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Everything posted by Blueberry.8095

  1. Raid: Wing 1 Spirit woods At the end of Part 2 - Spirit Race, the event was completed and people went down as soon as the last wall is broken, but was able to recover & proceeded into Part 3 - Cemetery. Upon completion, I've received other loots like unid gear boxes but DID NOT receive the LI upon completion of Spirit Woods Part 3 - Cemetery from the big reward chest (no one dies during part 3). I wasn't the only person who didn't receive it, only few out of the 10 during that run got the LI but others didn't, and this isn't the first time that I don't receive LI from this part. It seems that it has been a known bug for a long time and the chances for it to bug out and not receive LI is random (sometimes I do receive it, but sometimes I don't). I remember that when I first started raiding, I don't always receive LI from completing Spirit Woods, but didn't report it because I didn't not know that it was a bug (as a noob), which is pretty sad thinking that how many LIs I've been missing out because of not knowing. I think this issue should be a priority to be looking into given that more people are clearing raids weekly now. P/s: also submitted a ticket
  2. No..... Ascended has the same stat as Legendary - the end game stat. With the build template, you can already re-use them across multiple equipment tabs on the same character, and a lot of players already sitting at, at least 4-5 sets of Ascended gear stored in their alt, making it trad-able will mean they'll become dirt cheap real quick, it removes the player's incentive to play some of the content for making their first set of Ascended, or even the desire to farm the materials for making them. Making Legendary is very expensive and shouldn't be first and only goal for new players, it'll overwhelm them, even though Ascended was already very expensive but it's actually do-able and a nice sense of progression after exotic, you don't want to remove that sense of progression from new players before they decided to start on the Legendary. You could argue that Legendary is the real end game and Ascended is not, but given that they have the same stat, they're both sitting equally at end game, it's just that one (Legendary) has a far better QoL than the other (Ascended), but it does not make Ascended obsolete with the QoL Legendary has. Therefore, I don't think be able to buy end game gear at a very low cost is a good idea at all.
  3. Agree to the posts that pointed out how it negatively impacted my gaming expenrience. Like, it totally ruined the night for me. When Anet delivered the news of bringing back the old seasons with a reward, I thought Anet nailed it and they do care about their player base. Even if I was somewhat reluctant to repeat the story, but I thought it was fair and was happily repeating all the PvE contents that associate with the achivements. I thought it was a brilliant idea because although I did the story before, but I did not care about the story achivement back then, so it was a good time for me to gather some friends to repeat it altogether as well as to complete some old achives. However, Anet just had to ruin the whole experience by including JP in the chain achivement once again. Like seriously??? I get that for some people, it's the best thing in the world, therefore please have JP achivement SEPARATED in their own category for the 1% who enjoys them, DO NOT force in on the other 99% who loathe them. It was bad enough to do it once (or twice - on release/Aurora), but now we have to do it again???? My head already hurts as soon as I saw that Chalice of tears was part of the achivement. Ever know the youtuber Chris Ramsay who solves difficult puzzles? He loves it & he's good at it, but not everyone is Chris Ramsay. I see a lot of you argues that just ask a mesmer or beg on forum for help, but you can't always able to get helped in an off-peak time, it just show how bad this JP is, so bad that people are willing to pay gold to get helped.
  4. 1. I want to see no more achivement that ties to Jumping puzzle. JP is fine to have an achivement in its own catagory, but not when if I want to make a leggy, or unlock a mount that I have to do 5+ JPs that I've already done MANY OTHER TIMES due to other achivement links to it but wasn't activated at the same time reeeeeeee, I'd rather have another hard quest than another JP. In other words, I want future chain of quests to be staying in 1 mode, such as a PvE legendary quest doesn't require spending time in WvW. Further more, I view JP as a mode of its own, it's not PvE, therefore it shouldn't be a compulsory for many other things that is PvE related. If that's so, please provide alternative PvE quest if JP is involved. Just like SAB is optional, please don't force us to JP in the future for something that isn't remotely JP related! 2. I was to see no more millions of AOE spams on our face at the same time that I could hardly see which mechanic is happening. I hope swimming in AOEs doesn't become a trend. I want to see them implementing hard mode content that is hard and also meaniningful, but not making us swimming in AOEs and trash mob which blinds us to eternity and not seeing what is going on. 3. I want to see no more Swirling (wind/tornado/etc...), spinning, slippery, or things that messes up character's movement and causes motion sickness. Bonus: I wish grinding for tickets & diamond chest in wvw doesn't take as long as.... 25+ hours per week for low pips people. I'd enjoy wvw more if I don't have to spend as much time per week in it (because I need time to do other PvE content too). May be just slightly more tickets in each chest would be awesome aswell XD. Tl:dr: Need more options to gain more pips and tickets in wvw please! To make the mode more enjoyable to spend time on! Bonus #2: Previewing infusion please! Edit: I realised I typed this when I was nearly falling asleep XD perhaps I need to repharse.
  5. I already have a condiRen so switching build wasn't an issue, but the fractal in question seems too buggy, eye-blinding, and don't marry well with the instabs (what I heard from my other friends who do 100cm on a daily basis). I tried the normal 100 before started my break & I immediately hated the CC phase. The boss literally just teleporting around like a flee and I could not for the life of me reach the boss in time to contribute any CC. She also never stayed longer than 3 seconds (as it felt to me) in each teleport, therefore the support couldn't provide support, rotation weren't properly executed, and people who needed support couldn't receive it either (mind you it was my 1st run so I did not know the optiomal composition which would be condi?). Having to learn wasn't the problem, but the overall mechanics felt too "spam-my" and I was never a fan of that ever since Amala and Siren. Like, try to make it difficult without having to spam light-fest, as well as not making bosses like a pet's flee please. Not long after they removed KP, my static immediately created a closed group for fractal: we usually would take 1-2 pugs to fill the rest of the slots, but with the KP removed, we now keeping it friends only, if the group can't be filled with familiar people, skip it. Now with the cons removed without even trying to adjust the CC bar, BIG OOF, cya LFG (or fractal as a whole).
  6. Gate keeping not neccesary (for me). I mean when I have shorter time to play for that day, I simply need to complete daily faster. Taking inexperienced group will drag from half an hour to more than an hour, that's easily doubled the time required. Now if I do have extra time, I have more than enough inexperienced friends on my list that I can take with. Locking out to the inexperienced? Not really, since I'm actually training a new person - which I'm already doing it as of currently (person A), and I have another friend (person B ) on the queue next where his best agony was less than 100 but I donated some for B to get closer to the required AR, but I cannot take B now since I'm still training A. Why do I prefer to train friends more than the pug? Easy. From the recent experience (the person A I'm currently training), A had less than 10 ess when A 1st joined, we took A for couple for CMs (not everyday, just whenever we have extra time for longer session), A dies a lot at the beginning, but since we know A well, we can give suggestions and feedback as what A can adjust. Of course we can also give suggestion to pugs, but from my experienced, 99% of the time, the pug won't give any acknowledgement nor ask further question after suggestion was given (quit as soon as the run is finished and won't receive feedback - referring to inexperienced), or the pug would have proud of their poor performance and fight back with hostility (oh I have many stories of it). Taking a person from the guild or friend list, means that I can also track their progress, in the case of A, each time we do CM with A, the suggestion given is different, the question A ask is also different as A has grown more understanding of the mechanics gradually, since every run is different due to the instability/group performance/RNG mechanics/etc..., I can see where A made the mistake, and give feedback rightaway, and often A is very grateful of me doing so. After couple of weeks of occasion CMs, A can now survive longer and also perform better, still make mistakes from time to time, but I can see result in A and I'm proud of A. It's not that I want to gate keep, but training a friend would be more successful and to make sure that person will improve. Pug is usually just leave right after the run and you can see they simply here for the daily reward not so much for learning (of course there're few exceptionals but I hardly encourter any genuine learner so why bother?). Also, I'm very scared of pug, because most of the time I'm not sure if they're sensitive or easily offended. Speaking with a friendly tone doesn't matter, it's just that I don't deal well when a person is hostile. So training a friend who I'm sure that the friend doesn't have a toxic behaviour would be better for my mental health when I need to give suggestion.
  7. I'm not sure about toxicity, but it'd surely put me off from pugging. I'd rather wait half an hour for a friend or two to log on, to make sure we have at least 4 people or better yet a full party, before we start doing fractal. It makes the will of creating a static group stronger. It's not just me who think this way, all my friends think the same hence we always waiting on each other to start CM.
  8. I voted yes for KP, but I would not like having to ping it, I'm not a fan of having to store junks in my bank (having a whole bank tab just for raid/fractal KP oof...). I'd saying it should be a number that can be accumulated passively via playing CM, increase by 1 for each run of CM, and it should be displayed on the character avatar. Which the top number should be Agony, the bottom number should be KP. This way, players won't be able to fake KP, and solves the inventory cluttering problem.
  9. I think that could be solved by having some text in colour to let players know which episode does it relate to. So yes, I do prefer it to be moved to the collection tab.
  10. No thanks, I want to play normal content a bit like back-track some story achivements, grind that gift of battle unwillingly (but have to), or work on a new character like practice its rotation before the next festival lands. I have a lot of things that were put on hold due to festivals, I'll be really burnt out if festivals are back to back non-stop. Besides, players wouldn't want the open world map be empty & less people to do content with when most of the people focuses on the festival.
  11. Housing!!!!! Extended area in the home instance for players to have a customisable wall unit, that you can rearrange wall-paper/roof/light/door/furniture/etc...Home instance character display: Have a character display area in the home instance. Player can choose up to 5 characters to display, and a 6th to rotate out if 1 of the 5 are in used.May be have them walking around the instance to do random funny things like joining the cat fight, watering the garden, or cooking a decious meal by the kitchen, sweep the fallen leaves, play fetch with the dog, doing circus trick, etc....AFK fishing in the home instance: Extended area in the home instance, be it pond or river, that you can afk fishing on it for mats. Can have a maximum period of time that you can fish from the pond weekly (daily would be a bit much and players will get burnt out for having too many dailies to juggle thru each day), perhaps a weekly progress bar to help with tracking (just like the wvw weekly pip system).A better friends system: Make invisible mode truely invisible (if you know, you know).Not just send, but be able to receive message during invisible mode, if the invisble sender sent the message 1stGlobal message to friends.A better mail system: Add outbox mail so I can check if I've sent to the correct person. Useful if the guild has a secret santa event so I can show a screenshot as a proof of sending.Setting: Display players model/mount as stick figure/wisp to improve the FPS situation for players who experiences it.Add a permenant tickbox for the option of displaying a catagory of daily always. Currently if you have a non-daily achivement bookmarked, the daily won't be listed on the screen unless you go to the hero panel to bookmark it, it'd be cool if you can permenantly bookmark the daily.Gem store wish list may be????
  12. Thank you so much! This is great news! I'm interested to see how is this going to turn out of character with different skins. Also regarding the legendary sigils/runes, does it function the same way as all the other legendaries, and how many do we need to make. In addition, can a single character wield 2 of the same legendary weapon from the armory like double swords.
  13. I was on my daily and suddenly got kicked, tried everything I can for half an hour including resetting the router and tried to google for solution. I was on the verge of submitting a ticket. It's sad that I'll be missing my daily completion :s Edit: as soon as I posted it, I can finally login.
  14. The lightbinder was available from the backpack/glider voucher. I suspect they find it's easier to offer the voucher than individual skins when they want to have loads up.The voucher's offering price currently at 630 gems is not as cheap as when it was previously sold at 560 gems during the March sale. Too bad I didn't have enough gems when it was on sale few months ago (spent them mostly on account upgrades). It's fine if couldn't snap the lighbinder at a fair price (I could either keep waiting or ignore it), but for the addional crafting licence is what I was waiting for, just not urgent. I've already spread the crafting amongst 3 characters (2 disciplines each), just being too lazy to have a 4th character just for 1 single crafting discipline :persevere: (it was the scribing).
  15. I'm sad that it ended rather early. I was waiting for the additional crafting licence and the lightbinder blade wings combo to go on sale, guess I'll just keep waiting. Good things that I'm not desperate for any of them, if it never goes on sale, I'll prob just forget about its existence XD
  16. No, banning dps meter will cause entering a party raised to an even higher requirement, or causing groups more hesitant to pug their last few slots, as well as makes training harder and the trainer cannot tell if he/she should give any suggestion to the trainee. Have fun having to ping KP + gear + build while entering a party every single time when dps meter is no more. Getting kicked from not using a meta build and getting kicked from poor performance are 2 different things, people only have issue with said build if the said person's DPS is as low as a support if the said person signed up as a DPS, which means it'd be totally on the said person.
  17. I'm excited about the new fractal, but I also saw that there are moving platforms (uh-oh), winds, and water pushes. That's a lot of different type of motion sickness potential packed in 1 single fractal, hopefully it's slow pace and manageble. I'm fine with hard bosses mechanics like 99cm & 100cm, but as soon as there are mechanics that messes up with the character's orientation, or tricky jumping puzzle that has to be very very precise on the pixel landing, I'd need a lot of help (like a skip or I'll get very frustrated). Hopefully the new fractal isn't anything like the river in SAB, or the moving rocks on skipping stone jumping puzzle, may be not the fast pace wind gust on the siren's reef too. Thanks!
  18. You want pvp on the pve map? I have the right game for you, it's called GTA V, please go play that game instead, don't suggest non-sense idea on GW2 forum please. Like what other people said, pve & pvp both has different gear, let along build & rotation too. So it won't work. If this non-sense about forcing pvp on pve is implemented, I'm leaving the game because I can imagine the frustrating that came with it from bullies camping on all event spots with non-stop griefing, as in the chest portal & aviation box didn't bring enough negativity to the community yet. Next minute the open world will be empty & people will cry about not able to get their achivement done. Keep the salt in the container, don't spill it all over!
  19. You can still implement it in a way like how you select the mount, but consume supply once you started to use that skill, so it doesn't have all skills available to you straight up, and you'll have to manually switch it up via the little arrow, but with less pop-up screen that blocks your vision, so it's more conveneint but not necessary abusable.
  20. I would wish all consumables to work the same but to have their own skill bar & shareable account wide (according to some friends another game has this kind of QoL), but whether it's a reasonable request or not it's on a different topic & would be off- topic too, which is something I can only dream about but I know it won't happen anyway. Waystation is different, it's a whole mastery skill that took effort & time to level up, it's not something you can just buy off skritt with no requirement but to be level 80. I'm just asking to make a mastery skill to get streamlined, but not making it more powerful. I later said in the few replies above that they can make the skill still consume the drizzlewood supply when used so people can't abuse it endlessly, so why is it bad when the skill still functioning the same in terms of power & cost, but more convenient to reach if streamlined? Perhaps you might just want Anet to just change it to not useable outside of drizzlewood map judging from your reaction? I also talked about that 1 inventory slot since... drizzlewood also added few other things that takes up a few precious slots: 4 sieges that I just wanted to delete anyway (get disengaged too easily to use), Charr drop treasure hunting thing that I kinda want to delete too but feel like a waste if I did, oh yeah it only take up 1 slot too. The whole drizzlewood introduced things that used in total 6 inventory slots, so what if the next map giving you more "just another slot" item like that, eventually you'll have an inventory full of random things that is too messy to look at/find the item but you do use them a lot. I'm not asking for everything to make permanent, but the mastery skill so it won't get lost in the endless pile of other "useful" things. At the end of the day if Anet thinks it should stay as a consummable form then fine, I'm just requesting it like how many other people requesting many other QoLs, if my request doesn't get approved, I'll move on.
  21. My request was to make it a permanent skill like the other masteries that has a different keybind like the mount, so you can switch in between waystation skills on the fly. Charge supply for each usage if need be.
  22. Noticed now that they added waystation, the kamehameha is conflicting with the waystation skills, it's been causing slight inconvenience sometimes. Therefore I thought they really should make waystation a permenant skill like mount that can be selected on the different skill bar/binding instead of a portable device in conssumable form that takes up an inventory slot.... I feel like QoL that developed early on in the game is bringing much more convenience to the table than in Saga. The whole mastery thing in Saga feels like a regression in terms of QoL (I'm not talking about the idea of the skill, but the convenince of using it), like it brings you more upkeep momentary to disturb the fight, make it like a side chore rather than to focus and to enjoy the event. That said I'm a huge fan of the waystation, I just wish that it isn't a consummable, that you don't have to dedicate yet another slot for your already cluttered inventory (like food/buff/charr treasure hunting kit/drizzle siege/and many many other essential things for open world event, and I do have a character that is dedicated to the open world event), minimise inventory, keep it to the right, and spawn one when you need it. I really don't see the point of having it to be charged by per station - like going back to the npc to buy more, and then charged by the number of uses - to physically spawn a station, and manually running back & forth to "buy/recharge it" whenever you need it, even if you've advanced a bit further and it's kinda awkward and dangerous to run back, yeah sure, spawn another 1 on the spot that clutter the screen even more.... also another problem is that what if it runs out when you need it but have no more currency (if you don't run drizzle to earn its currency anymore) to buy or station to spawn. I can't help but keep thinking about the masteries that developed inb4 Saga, where you earned it, you use it without hinderence. That said I'm not against the idea of Saga's mastery, I just wish that in the future development, they need to include QoL in their design plan instead of going backward and make things awkward to use, and hopefully they can go back and streamline the essences and waystation system, but as for now, please make waystation a permenant skill!
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