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Everything posted by Bristingr.5034

  1. I've got my money on EU burning it to the ground again.
  2. You're relinking us for 1 week? Really? Tell the guy who pushes the button to just go home and enjoy the extended weekend. We can relink after the beta.
  3. Just start Wintersday on Nov. 30th and have it end on December 28th.
  4. Just give it a few weeks when the hype dies down again and there's few people participating.
  5. Didn't you guys know? It's illegal to have scouts or even defend stuff now. Get your Karma Boosters started, the K-Train is leaving the station. CHOO CHOO!
  6. Not showing up here either. @Josh Davis.7865, where's our Guild Alliance registration at?
  7. It's an accomplishment when you receive those salty whispers. Don't change this.
  8. NA will be going through the same process this weekend. Time for WvW Reset at 6pm again, wooo!
  9. To the Anet Forum Staff: Please make your errors more detailed. This helps us know how we can resolve the issue. To OP: Have you turned off your VPN? Although, how were you able to post on the forums without an account?
  10. If I paid money for a game, I'd expect to have all parts of a story related to the expansion I bought. (Also, the cost of the game is $20-30 with both expacs now, not $50)
  11. I mean, the story is locked behind additional paywalls for Seasons 2-5... sure, there's the Expansion Stories, but they'd be told out of order.
  12. If someone doesn't have 2nd authentication set up, that's on them.
  13. Took me a few weeks, but I got it. Still can't beat my rival though in that one. You win that raceway Spooky...
  14. I contacted CS initially, who told me to email the forums team (which they provided the address in their response).
  15. Oh no, I mis-spoke. I was apart of the leechers/afkers. I just thought it was funny that the scales have finally tipped so far that the instance failed (interesting dialogue btw when you fail).
  16. So, after being locked out of my forum account for over a week and a half with no response of help from the Forum Staff when I emailed them for assistance (thanks for that by the way /s), I figured it out that these forums will no longer let you log in while using a VPN. Why was this change implemented? I can log into the game using a VPN and play normally while on it. I can even use the forums while on the VPN, but I have to turn it off just to log into my forum account.
  17. Interesting, I ran into a new player that had purchased PoF, but didn't know about that item. I only know this since I carried his newbie butt through the flames of the first mission so he could get his Raptor (he said he didn't care about the story, so I agreed).
  18. Huh, last I checked, there are zergs that just farm inside enemy Garris all day long when there's not an organized group. The latest time was BG's Rawr guild just farming bags inside TC's garri, where there's 40+ TC folks, but all the clouding in the world won't help them there because of the BG group's rotations of heals, buffs, etc. Every war in history has had some sort of commander/leader. Even for those doing guerilla fighting. WvWvW is no exception.
  19. I was in an instance that actually failed. Let that sink in.
  20. Knocked it out in 30 minutes by doing the actual puzzle sections that were in their own areas (since they counted as 3-4 of them) in each section. It's not that hard. Better than "Do 20 events", which I loathe the events in Bjora. The cleansing, forest destruction, shrine protecting, all of it sucks. I'm pushing myself to finish the achievements of those this time around so that I never have to come back to this map. Ever. Again.
  21. Funny, considering you have to be Level 80 to start PoF. Then they count themselves lucky that they were spared of the abomination called Icebrood "Saga" and it's ending. Considering bits and pieces of the story aren't even with the story, completely revise, contradict it, etc. -- such as learning who Aurene's real champion was or the fact that the Risen could be restored to their former selves.
  22. If there's that big of a zerg hitting your Bay/Hills, you're either going to have enough people that claiming doesn't matter because you'll have drained it before the pop-up box even appears, or there's not enough of you and that extra +5 isn't going to help you stop them at all.
  23. My WvW Guild RELISHES the UW fights. We generally try and bait the other zergs into the water at Garri or Bay... to the point zergs no longer want to chase after us in them unless they VASTLY outnumber us (2-3x more).
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