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SUGGESTION (shared map and subclass system)

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Hello to the community, I would like to leave this suggestion and I await your responses.


I have been able to read numerous times in the forum, that raising different characters to level 80 becomes a bit heavy, on the other hand, the game map is huge, now with the new EOD expansion it will be even bigger, that makes there is more division of players throughout the mapping decreasing the population in some maps.

The point is that the game invites you to complete all the maps for the achievements and rewards, however I have been able to verify that each character that you create the map is at 0, that is, what you have completed with one character will not be completed for others .


If there are objects that can be shared between characters of the same account ... why not share the map that has been completed? That way, if you create other characters, you can level them on maps that you have not seen yet and continue completing them, making the game experience more entertaining, because repeating the mapping over and over again if it lengthens it can become very heavy and repetitive.


In turn, could a subclass system be implemented? this would be like this:

With a character once it reaches 80, you buy with karma (so we give it more utility that it seems that this currency is of little use and accumulates), some type of item that allows you with that same character to obtain a subclass, this is to choose another class if you need to create another character.


Every X levels (for example 10) that this subclass acquires, you could buy a series of passives with karma, which could appear as a 4 specialization (subclass) that would be added to the 3 that you already had, that is, you would have 4 specializations. These passives could be of the type (100 hardness, 100 vitality, reduction of a% of damage from condition, reduction of a% of damage when your life is low, increase of healing ...) there are many possibilities, these are just examples.


Obviously, this subclass could not be leveled up with tomes, although you can use experience boosters.

In short, what is achieved with all this is the following:

1- Better way to complete the map of Tyria, more entertaining and interesting if combined with a subclass system.
2- More useful for the karma coin, allowing a more interesting farming of it.
3- Without leaving the concept of the horizontal scale game, it would allow another option to improve your character or rather customize it, giving more possibilities and more options for builds and variety available to everyone.
4- Less characters created. It literally took like 30 minutes trying to combine names that weren't already used by the time I create a second character.

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the issue with the first idea (shared map completion) is that legendary weapons all take a "thing" related t completing map that is tracked on per character basis. Gen1 uses gift of exploration that is awared for 100% core tyria completion (2 per each character), and gen 2 iirc is split between usage of gift of maguuma (which takes 4 items awarded for each hot map completion), and gift of desert, which is similar deal except for pof. If you just make map completion account bound, each player that did not do 100% on all maps numerous time will be unable to craft more than 4 legendaries due to this.

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20 minutes ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Hello to the community, I would like to leave this suggestion and I await your responses.


I have been able to read numerous times in the forum, that raising different characters to level 80 becomes a bit heavy, on the other hand, the game map is huge, now with the new EOD expansion it will be even bigger, that makes there is more division of players throughout the mapping decreasing the population in some maps.

The point is that the game invites you to complete all the maps for the achievements and rewards, however I have been able to verify that each character that you create the map is at 0, that is, what you have completed with one character will not be completed for others .


If there are objects that can be shared between characters of the same account ... why not share the map that has been completed? That way, if you create other characters, you can level them on maps that you have not seen yet and continue completing them, making the game experience more entertaining, because repeating the mapping over and over again if it lengthens it can become very heavy and repetitive.


In turn, could a subclass system be implemented? this would be like this:

With a character once it reaches 80, you buy with karma (so we give it more utility that it seems that this currency is of little use and accumulates), some type of item that allows you with that same character to obtain a subclass, this is to choose another class if you need to create another character.


Every X levels (for example 10) that this subclass acquires, you could buy a series of passives with karma, which could appear as a 4 specialization (subclass) that would be added to the 3 that you already had, that is, you would have 4 specializations. These passives could be of the type (100 hardness, 100 vitality, reduction of a% of damage from condition, reduction of a% of damage when your life is low, increase of healing ...) there are many possibilities, these are just examples.


Obviously, this subclass could not be leveled up with tomes, although you can use experience boosters.

In short, what is achieved with all this is the following:

1- Better way to complete the map of Tyria, more entertaining and interesting if combined with a subclass system.
2- More useful for the karma coin, allowing a more interesting farming of it.
3- Without leaving the concept of the horizontal scale game, it would allow another option to improve your character or rather customize it, giving more possibilities and more options for builds and variety available to everyone.
4- Less characters created. It literally took like 30 minutes trying to combine names that weren't already used by the time I create a second character.

You need the Map completions in hot and pof for Ascended elite spec weapons.


And shared map completion would also make low levels able to go to lvl 80 maps right?

Filling maps with low levels because there you get more xp is no good thing...makes Metas harder.

Example: auric basin meta gives 3-4 levels if u r low. So low levels could be like: nice, free xp.


In short: i dont want low levels Filling up the map. 


Thats ofc able to fix by sth like revealing maps when u reach xx level or sth.

But the first thing i said with ascended elite spec weapons still makes the shared map completion impossible. 

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2 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

You need the Map completions in hot and pof for Ascended elite spec weapons.


And shared map completion would also make low levels able to go to lvl 80 maps right?

Filling maps with low levels because there you get more xp is no good thing...makes Metas harder.

Example: auric basin meta gives 3-4 levels if u r low. So low levels could be like: nice, free xp.


In short: i dont want low levels Filling up the map. 


Thats ofc able to fix by sth like revealing maps when u reach xx level or sth.

But the first thing i said with ascended elite spec weapons still makes the shared map completion impossible. 

Hello, thanks for answering.

I was referring to the map of Tyria (which is called Vanilla so to speak), not to those of the expansions, because I also make a suggestion for everyone, that is, those players who for some reason do not buy the expansions yet.

On the other hand, look, I have reached level 80, I have done the story of the main game, now I am doing the living world ... and there is a lot of map of Tyria that I have not even seen from different levels, because the reality to get to 80 there are many maps that you do not step on.

I don't understand what you mean by low characters, when for example the game adapts you to the level of the map, if you are 80 and you go to a level 10 map it "adapts" you as if you were a level 10.

This means that, if you arrive with a character at level 80 and you have a lot of map without completing, with another or with a subclass (if implemented) you can take advantage of to complete and level in maps of different levels that you have not yet seen and thus not You repeat, except for specific events, and as you mentioned, the content of the expansions and the story mode would be yes, specific for each character.

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2 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

the issue with the first idea (shared map completion) is that legendary weapons all take a "thing" related t completing map that is tracked on per character basis. Gen1 uses gift of exploration that is awared for 100% core tyria completion (2 per each character), and gen 2 iirc is split between usage of gift of maguuma (which takes 4 items awarded for each hot map completion), and gift of desert, which is similar deal except for pof. If you just make map completion account bound, each player that did not do 100% on all maps numerous time will be unable to craft more than 4 legendaries due to this.

Thanks for answering.

Well, I do not understand this, because recently the legendary armory has come out that allows you to exchange legendary items with all the characters on your account ... this would solve this problem, right? and in case it was "a problem" an update is made, a small change that I do not think is excessively complicated if the purpose is good.

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So getting 4 legendary weapons now make you be able to wield all19 of them across all characters sign me up.

Thats 2 gen one and 2 gen twos since you only ever get 4 gifts total if map exploration was shared.


They was not talking about a level 80 going ot the lower levels it works fine there.


Imagine trying to kill any worldboss level 60+ with 80% level 10 people on the map leeching experience.



Personaly If I buy EoD I will ride around with my seige turtle and get alt account map completion while working on maps on main account aswell.

Edited by Linken.6345
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6 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Thanks for answering.

Well, I do not understand this, because recently the legendary armory has come out that allows you to exchange legendary items with all the characters on your account ... this would solve this problem, right? and in case it was "a problem" an update is made, a small change that I do not think is excessively complicated if the purpose is good.


No, it would only mean you would be able to use those 4 weapons across all characters. buy you still would only be able to craft 4, because there would be no way to obtain more of gift of exploration/equivalents.

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Excuse me, or something is escaping me, or I do not know if it was explained wrong.

When I refer to sharing a map between all the characters, I mean that what you have completed with one (teleports, points of view, points of interest ...) is as "seen" for the others, that is, except points of hero that if necessary, if you start another character do not have to have the map all hidden and make those points of view, interest, etc again, if not go completing Tyria with everyone.

I do not understand the comment that the colleague leaves about making a world boss with low levels.

Obviously, at the point of having the complete map, and becoming another character, you can go to any area of the map you want, because even if you have already completed it, you still have events that appear on the map for your leveling and a large number of books for level up your character.

If a subclass system were added, I think that not so many characters would be created and all this would be easier.

On the other hand, the legendary team is too far for me personally so I don't know about it.

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Map exploration has a big impact on experience gain during leveling. Having the whole map unlocked would significantly reduce the amount of experience gained while leveling another character, and drag the leveling process unnecessarily. Not everyone has a stack of tomes of knowledge for every character they level.


You can have several dozend characters in this game. Once you have map-explored all the low-level maps, where do you take your next character to level? Grind events and mobs in low-level areas? Move to areas way above your level, where you can hardly damage the mobs, to leech off others doing events?


You can't just go to "any area of the map" with your new lvl 5 character, since there are systems in place that actively disadvantage players significantly below the area level. Plus, as was mentioned above, low-level characters in high-level areas are actually a liability for other players since they increase the chance of failing events that are scaled to the number of players but not each player's level.

Edited by Rasimir.6239
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I'm not a big alt person. I enjoy the journey the first time, but having to do everything again a second time on an alt is not to my liking. However, I have enough resources to speed up leveling on alts, whether it be buffs, tomes, and even mounts which make a huge difference. Plus, having to level to level 80 again helps me to learn how to play the class. I don't make characters with the same class so if I make an alt, it's with a new class that I need to take the time to learn. I also heard of someone on YouTube who leveled to 80 in 4 hours, so that makes leveling for veterans seem a lot less tedious.


I agree with what the others said. Allowing all characters to have the whole map automatically discovered--even if it's only the core maps--will drastically affect the creation of legendaries. And it's not just the legendary crafting materials. Every time that you complete a map, you're rewarded with items. So if maps were auto-completed on all of your alts, people could keep making new alts to obtain the map rewards. All they would have to do is explore the map fully on one character, and then repeat making alts, storing and selling all map completion loot, and deleting the alt so that they can make a new alt for more map completion loot. The obvious solution to this would be to not reward players for map completion on alts. But that would mean that you can only make one legendary that requires the legendary crafting materials obtained from map completion. The solution to this would be to change the way that these crafting components are obtained. I am not sure that most people would be happy with these solutions, particularly the one where you only get map completion rewards once.


I have no problem spending my karma. Did you know that just getting all of the tier 3 cultural weapon skins costs 6M karma? Yes, 6,000,000 karma just for those. That's what I'll be giving myself this Wintersday. A good karma farm and all of the tier 3 cultural weapon skins. And I've already spent millions of karma collecting other things.


I don't understand your subclass suggestion. Elite specializations already allow you to drastically change your playstyle. Combined with the possibility of different builds, you can already play however you want on any character. For example, I am a deadeye but I actually use a power dagger/dagger build. My rifle is my secondary weapon but I only use that for tagging monsters that are about to die. You can also be a dagger/dagger thief who focuses on a lotus condi build, or a daredevil who specializes in stealth and resurrecting allies, or a thief that focuses on sharing boons... none of these are meta but they are all possible. The effectiveness is up to your ability to play it. There was a person who used the lotus build in wvw and single-handedly took down an enemy squad. Again, not meta. People are afraid to veer from the meta builds because they think that they are not viable anywhere but that isn't true. You can already do so much with any class. You can already customize them however you want. And this is without taking into account armor, upgrades and infusions, and etc.

As for naming alts, I can only say that you need to be more creative. In real life, people can have the same name. In games, players all need to have unique names. And people keep finding unique names for their characters. There's no shortage of available names. You are only obstructed by your own creativity. I normally try to give my characters real-sounding names but with the multiplayer mounts in EoD coming up, I made a new character called [character deleted]. Honestly, I thought that it would already be taken but it wasn't 😄 And if you're really stuck with thinking up unique names, there are always accents. Lots of people resort to using accents in their names. It makes it harder to mail them but the accents are hardly visible so they can pretend that they were the first to snag the name 😛 


All in all, I do not agree with any of your suggestions. But I hope that you continue to think about how the game can improve, and I hope that my post encourages you to better use what the game already offers.

Edited by Embered.5089
Deleted my character, so thought I might as well delete then name in this thread.
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20 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

Map exploration has a big impact on experience gain during leveling. Having the whole map unlocked would significantly reduce the amount of experience gained while leveling another character, and drag the leveling process unnecessarily. Not everyone has a stack of tomes of knowledge for every character they level.


You can have several dozend characters in this game. Once you have map-explored all the low-level maps, where do you take your next character to level? Grind events and mobs in low-level areas? Move to areas way above your level, where you can hardly damage the mobs, to leech off others doing events?


You can't just go to "any area of the map" with your new lvl 5 character, since there are systems in place that actively disadvantage players significantly below the area level. Plus, as was mentioned above, low-level characters in high-level areas are actually a liability for other players since they increase the chance of failing events that are scaled to the number of players but not each player's level.

They are definitely not understanding me.

The approach does NOT break the experience of leveling up. I have been playing for about 5 months and in this time I will have taken about 50 or 60 volumes of leveling up. Also when you buy the game they give you an item to directly raise a character to 80 and there are many experience enhancers to raise quickly.

Where to level up when you have the entire Tyria map complete? Well, just like they do now, because you have the map or not, the events are happening and you would have to go to acquire the hero points only a little faster because you would have the teleports unlocked, you can also make dungeons that you would reach faster by teleport . Completing the Tyria map with YOUR ACCOUNT and not characters DOES NOT break the experience of leveling up new characters. Well, even if a map is complete, it does not imply that you cannot go to that map and can kill champions, bosses or participate in the events on the map.

Obviously the expansion maps in principle would have to be completed with each character.

If to this we add a subclass system that is not talking about it, we have that the same character with a subclass would have 2 classes that you could change to whenever you want without having to create another character. As I mentioned, uploading a subclass (without volumes) would give small improvements to your main class, allowing more customization and builds and you would have another secondary class. For example, you could be Guardian of the main class and become a subclass of Necromancer, when you want to play with a class you change, but the incentive would be those improvements for your main class that would make it more interesting to raise the subclass and that will see more players on the map of Tyria leveling up.

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6 hours ago, Embered.5089 said:

I'm not a big alt person. I enjoy the journey the first time, but having to do everything again a second time on an alt is not to my liking. However, I have enough resources to speed up leveling on alts, whether it be buffs, tomes, and even mounts which make a huge difference. Plus, having to level to level 80 again helps me to learn how to play the class. I don't make characters with the same class so if I make an alt, it's with a new class that I need to take the time to learn. I also heard of someone on YouTube who leveled to 80 in 4 hours, so that makes leveling for veterans seem a lot less tedious.


I agree with what the others said. Allowing all characters to have the whole map automatically discovered--even if it's only the core maps--will drastically affect the creation of legendaries. And it's not just the legendary crafting materials. Every time that you complete a map, you're rewarded with items. So if maps were auto-completed on all of your alts, people could keep making new alts to obtain the map rewards. All they would have to do is explore the map fully on one character, and then repeat making alts, storing and selling all map completion loot, and deleting the alt so that they can make a new alt for more map completion loot. The obvious solution to this would be to not reward players for map completion on alts. But that would mean that you can only make one legendary that requires the legendary crafting materials obtained from map completion. The solution to this would be to change the way that these crafting components are obtained. I am not sure that most people would be happy with these solutions, particularly the one where you only get map completion rewards once.


I have no problem spending my karma. Did you know that just getting all of the tier 3 cultural weapon skins costs 6M karma? Yes, 6,000,000 karma just for those. That's what I'll be giving myself this Wintersday. A good karma farm and all of the tier 3 cultural weapon skins. And I've already spent millions of karma collecting other things.


I don't understand your subclass suggestion. Elite specializations already allow you to drastically change your playstyle. Combined with the possibility of different builds, you can already play however you want on any character. For example, I am a deadeye but I actually use a power dagger/dagger build. My rifle is my secondary weapon but I only use that for tagging monsters that are about to die. You can also be a dagger/dagger thief who focuses on a lotus condi build, or a daredevil who specializes in stealth and resurrecting allies, or a thief that focuses on sharing boons... none of these are meta but they are all possible. The effectiveness is up to your ability to play it. There was a person who used the lotus build in wvw and single-handedly took down an enemy squad. Again, not meta. People are afraid to veer from the meta builds because they think that they are not viable anywhere but that isn't true. You can already do so much with any class. You can already customize them however you want. And this is without taking into account armor, upgrades and infusions, and etc.

As for naming alts, I can only say that you need to be more creative. In real life, people can have the same name. In games, players all need to have unique names. And people keep finding unique names for their characters. There's no shortage of available names. You are only obstructed by your own creativity. I normally try to give my characters real-sounding names but with the multiplayer mounts in EoD coming up, I made a new character called Ride With Me. Honestly, I thought that it would already be taken but it wasn't 😄 And if you're really stuck with thinking up unique names, there are always accents. Lots of people resort to using accents in their names. It makes it harder to mail them but the accents are hardly visible so they can pretend that they were the first to snag the name 😛 


All in all, I do not agree with any of your suggestions. But I hope that you continue to think about how the game can improve, and I hope that my post encourages you to better use what the game already offers.

Thank you for answering, again I think I did not understand my opinion well because of what I am reading T_T.

The items they give as you complete the mapping, because you receive it once and now, the game gives a huge amount of rewards in itself in everything. Now, if one of these rewards for completing the main map (not the expansions) influences that you can have legendary, then a small change in that and voila, everyone is happy.

The character names, well it doesn't matter if, but I usually use a range of up to 10 names, all invented not copied from series other games, etc. and to my surprise they were caught (they stole them XD), I took one list of names that if of warriors of such culture, gods of others ... taken all ... hahaha.

The subclass, I understand when you refer to the elite specialization, because you cannot take all the passives of each specialization, having to choose and the elite specialization necessarily uses specialization 3. The case is that a subclass, something that works very well in other games, it would allow you to raise another class with the same character, continue completing the map and obtain prizes for leveling up this subclass. A possible prize would be to be able to have a 4 specialization tree that is a subclass special that would give you "small advantages" compared to your other 3 specializations to have more variety of builds. If in addition, buying the passives of this new tree will need karma, you are giving that currency more utility.

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I..actually enjoy exploring though..across my 18 characters ive fully mapped 2(expansions and lws are included in full), and im working on the third right now. But 6 of my 18 have full explored tyria. Out of the rest, they either dont get played, are crafting alts, or are holding a name for me.

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26 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

I..actually enjoy exploring though..across my 18 characters ive fully mapped 2(expansions and lws are included in full), and im working on the third right now. But 6 of my 18 have full explored tyria. Out of the rest, they either dont get played, are crafting alts, or are holding a name for me.

Really, you can greatly enjoy exploring the whole map, points of interest, views ... when you are new maybe with 1 or 2 characters, then ... if you want to do more, in the end ... you will try to raise it to 80 as much as fast as possible to the final content. 😉

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5 minutes ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Really, you can greatly enjoy exploring the whole map, points of interest, views ... when you are new maybe with 1 or 2 characters, then ... if you want to do more, in the end ... you will try to raise it to 80 as much as fast as possible to the final content. 😉

Er no. I literally just said i dont enjoy skipping to 80 and not exploring.

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5 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Thank you for answering, again I think I did not understand my opinion well because of what I am reading T_T.

The items they give as you complete the mapping, because you receive it once and now, the game gives a huge amount of rewards in itself in everything. Now, if one of these rewards for completing the main map (not the expansions) influences that you can have legendary, then a small change in that and voila, everyone is happy.

The character names, well it doesn't matter if, but I usually use a range of up to 10 names, all invented not copied from series other games, etc. and to my surprise they were caught (they stole them XD), I took one list of names that if of warriors of such culture, gods of others ... taken all ... hahaha.

The subclass, I understand when you refer to the elite specialization, because you cannot take all the passives of each specialization, having to choose and the elite specialization necessarily uses specialization 3. The case is that a subclass, something that works very well in other games, it would allow you to raise another class with the same character, continue completing the map and obtain prizes for leveling up this subclass. A possible prize would be to be able to have a 4 specialization tree that is a subclass special that would give you "small advantages" compared to your other 3 specializations to have more variety of builds. If in addition, buying the passives of this new tree will need karma, you are giving that currency more utility.

I'm not sure if you're trying to say that I did not understand your opinion, or that you did not explain your opinion well. Either way, I'm assuming that your first language isn't English. This isn't an insult, merely an observation.

I don't think that you understood my post. I believe that I clearly addressed all of the concerns that you re-posted in the quote above.

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On 8/2/2021 at 12:04 PM, Dante.1763 said:

Er no. I literally just said i dont enjoy skipping to 80 and not exploring.

There are all kinds of players, there are those who enjoy leveling up different characters, there are those who like only PVP, there are those who like only PVE ... fortunately there is variety, you like to explore the entire map with each character you create, great, I only limit myself to reading and rereading to players in the forum and in the clans in which I am that we often comment on various things about the game.

The reality is that it will never rain to everyone's liking.

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On 8/2/2021 at 1:46 PM, Tiamat.8254 said:

I need map completion per character for black lion chest keys 😂

I understand, but that could be changed and receive those keys in another way, for example include them to a greater degree in expansion maps.

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On 8/2/2021 at 4:09 PM, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

We already have an equivalent for "Sub-Classes", its called Elite Specializations. 

Not really, that is specialization within each class, the fact is that currently each class has about 7 specializations (counting the 2 of the expansions), and when EOD comes out it will be 8, of which you can only choose 2 of your class and 1 expansion, and they have nothing to do with each other.

A subclass as I pose it is ... you are a warrior and you become a necromancer subclass, and you raise that subclass. I do not want to name other games, but surely some played Lineage 2 at the time that had a subclass system, whose approach I refer to. Here as your subclass goes up, with this approach it would allow you to have a special 4th specialization of subclass with certain passives that you would buy. What is the OBJETIVE? Mainly more customization of your character and more possibilities of builds.

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On 8/2/2021 at 4:46 PM, Embered.5089 said:

I'm not sure if you're trying to say that I did not understand your opinion, or that you did not explain your opinion well. Either way, I'm assuming that your first language isn't English. This isn't an insult, merely an observation.

I don't think that you understood my post. I believe that I clearly addressed all of the concerns that you re-posted in the quote above.

You got it right, I'm Spanish, I'm not fluent in English and sometimes I have to use a translator.

However I see that the English forum has more movement than those of other languages. I am sorry if I do not understand you 100% or I do not explain how I would like it.

Thanks anyway.

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7 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

Not really, that is specialization within each class, the fact is that currently each class has about 7 specializations (counting the 2 of the expansions), and when EOD comes out it will be 8, of which you can only choose 2 of your class and 1 expansion, and they have nothing to do with each other.

A subclass as I pose it is ... you are a warrior and you become a necromancer subclass, and you raise that subclass. I do not want to name other games, but surely some played Lineage 2 at the time that had a subclass system, whose approach I refer to. Here as your subclass goes up, with this approach it would allow you to have a special 4th specialization of subclass with certain passives that you would buy. What is the OBJETIVE? Mainly more customization of your character and more possibilities of builds.

So more power creep pretty sure we dont need more then we already get.


make new character and use waypoint unlocker and world boss portals to get your map waypoints mate.

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There is something in the gemshop that would do something similar to what you are asking for a price.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_Waypoint_Unlock_Package 
It is also only per character, rather than account wide. It only unlocks waypoints in the area you choose. You could, if you needed to, buy multiple of these packages for your characters. You can convert gold to gems, rather than using real money if this was something you wanted for free. 

If you end up doing living world content and the expansions, you can unlock new maps outside of the vanilla game.  There are venders there that allow you to buy portal tomes ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Portal_Tome )  and it's matching portal scroll. These at least  allow you to share the starting way point of these new maps with any character you put the portal tome on. (hint: Shared Inventory Slots are a convenient way to share these tomes) This portal tome system is only available for the new maps. 

Your final best bet, though exhausting is to get a friend who will help you run across the maps unlocking at least 2 or 3 wps per map so you can get to them more readily for world boss fights or dungeons.

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