of course things like more bag slots, character slots, name change kit, etc. 


Hardly pay2win. Whoever called it pay2win is grossly misinformed or delusional.

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So far with GW2 (never played GW1) Arenanet has been amazing with expansions and Im shocked that they were initially hesittant to put any expansions out in favor of their breadcrumb LW/LS (which I was never a huge fan of).  It seems expansions in GW2 are exceedingly more popular.


Therefor, I trust them to put out something great.


I've played since beta and through the first few years of launch.  Stopped a year or so before HoT... sad I missed that because I feel that HoT was one of the best expansions of any MMO Ive ever played (including wow and ESO).  Path of fire was just OK.  I felt it was a bit mundane and really grindy, but it was a solid addition to the game. 


At this point, Im sick of the deserts and the desert look/feel/.  It was nice for a while, but im done with it.  Looking forward to a new environmental aesthetic in Cantha, new look and feel to the game.  I dont know much about Cantha, but Im hoping it lends itself more to a Queensdale/Sparkfly fen aesthetic.... Greenery, trees but open land, farms, water, streams, lakes...no freaking desert.


I will agree that there are some additional things that could be added to set this apart from HoT/PoF.  Elite specs, mounts, story, zones, etc...ok  thats always the baseline.  But to really change the game like HoT did, Im hoping theres something in there that takes the game to another level while delivering on the base line plus maybe addressing things like WvW. 


tldr; its no 30 dollar patch.  If you get 30 hours out of it, likely its worth the money.  And likely youll get 100+ hours out of it.

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20 minutes ago, cesmode.4257 said:

So far with GW2 (never played GW1) Arenanet has been amazing with expansions and Im shocked that they were initially hesittant to put any expansions out in favor of their breadcrumb LW/LS (which I was never a huge fan of).  It seems expansions in GW2 are exceedingly more popular.

I'm more mixed on it as a GW1 veteran, but recognize it's a different game.


In GW1, they didn't do "expansions", they did campaigns. Basically that meant each campaign was technically a stand-alone game by itself, or you could of course add it to an existing account as a sort of "expansion". What was nice is that Factions and Nightfall were both completely new continents (Cantha, Elona), new stories, new end-game, new systems (like heroes), each added two new professions to the core list, etc. Once they decided they wanted to do GW2, they scrapped their next campaign (Utopia), and made an expansion in Eye of the North to bridge the two games and introduce races like the Asura, and the Destroyers.


Scope wise, they always felt far bigger to me than GW2's expansions, and I guess they would be as standalone games. But again, different game, so its a bit hard to compare apple to oranges here. I'm excited we're finally getting a new continent with EoD, I just hope it's more than here's your 4 maps that may or may not get expanded upon in LW.


I think GW2's biggest issue is that thee studio did a lot of experimentation (hence a year and a half of full development just gone (LWS1). They've experimented with how to do LWS from 2 week sprints in LWS2, to longer intervals and new maps each release with LWS3 and 4, to starting with the idea of an expansion level LWS (IBS), but we all know that idea got scrapped and EoD development started.

Edited by Faridah.8431
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2 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:


What you mean on principle? 🤣🤣 And clowns?.. no ones making a clown out of themselves barring you. Lol. 


You haven't even listed 1/4 of the stuff EoD brings and half of it hasn't even been shown yet and your already badgering about content. 


We are getting fishing. But that doesn't mean it's the expansions feature lol. 


If you look at trends. Gliders and mounts were store sellable skins. You think they are gonna launch something they can't sell assessories to on the store? Lol. 


PoF has dropped onto £10 sales multiple times 🤦🤦 I'm ngl. If you value this game so lowly you don't beleive it's even worth £10 I'd question why you play the game. 

You think they wont sell fishing rod skins?

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4 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Sometimes i wonder why people who dislike where the game is(and continues to) head stay around. Clearly they dont plan to go back to pre HOT. When i get to a point i dont enjoy a game, and refuse to buy content for it i leave, theres no point in staying behind.



You act like WvW isn't a thing.

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4 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:


What you mean on principle? 🤣🤣 And clowns?.. no ones making a clown out of themselves barring you. Lol. 


You haven't even listed 1/4 of the stuff EoD brings and half of it hasn't even been shown yet and your already badgering about content. 


We are getting fishing. But that doesn't mean it's the expansions feature lol. 


If you look at trends. Gliders and mounts were store sellable skins. You think they are gonna launch something they can't sell assessories to on the store? Lol. 


PoF has dropped onto £10 sales multiple times 🤦🤦 I'm ngl. If you value this game so lowly you don't beleive it's even worth £10 I'd question why you play the game. 

Who says I've been around when it does drop in price? I don't play the game religiously. I'm a vet who's played since beta. But I take breaks.

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Just now, Nocturnal Lunacy.8563 said:

You shouldn't argue with 99.999999% of commenters on your posts. The same commenters are on here all day saying the same toxic comments to everybody esp if you say gw2 is anything other then what theyve glorified it in their minds to be. Just ignore them, they're whats referred to as "enablers" in the clinical sense.

Oh, I'm well aware. It's just nice to see how far they're willing to go to defend insanity. Then let every one be the judge. Reason why 'the masses' agree with them, is because more than likely, those that don't, have quit.

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51 minutes ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Who says I've been around when it does drop in price? I don't play the game religiously. I'm a vet who's played since beta. But I take breaks.


Then what do you exactly do without expansions?... You don't need to play the game religiously to get this sorta stuff?. I mean I generally just play retail price. Game provides quite abit for how cheap it's expansions are really 🤷🤷


But I've seen this game go on deal like 2 or 3 times and I've only been playing the game a few months lol 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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5 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:


Then what do you exactly do without expansions?... You don't need to play the game religiously to get this sorta stuff?. I mean I generally just play retail price. Game provides quite abit for how cheap it's expansions are really 🤷🤷


But I've seen this game go on deal like 2 or 3 times and I've only been playing the game a few months lol 

WvW is a thing.


Last time PoF was discounted, was back in November.

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