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Thief Pistol 1 sneaky buff?


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Might be a bug when necro stole thief code for pistol, their 1's are hyperspammy. They'd never intentionally sneaky buff us would they? XD I hope the person who accidentally buffed us isn't thrown out the window cuz of your post.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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2 hours ago, TwiceDead.1963 said:



so naturally we won't get to keep it 😑

I was Just about to leave this thread. But this statement has proven itself so many times for me as thief only player. Ricochet, 6 initiative Infiltrator's Arrow, Rune of the weaver with barrier on jump finisher, venoms which had an impact as a support. Alas such good memories!

Edited by FelsPinguin.5902
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10 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

A slightly more than 100% dps buff. Nice, especially for P/D but still nothing to write home about. If it was an accident then I don't think that it should be addressed.

Agreed, but we should quantify this. I was able to get between 3k and 4.7k DPS from Vital Shot on a glass hybrid with roughly 80% bleed duration. That's not a 100% optimized build mind you. 3k is unrealistic because the target was unmarked and I had no boons of any kind. 4.7k is self buffed slightly with Mark applied and some "on Mark" effects (like Serpent's Touch) and not really on a realistic build for actual gameplay (ie a lot of damage traits). These are PvE damage numbers—so it's not like auto attack would replace actually doing your rotation properly. 

For reference, the builds had bleed ticks between 1.7k and 2.8k and the rest was either incidental poison or strike damage. 

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I love it.  Feels much more responsive.  Rifle could use the same update.  Even if they had to lower the damage to balance the increased attack speed it would be worth it because it feels so much better to play.

Edited by Will.9785
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1 hour ago, Will.9785 said:

Rifle could use the same update.  Even if they had to lower the damage to balance the increased attack speed


Giving rifle "the same treatment" (i.e. removing the activation time) would almost triple the DPS of the AA (which BTW wouldn't be that far of from where the pistol AA is rn). That being said even if they do that I don't think they would have to nerf the damage to compensate for the increased attack speed.  A proper rotation (any of them) would still outdamage AA spam while also providing other benefits like CC and you can't use the AA to build up any of the resources (most noteworthy Lead Attacks and malice).

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33 minutes ago, Jumpel.3972 said:

Just reducing the cast to 1/2 sec would be wonderful for the rifle auto


Not really, you need way more than that to make it even remotely useful. Mind you every rotation rifle currently has is based around completely avoiding the AA and even removing the activation time entirely wouldn't be enough to chage the bigger picture. As of right now the rifle AA has about half the dps of the pistol AA (if both are on a power build) which is almost comical and merely reducing the activation time by 0,25 sec would mostly be a symbolic change.

Edited by Tails.9372
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22 minutes ago, rickysway.2460 said:

Maybe it's a buff to encourage Pistol builds for EoD spec 😏


Then they would have had to buff it in a way that actually addressed the issue pistol based weapon sets are suffering from like adding initiative gain on auto attack.

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